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Rated: E · Book · Animal · #1209690
This is my first attempt to be a blogger. I hope to type a few items that you will enjoy.
I do not know where to begin with this description. The time period is from 0 to now. Please don't ask how long that is. I am sure with certain clues, you will be able to figure that out.
I am writing this on my favorite old computer at home. I have a computer room that doubles as a retreat for a few of my pets when they want to be alone.
I will cover mostly current thoughts. I hope to add some pictures as I have seen in a blog. I think that to do this sharing will take a lot of work, but the pictures I have seen are well worth it.
Occasionally, I might review a flashback in mylife. I have times when I just roll that special even around in my mind until it has every possible facet examined. Usually this time is to try to figure out a "what if" scenario.
If some of my items have no zest to it feel free to say so. I think that after I have some a few trial runs, then the real me will be out for all of the world to see. Luck you! As the saying goes, "Come with me and the best is yet to be."
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July 23, 2019 at 11:19pm
July 23, 2019 at 11:19pm
We all are going to die. Right? I mean I have heard of 114 year old people, mostly in Japan, but they did it. Bless their old and sweet hearts.
My brother told the family about his cancer from being exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam many years ago.He sought advice from some pretty top quality oncologists in Houston. He believed that they could extend his life for several years. I do hope that this is true.
My brother is now a born again Christian with his wife. She is a character. She works in and out of Houston in trial cases. Yes, she is another lawyer. But recently she had a terrible accident and cut a tendon. She needed surgery and now must go through physical therapy. That must be done or lose the use of that part of her arm/hand.
Today Fred called me with news and sounded terrible.He seemed to be trying to hold back tears or a complete breakdown. But he could not tell me what the problem was. He promised to call me later. Later is now an ambiguous word.
I know that Fred share information with David our younger brother before I am told. Gee, I am just a weak little woman who can't handle important information. I am the weaker sex. I probably wouldn't understand.
I could go on a tirade to explain how I lived 60 some odd years by myself and quite well I might add. I took care of our mother while they had their pleasant lives. I survived!
So why does Fred explain to David that his health is about the same? He was going to church for a children's program?
I have been worrying for almost 10 hours. Stan was urging me to get ready and pack to go to Houston to help Fred. Stan got 2 suitcases out of storage.
I told Diane about my sick brother. I was not trying to milk anyone for sympathy since I like all the people in our house.
No call. Nothing!
I will be calling FBC tomorrow to get news. I want the truth. I want to know why I was not called with an update ASAP.
I do hope that everyone is doing OK. I just need information to put my worrying in perspective.
I do worry, because I care. Is that a crime?
Let's just say that I hope Fred is well but a small cup of concern would not hurt.
Thank you for listening. It may be a bad sleeping night. We'll see.
July 22, 2019 at 11:13pm
July 22, 2019 at 11:13pm
Today we got some relief from this unbelievable heat. (Sweat-sweat!). Early this morning there was an intense thunderstorm that brought rain and some welcome cool air. We were below 90 degrees for the first time in about two weeks. We will enjoy the same low temperature pleasure for three more days. And that means that the evening walks will be earlier and nicer.
Stan, Balto and I took a walk around the pond. Balto is strong and pulled Stan. Stan ventured that Balto was in a hurry to be with Casina. She is Balto's good friend.
At the beginning of the second time around, we saw 8 beautiful, adult geese fly over the houses and beautifully glide and land on the water. What a breath taking sight! They swam around and finally went to an area with 6 other ducks. I thought that there might be a problem such as one group running the other away, but thankfully this did not happen.
A little boy that Stan estimated to be around 3 give the ducks some food. What it was, I do not know. The boy's parents showed him how to toss the food to the ducks. Then they walked away and Stan and I were by ourselves.
Stan seemed tired. He also seemed just sitting there. I do not know what he was thinking of or if he was trying to bring back any memory, but he seemed ready to go back to our house. We went to a floating gazebo but I needed help to walk to it. Recently my balance is not what it used to be. I will not take any risky chances. I am afraid of falling so Stan give me his hand for the steps and I made it to the gazebo part. This was nice but then the moving water gave me the feeling of moving. I had to tell myself that we were secured by a cable. I soon asked to go to the house.
Inside the house is when Stan relaxed and showed that he was tired. I am guessing that when Stan gets up at 4:00 he is sleepier earlier. He says that he wants me to go to bed when he does but I am not tired. The dilemma is that I must find a way to get sleep but make Stan happy. We will see what we can work out.
I think that our PM naps are something of the future.
So we are at the end of July, almost. The temperature will be very hot for a little bit longer. We have a lot of cleaning, unpacking and living to do.
I just hope that our fun and living time is a good....no great one.
Live long and prosper-y'all!
July 20, 2019 at 11:34pm
July 20, 2019 at 11:34pm
I really feel sorry for Shadow. She is my senior cat who almost did not make it. She got out of her carrier and out of my car on that May 1st morning.
I am grateful to God for making me go back home on Overbrook to find her. No doubt. She would have died. Thank you God!
She now is in a room by herself. She has NO decent window to look out of. She must try to entertain herself. And last stay away from two dogs who would like to eat her food and get to know her better.
Shadow is Mikie's sister. I feel deeply responsible for her well being. I hope I can do well.
She has spirit. She has the ability to do things right now. Even though I think that she has arthritis.
She used to find a way to get on my roof in Houston.She would jump off this roof and come to me for her food.
She was a hunter of squirrels, birds, and rats. She was amazing.
When Stan tried to pick her up one time, she bit him.
She also did not want to come in during a rain storm. Only because the rain was loud, was I able to sneak up on her and grab her.
How she managed the 20+ years, I'll never know but I think that she gives me more comfort than I do her.
Long live my precious Shadow. You have shown me that you survive because you want to.
I'll try my best to get medicine for your kidneys, and arthritis. I owe you that much.
I love you. God bless you!
July 19, 2019 at 11:10pm
July 19, 2019 at 11:10pm
If you want to get ready for bed, go ahead. This blog is something that I am losing focus on some times.
I would like to lose weight. I have felt the waist area on panties and clothes getting tighter. I am thinking that my wardrobe will. be stretched to the limit in a few months if I don't find a way to tell those unwanted pounds bye-bye.
Ok. Ok. I eat chocolate chip cookies.
Stan and I have been at Braums fast food place more than once this month. Those 2 scoop hot fudge sundaes are impossible to resist. It is almost like a terrible addiction for us. I see many women walk in that are so big that I swear, "Not me, ever!" and then I go home to weigh myself. (Sound the dreaded music) Those scales must be off. Check them please.
Yes I sneak a cookie at times. But I walk Balto 2 miles in the mornings. I go with Stan at night.
And then I look at Stan when he dresses for bed. Those cute little legs. His nice little tush. His strongman's power of no breakfast resistance. I can't go anywhere without breakfast.
So what's the answer?
Say NO! to hot fudge sundaes. NO! NO! NO!
Someone help me.....please!!!
Hot fudge sundaes are the enemy. They are evil. They taste bad. You will be sorry. Say NO!
Oh. Who am I kidding. I want one right now at 10:06 PM. I'll hide and eat if if I could.
I guess I'll get a size 18 pants tomorrow. Maybe that will embarrass me emough.
Maybe there is a prayer for fat people in church. Naw.
I guess I'll see what happens tomorrow.
As Scarlette O'Hara said in GWTW, "Tomorrow is another day!"
Cue GWTW music,. Fade out.
Go to the refrigerator and eat.
Sweet dreams.
July 17, 2019 at 11:09pm
July 17, 2019 at 11:09pm
How many times have I used the name, BALTO? Quite a few. And it seems that I will write once again about a dog who appeared in our lives in February of 2019.
That one year old dog, or I mean husky is always getting attention from everyone. Lucky dog. And Stan couldn't be prouder of that dog. Fate was on his side that February day.
Today we met a mother and her son who wanted to adopt a dog, more specifically a husky.
Stan and I were on a short walk around the pond because Stan was tired. The pair said that they saw me walking Balto a few times. They just had to take the opportunity to ask questions like: "Is he hard to handle?", "Do you like him?", "Does he shed a lot of hair?" and a few others.
The young boy was short for his age in my opinion. He did seem very intelligent. Both he and his mother had done some research. They had another dog at home. This dog was basically his older sister's dog. And the boy seemed willing to do all of the chores and responsibilities to get his dog, a husky.
The pair lived with other members of the family in the neighborhood, so we felt that they had enough money. Our continued concern was if they got a dog like Balto, then could the young boy handle him? I would hate for the boy to be disappointed.
So Balto did his magic by letting the boy pet him. He smiled at the boy. And he sat for the boy on command. Balto was simply adorable.
We also mentioned the things that he chewed up. The mother smiled but I am not sure that she would be happy to come home to find something chewed up. I know each time we come home, we cringe as we open the bedroom door. Today it was my pink note pads. And the other people in our house have been Balto-ized when it comes to food. He has eaten from every person and animals' dish. He likes everything. And has come close to eating something dangerous.
So that is the long and short of---drum roll---BALTO. He has touched our lives and we still love him.
July 16, 2019 at 11:20pm
July 16, 2019 at 11:20pm
Life just got a little more interesting. We have met a young lady who. is a good friend or former wife of Janos. To remain friendly with an ex is commendable. She has a nice smile. She has a lot of energy. She probably does her own thing. Good for her.
Our house is already pushed to the limit with 5 people and their things Not to complain, but one more might be excessive. We also have plenty of cats, and dogs. So I am just setting you up for any changes that might happen. I do hope that they are all for the best.
Today I walked Balto my usual route. We usually pass home owners and their dogs. One lady has a large retriever looking dog and one tiny sheltie(?) dog.
Balto goes nuts when he sees them. And today was no exception. He pulled hard. He wanted to get at that little dog. I tried to guide him to an empty lot. Well let's just say that my powers of balance did not work as well as I had hoped. I landed on my right side of my body and could not get up.
The lady wanted got help me but she had her two dogs to control. Poor me. I had to push Balto off of me twice. I called Stan on my watch and waited. He came running to me and helped me to my feet.
I decided to continue on my 2 mile walk and did. I felt that walking or to continue moving was better than going home to start feeling stiffness come in. I got home and took that always feels good shower. But move around more? No way. The body commanded me to stop and rest. I had to and did. AS the day progressed, I felt more stiffness and pain come on. Life is going to be a little bit painful for the next week. Waaaaa!
Balto is so strong. He also wastes no time in letting other dogs, little ones in particular, that he wants them out of his way and chewed up. By him. Otherwise he is a good dog. He also likes to play. But his stubbornness has not changed one bit. I just hope his attitude does not get him into more trouble.
Well my writing is turning into slush now, so I'll quit while I am vertical. Bed time is approaching. Eyelids are getting heavy. The cats are waiting for their 4th meal or snack. Cats usually rule.
Sweet dreams.
July 15, 2019 at 11:08pm
July 15, 2019 at 11:08pm
I am sitting in a room with a lot of history represented. There are two portraits of a child and one of a lady sitting down. The lady happens to be the child's mother. They are both from the 1800's. Also hanging is a picture of 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' that was taken from a newspaper article that is at least 150 years old. Unhung are 2-3 portraits or paintings that Stan has bought and saved. History. There is so much history here. I 'm impressed with what people did with very little technological help. People did amazing things. This room, when finished will really be a classic. I hope that Stan will enjoy it.
Now this room houses a cat that I brought from Houston, Her name is Shadow. She is the sister of Mikie who was euthanized about 8-9 years ago. He had seizures. I still miss him. But I am proud of Shadow and her perseverance. She has a little space. Her room is dark unless I turn up the intensity of her light. I would like to see her have more. But for now, she will enjoy my time and tender loving care.
She is hungry.
Gotta go.
July 14, 2019 at 11:48pm
July 14, 2019 at 11:48pm
Sunday night. It is the evening after Hurricane Barry made landfall. Many people are still out of power. I hope that they get it back soon. I hope that the flood waters recede quickly. I also hope that business can return to normal as soon as possible.

But getting my head on straight. Tonight, Stan and I went to W--------r for dinner. When we arrived, there was a car parked near the entrance with a boy(?), a baby in a car seat and possibly a dog in a car with the motor running.
We ate our dinner plus treat, Stan a chocolate malt and me a chocolate shake. Um those are great and I bet responsible for the weight gain. Insert sad face.
We had eaten most of our dinner when the car was still there. The young boy was fidgeting around in his back seat. He picked up a baby that could not be more than 3 months old. It was about 20-25 minutes after we had arrived.
Stan and I discussed if I should report this to the manager. Stan said, "No." I felt uneasy, which I called my retired teacher's sixth sense that something was not right. Stan offered the suggestion that someone was a little late getting off work. I was realll furious that he thought that. I still wanted to report this to the manager or police.
Finally, Stan gave in and I talked to the manager who explained that another person was late and they did not want to let the worker go until the late person had arrived. I personally should have chewed the manager out but let it go.
This is for every human being on earth. A baby should NOT, repeat NOT be in a car late in the afternoon. I do NOT care if there was air conditioner on but this made me so angry.
The worker left about 7-10 minutes later. I wanted to report this to W--------r but the worker might get fired. She probably really needed the job. But I stand by my feelings of what was right. I do hope that I do not see that again because I will not discuss my feelings, just go and protest, vent or disagreement of a situation as far as a baby is concerned.
Life to me is precious.
July 13, 2019 at 11:40pm
July 13, 2019 at 11:40pm
What can I say. I have a wonderful husband. He may just have saved my life from a terrible car accident.
It seems that we received a notice for a recall to repair something in the steering wheel. He went and left the car to be fixed. It might 4 hours. But after 2 hours he got a call stating that it was fixed. (as a repair man reported)
When he checked the receipt, he saw that it was reported that the part(s) were not available. They might not be available until mid-August. Did his blood pressure hit the roof. He told the man on the phone how angry he was. The man deserved it. The whole company deserved it. We will be careful how we used our cars.I am guessing that our 2019 will be used for simple, short trips.
We are also thankful that we are in Oklahoma instead of Texas now. Tropical storm-hurricane Barry-tropical storm is going through Louisiana. They are preparing for the worst. And they should be because other similar storms, have caused enough flooding to ruin a house and a bank account. There are other dangerous possibilities that could happen. No electricity. Flooded car. Snakes or ants. Insurance won't pay. Other illnesses. Drowning. All of these and more are fears that run through my mind.
Last year when we lived in Houston, we were blesses with the fact that our part of the subdivision did not flood. The northern part flooded so bad that the people could not live in their houses. These were the snooty-footy people. But to make fun of a p[ersojn when he was down is really not right.
The only funny thing is when Dr. While, a veterinarian's giant turtle was at a relative's house and did not like it. He decided to go home but was found on a freeway near Katy. The news media picked up the pictures and we all had a cute laugh. No one could run over this turtle because it was like a Galapagos
turtle. Most drivers would use good sense and drive around it.
Anyway we wish all of those in the path of the storm good luck, just a little rain and no power outage.

With this funny anecdote I bid you good night and sweet dreams.
July 12, 2019 at 11:24pm
July 12, 2019 at 11:24pm
What kind of day was this? Well, mixed.
There was good news and bad news.
I finally got my hair cut. Do I like it? I wish I had more cut but it is okay. Stan looked better with his hair cut than I did. But I will wash and dry my hair tomorrow.
What do I want to look like. I want to look nice and not 70. But that sad truth will not change.
I need more sleep. I also need to lose weight. I also need newer clothes. But I do not want to spend a fortune. And some of these styles are not to my liking. It seems that thorn jeans are still in. My shirts are not. I do not have all of my clothes gone through for tears and size.Yuck!

Today we were updated about Tropical Storm Barry which is expected to become a full hurricane tomorrow.
Oh last year we were in Houston when a storm flooded most of our area. Our houses were spared. Most of the north part of our subdivision, was flooded. The Corp of Engineers messed up something and more water came through. I do feel for the people of Louisiana. This Barry looks like a bad boy. If some people did not evacuate then some people might be flooded in to their homes and have no electricity for comfort. Good luck Louisiana.

It looks like I need to get ready for bed. Stan needs to get up early to take the 2019 car in to be checked by the dealer.
Sleep tight!

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