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Rated: E · Book · Animal · #1209690
This is my first attempt to be a blogger. I hope to type a few items that you will enjoy.
I do not know where to begin with this description. The time period is from 0 to now. Please don't ask how long that is. I am sure with certain clues, you will be able to figure that out.
I am writing this on my favorite old computer at home. I have a computer room that doubles as a retreat for a few of my pets when they want to be alone.
I will cover mostly current thoughts. I hope to add some pictures as I have seen in a blog. I think that to do this sharing will take a lot of work, but the pictures I have seen are well worth it.
Occasionally, I might review a flashback in mylife. I have times when I just roll that special even around in my mind until it has every possible facet examined. Usually this time is to try to figure out a "what if" scenario.
If some of my items have no zest to it feel free to say so. I think that after I have some a few trial runs, then the real me will be out for all of the world to see. Luck you! As the saying goes, "Come with me and the best is yet to be."
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August 17, 2019 at 11:22pm
August 17, 2019 at 11:22pm
Tonight is Saturday. This was an unusual day in which Stan and I worked on the house. Then we went to 3 antique or consignment stores. I actually enjoyed the visits. I never enjoyed this stuff before but today was different. I saw old and new stuff. Unique and junk stuff. I usually do not get a nagging thought in my mind but as we ate at Braums I had to go back to but a rubbing, called frottage or rubbings, looked like a lady from long time ago. Maybe the 1600s or Mary Queen of Scotts era. She had a rosary in her hands. The clothes were reminiscent of that period also.
It cost $100.00 but I think that it was or could be worth it. The back says something about Scotland. Stan was so nice to go back to this store since he was totally exhausted. He also told me that his leg hurt. I would not have asked to go back but if someone got it before I did, I would be traumatized. Stan would not hear the end of it. Plus, I am going to have surgery. Isn't my tone worth it? Of course.
I told Stan that I wanted to decorate that room and he reluctantly agreed. But I am thinking that he may not like some of my ideas but just wait. There might be a smile on his face sooner or later.
For right now we are looking for furniture for the guest room. When I said 'guest' in front of someone, that person smiled. Well the room was meant for guests originally. The fact that it was occupied was an awkward situation. Life must go on.
Time to go.
I will be feeding my little ones soon as they are always hungry. June is the one that needs extras now. I think it is time she went to the veterinarian's office. She will not like it I'm sure.
See you later.
NIghty night.
August 14, 2019 at 11:21pm
August 14, 2019 at 11:21pm
One week from today I will be writhing in agony due to a hammer toe surgery. The worst part is that I will have to be NPO for a long time. Hopefully I will have surgery at 1:00 PM but if an emergency comes in, then I'll have to wait. Oh God, be merciful. Doctors are afraid the I might vomit if I eat or drink anything. Oh God be merciful. No ice cream or chocolate chip cookies. Oh God be merciful. I asked for my toe to be fixed, but now I am not happy. Oh God be merciful. Have mercy on this poor little girl.
Not only that, I think that I have a few other health problems that will be discussed later.

As for Stan, his day did not go well.I think that he was very tired. He needs rest but he also needs to see a doctor. He has not taken any medicines. I do think something big is coming down the line. I just hope that his life can be fixed and that we can have some great years to share. God help us both.

Life is short. I hope that we can make it.
August 13, 2019 at 11:20pm
August 13, 2019 at 11:20pm
Today was not my best day in Broken Arrow. I woke up at 1:15 AM and from then on, had various things disturb my sleep. Itching ears, sticky eyelids, and worry about the spot on my forehead that I must get checked out. Even more, I am worried about my husband who has time of clarity and energy but most lately, what I think is sundowning effect and extreme tiredness.
I got up at the usual time. Got out to walk Balto. Then tried to help Stan with the hanging of his Indian picture. He wanted it just perfectly centered in the spot he chose.
Then I needed to feed Shadow. I had to run back and forth to her room to give her some food. I wiped my hands on a paper towel. Balto was inside and got the paper. He ran in the kitchen living room with it in his mouth to get me to try to get it. In other words. He wanted to play. Since I was so tired, I did not want to play. I told him to put it down or "leave it" but that made him chew it and keep it in his mouth. I do not want to be controlled by any animal.
When Stan came in from what he was doing, I told him and he tried to blow it off.
Then I said the words I will regret, "I hate this dog!" I felt Stan jerk and knew that he was so disappointed. I left the room but returned to explain what happened and say that I just did not want to be controlled by any animal.
I felt bad. I think that this set our relationship back a little. I also explained that I did not get enough sleep and was so tired.
To make the story short, I feel that we are on the way to repair our marriage/love by recognizing feelings and working together to make a training program suitable for us and Balto. Balto being the trainee. He will not be beaten but given orders in a firm voice. We do care about each other and our animals. We want to be good family members.
But later I think God gave me another chance to show that I do like Balto when he had a light bulb in his mouth. He scared the daylights out of me and I screamed, "Stan! Come! Emergency!" He saw the light bulb in Balto's mouth and used, "Leave it!" correctly. Balto dropped the bulb and Stan immediately secured it. He later went to our guest room and put the other light bulbs in the closet. Safety first for Balto will always be our goal. We care for all of our animals. But Balto must learn who is boss. The bi-pedals.
I hope that our marriage and our spouse's happiness will be a goal too.
Love you Stan.
August 12, 2019 at 10:52pm
August 12, 2019 at 10:52pm
Well I am getting sick of the candidates who are running for president. I do not like the smear or impeach campaign that the Democrats are doing. They have been at it since they lost the election in 2016. Grow up people. As far as I can tell, the last two presidents were not saints. They not improve our country. They really did more harm than good.
And dear sweet Hillary is behind most of the sick and unpatriotic mess we are going through. I do wish that America got justice when she did wrong while she was in office. She really needed to be in jail. Her husband was good friends with Jeffrey Epstein and people do not even talk about it. He needs a little cool off jail time too.
And now the people are condemning Trump for the massacre. He does not want people killed. But he does want our second amendment to be carried out. The law is the law.
Finally, I am sick of the bad comments and lies. Tell the truth or say nothing.
Nuff said.
August 11, 2019 at 11:12pm
August 11, 2019 at 11:12pm
It was so hot today that I think I would like to have gone for a swim in a big dish of ice cream. We almost make 100 degrees. I would say that 99 degrees is close. We took Balto out at 9:00 PM and I could feel the heat as soon as I walked out of the door. The news just reported that tomorrow will be bad as well. The heat will not decline until Wednesday or Thursday. I feel for animals who are outside and a certain brother and sister-in-law in Houston.
Earlier my work went to the right off the screen. I hurried to Stan who found out that I had lost Safari temporarily. I was not happy until he found a way to get it back k.
The next story is about the Astros. They beat a team 23 to 2. Go Astros. We couldn't be more prouder of you except than if you won the World Series again. Twice is nice. Our men are going to do their best. Of that I am sure.
I got caught walking outside late yesterday. It was only my second night to walk but Stan said that he saw me on that darn mirror outside. Waaa!
Shadow was out of her room again. I am proud of her to go walk through the house. I think I can walk Balto and let her go through the safe space at the same time. I'll try later.
Well I'm tired and want to get to bed.
Tomorrow we get another fan installed.
I am going to call Fred and David.
I hope to get more work done on my sign language class.
Need sleep.
Need sleep.
Nighty night.
August 10, 2019 at 11:10pm
August 10, 2019 at 11:10pm
Today we did something that I did not expect us to do. WE went to Muskogee Air Field got see the CAF put on a flying performance of older airplanes. They were mostly of WWII and Vietnam era. But oh boy! Was it hot as a fire cracker. I mean Stan and I walked around to see Diamond Lil airplane. They even made a movie about this beauty. TWICE!
We did not get to see the 10:30 show because there was some mechanical problem that made it important to be fixed. Many people were disappointed. The kids did not mind the opportunity to see big airplane. Most of the parents were those who were in the Air Force or some military. Stan seemed very impressed and happy to see the airplanes. He even knew about some of them. (Yes he was a true blue Air Force ex.)
But as the time went on, it became hotter and hotter. We did not care about the show. I had my pictures and it was time to go home. I drove but felt very tired. I did not want to bother Stan to drive because he drove to the event. It was about 40 miles away.
So I might add to this story later. It was just a different day that we both shared and had a good time.

PS CAF stands for Commerative Air Force.
August 9, 2019 at 11:25pm
August 9, 2019 at 11:25pm
Let's be honest. I think that Cox services suck. The internet goes down so many times that I cannot get on the computer and do my studies. There was so much I needed to do but here comes WIPEOUT from COX.

Today there was a very hard rain shower that had me a little worried. Oh my! And Stan was outside still pulling those weeds. And he is not even getting paid for doing it. But he wants a perfect yard and is willing to pull those little green monsters one by one for the early hours. I think that I would have given up a long time ago.

The third and last thing that I think is worthy of my typing is that we are working on our guest room to fix it up after Janos moved out. I have fixed the door. Stan has moved the fan and ceiling light fixture in it. Shadow likes to walk around it. Not too bad.

This was not my best effort but writing keeps my mind active and ready for when I am going to work on the short novels that I started a long time ago. Life is tough when one is retired.
I done.
Have a nice night.
August 8, 2019 at 11:58pm
August 8, 2019 at 11:58pm
Let's see if I can get through this blog without losing my text and losing my mind.
Yesterday's fiasco was heart breaking since I had worked hard on it.
I had written about several things but the one I felt that was important was the story about the lady and her three children. She looked as if she was having a bad day. Of her children, one of the three was very hyperactive. Oh my! This lady would have her hands full with just this one. But she took them to Whataburger which is where we were. I hope they all got home safely.

Today we were expecting Janos to come early and he did not. But his reason was " I have to have space to put things into/" made sense. He too as much as he could pack in his car and left. I did find out that Casina was doing very well. That is not good news that Balto wanted to hear. But life will still go on.

I tried to replicate the accident that made me lose my writing from yesterday but was unable. Stan must think that I am nuts.

We are about to have a nice thunderstorm pass over Broken Arrow so I thing that I am going to close down early.
I am a wee bit sleepy anyway
Must go.
Take care.
See you tomorrow.
August 7, 2019 at 11:35pm
August 7, 2019 at 11:35pm
I have just lost a big blog and I WANT IT BACK!

August 5, 2019 at 11:35pm
August 5, 2019 at 11:35pm
Today I got the scare of my life.
I got a medical request to allow doctors from one program, who are moving to another program to see my health records.
I am so happy that I studied in sign language about HIPPA rules that are really the law.
The part that scared me was the #3 which said that the records for HIV or AIDS would be confidential. My treatment for HIV and AIDS would not be interrupted.
Screech of tires.ERRRRRR! HOLD ON THERE. I have never been told that I had either illness or problem.
Who had wrong information?
What doctor diagnosed it?
What in the HELL is going on!
I explained to my husband that I have never been told that I had HIV/AIDS. I would have never married anyone if I had HIV.I would never want to do that to anyone. I did go to a meeting for people who had HIV/AIDS as an interpreter and was told that I had to a sign a list. Someone asked me when I was diagnosed, but when I mentioned that I was an interpreter for the hearing impaired, then he backed off.

So I called the phone number given for "If you have any questions."
Well, yes I did. Lots of them
The person on the other end let me tell her my problem. She even let me read the letter to her.
When I finished and got my blood pressure down, she began to explain that she knew or saw the letter that I was talking about. It was not written well but I could ignore, shred or whatever to the letter because it was a choice.
This made my husband happy too!
So we finished our day.
And I repeat for those who read this wrong-I have NEVER HAD FIV OR AIDS. I am clean and plan to stay that way.
So read your letter carefully, and call the recommended number if you have any questions. It may save you from a heart attack.
Time to go.
NIghty night.

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