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Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Dear Streetajay,
I just finished reading your piece. I found it to be introspective and insightful. It was written very well. And the structure was excellent. I also liked your rhyming scheme. It gave a good rhythm to the piece. It seems to be a dombday's tale. Perhaps i am wrong. But that happens alot with me. I did enjoy the read. I liked your use of metaphors. Perhaps there can be another installment. All the best to you, Beeline!!!!
Review of Wakey Wakey (I)  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Dear Johann,
I just finished reading your piece Wakey Wakey. as a person who has suffered mental illness aka depression,anxiety, I totally understood. You wrote it very well. Very well written. The ending was a let down. I didnt' see it coming. I am presently seeing a psychiatrist myself. But I had spent many days in bed eatiing and drinking nothing. Sleeping. The pills didn't work. They only made me sleepier. As I can tell you were doing the same things. Its bascially all the same witth people who suffer from nervous depression. My heart goes out to you. When will you finish the rest of your piece? I am ready to see it. All the best to you, Beeline!!!
Review of Let go  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Steve,
Your piece was very inspirational. I was expecting something slow and sappy. I was pleasantly surprised. You should have been a psychiatrist. You gave very good advice in this piece. It was very well written. With an odd rhyming scheme. it was a very good read. It can do a lot of good to have others read this. Are you published? If not you should be. All the best to you, Beeline!!!
Review of fight  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear hopeless,
I just finished reading your piece fight and its very well arranged. Though somewhat a tear jerker. I do enjoy that sometimes. It was a nice read. Its tragic that you have to go through that everytime you fight with your boyfriend. It takes a toll on you. That you don't even know beyond the obvious. i'm sorry and hope things get better if they haven't already ended. All the best to you, Beeline!!!
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Dear IrishLuv,
I just finished reading Delusions and Pain, I'm not sure if you want me to read between the lines of your piece. But I got alot out of what I read. You were completely honest. You wrote it very well. It seemed you did a lot of thinking for this piece. The structure of the piece was strong. And your words spoke well. perhaps I have interpreted it wrong. if so, I apologize. All the best to you, Beeline!!!
Review of True Beauty  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Closingtime,
I just read your piece True Beauty. Found it to be very good. The descriptions of the nature around him were very vivid. In fact, the entire piece was very vivid. It was very well written. And a pleasure to read. I guess no one understands true beauty. But somehow I feel it is inspired. But you're right beauty can only be admired. Thank you for allowing me to read your piece. A good job. All the best to you, Beeline!!!
Review of Free  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Robert,
I just finished reading your poem Free. I enjoyed very much. You're a good writer to be so young. Your words seem to flow. It is a very well written poem. Confused me at points but I caught up quickly. I have reviewed another piece by you. I can't recall the title. But it was just as good. Keep on writing. You're very good at it. All the best to you, Beeline!!!
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
DEar Spitfire,
I just finished reading your piece Bismarck vs HMS Hood Part 1. it was historical accurate. I loved studying World War II I have read several books on othe clash of these two giants. I found it to be interesting reading. The Bismarck escaped the British tracked it down with the Hood to its demise. I have already read part 2. Sorry i got ahead of myself. I just saw the title and couldn't help myself. You have got a very well written piece here. I saw no mistakes. Only some very interesting facts. I am looking for Part 3. Good work. All the best to you, Beeline!!!!
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Jess,
I just finished reading your short story. I am a little confused. I thought it was the boy friend who had cancer. And told his girl friend his friend had cancer to spare her all the heartache that she went through anyway. Did she get over him? Did she put her life back in order? There was only a simple thing changed. it was a very well written story. i enjoyed reading it. Until the end when I couldnt' understand it very well. This is my fault not your writing. it was a great read. And structured perfectly. If you could take the time to email me and clear things up for me? Thank you very much. Once again great story. All the best to you, Beeline!!!
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Spitfire,
You're very historically accurate with your piece. I do enjoy reading the battles between the Bismark and the HMS Hood. It was a long chase. There were some midsteps on each side. The Bismark was a tough old bird. Waiting for the next piece. Good history. Beeline!!!
Review of Brushing doubt  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear ashley,
I just finished your poem, Brushing Doubt. I enjoyed it thoroughally. i thought that structure wise it could be turned into a song. It was obviously well written. An excellent read. They say true love is made in Heaven. One kiss and I'll know. If this is really meant to be I wont' let go. I loved your piece. All the best to you, Beeline!!!!
Review of No Wondrous Eyes  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Jess,
I just finished reading your poem. No Wondrous Eyes. I found it very interesting. It was somewhat tragic and very sad. Many of us have been through the same thing. It is a very well written poem. Structured well. And a good read. Once again, it was a very good poem. All the best to you, Beeline!!!
Review of Novice  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Smiley Face,
Everything you said rings so true. I myself have experienced with many drugs. You name I've tried it. Luckily, only a few addiction problems which I have overcome. It is even more tragic when death is at the hand of someone who is high. I myself have driven high. I was lucky. Your poem flowed beautifully. It was very well written. Very good. It painted a painful picture. That was your intentions. Naturally. So, it got me thinking about the subject again. The next time I see someone high I will do my best to see to it that they do not harm anyone else. All the best to you, Beeline!!!
Review of desired  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Your piece was a sad one. It is genuinely sad when a person has to die because of a broken heart. Everything was fine until I started to read the text messenging you did. I find it hard to understand. I am not built or up to speed whatever you choose to call it with this new way of writing. It flowed well in my estimation. You did the best you could. It is sad as I said at the beginning. You should have put your for ur and so on and so forth. I don't understand what the 3 is for in one of the lines. Keep writing. You have a knack for writing so keep it up. All the best to you.
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Lew,
Your poem was fabulous. I loved your rhyming scheme. I couldn't see a mistake anywhere. I can't say enough of how I liked it. It was the perfect length. I get bored with something too long and irritated with something short, Your story is similar to many others out there. But yours was particularly tragic. I just finished reading it. I think I will read it again. All the best, to you, Beeline!!!
Review of Time Passes  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear dogwood,
I just finished up your poem. It was very interesting. I kind of got lost in it. I know that same feeling since its very short nothing wrong with that. It is a very well written poem. And structured very well. Your choice of words was superb. However, what I took out of the poem I am not sure what you intended it to be. I enjoyed it. it was a great read. Keep writing. You have a unique style. All the best to you, Beeline!!!
Review of Tonight  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Dear Robert,
I just finished reading your poem/song. it was very good. Is this your first attempt to write a song? If so, you've done well. I am a song writer and musician, myself. The only question I have about this piece is the chorus. Is the chorus I don't want to waste another breath. I don't want to waste another second? If so, it is a very catchy hook. It was very well written. But honestly, I think you should leave it as a poem. If you get published, you can always change it back to a song. If you want to. I'm not telling you anything you dont' already know. All the very best to you, Beeline!!!
Review of Feel........  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Dear Sir,
I just finished reading your poem. It sounds very nice. However, it was hard for me to understand. Because the spelling was wrong with some of the words. The poem was well written besides the mispellings. The rhyming would have helped some if there were any there. I didn't see any rhyming scheme. I would love to see you correct the mispellings and review this again. All the best, Beeline!!!
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear strongheart,
I just finished reading your poem. I find it to be excellent. You said not to be too harsh. You won't get that from me. I thought it was an extremely well written piece. Though it was very sad and heartbreaking. I myself have experienced times just like this. I can't say enough about your poem. I really did enjoy reading it. I'm g lad to see that you got over this period in your life. All the best to you, Beeline!!!
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Dear Jodi,
I just finished reading your poem. Eventhough Christmas is over and gone, it was a cute little piece. I enjoyed your rhyming scheme. Alot of fa la la's. Where did you come up with the idea for this piece? Do you work in a pharmacy? Are you a pharmacist? Either way it is very cute. Very well written. Keep up the good work. All the best to you, Beeline!!!
Review of heartbreak  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Dear fergie,
I just finished your poem. I find it to be excellent. Your rhyming scheme is amazing. This piece is very well written. I saw no mistakes. Only an excellent tale. your choice of words was impecable. It was a very sad, somewhat tragic poem. it was short but sweet. it reminded me of the song lyrics that I write. AS a matter of fact, i could hear it as a song. Well I have gone on and on. Once again, it was a very well written poem. All the best, Beeline!!!
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Skillz,
I just finished reading your poem, "Pounding at the door". I found it very interesting. You started out very weak. But slowly built yourself up to the point that you could ignore the pounding on the door. By the end you were strong. I always enjoy a well written poem. And this is one of them. Your structure was good and your rhyming scheme was different but nice. All the best to you, Beeline!!
Review of May I Live?  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Elena,
I just finished reading your poem, "May I Live". It was very well written. However, tragic. I can't imagine what pain you must have gone through or are going through. Very sad. But don't build your world around one person. It always sets you up for a fall. You can or have made it. They say the first month is the worst. I hope things are well for you. And, yes you will live. I am not playing God but odds are you will. I liked your rhyming scheme. And the structure of the entire poem. You are a good writer. All the best to you, Beeline!!
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Ashley,
I'm sorry to hear you say Dare I burn with God or die. It is very sad. Your poem is so well written. I hate to see all that anger. You had no rhyming scheme. NOthing wrong with that. I don't always either. Your poem is somewhat frightening. I'm sure you intended it to be that way and it worked. Your poem evokes alot it gives me something to t hink about. All the best to you, Beeline!!
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Longing Cherry Blossoms. I just finished reading your story. It was a great read. Though it was long compared to what I usually read. It kept my attention throughout. It was extremely well written. I am assuming it takes place in Japan? Am I wrong? I saw no mistakes. I enjoyed it immensly. It reminded me of the ending of a great novel. You really should keep writing. I am assuming you will since your'e in a band. I myself play keyboard and write songs. Go to my port sometime and give me a review. Though I think you may not like them. Most are love songs. All the best to you, Beeline!
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