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All writing should be perfectly polished before submission for publication. Editing not only includes proofreading of your manuscript to make sure it has correct grammar, proper spelling, the best overall structure, but includes so much more.

Our Editing Service Recommendations:

Revision And Self-Editing (Write Great Fiction): (Available at Amazon.Com)
Don't let the revision process intimidate you any longer. Discover how to successfully transform your first draft into a polished final draft readers wont be able to forget.
Jeff Herman's Guide to Book Publishers, Editors and Literary Agents : Who They Are! What They Want! How to Win Them Over!: (Available at Amazon.Com)
Calling all writers, get your manuscripts out of the "slush pile" and into the bookstores with Jeff Hermans Guide to Book Publishers, Editors & Literary Agents. More comprehensive than ever before--and now 1,000 pages--this revised edition describes the insider dynamics at hundreds of U.S. and Canadian publishers, with hundreds of names and specialties for book acquisition editors.
From Dissertation to Book (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing): (Available at Amazon.Com)
All new Phd's hope that their dissertations can become books. But a dissertation is written for a committee and a book for the larger world. William Germano's From Dissertation to Book is the essential guide for academic writers who want to revise a doctoral thesis for publication. The author of Getting It Published, Germano draws upon his extensive experience in academic publishing to provide writers with a state-of-the-art view of how to turn a dissertation into a manuscript that publishers will notice.
Self-Editing for Fiction Writers: How to Edit Yourself into Print: (Available at Amazon.Com)
Both novice and seasoned fiction writers can ensure themselves greater publishing success by correcting textual problems before submitting their manuscripts to an editor. This exemplary instruction manual offers readers the wisdom of two experienced editors who focus on writing/editing techniques (the mechanics of dialog, characterization, point of view, etc.).
The Craft of Editing: A Guide for Managers, Scientists, and Engineers: (Available at Amazon.Com)
"The Craft of Editing" is about the craft of editing scientific writing. It is designed to help you - and all those who deal with scientific and technical writing by others in universities, government labs, businesses, or engineering firms - become more effective and more efficient at editing the proposals, theses, journal articles, and reports that cross your desk and which you must approve, grade, or review.
Editing Fact and Fiction: A Concise Guide to Book Editing: (Available at Amazon.Com)
To many people embarking on a career, as well as to those in the general public with a love of books and reading, publishing has a special mystique...
Championship Writing: 50 Ways to Improve Your Writing: (Available at Amazon.Com)
A fun-to-read guide that teaches writers how to construct graceful, concise sentences with flair.
"Better Writing Through Editing" teaches intermediate students how to edit their own writing for correct sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and expression.
The Concise Guide to Copy Editing: Preparing Written Work for Readers: (Available at Amazon.Com)
Conveniently organized to serve as a training tool for new or improving copy editors, this guide teaches how to best serve clients.
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