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Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear highhopes,
I think you have a winner here with this piece. It is a good one. The truth of the matter is that Jesus did suffer and suffered badly for us. If we were to take a look at His stripes and the crown of thorns upon His blessed head we can see what all He took for us to become the Savior of the world. You have done well dear fellow with this piece. Keep writing. All the best to you.
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello AJ,
"After Hearing Your Song" after reading your piece I simply did not know what to say. Aside from cliches I'm sure you're tired of hearing. But my heart does go out to you. to have pain becomes a natural part of your everyday life is tragic. I feel like I need to tell you to get a doctor's advice. But that would be more psycho babble. It is sad that you cannot function without it. Again, I don't know what else to say. YOur piece was well written. It was sorrowful. There were no mistakes in your piece. And it was structurally solid. All of the very best to you, Beeline!!!
Review of Fall  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Youngpiano,
Softballpiano, I just finished reading your poem "Fall". It was very touching. And you show what real friendship is. It was equally well written. And a superb read. A good friend, a best friend are necessary I believe to have a well rounded personality. But it seems no one will help your friends will be there. Fight and you will make up. You can't stay angry at them. Once again, I thoroughally enjoyed your poem. All the best to you, and your friend, Beeline!!!
Review of In The Army  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Pinktink,
I really enjoyed this piece. "In the Army". I have always been a big fan of the military. I have ultimate respect for them all. I do not take the military for granted. It takes a special kind of a person to serve in the armed forces. In the Army, is very well written. It showcases the good and the bad. The families of these men and women serving our country have to be strong too. AS you said:"sitting and waiting for news of their loved ones their heart jumping everytime they hear there was a roadside bombing today. This was an excellent read. It really got me thinking. Good work, Pinktink. All the best to you, Beeline!!!
Review of Making History  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Artemis,
You put it very brutally but every word you typed rings true. History can be twisted and is. To change everyone's perspective. i heard once that I dont' know if this is true. That the Japenese would not teach of WWII in their history classes. One's opinion and out look on life have been changed by a simple history book. You've written a very good piece here. I enjoyed reading it much. Your facts are correct. Your history quotes are correct. And I found no mistakes. Keep up the good work. All the very best to you, Beeline!!!
Review of Alone  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Beansy,
"Alone" is an excellent read. I myself have been in a room full of people and was utterly alone. Loneliness affects so many people. To me, it is a disease. Thank goodness I have overcome my problems with loneliness. Many more have not. This was a great read. When I saw it I was drawn to it immediately. You've got a great piece of writing on your hands. I hope someone learns something from it. Because as you said;"It can be a scary thing". Keep up the good work Beansy. All the best to you, Beeline!!!
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hello Lil,
I don't know what to say. This was a shocker. I'm sure that was your intention. I do hope this is fiction. From your other pieces, I can't imagine you slashing your wrists and committing suicide. This piece was well written. It was an intriguing read. I just finished reviewing a piece about cutters. People who like to cut themselves a bit. i'm on the dark side tonight. Nothing wrong with that. I am really sick of all the love poems that I have been reading lately. Don't get me wrong. I am not anti love. Too much of anything is not good for you. Well you have worked your magic again. I liked this piece very much. All the very best to you, Beeline!!!
Review of Power  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Lil,
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Have you ever heard that? It is so true. Power is intoxicating it is better than the best drugs they make. Power has been used against us. And continues to be everyday. You picked a great subject to write about. You have a well written piece on your hands. It was well organized. Structurally solid. And an all around good read. They also say "Knowledge is power." I am sure you have heard that. Reading about dictators such as Stalin, Hitler, the Shah of Iran, Mao Sa Tung, etc., taught me the abuses of power. All the very best to you resist all authority. Beeline!!!
Review of The Race  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Noelle,
"The Race" you're right Noelle. What's not to love? This is a very cute piece. I found it humerous in a good way. It is definitely no joke. As with the other pieces you have written and I have reviewed, this is very well written. i see no mistakes in it. It must be true love. I find the difference between love and true love is critical. I have loved many men. But only been in love with three. Sounds like I am a whore. Once again, good writing. All the best to you, Beeline!!!
Review of Slice  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Dear Beansy,
I just read your piece "Slice". I was a little shocked at first But I have known several people who are cutters. I never understood it. Your piece helps alot. I don't know what to say. Aside from the fact which is that it is well written. Informative. I love the last stanza. it sums it all up. Would I be overstepping my bounds if I were to ask you if you are a cutter as well? I myself suffer from mental health issues. Reading your piece and talking to a good friend who tried to explain it to me I think I have a much better grasp on the subject. Once again, Beansy, you have a well written piece. And the subject I think more light should be shed upon it. All the best to you and bless you. Beeline!!!
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Beansy,
I just finished "Once in a Blue Moon". it was a very interesting perspective on love. I agree with all of your material with the exception of Love is nothing pure nor simple.
It is a private moment shared, I believe love is pure. I agree it is not simple. And I do not believe love has to be a moment shared. Private yes, not always shared. That is simply my opinion. Your piece was very well written and a good read. And your title, I m a song writer and I think it would make a great title for a song. Keep up the good work. All the best to you, Beeline!!!
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Lil,
I just finished reading "No Meaning Just Words". I agree with practically everything you said. There is a song by Missing Persons called What ARE WORDS FOR. When noone listens anymore. Words are like magic they can do all things. Show you love. Pierce your heart. This is ia very well written piece. It appears you took alot of time with this and it shows. It was an excellent read. Keep up the good work. I'll be looking for more of your material. All the best to you, Beeline!!!!
Review of That's Not Today  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Millie,
"That's Not Today", I just finished reading this piece. I was saddened and a little depressed. it was full of tragedy yet full of love. It was very well written. I am a song writer. Do you have music to this? It will make a beautiful ballad. Just a tear jerker. For we all love a good cry now and then. I cann'ot get the line out of my mind.Wednesday is for roses. You have a great song on your hands here. It only needs to be organized. That is not a criticism. For I really liked it. Keep up the good writing. All the best to you, Beeline!!!
Review of Envy  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Dear saheli,
I think that the point you are trying to make is that Cassie felt out of place when Sandy came on the scene. That the two of them were laughing and having a good old time and you were standing there alone though you were with them. Your character Cassie feels like a nail has just entered her heart. I hope I am correct in assuming that this is a fictional piece. I sure would hate to know it wasn't. Keep writing. You're good at it. All the best to you.
Review of Love Sick  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Noelle,
I just finished reading "Love Sick". it was very sad a sad piece. It borded on tragedy. I can understand your search for love. I was there many years ago. But it was something I overcame. Your piece was well written. It appears you put alot of time in this. and it shows. I hope you find that love you are looking for. All the best to you, Beeline!!!
Review of Lost Heart  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Artemis,
"Lost Heart" I just finished reading it. I understand you were in a depressed mood. This is very sad. it seems like you are in more than a simple depressed day. Your poem is almost tragic. It was written very well. And your rhyming scheme was a killer. Someone hurt you, I assume? But you seemed to have bounced back. That is always good. I enjoyed the read. Keep up the good work. I will be looking for more of your material. All the best to you, Beeline!!!
Review of Stolen Heart  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Dear Noelle,
I just finished reading your poem "Stolen Heart". You have it really bad, don't you? This boy must be really something. And now he holds the key? Don't set yourself up for a let down. Keep a little bit of your heart for yourself. I'm not trying to be cycnical. True love is true love. But protect yourself and your heart. I enjoyed your poem. It was well written. Good luck. all the best to you, Beeline!!!
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I just finished reading part 3 of Bismarck VS Hood. You are so accurate. Your detail are perfect. As I said in the past reviews I have read several books on the battle. And I am no expert. Wouldn't be surprised if you knew the names of all the sailors on the Hood and the Bismarck. I think it was a great part of history. It was a great naval battle of history. Can't wait for Part 5. Take care Beeline!!!!
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Dear Sebastian,

This is a really sad piece. it was with the heart that you spoke these words. it is hoped that things are better with you now. That you have found someone other than your angel to take up your time. Maybe the next girl you meet will becomeyour angel. It is hoped so anyway. You have a good piece on your hands. Your structure was good. By the way, when are you going to be posting any more of your material? I am anxious to know so I can read it. I like your work.
Review of Never be Free  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Ethyreal,
"Never Be Free" I can't say this was truly sweet love story. It sounded just a little bit cynical. But at least you admitted you loved him. Through allthe sugar coating, you still love him. Listen to me, I am trying to hold unto the happy part. It must been a day as you said when you were just friends and all was wonderful. I do agree love can become a prison. Fortunately, I have never been in that prison. I thoroughally enjoyed your piece. it was very well written. The structure was solid. it was organized well. And there were no mistakes at least that I saw. All the best to you. I hope things work out. Beeline!!!
Review of Pretending  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Deeplydriven,
"Pretending" I just finished reading your piece. I myself have suffered from addiction. To methamphetamine. Addiction is a horrible disease. Mine almost killed me. Thank God and the help of my friends and familyand an excellent physician. I was able to kick the habit. i have been clean 18 years. And have no desire to go back to it. As you know, addiction doesn't just hurt the person addicted but everyone around them. I enjoyed your piece. I wish however, there would have been more detail about the disease and let us know what he was addicted to. it was a good piece. Written very well. I hope he has sought help and I am glad that you are able to be there for him. Dont' give up. All the best to you. Good luck. Beeline!!!!
Review of Memory  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Rune,
I just finished reading "Memory". what a lovely piece! Very charming. Tender and well written. it was a bit confusing to me. But that is my problem and not yours. I''m not sure that you totally understand the piece. No criticism. i thoroughally enjoyed it. If I am missing out on something please email me back and enlighten me. There is nothing wrong with it as it is. I just feel like I am missing something. All the best to you, Beeline!!!!
Review of Storm  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Megan,
"Storm" I just finished reading. You showed true compassion, loyalty, and faith in your friend. These traits are hard to find. You must have a big heart. Your friend is very lucky to have you there. it takes a strong, strong person to weather the "storm". I have only a handful of friends myself. Who I knew would do the same.. Your piece is very well written. A very good read. And very touching. You should be proud. You have done well. Both in your poem and with your friend. All the very best to you, Beeline!!!
Review of The Kiss  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Ashley,
This is a very well written poem. You done a good job The structure was solid. It wasn't overburdened with rhyme. it was very lovely and very sweet. This man of yours is a lucky fellow. I hope he returns all the feelings you have for him. All the best to you, Beeline!!!
Review of Why  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Ashboo,
"Why" you seemed pretty consumed by love. I don't mean to be a downer. But sometimes as the song says Love stinks.. All love is not wonderful and happy. You are lucky. I don't know of many people I've met who have deliberately thrown love away. Sometimes it just fades. I hope you and Joshua have a blessed life. This piece too was very well written. It seemed to have a certain earnest about it. it was a good read as the one before. " Love" I wish you all the luck in the world. and keep writing. You're good at it. Beeline!!!
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