The best place to find out what's going on around Writing.Com! |
This is the place to find and advertise activities within Writing.Com! If you are currently running an activity or would like to plug an activity being hosted by another person, please do so here! This page lists only activities. Activities are auctions, raffles, discussions, events and gatherings. To promote any item, please see: "The Shameless "Plug" Page" To request reviews, please see: "Please Review" Writing Contests have their own page: "Writing Contests @ Writing.Com" Selling Something? Post on "The Marketplace" Another great place to find contests here at Writing.Com is to browse the Contest genre, available from the navigation under "Items By Genre". If you have a question about this page or need to have an incorrect listing removed, please visit "Plug Page Help" . Tip: Click the + above to make this a favorite. It'll pop onto your list whenever new entries are added.
Come All Ye Rotting and help unwrap the Zombie Apocalypse with a brain new writing activity! Grave tidings and Merry Chompmas to everyone. It's the most undead time of the year! If you write, you win!
Win the exclusive I Write in 2025 Merit Badge by writing 25 contest entries and review the fellow author who posted an entry in this forum before you. At least one entry has to be in September for a contest linked on "Writing.Com Party Central 2025!"
Runs through December 15th. Come and see what awesome Merit Badges await you. And don't forget to check out the author exclusives too!
Open for prize donations now. Round begins in January! Raffle where you can "steal" ticket numbers. Ebil minions and helpers welcome.
A Christmas-themed classic has come to WDC! Put your memory to the test.
Join in the fun and play Santa for another WDC member!
A Raffle to get everyone excited about Christmas.
Rare Merit Badges and Trinkets are up for grabs!
Suggestions? have fun!
Sign-ups are open till all 13 slots are filled.
Open now for sign-ups! NaNoWriMo begins November 1st!
Here is a friendly image-prompted activity with many suggestions for written responses! It's a place to be creative, to have fun, and to connect with other writers. Positive dialogue is always welcome!
Whack a Zombie...Earn Points...Get Rewarded!
Beginning October 4th! The annual HALLOWEEN HANDLES activity! See the forum for details.
For 1 week only ...GHOST-WITCH BINGO! Oct. 1-7
The Bees at the Bee Hive are looking for leaf peeping madlibs this month! The item must be newly created for your port. Big Prizes!!
A Raffle to celebrate the beginning of Fall.
Many places to check out and maybe get involved. Exposure is key
Celebrating WDC's 24th Anniversary! EVERYONE (including non-dragon tamers) is welcome to participate. Delightful girfts and rewards await!
WdC has to be a safe environment for all writers. Problems? Tensions on the site? Do you want to talk about it? The Advisor is IN.
Here's a place to entertain (yourself and/or others), to philosophize, to be serious or humorous or mysterious! It’s a place to examine and express your thoughts from the springboard of daily prompts. It's all in good, friendly FUN!
This is a friendly poetry-sharing activity for expression and entertainment. No competition, just community-building fun for poets and poetry lovers!
The purpose of this activity forum is to share our favorite famous quotes, phrases, and lines of poetry. Included are some terrific combinations of words weaved by WdC members. There is a link to a master list of all quotes. Everyone is welcome!
SFA is a place for authors of short fiction to exchange private reviews of their stories. It's also a place where authors can discuss the craft of writing, the business of publishing, and generally support each other's creativity. Come join the fun!
Total Displayed: 27 |