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Rated: E · Book · Animal · #1209690
This is my first attempt to be a blogger. I hope to type a few items that you will enjoy.
I do not know where to begin with this description. The time period is from 0 to now. Please don't ask how long that is. I am sure with certain clues, you will be able to figure that out.
I am writing this on my favorite old computer at home. I have a computer room that doubles as a retreat for a few of my pets when they want to be alone.
I will cover mostly current thoughts. I hope to add some pictures as I have seen in a blog. I think that to do this sharing will take a lot of work, but the pictures I have seen are well worth it.
Occasionally, I might review a flashback in mylife. I have times when I just roll that special even around in my mind until it has every possible facet examined. Usually this time is to try to figure out a "what if" scenario.
If some of my items have no zest to it feel free to say so. I think that after I have some a few trial runs, then the real me will be out for all of the world to see. Luck you! As the saying goes, "Come with me and the best is yet to be."
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October 8, 2019 at 11:10pm
October 8, 2019 at 11:10pm
It is literally count down time. I will be in a hospital tomorrow getting ready for the surgery on my foot. Oh man! I cannot eat after midnight. I cannot drink after 5:00 am. What a torture. And then there is a recovery. Will I fall? Will Balto step on my foot? How much pain will I feel?
Dr. Miller is confident. He has looked at my foot a few times so there should be no surprises. And the fact that Stan is trying to do things with a hurt thumb. One more thing, Stan ordered a little thing that I can move around the house. Goodness.
And to top it off Friday will be as low as 33 degrees in the morning. Brrrr.
So what am I going to do next? EAT!
Nighty night.
October 6, 2019 at 11:19pm
October 6, 2019 at 11:19pm
I am going to get my first taste of the cooler weather that happens in October. It wad in the 50s today. On our walk held at 2:00 pm Bslto and I saw a dog we think has been running around and doing mischief. One lady thinks that the dog was Balto. I think that this dog in a case of boredom killed three ducks, one wild on our pond. I hope that I can find and tell the owner that this dog needs to be controlled better but as usual, the owner will not care and shrug it off. Those were beautiful ducks who deserved life that was not violent. Balto is completely innocent.
We are getting closer to my surgery. Stan is concerned about animal care. He wants a list of who gets what food and medicine. I am sure to survive the surgery and that all will go well. My main concerns iare the itching from the little buggies and fasting before the surgery. I do not like the no walking part. I do not like the prospect for the pain. I also do not like the time of the inability to do things I like. Cannot be helped.
Back to the weather. It will be in the 30s on Friday morning. My goodness, that will be some cold morning. I just hope that there is no moisture or emergency. I am glad that I can use this surgery to watch more Astros games. I am proud of those fellas. They are not perfect, but I do my best.
Guess I must get ready for night time. OMG I just saw a flea. Quick catch it!!!! Die you little blood sucker!!!! Don't you dare get on Shadow.
Got to get that parasite.
Nightly night.
October 5, 2019 at 11:38pm
October 5, 2019 at 11:38pm
We are getting ready to entI to feel dry. The mornings will be so nice. I will be under the blankets in the 40s probably. And the high temperature is in the 60's. I do feel for my family and friends in Houston. But then I do not need to worry about the hurricanes. It's all a matter of preferences.
I am already fighting some mysterious red, itching spots on my waist down part of my body. Itch.....itach....itch! Ugh! Where and what are they? I do not want them in clothes or bed. I was supposed to go to Wimberly. I am happy because that I am here because I do not want to leave any unwelcome 'things' to be left there that I would not be welcome back. Imagine the thought-----'Judy the bug lady.' So I'll just be good and stay here.
I am so proud of the Astros. The team has made the post-season playoffs. They have enthusiasm and belief in themselves. I wish them well. Stan is not a great fan of baseball but he does help me to find the channel and remember the time. What a guy! I think that I will marry him again!!!
Not much else to say.I will think of something after I sign off. But I will leave it for tomorrow. I need to watch the game. Go 'stores...you are on a roll. Love ya!

Nighty night.
October 4, 2019 at 11:35pm
October 4, 2019 at 11:35pm
Stan has started doing the 2 mile walk in the mornings with Balto and me. It is a bit slower but we get the distance done.
We have talked to Kari and lady who is helping her mother move from here to be near her in Round Rock, Texas. She has done more than her fair share of moving. Some of her sad experiences would make a person cry. Movers need to be thoughtful as well as careful. I would not have been able to put up with the mistakes she has had to go through. PS Kari is married to a military man. (army) He went on three tours of Iran. He was injured. But he survived. God bless Kari, her husband, and mother. Life should be better.
Recently we have been pest-bred by some vicious bugs, fleas. They seem to have been everywhere. We put flea medicines on our cats for September and October. The numbers have decreased but the scratching has not.
Last night I noticed that I have many red spots on my legs. They are mostly below my waist. That does not help since I still have to scratch. Woe is with me. I do not like or accept this attack on my body. Plus I cannot sleep if I wake up to itching. When this is over I intend to get a good full night's sleep.
Plus Stan has been the best trooper for all of this mess. He has vacuumed and. washed many things. I am so grateful. We did a nicer job togethr4.
I would like to write more but I am tired. Am anticipating the surgery next week on my foot. I hope that I can get it done right the first time
Well it is off to bed and hopefully a good night's sleep.
Nighty night.
October 1, 2019 at 10:40pm
October 1, 2019 at 10:40pm
Well I am almost a week away from surgery on my foot. I will miss my trip to Wimberly, Texas but a phone call conversation to Sharon helped us get reacquainted and the information sent. She shared the information that her husband was ill and had surgery also. His was more serious than mine. I wish him well.

I met a neighbor who is cleaning her mother's house to move her mother to Texas and in her and her husband's home. Not too many family members are eager to help. I felt sorry for her. She was an Astros fan. She can't see the team, even though she lives in Round Rock. What a shame. Her husband is an Army veteran who was injured. Something came down on his head snd resulted in spinal compression. He also had some chemical contact. His PTSD is rough and serious. I was walking Balto and he was a jerk. Balto and I finally went on our walk. It was not easy.

Finally Stan and I went to Petsmart. At checkout we were in front of a lady who was spending her last day with a pet who was scheduled to be euthanized that afternoon. She was buying a collar it would wear during the procdure. She was going to cry. I did. I am not a doctor but in Houston I had some good and not so good doctors take care of my animals. I feel for the lady but not knowing the illness, I could not encourage her to get a second opinion. I certainly do not want her little dear one to continue to suffer. But I still cried because I lost Princess Beauty and will lose another beloved pet in the future. Animal lovers are always together, united and sympathetic.

So here I am. Stan is tired. He is also reading and I don't need to watch. I still miss my sports.

Time to get ready for the night. Bed sheets were washed. Everything looks good.

Nighty night.
September 30, 2019 at 11:08pm
September 30, 2019 at 11:08pm
Today had a double event occur. First Stan and I put flea medicine on our cats. Shadow was not thrilled. Stubby went "Go ahead. I can't stop you." But when it came to Kluter, well he had a lot to say. "No. No. No. NO!" with a big swipe to my leg and he got me good. Of course I finally got him but he was adamant. June decided to try to stay under the bed but, I got her out with a broom. Stan held her and she was done.
I have been cleaning and combing out the cats. I shook out the items the animals were laying on and saw a lot of flea dirt. I was not a happy girl.
But this was med #2 and the cats are scratching less. I just wish that there was less flea dirt. Yuck!

Next Stan took me to the Tulsa State Fair. We walked a lot and saw the usual in a fair but it is aways nice to go to. I bought nothing because there was nothing that I wanted. So what! We just had a lot of fun.
When we got back we collapsed. We were definitely tired. What a difference a nap will make.
David called us and talked more about Graham. He really is going to have a big change in his life, but we all guess he is ready.
Well I am yawning up a storm. I'll give Shadow one more chance to eat and then I am off to bed. I will enjoy a good night's rest.
Nighty nig
September 29, 2019 at 10:55pm
September 29, 2019 at 10:55pm
Today contained some great news and some sad news.

Great news is that there will be a wedding in the family. My nephew has proposed and the bride to be said "YES!!!!" Graham proposed in Wyoming at Inspiration Point. The pictures tha he sent were awesome. The whole family is glowing. All I really knows her name and that she can cook. The couple has a great future to look forward to. Love you both kids, Cheryl and Graham. I hope that there is nothing but goodness ahead. And I think that David and my Mother and Father would be so happy. They are probably looking down and smiling as I type. And whatever Stan and I can do, if we can and within limitations, we will do.

Now for the sad side. I called up Bert's house and Millie answered. I felt that she was not feeling well. Her tone of her voice was curt. She stated that she felt that Graham had proposed to Cheryl for money. (insult!) She also added that our grandfather Fred Werner married our grandmother for her money. (insult!)
What is it with Bert and Millie? Is that all they can think of? They always have angry and unbelievable things to say. The reasons they give are crazy. This could eat them up. Bert is constantly telling me negative things about my Mother. And I know that 99% is not true.
I just put it up to the fact that he is 79 years old and thinks of nothing but how he was wronged by us. We, his brothers and sister did not do anything to him. Aunt May was not left withlout any money. We all still love him and his family. But enough is enough. HIs life could have been better if he made better choices. He did his life the way he wanted to.

So that is life. Yin and Yan, Good and Bad and etc... It is up to the person involved.

So I am going to sign off. It is getting late and Shadow is hungry.
Love to all. God bless my Dennis and Cull family.
NIghty night.
September 28, 2019 at 10:58pm
September 28, 2019 at 10:58pm
Well.I am finished with all of that confounded scratching. We washed and cleaned. I even put alcohol on my legs. Today, I am much better.
Overall that was a great trip that I could never do again. I am glad that I went.
Today I called a friend who invited me to her house in Wimberly, Texas. This was Sharon Matthews Scott. She was and is still a wonderful person who I went to high school with. She and other ladies invited me to a weekend last year. I was sick with some nausea and dizziness. I said that I would try this year.
Bult I did not expect to be in Broken Arrow. But I am here now.
I texted. I called her landline. I called her cell phone and had no answer. I thought that she was mad. She was not. She was in the hospital with her husband who just got out of surgery for an intestinal problem. The doctors had to take out a lot of Joel's intestine. I do hope that he gets better. His diet will be different from now on.
We talked about many things but mostly Sharon told me about what she and the other girls did last year and since then. It sounded great. I told her about Fred's cancer and future prospect. We both acknowledged that growing old is no fun.
Anyway I explained that I could not come because I am not in Texas any more. I told her about Broken Arrow and our house. We had a nice long talk. I am so happy for Sharon's past experiences. She is so nice.
I am now seeing the best for the whole group. There is no need for anyone to be anything but happy for the present.
Nuff said.
Got to go.
Nighty night.
September 27, 2019 at 11:42pm
September 27, 2019 at 11:42pm
Today Stan and I drove out to a place that was a cemetery. It had not been taken care of, mowedl, whatever in a few years.
We were looking for his and now my great grandfather and great grandmother's grave. It was a weird trip. We went down a road that had a sign "No Turning Around. We went to a house to ask a neighbor. Not at home.
Stan did find the cemetery.We had to open a gate, walk in a pasture like are. and go through the cemetery's gate which was not locked. But I was so afraid of snakes. I don't like them and I am sure that they don't like me.
We took pictures and commented on the condition of the grounds. We saw baby's headstones, Commoratiave plaques of the GAR and other things.
The one thing that got a feeling from me was the headstone that identified a lady who was a surviving person of "Trail of Tears." What sorrow that I felt for her. I have seen pictures and read stories but have never been this close to someone who had suffered so much. RIP Lucinta D. Kernell. I regret what our government did to the people of the Indian nations.
We left and went home but not before we discovered that we may have been infested by chiggers. Oh do I scratch!!!
I took a bath and scrubbed 3 times. Later I still scratched so I wiped myself with alcohol. About an hour later I saw some moving freckles on why body. Stan is in a lot of trouble if those freckles still move tomorrow. He says that he is not itching. How dare he say that. Scratch honey, scratch!!!
So I am getting ready to go to bed. I do not want to sleep on the inside because I am afraid of the little, miserable critters that might be with me.
No more cemetery visiting unless the grass is cut.
No more!
Going reluctantly to be.
September 26, 2019 at 11:56pm
September 26, 2019 at 11:56pm
Stan and I have our few favorite TV programs. They are mostly on the public broadcasting channel, 11 in Broken Arrow and 8 in Houston. The shows are good. They are not trash. They are educational. Some shows are very funny such as Keeping Up Appearances.
The historical one is Victoria. It is about Queen Victoria and her life, from young girl to older widowed queen. The actress that they have chosen is from the Doctor Who series. She is quite good. The writer actually got permission to read some of Victoria's letters and/or journals. Stan and I are waiting for the announcement.
We have watched Glenchester who uses a priest to help an inspector solve mysteries. A new priest has been brought in. Only time will tell if the show will continue.
Call the Midwife is about some ladies and nuns who help women deliver babies. This show is really quite good.
Midsummer Mysteries also had a character switch. The main detective left and his brother replaced him. Really the first detective left the show. Stan and I did like him better.
The next show is Doctor Martin. It is hard to explain but has been on the air for many years. The actor is not like the character he portrays. There is a certain seriousness to it but one has to laugh at how the doctor and his character is done. I say "Well done!" to the actor.
I guess I will never make a sports fan of Stan. He tolerates the sports that I want to see. And I tolerate his extreme politics and serious shows. Tit for Tat!
We watch Doctor Martin in our special room for Shadow. It feels like a date night since we hold hands. How sweet. Stan has this special sweetness to himself. He has a nice laugh.
Well anyway the room is special too. I have talked about this room. It is the one with the portraits. It's pretty nice. I am feeling more comfortable here.The house and neighborhood can really grow on you and make you feel at ease. But there are a few more things to do. The VIP-guest room will be done before the end of the year I hope .
But as all good things come to end. So does this BLOG.
Got to go.
NIghty night!

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