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Rated: E · Book · Animal · #1209690
This is my first attempt to be a blogger. I hope to type a few items that you will enjoy.
I do not know where to begin with this description. The time period is from 0 to now. Please don't ask how long that is. I am sure with certain clues, you will be able to figure that out.
I am writing this on my favorite old computer at home. I have a computer room that doubles as a retreat for a few of my pets when they want to be alone.
I will cover mostly current thoughts. I hope to add some pictures as I have seen in a blog. I think that to do this sharing will take a lot of work, but the pictures I have seen are well worth it.
Occasionally, I might review a flashback in mylife. I have times when I just roll that special even around in my mind until it has every possible facet examined. Usually this time is to try to figure out a "what if" scenario.
If some of my items have no zest to it feel free to say so. I think that after I have some a few trial runs, then the real me will be out for all of the world to see. Luck you! As the saying goes, "Come with me and the best is yet to be."
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June 29, 2019 at 11:28pm
June 29, 2019 at 11:28pm
Well the temperature is getting hotter and hotter. I see that the 90s may be a little tough for me. There were no clouds in the sky. There was hardly any breeze in the morning 2 mile walk with Balto. I was sweaty and tired when I got home. I am enjoying the shower that we have. The hot water is so hot that one could get burned if they did not know it. After that I would be putting on clean clothes. We are next to the washing and drying machine so we could wash and dry clothes and have them ready in about an hour.
Balto is shedding so much hair that a gentle combing will still leave hair all over the place. Stan vacuumed but later in our room, we had more husky hair on our carpet. This dog is going to require more work as time passes.
Plus he needs something to chew and keep his mouth busy. This dog has gotten into many things. His little friend, Cosina took Balto's collar off and started chewing it. Some of the clasp, that was made of plastic, stayed in her mouth. I had to call Stan to help me remove that dangerous part, because if she swallowed it, the effects on her stomach and/or intestine would require surgery. Poor baby. We do not want to have that happen.
So David called and said that he and his wife, Laurel might be here on July the 3rd or 4th. They went to North Dakota to a family reunion for Laurel's side. That is a lot of driving. More than I would like too do. They also stopped by another place to see our sousing Billy in his retirement place. It sounds pretty nice. Unfortunately, Billy has been divorced for a long time so he is by himself. He must be lonely. I wish him well.
I am watching an Astros game in the room with Shadow. I don't get to see many so I hope that they do well. It is nice to have TVs in a few rooms. It makes some things like this blog a little easier.
Shadow is hungry so it is time to feed her.
Must go.
Sunday tomorrow is church and relaxing.
Till tomorrow.
June 28, 2019 at 11:43pm
June 28, 2019 at 11:43pm
I was going to write about something funny on our way home from a hazardous material place. Key words: home, navigator, Piping Rock., but something just came up-> life!
I have been married about 2 1/2 years. I think that I have changed to be a good, respectful wife. But in that change I am one of those boring, servile woman. I have held my tongue because I think that my husband may be showing the beginning signs of Alzheimers. Sundowning is the first one.
We don't argue about intelligence but many times I feel that he uses it to put down on things I say or do. He is saying that I am too sensitive. I can only take so much. I point out that I have survived for 65-66 years living by myself and taking care of my animals quite nicely.
Stan is a caring person. He responds that he is only trying to take care of me. Thank you Stan. I want to do things for you as much as you want to do for me. WE ARE A TEAM. THERE IS NO I IN TEAM!
Now he has started drinking. He thinks that I do not know that he is putting liquor in his coke. He drinks a couple of beers a day. He does not eat much and I think he has not taken his medicine for at least 4-5 months. What is one to do? He feels that he is always right. WRONG!
I took a vow on the Battleship Texas for better or for worse. I meant to do my darnedest to keep that vow. I just want to be more of myself.
So the big man up there has been very good to me. I have things that I have never dreamed of. I just want Stan to take his medicine. Use the CPAP. Walk/exercise and listen to me sometimes.
I plan to be there for him. And that time is coming. I have health problems that will not be ignored. I try to take my meds. I also need a little time to think. That's all. Can we do that? Don't know. we are the captain of our own ships. This means sink or float. The choice is ours.
Take care Stan.
Sweet dreams to all.
June 27, 2019 at 11:44pm
June 27, 2019 at 11:44pm
Why? Why? Why?
I asked this of myself all of the time when I was younger. Why? did I not date? Why did I need those ugly glasses? Why was I pudgy? and most of all, Why did nobody like me?
I was I think I was a normal little girl. When I grew up some of the questions were a little different but some stayed the same.
The most important thing was "Why did bad things have to happen? Yes I go to church. And yes I heard of Job. Things were not fair! Did you hear me Lord?! Why do precious little babies die? Why did this person have an accident that left them paralyzed? and Why did all of the other girls get married and I am here in my bed, alone, crying and...well you know?
Well here I am. My dream has come true and I have a beautiful place to live in. My husband is a hard working man who is slowing down, but guess what...so am I.
Now our house has Stan's step son and his lovely wife. Plus one of their of two sons. Today a sad work related thing happened and I just cannot figure it out. NOT FAIR! So I was reminded by DK that into God's hands all things must be left, for him to show his love. Close one door and open another.
I guess it is the trust and love that we fail to a remember when we are in God's house. He does love us and will show us at his own time. Some things are not what we expect but, there will be something.
I am not God. I do not have his power. I must have faith that something very good will happen and I will see it.
God bless the family here and those in Houston.Please. I did get my life changed for the better. Now I want to wish the same for all of the others here.
I hope God reads emails. He has a good computer. I hope.
Good night.
June 26, 2019 at 10:49pm
June 26, 2019 at 10:49pm
Today turned out to be housecleaning day. Oh did we work. It was vacuuming and washing for a couple of hours. I do need to say that Stan did the most of the work. He made our room look terrific again. And we got so much of Balto's hair cleaned up that we could see that Balto was in need of a good combing.
But with all of this work, Stan used up a lot of energy.
We also went to the storage place to put stuff too good to throw away now. Some of the pillows and bedding can and probably will be used when the time comes.
Our major concern was about a little spot of urine behind our recliners. I think that Kluter is trying to send a message to Munchie that he wants to be or is the boss of our part of the house. Stan was nice in mentioning that he has seen this before and that for now, Kluter is in no euthanization danger. Kluter is getting a full exam the next time that he must go to the doctor.
I went through some boxes that had some interpreter's signing books and writing skills books. I know that we have a lot of books and hope to get most of them placed in our bookcases. We certainly do have a lot more to unpack from their boxes.
Finally Stan took time to put his nice case on his new phone. I am so happy that he got something for himself. He has earned it. He is proud of the capabilities that the phone has. However yesterday when he went to pick up his phone in the Apple store, he thought that it had not been turned on. We went to the Verizon store, the worker gave us the info on what to do and golly, the phone worked like a charm.
Next Stan wanted to put his phone and watch in sync. He had this done in no time.
So today's delivery of the case, made Stan so happy which makes me happy as well. Stan is all heart. He works hard and cares intently. I have received nothing but love, so I think that this man I married, is one of a kind that makes my world better and brighter. (tear time)
So I went from cleaning the room, to a phone case delivery. How about that!
June 24, 2019 at 11:40pm
June 24, 2019 at 11:40pm
I have gone on walks in the early morning with Balto. I used to take just a few streets around the neighborhood. Yes I have met some very nice people. Some of them have been in Oklahoma for most of their lives. They are retired and have found a little piece of heaven to live for the rest of their lives. This is just like Stan. I can see it in his eyes.
We sat in the patio on a Sunday evening after walking Balto. ( This dog keeps getting into my blogs. Wonder why!) We just sat there seeing the sun go down. Occasionally the dogs, Casina was there for a few minutes. They romped around Then they would start pulling bark or limbs of a young tree that will soon be replaced.
Anyway Stan and I sat outside looking at the pond, ducks and geese. What a magnificent sight. This was worth a poem that could do it justice. Too bad my poetic skills have deteriorated a little. I pulled out my cell phone and played some gentle types of songs. Judy Collins, Amazing Grace, Paul Mauriat's Love is Blue and others. Celtic Women, Frank Mills, etc.... It was a special moment that let Stan sit there and relax to the point that you could tell that he was pleased.
I looked in his eyes and he was analyzing the whole scenario of home, life and himself. I was very happy to see him relax. He deserved it.
We talked a little bit. Then we went inside to our room. We had closed the door to the peace and tranquility that he had dreamed for and paid good money to make come true.
There are not too many moments like this. Usually, we are talking about some problem or just getting ready to clean litter boxes and get the bags of garbage ready to be taken out.
Stan had not been born into the rich life. And to tell the truth, neither had I been born with a rich family. We both had siblings. Our parents made sure that we got. a very good education. That is what I call our rich life. Knowledge. Our parents did whatever they could to make sure that we worked hard in school so we could go to college. Stan had an extra bonus. He had been identified as a gifted or MENSA type young man. He was proud of that fact.
Me. Well I'm just 'OK." (Stan's own words.) You say that to my face and I will show you 'OK.' I value education and what I know. If I had school to do over, I hope that I would have worked even harder. Such as it is. I was never tested with those MENSA tests so I do not know if I am smart or not. Who cares what those IQ tests say. Some people think that the tests are not a good indicator of intelligence.
Well that is enough for tonight. I have some Hg to relocate and tomorrow is only 90 minutes away. I went off topic but maybe ramblings should be the title of my book. If I ever write one.
Love to all!
Good night!
June 22, 2019 at 11:09pm
June 22, 2019 at 11:09pm
I see that I am learning where stores are. Added to this when we have T-storm warnings, I think I know cities and counties that under a warning. And wow, do the weather centers stay busy.
Today started Ok, and got progressively hotter. I walked the dog and started my shower. In the middle, I heard voices. MEN! It was a.good thing that I locked the door. The electrician was not due to install a fan until 11:00. But he was here early. Stan tried to call me but as I explained, I to not take my cell phone into the shower. So I quickly dry off and get dressed. As I entered the hallway I saw that the door to the garage was open wide. The dogs and maybe a cat could get out. My step-grandson led the man to the wrong room. Poor Shadow was going to be invaded. I am glad that I was finished the shower and got things corrected. He was polite and started the ceiling fan installation process. And to my amazement Stan comes in about 20 minutes later.
Balto chewed up a vacuum cleaner appliances. BAD!
I opened a box with a broken thermometer that means maybe, mercury vapor got into the room. YUCK.
Well as we drove home, we saw the beginning of a possible major storm.
So why did I get off track, I felt that I learned more about where places are regarding the storm alert.
I learned that to get the information for hazardous material I might need to go to a place in north Tulsa.
There is also no competent person who can inform me where or what to ldo.
Otherwise ,I got off the topic again.
Gee, I thought that I was doing better. Not now.
Well if I redo this blog, it will be better.
June 21, 2019 at 11:03pm
June 21, 2019 at 11:03pm
Attempt #2. (Why do these mistakes keep happening? I type something and touch something without knowing it , then...POOF...it is gone!)It is so frustrating. Errrrrr!!)
As I was saying I am getting more and more comfortable with new home. It is new and modern. Stan put in about everything that would make this a home that no-one could want to walk away from.
But then there are a couple of things I might mention. (Sorry Honey, I write what I gotta write.)
The home is almost like Oklahoma. This state is beautiful. But I assumed that it was all flatland. Mostly in the northeast, there are hills that become steeper and steeper as one drives north.Oh my! I couldn't believe my eyes.I slowed down and tried to stay as close to Stan as possible.I felt that if my concentration was broken for even a moment that I might drive down a steep side into a ditch(?) and have an accident that I could walk away from. There were also so rivers and bridges that would not be a smart thing to drive into.
Along the way were many animals that were hit and killed. Armadillos were the numerous victims. Turtles, possums, and a few raccoons were also hit. My heart went out to them because the highways were relatively new and the animals did not know that vehicles were the monsters to be avoided.
In this drive the land had only the highway cut through it. The sides of the road were not mowed. But the trees were tall and green. It was a naturalists' heaven. You could wanted to stop anywhere and go for a walk except for the dangerous hills. Oh BTW, there were no guard rails for the hills. No reflectors or large shoulders to the hills. But what a drive!
Now the house was not at the top of a small hill but next to the top. We had a fence at the back. We had a sidewalk for the little pond behind the house. Since the house was not level, one had to be careful when he/she walked out to go outside. There was a drop. Not just a 1-2 inch drop but maybe a 4-5 inch drop. My first time to go outside was a big "Woh! moment." When you go back inside you needed to remember to pick your foot up, or trip. The same situation happened when you wanted to go down a hall in the laundry room to the garage. There was a drop that was noticeable. But after a couple of times, you did remember.
Since there are three other adults here, I thought that we would do everything together. We talked to each other, pleasant conversations. We did not cook or eat together. We had the understanding that we did our own. But if someone needed anything, we would share. I guess that helped us since we left to go to work or do our shopping at different times.
I have not gone into the other members of the family's rooms. I felt that if I wanted privacy, then I must be fair and do the same. I went into the Master bedroom one time went Stan and the man from the cable TV needed to install something. I did not touch anything. I left as soon as possible. In the grandson's room, I have not gone into. I want to show that I intend to show respect.
There are a lot. of other arrangements that we have made regarding washing machine usage, and mail but I'll cover those later.
Our home is shaping up. Stan still pulls weeds in the front yard. I pick up dog poop. What a retirement.
June 20, 2019 at 11:09pm
June 20, 2019 at 11:09pm
I would have bet anyone that there would be a check for the purchase of my Overbrook house in my hands right now. No. There was a problem in another state that caused the check to be undelivered. My husband and I waited all day for FedEx to come. We did not do any thing that would make a lot of noise so we could hear the door bell ring. Late this afternoon Stan found out about a weather problem that caused pick up and delivery to be ceased for a while.
But I think that I am not continuing the real topic/purpose of the blog which was our trip to Broken Arrow and first month here.
We have met another dog named Cosina. She is about four years old and is the pet of Stan's step grandson. Balto really has forged a great playmate relationship with her. He loves to run and she can chase him .
ALERT The battery power is less than 10%.
I'll try to finish tomorrow.
June 19, 2019 at 11:22pm
June 19, 2019 at 11:22pm
Well it has finally happened. I am a resident of Houston, Texas no more. My house on Overbrook has been bought by a former neighbor. I have called gas, water, electric, and insurance companies to cancel services. It made me feel very sad. Stan will have his closing on Friday. He is looking forward to it. With our homes gone, our home here in Broken Arrow will be it. I guarantee that I will not move again. I hope to have most of my belongings on site here, especially my jewelry here. I also need a few more of my books.
My clothes are so old that I think a few might fall apart. Stan has always wanted me to update my wardrobe. But he keeps handing me catalogs that have lovely and expensive clothes. He also knows that I do not like looking at my body. I have gained weight due to all of the sitting I have done. He has gained a few pounds but it does not bother him. His clothes look good on him. So I might shop later when I feel that I have stabilized my weight. But also some styles are not my taste.

My move means that I will need to feel that I belong. I do not have a job. Why? I am retired. Stan has says that he really does not want me to work. I do not want to just walk the dog, sit or be on the computer. Stan is now obsessed with pulling weeds. He wants his yard as nice as others. That again is not my hope.
What do I want to do? Well I would need to be rectified as a substitute teacher or sign language interpreter. However I do to want to be required to travel during the time in the winter when the roads are icy or snow covered. The sides to the roads that are hilly scare me. I wouldn't want to slide off. I would not make it.
In Houston the only problem was flooded streets. I also did not need to go out everyday.
I do not have many friends out here yet. I think most of the neighbors have a set life with a warm circle of friends. I have a problem of unfinished worries about a man taking Stan and my picture at a Whataburger and 2 people who were in the neighborhood. Stan says that I am working about nothing. I think that a little caution is worth it. I have only had the neighborhood people problem for today, and will be watching for the next week. I hope this is a false alarm.
Well I see that Shadow is getting ready to go to sleep. I want her to have a good night's sleep so I'll close for now. This has been a complete rambling blog. Just a few thoughts with not much significant.
We'll see if I can't do better tomorrow.
Sweet dreams all!
June 18, 2019 at 10:50pm
June 18, 2019 at 10:50pm
I expected to have a life in a city with a pleasant life. Some things are better than my old home town. Some things well let me know that there are things that I hope I can find a key to solve what concerns me.
I have been married for 2 1/2 years to a man who is not much older than I am. He lost his first wife about 4 years ago. Thirty seven years is not hard to get over or forget. But instinct tells me that he is not happy or completely well.
Old age is what we can all expect. There are certain diseases that slip in our bodies and minds unexpectedly. I have asked and the answer is that "I'm fine."
In the morning he is better than the late evening.
When he goes to bed early, he wakes up early. And ultimately wakes me up.
I would like both of us to get a check-up with no holds barred. I just want to see Stan happy and healthy.
If anyone reads this then I expect no comments. I might even delete this later. I just have to get this worry out and examine what it is.
For serious senior diseases, there are medicines to help.
I hope there will be something to help seniors who need to make their lives better.
I love you Stan. You are a good man.

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