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This is my first attempt to be a blogger. I hope to type a few items that you will enjoy.
I do not know where to begin with this description. The time period is from 0 to now. Please don't ask how long that is. I am sure with certain clues, you will be able to figure that out.
I am writing this on my favorite old computer at home. I have a computer room that doubles as a retreat for a few of my pets when they want to be alone.
I will cover mostly current thoughts. I hope to add some pictures as I have seen in a blog. I think that to do this sharing will take a lot of work, but the pictures I have seen are well worth it.
Occasionally, I might review a flashback in mylife. I have times when I just roll that special even around in my mind until it has every possible facet examined. Usually this time is to try to figure out a "what if" scenario.
If some of my items have no zest to it feel free to say so. I think that after I have some a few trial runs, then the real me will be out for all of the world to see. Luck you! As the saying goes, "Come with me and the best is yet to be."
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June 17, 2019 at 11:21pm
June 17, 2019 at 11:21pm
In less than 24 hours, my house/home/hideaway will be in the hands as theirs. Overbrook Street will see me no more. The place where my wonderful pets lived and died will not take me to it's blossom. I hope their little spirits came up north with me. I loved them all and still think of how we played and grew as a family. I did not have much trouble with them. They probably had more problems from me. I lost my temper at them. I gave them little smacks on the rear end. I later apologized and cried with them.
Taking them the veterinarian to be euthanized broke my heart. Knowing that their faithful heart would beat no more was unacceptable. Why should they have health problems? I know I tried everything. I took them to the vet when necessary. Why did people abandon them? Why did they get cancer? It made no sense. They deserved to live.
So I had each one cremated so I could bring their ashes with me, wherever I went. I had all but about 2 who did not get cremated and come.
I do love my animals. They were and are still my best friends.
Those who came were Shadow, June, Kluter, and Stubby.
Those who were euthanized before were Princess Beauty, Sophie, and Diamond. Each one had about 2 weeks or more but so many people put pressure on me that I felt forced. The pain for each one remains.
Here at Tamarack, the animals are doing very well. Stan had planned and successfully brought each one here to our new home. The first few days made me angry at the limitation of their living area but when things or life became more comfortable, they were allowed in our bedroom.
Stan has been so good with my animals as well as the two that are his. He has a dog named Balto and a cat named Munchie. I know Stan loves animals deeply.
On the way up here we saw many animals that were hit. Armadillos were the most that I saw. We also saw someone hit a beautiful turtle. A couple of raccoons missed making it across the street by a couple of inches. I feel sorry for them all.
The animals that we see the most of are the ducks and geese that swim and live around our pond and home. The geese have 2 babies. Someone told me that before the lovely couple had 5 babies. I have seen the babies go from no real feathers to ready to fly feathers. Dad Geese stands ready to defend his family and run off any intruder. He hisses and gives anyone a look of "Don't even think of touching my children." I respect that.
The last critter that we saw was a green snake. Stan says that they are normal here. It tried to act like a patch of green grass but Stan knew it right off.
Well it is time to leave. Shadow looks like she wants to go to sleep.
As I said it is a special day since I will have let my realtor neighbor buy my home for a very fair price. They are nice and fair so I am happy if they can make money from this transaction. Stan's house will be officially sold on Friday. Oklahoma will be our only home. I wish the best for us all.
June 16, 2019 at 11:18pm
June 16, 2019 at 11:18pm
Today was Father's Day. Stan has a step son via Jill. But Kirk is not a baby any more. In fact he was a grown man when Stan married. Jill. Both were happy with the situation. I do not know about Kirk's feelings. I do know that Stan's family did not like the marriage. Stan and Jill were adults and should be happy if that is what they wanted. And they did.
Marriage is complicated. Stan and Jill did a very good job to stay together for 37 years. They moved around and lived as happy as they made their lives. Stan worked, retired and did animal rehab. Jill was retired so she did her thing such as taking some classes like gardening, stock monitoring, and bing a good wife. The key was this was what each wanted. They took the section of the marriage vows, "for better for worse, in health and in sickness, etc...."
Stan was by Jill's side as she was dying. He honored her requests. He saw her take her last breath. The cried. He did not know that his pain was just beginning. He was alone. He went back to an empty house and slowly removed things that he would not need. He notified Jill's son and other family members. You can guess the rest.
Stan got counciling for about a year. He later told me that he did the thing that he was told not to do, find someone to go out with. ME!
I did not know that he had checked me out via the internet. He knew about my father's death. He knew that I was not some big, bad girl that needed to be dropped.
We walked in malls. To tell the truth, I got tired of some of the walking but we did it anyway.
I do not know when Stan began the hunt for an area to build a house, but I do know that he is a specially incredible planner. He had Kirk send pictures of the property and the building. Everything was going nicely.
And we continued walking in the neighborhood because I like to walk.
One day he told me he was a member of MENSA. You know those smart people who people think are super smart.
I asked, "What do you think of me?" The answer was, "You're ok."
I said, "WHAT!"
He responded, "I mean you are kinda smart."
I can't repeat what followed next but that has bothered me for a long time.
Any way I remember that when I can do something he can't or knows something he doesn't.
MENSA is only a word. Nothing else.
Well I guess that covers the world according to the crazy Dennis couple. We are crazy but are still trying to do the best we can. We want to stay together as man and wife. We want love and respect. And finally, we do want to be together. We really do love each other. In a crazy Judy and Stan sort of way.
June 15, 2019 at 11:12pm
June 15, 2019 at 11:12pm
I do need to review and edit the last few entries from time to time. But I made a mistake and presumed that I cleared my blog. There is much that I have to learn about laptops.
Our day today, Saturday was a low level work day. At least to me it is. Stan is working very hard. I may have mentioned that he wants everything to look beautiful. I don't blamed him. He does not mind spending 30-60 minutes on deweedafication or weeding the yard.
The front yard was so filled with weeds that he spent 2 hours per day at the beginning. I worried that he might get overheated. He said that he was alright. The results is a lovely yard by a determined man who has a fair to good suntan. His response, "It's getting better." And then he continued and I worried. He now has a proud look on his face each time that we go to a car. But he wants it better however he is trying to get most of the weeds before they go to seed. I sometimes try to help by picking up poop for the lawn mowing men. Occasionally I pull a weed and say, "This is one less weed that Stan will have to pull. "
Stan is picking his improvements carefully.
He has hung some beautiful pictures of Jill's relatives from 150 years ago. One is a beautiful portrait of a lady that he bought from an auction. The second portrait is the lady's daughter who Stan bought from a seller. He drove all the way to Louisiana with a friend to pick up. The two women are mother and daughter. I know that when he got both portraits wrapped, moved and hung up that he was so proud. He has surrounded the ladies with some old books to add charm to it. He also bought an old looking light fixture to continue the essence of it all. There is a lot more to be done but it will take time.
The only thing that will not change is the fact that my 22 year old cat Shadow is living here. Stan has been very helpful to see to her comfort.
There may be other pictures added in the next few weeks but there is a priority list on what is important and done.
Well this is a part of here we go again department.
We ate at MacDonalds. Stan was in the mood for a salad. I was happy to eat something that was not half grease and calories. Another man was eating dinner near us. He then began talking about family and the past. He concluded that families are always watching TV instead of talking at meal time. You know, he is right. He talked about various things. He even told us that he got a new cell phone that did not need to be charged as much as the old one.
Stan and I enjoyed the chat. The man seemed to enjoy our part in the conversation. And what I liked was that he did not take our picture. We all just enjoyed a meal with a nice person. Will we see him again? We don't know but this was a good way to end the evening.
Next we tried to walk Balto but Mother Nature had other plans. She started with a light sprinkle. We decided to cut our walk short. We went into the back yard and sat in our patio. Balto ran around and then watched our neighbors children playing next door. I decided to give Stan a musical concert via my cell phone. It began with mostly Judy Collin's' Amazing Grace, Bette Midlers' Wind Beneath My Wings, other vocalists and music. I think that we both enjoyed the time and entertainment.
This kind of day is one that I never expected. I want Stan to be happy. I see it in his eyes sometime. He has worked so hard and done so much for me and my little critters. I want to show him that I love him. We may be different in character but work together as one. When we accomplish things together, I feel good.
What's next. Don't know until tomorrow brings us the surprises it is hiding.

June 13, 2019 at 11:23pm
June 13, 2019 at 11:23pm
There are a lot of things that I want to talk about. But yesterday I thought that the weather would be a good topic. Every place has a couple of days that the sun is shining, and the air is low in humidity. I have talked a lot about weather with my meteorologist brother. We were both science teachers of different student populations, but science teachers never the less.
The day we left, Stan and I and our family of 5 cats and 1 dog), there was a promise of thunder storms I was hoping that Stan would postpone the trip for one more day but NOOOO, he got us in the cars, when we finally had Shadow, and drove up Beltway 8 for the last time. Then a few drops fell. Then a few more. And then it all stopped We kept driving. The sky seemed about the same, a moderately gray sky with clouds that could fall at any time. We kept driving and driving. Kluter was meowing so hard even though we had given him a sedative to calm him. I thought that when he started to hyperventilate , he might have a heart attack, but slowly he calmed down. He began his "I want to go home" song when we hit a bump or after a break for coffee or food. I must admit, he did a great job in hanging in there.
Another problem could have been the dog, Balto. He wa given a chewing leather strip and laid down in the back of Stan's car. Again he was very good in the time he was in the car. We had many breaks but he did what I considered great behavior that you might expect a pet that we had for years. Stan even admitted that Balto seemed to enjoy the trip.Why not. About a month ago he was a stray with no hope of a home. No-one wanted him. He was very hungry one year old husky. And most of all, he loved Stan. These two were happy to be together.
But I did promise something about the weather. Yes it did rain. But there was nothing that we saw that showed us that we needed to stop. There was a different story in Broken Arrow. Before the month was ended, May 12th, we had a tornado warning. Sirens sounded. Stan told me to get out of bed and hurry to the Family Safe Room. Inside its, there were chairs and other junk that made Stan mad. These shelters were for people only. We were going to try to put 5 adults people in a room that was barely safer than a clothes fitting room.
I was left standing there while Stan called for the other family members. Three more came but the youngest wanted to stay in a bathroom with his dog. We did not have any orher animal with us. There was not enough room for any animal or carrier. Bear in mind that we had a lot of rain that day;. There were thunderstorms. The newsmen were telling, almost begging the people to go to their safe spot. Storm chasers in cars were describing the shape of the clouds and the eventual tornado that thy saw. This went on for hours. Our power went off for a couple of seconds and as planned, our backup generator went on. (God bless Stan for including this in his building plans.)
I guess that I am giving mixed up data because this was the second time we had warning for a tornado.The first time we did not go into it. The second time we did. It was during this second time that the house was shaking so much that we could feel it. Then someone said that the tornado was about a mile away from us.The weather men did a wonderful job in telling us the expected direction the clouds and tornado was going. There were about 6-8 tornadoes that night. I managed to get little sleep after use left the Family Safe room. Stan stayed up a lot. Later the next day the news showed damages and more weather reports. They earned their paychecks that day.
When I told my brother about this, he replied, "Gee, you have all the fun!" Yea! Right! But each time after that if there is a report of bad weather, I get a call from any one of my three brothers. Now they worry about me.
There is more I'd like to say, but since this is a blog, I'll just go with the flow. It's late and I need to get ready for tomorrow. Yes tomorrow is another day.
June 13, 2019 at 11:17pm
June 13, 2019 at 11:17pm
I just lost a night's work on my weather experience. I'll do it tomorrow. Darn, stupid computer. Yuck!!!!!!!!
June 12, 2019 at 11:41pm
June 12, 2019 at 11:41pm
I am going to try to write events to be made into something bigger. I wish that I had started earlier but my writing conscience did not push hard enough until today.
Here I am in what has been designated as Shadow's room. It was not what I had imagined. I was told that it would have a nice window for her to look out. Half true. There is a window but she cannot see what happens except for about one to one and a half foot to the street. It is almost nothing unless someone or something was standing directly in front of the window. I am not happy with that. She does sleep a lot but that is because her life is boring. So I try to make it up to her by bringing her to our bedroom for 30-60 minuets. I sit with her for an hour at the end of the day for company. I also leave on a TV set.
Now Shadow is my oldest cat. She is about 22 years old by my calculations. She is tuxedo colored. But most importantly she was the sister to Mikie my one and only boy who had seizures. That is another story for later.
Stan my husband bought some large carriers for all of the animals. He planned meticulously to put cats in carriers and placed in our cars comfortably. Our dog, Balto was in the back, but not win a carrier. Shadow had to ride with Kluter and June on a 10 hour trip. Somehow Stan did not zip or close her carrier carefully and our little old lady, escaped the carrier and out of the car. When I went over to Stan's house at about 5:30 AM, I asked for a final minute check on the 'kids' and Shadow was not in her carrier.
We panicked! We removed the extra items such as extra pet food, that we had packed and saw no Shadow.
Stan insisted that she was under something.
I refused to believe it and insisted to go back to my house. Thank God I had put the garage door down.
When I drove in and closed the door carefully Shadow was trying to find the kitchen door to run through and go back home.
This would have meant that she would be alone for a week without food and water. In all sense of the word, she would die if no one would feed her or give her the medicines that she needed.
But God was on her side this time. I saw movement to my right and turned off my motor to not scare her further. I carefully and quietly picked her up and gave her the most loving hug in her life. I put her in the carrier and returned to Stan's house.
Stan has been embarrassed about this to this very day. He checked the back of the carrier and discovered that he did not close it properly. With Shadow properly secured as well as a second check on the other animal's carriers, then we left for our trip to our new and final home, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.
That was then, so forward 6 weeks to today.
Stan and I took some time out to look at the home of his dream. It is becoming a home of dreams for me too. Stan has that look on his face of success. He has earned that look. He worked hard for many years, been in the Air Force over seas, and took care of a nice wife fo about 4-5 of their 37 married years. She is his wife 1.0. I am wife 2.0. It is a joke and does not bother me a bit. I know that she was and always be very special to him.
The maintenance people were mowing the area around a small lake or large pond, depending on what you want to call it. All at once, Stan gasped. Then he pointed to the man mowing near the edge and I saw the lawnmower almost go into the water. The man was going to die if he could not get off quickly!
I started high whistling to get anyone's attention. Stan began to shout. He opened and closed the gate quickly to keep the dogs in the yard. Another man who was on a mower rode by and just shook his head that he knew. He did not run over to help the other man. But we did see that the other man was off the mower that had it's wheels at the waterline. Another man had walked over to the coworker. We saw that the man was in no more danger and left to get some lunch. This was an event that we would remember for a long time.
So life is not always dull. I would like to talk about the lovely weather (ha-ha) and other things here. Oklahoma is really OK!
June 11, 2019 at 10:07pm
June 11, 2019 at 10:07pm
Here I am. Yes look! Look! Inside the computer. Thinking what I want to say.
I am married. But I think I was the last time.
We have moved to Oklahoma. And I will NEVER do that trip again. (unless I am unconscious or tied up.)
I have lived in my new home for almost 6 weeks. I've met my husband's side of the family and they certainly know me. I try not to act bossy because I still need to learn more of the others. We now have 5 cats, and 2 dogs. Casina is a great little friend for Balto. They play a little rough but each one loves the games and wrestling they do. I even think that they are in love. Casina seems upset when I take Balto for a walk but she does not have a collar or tags. To let her go free would be a disaster.
My cats are doing okay. They are also getting used to Balto. (a one year old Husky who is still chewing up things and making a mess.) Balto has even more toys than I had as a child. He lets Casina chew the stuffing out of the toy which means that it must be disposed of via garbage can, and replaced.
I am enjoying the lovely nights here in Broken Arrow. I see many beautiful sunsets here. I have sent some texts with pictures to my brother the meteorologist who is impressed.
Most of the mornings are delightfully cool. When I check my weather app, Houston is usually in the 70s while we are in the high 50s or mid 60s. I even get bothered when the high for the day is the 80s. Houston is in the 90s. So why am I complaining. I'm not.
Since I have arrived we have had one 4.5 earthquake on 5/12 and one big tornado scare 5/14. We had to go to the Family Safe room. We stayed for about 30 minutes but for four adult people in a standing room only, was a bit much. I now am sure that I am claustrophobia. BIG TIME! Oh did I mention that it was 12:30 Am?
Recently I was driven through Tulsa by my husband who identified important parts that involved his childhood and those of other family members. Quite a nice town.
I could say more but I'll try to make a Blog/Journal. I would like to turn this into a story but let's see how this works out first. I need to keep my writing skills active. This is a good way and I'm sure there is going to be a lot more that will be happening. I just hope that it is not more tornado business. Head for the Family Safe Room.
November 9, 2018 at 4:43pm
November 9, 2018 at 4:43pm
I look at the blog link time line and see that it has been four years since my last entry.
No I have not been living under a bridge.
No I have not been without a computer.
No I have not been in a coma. And....
Not I was not abducted by aliens.

I just did not care to write. My life has been full. It has been active and is has been good and bad.
Bad first.
I have lost some of the most wonderful animals I have ever had. Dorianne has been recognized. I still feel her loss. But next was Princess Beauty. She was my heart. My angel. My little girl. She was sick. I cannot go into the description of her problems but I felt that she was taken away too early. I will never forget the surprised look on her face as the final chemicals flowed through the needle into her body to stop her heart. I felt that I had betrayed her. I knew that she did not want to go.
Next were the dogs Sophie and Diamond. Sophie had arthritis but again I felt that she had more time.
Diamond was more serious. He had a tumor in his brain. This wonderful, brave and friendly little hero had too many seizures. I feel that the combination of Tramadol the arthritis med and the anti seizure med reduced his threshold for seizures. He was lost, in my opinion by a bad decision by the vet. She had been warned not to use these two meds together by the emergency room veterinarian dismissal summary. Diamond paid the price. My husband and I loved that boy so much.
Good next
I got married to a wonderful man. He does many things to bring me joy. His sense of humor is almost like mine. He is intelligent and kind. That combination is hard to find. We have been married almost two years and I still appreciate his patience with me in my times of hyperventilating over a black bag work and other things that any newlywed wife needs to learn. Learning to be married is hard. Learning to think for two instead of one is hard also.
Next, we are moving to another state. My parents are gone, my brothers are married themselves and my house is falling apart. In the new state, a new home is awaiting. I am very grateful for a new beginning.
So I think I have updated me and my super life. It is good. I am thankful for what I now have. I want to write more and help others. I will try to give my life purpose by praying and paying back to others to show my appreciation for what I have been blessed with. God is really good. He is taking me, or us to somewhere we can be his little helpers. I hope we can always remember that he was good to us first.
Thank you God!
January 12, 2015 at 3:28pm
January 12, 2015 at 3:28pm
Hello on a cold Monday morning down South. No we do not have to dig out of the snow, but the streets are still wet from the drizzle of the last 24 hours.
New Year's Day has passed. I made no resolutions that could test my will power or determination. Losing weight might be nice, but I think I already know what to do.
Do more reading and writing is not a drag, but a pleasure. I will do that.
Think more positive thoughts is really an ongoing job.
I guess I will just try to take care of good ole me. And why not! I think that this can be the best of my years. Unless I happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, (knock on wood-tap tap), I am going to be working and living.
I will do my best if not better for my pets. I only have 5 cats and 2 dogs. About 50% of them is over 6 years old.
Finally, I will try to thank God more by going to church more. I am too tired is really a sorry excuse.
So there! I did it! Maybe I'll have something more exciting to talk about next time. But don't hold your breath!
Be good everyone!!!!
July 4, 2014 at 2:49pm
July 4, 2014 at 2:49pm
Here I am on the Fourth of July. Happy Independence Day Y'all. I do hope that our Founding Fathers are not looking down on us right now since I think they would be disappointed. Their famous declaration has been reinterpreted in a way that might make them swoon. Our freedoms are not what I really think they should be. We have people/visitors ? who might make a sad/bad difference to the way we run this country.
Politicians are bought. They have no great integrity.
There is a lot of violence that takes too many innocent lives.
Finally, our children show no respect for the flag, country or anything that we try to teach them in schools. Let freedom ring has been replaced to let the school bell ring to let us get out of here to party. (tears drop!)

I am a person who has seen some atrocious things that make me afraid of the future. Nothing is perfect I realize but please, people, use some common sense!!! Selfishness is at an all-time high. "It was not me," is a horrible excuse. I cannot say anything for fear of offending someone, freedom of speech seems to be gone. I can go on and on but you know what I mean.

So if I had a cake with candles for our country, either one candle for each state or one candle for each year of our existence, the wish would be, "God bless America." We need all the help we can get!

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