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Member Testimonials
Testimonials provide visitors a glimpse inside our site and its community. With more than 1,000 comments, Writing.Com is proud to have one of the largest collections of testimonials anywhere online. If you are a member who would like to submit a testimonial, please see: "Send Your Testimonial!
Showing 1 through 25 of 1,144 total testimonials

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      Writing.com is the go-to place for writers. It has every feature any new or experienced writer would want.

It has the abilty to receive or send reviews of items, which is really useful for improving your writing skill.

Its fast an easy to make a writing item.

You can participate in writing contests too!

My only compliant is that you have to pay for a membership to make a certain amount of writing items. But some people are nice and will gift you a free one.

Overall, Writing.com is AWESOME.
-- Cian
      One of the things Writing.com has done for me has developed me as a writer. I learned different styles of writing and poetry. It's given me a great opportunity to grow as a writer. I highly recommend participating in the monthly contest. Each month has a great prompt that will get the creative juices flowing!
      When I found Writing.Com in 2008, I needed a lot of help to learn better English. Through my interactions here, I have increased my vocabulary, learned punctuation rules, and made a bunch of close friends in the process.
      I see this says “multiple submissions allowed…” I may be back someday to thank you again *Laugh*

This site has been a real godsend for me. I wish I’d known about it growing up, I would have had so much fun. As it is, the timing of my discovery was perfect. I plunged myself eagerly into a variety of contests and activities, and honed my reviewing skills in order to help my fellow writers and give back to a community which had so generously given me an Upgraded account. WdC helped me get through a long, bleak winter with a minimum of seasonal depression for the first time in many years, simply because I had far too much to focus on to waste time being unhappy. It’s been a wonderful, friendly, supportive, welcoming environment, and I have nothing but good things to say about it and the many friends I’ve made here.

I don’t want to drag this out too long. Trust me, I love it here! Thank you so much for everything you do to keep this community thriving. Take care *Heartg*
      Hi Everyone!
I’ve been a member of WDC for over 22 years. I can honestly say that this site has become a big part of my life.
There are places to write stories and poems, contests and activities to enjoy, and I have just so much fun everywhere here.
      I've been a member of this creative place for over 21 years now. I can say in full-faith and honesty, that there isn't a single community that caters to creative writers better than Writing.Com. As a platform, WDC offers a plethora of tools, resources, and support for all writers, regardless of where they are on their writing journey. WDC has a user-friendly interface, intuitive and seamless design, and a dynamic set of capabilities and functions that allow writers to explore, develop, and harness the full extent of their own creativity. Writers can share their work, give and receive feedback, join groups and interact with other writers, enter and host contests, collaborate with other writers on projects, and earn rewards and accolades for their accomplishments. Writing.Com is the premiere, one-stop shop for anything and everything a creative writer could ever want or need. New features, gadgets, widgets, and types of functionality are constantly being unveiled. This is THE community you want to be a part of. It's simply the best. Come and join us!
      WDC has been a most welcoming and friendly site. For the past ten years I've roamed freely here content to read and write at my leisure. Never once have I felt pressure or coerced. I enter various contests. I participate in discussions emanating from the Newsfeed. I blog and respond to others. My writing muscles and my imagination thank you. Viva WDC!
      I have been a member of Writing.Com for over a decade now. What I get out of my time spent here is continual inspiration for my writing, opportunities to learn and grow as a writer, and lots of support from the other members and the staff. This truly is a community of writers and you absolutely get back what you put into it plus much more.
      This month I will celebrate my 20th anniversary as a member of Writing.Com. When I joined the site in April, 2004, I hardly knew anything about writing - only that I enjoyed doing so. Looking back at the first items I ever placed in my portfolio helps me realise how far I have come.

I am now a published author. I have been a guest on both national and international radio and won multiple awards for my writing. I couldn't have achieved any of this without the feedback and support of the Writing.Com community. I have felt so welcomed and learned so much. I highly recommend for anyone who enjoys the written word to sign up.

Praise must be given to the owners of the site as well. They are approachable, they care about the community, and they have managed to make Writing.Com what is likely to be the safest website on the Internet by encouraging kindness.

Thank you, Writing.Com! I look forward to spending many more years with you.
      I've been a member of writing.com since 2007. I've learned so much here, and my writing has improved. There are great people on site who are willing to help you navigate your way through the site and help you make your craft really shine. I highly recommend this site.
      I've been a part of the Writing.com community for over twenty years and still love visiting the site and interacting with its members almost every day.
      Writing.com is the best place for people who love to create stories, to tell their own stories, and to write poetry. Fact. I joined back in 2015, and the site has been a blessing to me. Through difficult times, the lovely members have been there for me. And, all the while, I have written, and written, and written.

If you are just starting out, if you are already an established writer, and everything in between, you will benefit from Writing.com. You can upload all genres of writing and you can read that of others, as well as reviewing other people's work (a great way to learn the craft) and getting reviews of your own writing. And, because everyone on this site is here because we love writing, we will always be encouraging and kind.

So, for a no-judgement, supportive writing environment, you can do no better than Writing.com.
      Writing for me has always been hit and miss but here on WDC I learned what parts of writing worked and what needed work. This place is a phenomenal place to master your craft among kindred spirits.
      I will soon be approaching my 20th year as a member of Writing.com!

If that alone isn't a testament to how great a writing community this is, I don't know what is.

And that, my friends, is the keyword here - community. Unlike other sites that seem too clinical and detached with their interactions among members, Writing.com promotes collaboration and freedom of expression.

There are countless options and avenues to pursue your craft, and its members are willing to help each other grow as writers. In addition, special incentives keep everyone eager to contribute even more on a daily basis. Every day brings something new and exciting; something that is rare in other places.

So, sign up today! I guarantee you won't regret it.
      I have been here 22 years. I have met new friends and learned how to write better and feel passionate about writing. i was able to have two books published. I enjoy writing Regency Romance stories and stories about unicorns, dragons, mermaids, Princesses, fantasy. I have a Jane Austen Group. I have hosted a few contests. I have several Awardicans and Merit Badges. I am No. 1 in CR. I don't want to brag. I spend a lot of time here. I love it here. If it wasn't for this site, I wouldn't have taken up writing. I took Writing classes online and by snail mail.

I recommend this site. Your writing gets noticed. You get Awards, help from friends and The StoryMaster and The StoryMistress are wonderful. Everyone helps each other.

There are groups and activities here. This site is never boring. You can write what ever you want and post it on here. To me, this is the best writing site ever. I tried others but none measure up to WDC! This is the place to be for all writers.
      I have visited Writing.com for over 15 years now. It is a wonderful site with a wide range of tools and fun activities to help writers develop their writing.

It has a diverse community with a variety of skills levels. My own experiences with this community has been incredibly positive as pretty much all the members I have interacted with have been welcoming and nice. They have really helped me to grow and develop my own writing and inspired me to expand into different styles. They also have a great set of newsletter for multiple genres of writing with great reading recommendations.

Writing is more of an extracurricular activity for me so I have limited knowledge on the depth of their publishing guidance but from what I have seen they provide tools and recommendations for self publishing, publishing, and literary agents to connect with. On a networking level there are a lot of friendly and experienced members in the field willing to share advice to writers of all levels so it is a really great community to join.

From my own experiences I highly recommend this site very much. *Smile*
      This is a very fun site. There's lots of activities to do, and plenty of folks to make friends with. There is something for everyone, and you'll always find something to like.
      Writing.Com has been my home away from home for 21 years. It's a place to gain friends, post your writings, learn the craft better, get honest reviews to help you grow in your writing, share a passion with others who have the same passion, and just overall have a wonderful time. There are so many different activities and our newsfeed to keep in touch with each other. Find a few of the many different contests to enter, games to play, or create for others to play. We can't forget the never-ending various writings to read, and review if you so wish. The things to do on Writing.Com are endless. The friends who will turn into family are also endless on Writing.Com. If you haven't already, please come and join us. You'll be so glad you did!
      I've been a proud member of Writing.com since 2003, and I can confidently say that this platform has been a cornerstone of my journey as a writer. Over the years, it has played a pivotal role in my growth and development as an accomplished writer.

Writing.com is not just a website; it's a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for writing. From the very beginning, I was welcomed with open arms by fellow writers who were always willing to offer guidance, feedback, and support. This sense of camaraderie has been invaluable to me.

One of the most remarkable aspects of Writing.com is the endless opportunities it provides for writers to showcase their talents. Through various writing contests, prompts, and challenges, I've been able to test my creative boundaries and refine my skills. The constructive critiques I've received from fellow members have helped me improve my craft significantly.

The platform's interactive features, such as the ability to create and manage my own portfolio, have allowed me to organize and share my work with ease. Additionally, the diverse array of genres and writing styles present on Writing.com has exposed me to a wide range of perspectives and ideas, enriching my own writing in the process.

As someone who aims for success in the realm of writing, Writing.com has been my faithful companion. It has not only provided me with a platform to publish my work but also a space to connect with fellow writers, learn from them, and grow together. I can confidently say that my journey as a writer would not have been the same without this fantastic community.

In conclusion, being a member of Writing.com since 2003 has been an integral part of my writing journey. It's a place where I've honed my skills, received invaluable feedback, and formed lasting friendships with fellow writers. I look forward to many more years of growth and success within this wonderful community.

      I have always loved to write. I was nervous about others reading it as we are our own critics but I was shocked to find so much more on Writing.com
So many ways to helps others find confidence, share their work and to learn that I was an influence to others in many ways.
This site has been in my life for nine years now and I am still learning as a writer. There are so many places to go on this site no matter what you are looking for with your writing-it's here.
Positive feedback is great but you will also learn from mistakes. It's a group of people that hold respect for many genres and talents.
I have learned so much about writing from experiencing contests, poetry teachings, and its all fun. It's been a journey and will continue to be for myself right here in my comfort zone Writing.com

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      I have been on WDC since Jan 25th of 2010 and have loved every minute of it. WDC has had and still has some worthwhile groups. I have been a part of some great groups. From Showering Acts of Joy, Horizon Academy and I have even created a couple of groups. The members have always helped me and anybody else who have needed. Most of the reviews have been extremely helpful and I learn a lot even from reading and reviewing other members' work. We are an extended family. There is not a month that not some writing activity or contest going on. This month we celebrate with Party Central. In October we have Halloween-themed Activities and Contests. We also have October Prep which I do every year. Then in November, we have the NaNo AThon as we take part in NaNoWriMo we raise GP for some great and worthy WDC groups. December we have Secret Santa. I love spoiling other members. Storymaster and Storymistress give us every opportunity to write and learn from each other. I might only be about to celebrate my 14th WDC Anniversary but today starts WDC celebrating 22 years. Happy Birthday, Writing Dot Com! Hope you enjoyed my answer to the prompt, see you tomorrow.
      Since being on writing.com, I've learned so much and made some friends as well. The reason I like being on writing.com because you get to enter contests as well as making friends. Come and join the fun. See you here.
      Stumbling upon Writing.com was one of the best decisions I have ever made as a writer. I used to think my writing was more superior than that of other writers, and I got a lot of feedback which proved otherwise.

After being a member of Writing.com all these years, I am grateful for all the members who humbled me and who were also patient enough with me to help me anyway, despite my initial backlash to criticism because I am a better writer for their selfless dedication of helping me become a better writer. Thank you WDC!
      Thirteen years ago, Yahoo discontinued their social site on which I was posting my writings. An internet search revealed Writing.Com. I admit I was a bit daunted at it's apparent complexity. The Reference Guide did not exist in 2008.

Within a month I bought a membership and have supported WDC ever since. With the continued support and friendship of the members, my writing has both improved and blossomed.

I can't imagine being anywhere else, and look forward to the day I can retire and spend my days writing AND supporting the site.
      I joined WDC two years ago, hoping it would spark me into writing more. I was also looking for critiques on my writing style, along with help in the grammar/punctuation department. I got all of the above plus more. I've made several friends during my time at WDC and with gentle correction, I've learned how to control those out-of-hand commas that want to crop up all over my stories. It may sound cheesy but WDC has become a sort of second home to me. I love hanging out here!
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