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Rated: E · Book · Animal · #1209690
This is my first attempt to be a blogger. I hope to type a few items that you will enjoy.
I do not know where to begin with this description. The time period is from 0 to now. Please don't ask how long that is. I am sure with certain clues, you will be able to figure that out.
I am writing this on my favorite old computer at home. I have a computer room that doubles as a retreat for a few of my pets when they want to be alone.
I will cover mostly current thoughts. I hope to add some pictures as I have seen in a blog. I think that to do this sharing will take a lot of work, but the pictures I have seen are well worth it.
Occasionally, I might review a flashback in mylife. I have times when I just roll that special even around in my mind until it has every possible facet examined. Usually this time is to try to figure out a "what if" scenario.
If some of my items have no zest to it feel free to say so. I think that after I have some a few trial runs, then the real me will be out for all of the world to see. Luck you! As the saying goes, "Come with me and the best is yet to be."
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August 4, 2019 at 10:57pm
August 4, 2019 at 10:57pm
Well the house is almost completely silent. Diane and Kirk have travelled to Dallas to visit Jason. Janos and Casina have moved out. Janos will be back on Thursday to pick up some of the things he did not have time for.
The house is silent.
No walking steps or doggy patter can be heard.
No two dogs, Balto and Casina playing can be detected.
No feeling of presence can be felt.
My husband and I are alone with our 5 cats and 1 dog.
But this is not the same.
We watch Grantchester on TV.
My husband is very tired and I bet he will be asleep when I return to the room.
We have walked Balto twice and I think he knows that his best friend is gone.
I have asked Diane to approve letting Casina come back if things do not work out at her new home. It would be selfish of me to want her back for Balto and me but that is how I feel now.
It feels almost as if a member of the family has died. Casina was such a beautiful little girl dog that it was easy to like her. But she is Janos' dog. I must be fair.
Well I have said enough. I will have a busy week ahead. Diane and Kirk come back on Thursday.
Stan will be picking weeds out of the back yard in about 10 hours. Tomorrow will be a hot day with no rain in the forecast.
Yuk----I'll go feed my little family. I love them all.
Yawn. I hope that I get a good night's sleep. Stan is usually up at 4:30 or 5:00.
August 3, 2019 at 10:51pm
August 3, 2019 at 10:51pm
A quickie:
I did somethingI thought that I'd never do.
I made a phone call to help Diane get her house keys back. She left them at Enterprise Car Rental place.
They were closed. They would not open until Monday morning.
She needed her house keys and knew that she left them on the counter in the office.
I called Enterprise and said that I was her mother in law. Diane needed her keys to get into her house because her husband was a diabetic and needed his medicine. True. I faked a diabetic problem to try to get someone back to the office so Diane could get her keys.
No luck.
Finally I told the man in St. Louis that we were taking Kirk to the hospital.
Most of this was true. If there is any problems, I'll be the one in trouble.
But Diane and Kirk had a laughing fit as I was putting on my show. I felt like I was George Peppard of the A-team. I rather enjoyed it.
But I do not like bing deceitful.
Oh well, maybe the judge will have mercy on me if I have to go to court.
I'll just te3ll them that I am out of my mind.
Stan, please visit me in jail!
August 2, 2019 at 12:09am
August 2, 2019 at 12:09am
If I had a wish, then I would like for my hammer toe surgery to be over.
Stan and I went to the doctor today and he agreed that I would need surgery. He described the surgery and said that it would not take more than 60 minutes. But......and I mean BUTI would have a needle sticking out of my foot for a while. (A few days???)
My torture would begin at 12:00 AM of August 21st in which I would not be able to eat for a long time. My surgery would start at 1:00 PM if I was lucky. NPO means nothing by mouth. No food. NO food. NO FOOD!!
Are you kidding?! That is not necessary. But the ladies in Dr. Miller's office said with a slight smile on their faces, " 'fraud so." Just you wait you cruel ladies.
Anyway I need the surgery so my top toe would not freeze on top of my big toe. This is the right food I'm talking about.
Stan was nice enough to ask if I needed a wheel chair.
Dr. Miller said that I would not.
Stan later told me the he would do all of Balto's walks. Oh! This I've got to see.
But anyway. I will be out of commission for 3-4 weeks. I just hope that the world does not end during that time.
So, that's the main thing that happened on this day. Write it down in the history books or what ever. I will be albe to walk a straight line when that lovely needle is removed and the doctor says, "You are free to go forth and walk. Have fun!"
Must go.
Dr. Martin on TV BBS show was it's usual hoot.
Stan's in bed and probably not happy.
Sorry dear. I had to get this off my mind.
Luv ya!
July 31, 2019 at 11:06pm
July 31, 2019 at 11:06pm
Well it looks like Janos is really going to leave the house and live with his girlfriend, Becky. I do wish them the best of luck. For a while, Stan and I thought that he would not leave. What would we do? I did not know. But Stan wants a guest room which we needed when my brother and sitster-in-law were here a couple of week ago.
I hope that Janos and Becky have mapped out an agreement that is fair to both. Janos married Becky last year. He left after one month. He sits around most of the time and play video games. He has made some unusual facebook comments. He lives his way. But he has packed and will be off after tomorrow.
The only thing I truly worry about is his lovely dog Casina. I do not want her to be abused or sent away. She is a good friend to Balto and they play a lot together. Balto is a little rough. But they understand each other. I think Diane and Kirk might even let her in their bedroom. Besides I like Casina. She is a one of a kind 'okay' dog.
Good luck Casina. You will be missed.

Diane and Kirk are nice people. Stan likes them too. We have discussed the fact that they are welcome to stay, in their room. We have gotten used to the smaller room. What we like is the fact that we can walk directly into the office area and get some work done. We are closer to the garage and washing machines. So what will happen in the future? Don't know. I thought that Diane was mad when she came home, but it later appeared that she did not know that Janos was packing. She looked surprised. Later our conversation seemed to be coming back to normal. More will remains to be seen.
So far, we hare looking like we can get along.

So as the Tamarack Turns story will be continued later.
Must go.
Be good!!!
July 30, 2019 at 11:14pm
July 30, 2019 at 11:14pm
I have never let anyone tell me what to do. I have been asked about my lovely niece Audrey who is beautiful, full of spirit and intelligent. She is living by herself. But she could be, if I think of what I have heard correctly, a 'Mankiller'. She meets nice men and then sends them away. I could call it being busy. I could call it 'the man does not meet her standards'. Or I could call it, she is having fun making men miserable.
I think one day Audrey will fall for a man and may get herself on the other foot, meaning hurt. I do not wish that to happen. I know she has travelled. She likes sports. She also likes "Harry Potter." What else is there that could be stuffed in one body.
So Diane wants her to meet her son, Jason. We compared notes and there are many differences.
Audrey lives about 30-40 miles away from Jason.
Jason does not like sports.
Jason may be shy.
So what else could go wrong between two people?
I just hope that if the special meeting goes on, that they can be friends.
Any way, there can be hope.
Look at Stan and me. We have some differences. And we GOT MARRIED!

Next I do want to talk about people who ask others about their inheritances and wills.
This is not the way or conversation that I want to have with anyone, friend or family.
I do have a problem.
More about this later.
Got to go.

July 29, 2019 at 11:50pm
July 29, 2019 at 11:50pm
Well finally I did it. I am not trying to be mean but I understand that the deaf community as a whole do not like deaf people who hands out cards or pens in a way to get money. They are beggars and do embarfass those who went to school, graduated and have a job.
I talked to number 2 today. I told him that he embarrassed the hard working deaf. Go get a job.
He said that he could not find one.
I told him libraries have lists and /or talk to a councilor. He ;picked up his pens and said that he would. I doubt it.
I do mean it when I say that the deaf do not like this. My sign language signing was understood and I hope that it made a difference in his life.
Get a job.
Good luck young man.
July 27, 2019 at 9:24pm
July 27, 2019 at 9:24pm
Miss Sensitivity here.
Living by myself I had only one person to talk to in the house. Me.
I did phone other people to chat and some of those I wish I had waited for a while or the next day.
Being married I have had to learn to respect others, my husband and his family.
It seems that Stan has a way of saying things that may have plucked the 'let's be sensitive string' in my being. I feel that I had the right to assume that he wanted me to quit writing. Quote: "Some of your poems are not that good." Start the "What did he say?" Run that statement through the little computer in my head called the brain and examine my interpretation.
But after a discussion Stan repeated and interpreted that I should write from my heart. That the 8 word prompt contest is not what I do well. I should write about what I know. (I think that I have heard that before.) But then I had to explain the rules of this contest. I think he understood.
We have had other issues. We have both been hurt. The last time he even asked me if I wanted a divorce. Answer: NO. But we have this odd sensation that the problems occur about the same time of the month. Honestly I had menopause years ago. I do from time to time feel hormones in my body. But I still do not want a divorce.
Stan is a good man. A great human being. A super person whose dream of being in his home state, in a beautiful house and doing anything he wants should be occurring.
But then little old me had no great dreams but just thinking about making it through each day, with 3 square meals and my animal menagerie. I wanted to be a well known writer, of sorts. And an interpreter for the deaf that no one could do interpretations better.
My life changed for the better when I said, "I do." However I was too thick headed to realize it.
So here's to my new life. My new home. My new partner/husband. And my new friends when I make them.
Oh. BTW, my new family are pretty swell too. I hope we all can be cordial and supportive of each other. Life is better with smiles instead of frowns.
July 26, 2019 at 11:27pm
July 26, 2019 at 11:27pm
I saw Stan's sister and brother-in-law again today. They are hard working, nice people. They show me how hard it is for someone in Oklahoma to be rich. I guess that is not fair because if someone has a good spouse and healthy children, then life should be considered good.
Bob works for a college as a painter. I guess it is in the maintenance department. He does not make much. But he has a second job. That makes him a lot of extra good money.
He and Janet have a lovely Kia car. They explained that they bought it from Enterprise Car Rental place. No fuss or negotiation, just buy as is. Makes sense to me.
Janet is a diabetic. She has used an insulin pump since 1995. Wow. I didn't know that this kind of pump existed that long. But it and the important insulin is so vital to her health. I hope that she never has to go without it. I would love to see a cure or reduction in the price of insulin. This is life and death for her and many other people.
They also talked about their child named Heather. It looks like she has a problem getting a good job. Bob says that she is a good painter. I wish her well. I do not like to paint so she can have my job any time.
Janet and Stan's mother is doing fair. The big blisters (?) are doing so-so. One has popped. The second one needs more time. It is sad how our bodies decide to go down, as we all age. I guess we need to be better to ourselves when we are young. I wish I had done better.
I am ready to shut down this computer.
I am tired. I need to feed my cats.
Life is tough.
So good night.
Sweet dreams.
Say your prayers.
July 26, 2019 at 12:19am
July 26, 2019 at 12:19am
Tomorrow is a special day. One of Stan's sisters and her husband are coming from Oklahoma City to Broken Arrow to visit. Janet is so nice. She has also done the brunt of work in caring for their mother. Janet has one problem in health. She is a diabetic. I am sorry to hear that because Diabetes is a disease that makes a person to change their life drastically.
People cannot eat whatever they want. Some people must take insulin shots. Finally the diabetic must check his blood a few times each day.
Like I said, life is not easy. It is like a pain in the fingerprick. I do not know how much time we will have together, but I hope everyone has a good time.

Next I tried to get CVS to stop the calls for prescription renewals but they have some crazy rules. I called the headquarters with Stan listening, and we seemed to get blocked or sidelined at every turn. They did not make any sense. We now live in Broken Arrow but we are still getting calls to pick up prescriptions in Houston, Texas. What? I hope we do not have a hard time when get another prescription from our first doctor's visit. This will definitely be a blog for sure.

Finally, we got a new watch for Fred. He has been needing some new things so I told him, (truthfully) that I needed to use up some points for my VISA card before they expired. I could buy the watch and add those points to the ones I already had to buy a watch. It didn't work out that way but Fred still got his watch. He called us today to say a big, "Thank you." Well you are welcome brother. You have worked hard and do deserve a nice thing from time to time. Also you helped Stan and me when we needed legal help with the Walnut Bend Homeowner's Association problem. You earned it.

We three things in one day is enough to keep us busy. It's nighty night time. Cats have been fed. I am tired. Must.......sleep........bye!
July 24, 2019 at 11:10pm
July 24, 2019 at 11:10pm
Well I must clear up yesterday.
My brother was upset because his wife was win an accident. I would be upset too. All is better. Sue is okay. Life will go on.

Tonight Stan and I walked around the pond. The fountain was working. It looked lovely. I insisted to carry a flashlight which I needed to see the path. One false step and my world would consist of dirty water. Stan said that he was able to see. Well that remains to be told.

Big news of the day is that someone JJK might be moving out on the 1st of August. He plans to live with a girlfriend for a couple of months and then try to get an apartment. This place will be different and I hope that he and Casina will get a nice safe place.
Regarding that sweet little dog, Casina, she is lovely. I will miss her but she is not my dog. She and Balto are the best of friends who play in the house. Yes they do get into a little trouble now and then. But look, they are dogs.They run and play hard when they are outside. Casina is older but she is like a young little girl who is excited to have a nice, good-looking male dog like Balto paying attention to her. I can only imagine that Balto will be lonely and broken hearted when she leaves. There is not much we can do. I feel that Casina will feel the same. God please be kind to them both.

Well it is almost bed time.
I think that the new restaurant, Speedy, a Mexican restaurant is so-so. I have tried to keep my calories to a minimum. I do believe that Stan might want to go back. Me? I prefer not too spicy.
Enough said....Good night.

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