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Rated: E · Book · Animal · #1209690
This is my first attempt to be a blogger. I hope to type a few items that you will enjoy.
I do not know where to begin with this description. The time period is from 0 to now. Please don't ask how long that is. I am sure with certain clues, you will be able to figure that out.
I am writing this on my favorite old computer at home. I have a computer room that doubles as a retreat for a few of my pets when they want to be alone.
I will cover mostly current thoughts. I hope to add some pictures as I have seen in a blog. I think that to do this sharing will take a lot of work, but the pictures I have seen are well worth it.
Occasionally, I might review a flashback in mylife. I have times when I just roll that special even around in my mind until it has every possible facet examined. Usually this time is to try to figure out a "what if" scenario.
If some of my items have no zest to it feel free to say so. I think that after I have some a few trial runs, then the real me will be out for all of the world to see. Luck you! As the saying goes, "Come with me and the best is yet to be."
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September 3, 2019 at 11:03pm
September 3, 2019 at 11:03pm
I am sitting in the picture room with Shadow. She helps me get some computer time. But I am watching MASH right now. Good show. But I do wish that the COX company would be more responsible. I asked to see sports but they said that I would but their promise disappeared after we signed up. Cox sucks inTV and some times computers.Looks like it is aria decrci to sports like baseball, maybe football and basketball.
I do not know when my old favorite shows come on. And to top it off, the remotes control only one TV set. You must buy them all. Lucky me.
So that is about as much for that.
Next the furniture we picked out came. The men did a wonderful job putting them together. The whole suite looks wonderful. And nexts comes the mattresses and decorations for the room. I get to do that. It will be an English theme. I already have two pictures picked out. I do hope that I can do this with good taste and accuracy.
Thank you for reading.
I am tired again.
Must go.
Nighty night.
September 2, 2019 at 11:59pm
September 2, 2019 at 11:59pm
I guess that some people might say that my animals/pets are like my children. Well I think that the statement is valid. I want to make sure that they have things that they need. I appreciate the fact that Stan made plans and kept his word to bring my motley crew to Broken Arrow. I love you even more Stan for doing that. But seriously Stan loves animals himself.
Shadow is the oldest. I was not happy to see where she would be. The room had a small window. It also has been made into what could be considered a museum or formal meditation room. The pictures are of Jill's relatives and are priceless. (and beautiful to boot.).
Shadow has been through much. I am so happy that she is safe. That I have found an acceptable food for her. That we treated her for the fleas that she had. I could have fainted when I saw the little monsters! Stan helped me with that too. He has already ordered more Catego flea medicine for next treatment time.
But the thing that has brought me the most joy is the fact that our guest room will be used by Shadow when there are no guests. She will have a real large window to look out of and a table just the right height to sit on. I hope that she gets as much pleasure as I imagine she could. The test of 10 minutes tonight showed me that she does look out the window. She pays attention to people walking or driving by. She also showed some body language of her contentment. She will have to go back to her regular room for the night time but 1,2 or even 3 hours in that room could give her the extra that she deserved.
I hope that whatever life she might have is one that will make her very happy.
Should anyone do that for a pet? You bet. And that is what I am going to do.
Thanks Stan.
So off to bed.
Nightly night!
August 31, 2019 at 10:58pm
August 31, 2019 at 10:58pm
Well Stan is almost finished painting the guest room. He has worked so hard that I thought that he might quit and call a painter but he has done an outstanding job. The room is going to look beautiful, and I hope my English theme or pictures do not mess it up.
Today we went to collect some window shade information. There are some really neat kinds. Back in my childhood days, it was simple venetian blinds. No colors. No heat resistence. Nothing except a cord to pull up and down.
Stan has used water based white paint. To be honest, I was afraid when Stubby walked across some of the paint stuff. I still consider it all dangerous. Stans says that it is safe. Hope he is right.
Shadow is doing better. I found only three fleas on her today. Kluter had no fleas. The others we did not check. But I intend to check all of the cats at least one time per week. Fleas out. Clean, happy cats, in!
I am still really mad that the COX. company promised me Astros baseball games and I can only get them when they ;play the Texas Rangers. Boooo! Cox sucks.
Finally, I feel for the people who will have to sit out Hurricane Dorian. It sounds pretty bad. First the storm was headed directly to Florida and now the Carolinas and Georgia will get the storm's full force. God, we need you here to protect many people.
Well I must write in MasterWriter for a new poem. It is a good program. Then I need to go to bed. I'm tired.
Nighty night!
August 30, 2019 at 11:13pm
August 30, 2019 at 11:13pm
Last night was Stan and my Dr. Martin night on TV in the room with Shadow. I could tell that something was wrong. She continuously licked herself all over.
Skin allergy? Dust on the fur? NO! FLEAS!!!! Please not that.
I asked Stan where the flea comb was and got it immediately. One comb through and I saw what I though was hundreds of fleas. I panicked immediately told Stan that we would need to comb as many fleas off and then call the vet's clinic in the morning.
Stan came back to the room with a cup that had. Dawn liquid in it diluted by water. He was going to use the same method he used on the possums and their babies when they were covered by fleas. We got many of those blood sucking critters off Shadow and then went to bed.
During the night was a loud and crazy thunderstorm. I was anticipating that I might have some trouble getting some flea medication. However the showers slacked off and I first called. Then walked Balto. Finally was off to get the medicine. It was recommended by one of the vets. Stan and I set about to put the medicine on all of the cats. Success!
I don't care how many of those bugs die. Death is better than for any of the cats being a blood donor. By this afternoon it looked that the plan worked. Tonight I found only found 1 flea on Shadow. We will do monthly flea treatments. Stan has even found the same medicine on Amazon dot com at a better place.
BTW we started washing towels, bedding, and anything that might harbor those nasty beasties. If they can't swim or hold their breath....too bad!
So here I am thankful for the medicine and the husband who helped get Shadow back to what could be called normalacy.
But there was a small (?) cost. My panic may have put Stan into a little depression. He is continuing to keep silent on things that bother him. Please share Stan! If you want me to share, I think that you should too. We can get ;problems solved better if we both work on them.
I have apologized for my panic a few times. But I will grovel only so much.
If we are going to live as husband and wife, we need to show respect and love with the communication we can do.
What else can I say?
August 28, 2019 at 12:11am
August 28, 2019 at 12:11am
Today Stan and I worked on the house by his painting and my staying out of the way. I have said many times and mean it, "I do not like to paint."
Stan has organized the equipment very well. He has bought the paint, water based. He has also organized the way he will do the job. I admit I will do a few things to help. Never let it be said that I let him go through the whole job without encouragement or clean up support.
Later on in the day, I let the green or red jealousy bug get me.
Stan was married for 37 years to a nice and smart lady. He has mentioned the many things that he did. He was very happy during the marriage and took care of her to the end. A true and exceptional husband he was. And is. He promised me to take care and be the best husband he could be. He has kept his word.
Every thing that I have, seen or done is remarkable. And for the most of it, I have tried to be a good wife, of which he can be proud of.
So what is the problem?
Stan has wife, Jill, 1.0's picture over his desk in our office. I will not compete with a wife he loved and married, and is now dead. But I gave him a picture that he has not put up. I have hinted a couple of times that I would like to see my picture up but he must pick the place. I put the picture on his desk and a few days put it in a drawer because I was afraid that it would fall and the glass would break. He did not seem to notice.
When Stan put up our bathroom clock I asked him to put up my picture and he replied, "Later." I was very disappointed.
I later cried and he noticed my sadness. He took 1.o's picture down and put my picture up. That made me feel like a jerk. I thought of a compromise that I would be happy to put both up together. We did not do that earlier because we thought that there was not enough room. Stan also informed me that he wanted to honor Jill's memory since she left him a nice inheritance. For that I had to agree.
So now my picture is up and we will put Jill's up soon, I hope
Confused. Hope not. We will work it out.
That is what married people should do. Talk. And work out problems.
It is really getting late. Must go.
Nighty night.
August 26, 2019 at 11:00pm
August 26, 2019 at 11:00pm
It has been a couple of days and I need to be brief.
Number one I asked God to let Shadow make it through the summer. I am happy that she has lasted through the summer time this far. Today she was a little off with low appetite, sleeping on the rug on the floor, (she usually is in her carrier or on a pad on the couch), and shedding hair. I hope that she is alright.
I gave her some anti nausea medicine. I hope that it helped.I just want to see her happy and well.

Stan and I are working on the guest room. He is going to paint it. Ugh-yuk! I do not want to paint because I do not like to paint.

My request for my hammer toe to be fixed was turned down until I get some consultation and supervision on my toe. Really? I have been preparing myself for surgery. I told myself mentally that I can fast. I can take the pain. I can do what the doctor tells me to do including keeping Balto off my toe. I will not be able to walk 2 miles with him in the morning. That I will truly miss. So be it.

I guess that this is all because I need to feed Shadow. A lady has to eat!

See you later.
Nightly night.
August 24, 2019 at 11:12pm
August 24, 2019 at 11:12pm
Well I have seen Stan work solid for 2 days to make the house more of the home of his dreams.
Yesterday after an intense storm that night, he and I moved a chest from the garage and put it in the office. Of course we had to move a desk out. But Stan had measured and then checked, with the dimensions to see if they would fit in the spot he wanted. It worked even though the cats' carrier had to be put in a spot that blocked a couple of drawers. The room looks a little cluttered but I am sure that we will move things again later.
Today we worked on a light that would hang in Shadow's room. I was not happy with that but he measured again and got his equipment and set off to a work. He worked all morning, made one mistake with the computation but the work was done and the lamp is there.
What can I say about Stan? He is a very hard working person. But do not dare disturb him when he is at work. He does not want talk, questions, or any comment. He wants to focus 100%. I assisted him but that is the only thing that I was allowed to do.
Tonight on the news we have been warned about a serious storm with possible tornadoes and hail coming within the next six hours.
Second there are so many tics that have invaded the "Green Country" area. Some tics can carry a disease that will prohibit you from eating beef for a long time. Well I guess some people can say goodbye to hamburgers for a while.
Finally the sad time for a high school sweethearts who were killed by a truck with a trailer 5 minutes after they were married. I cannot imagine the grief or anger for that family. Rest in peace young couple. That is not fair and life is not fair. You are together in heaven. I wish that there was a way to undo the moment this accident happened. God bless you both.
Must go to bed. I'm tired.
NIghty night.
August 22, 2019 at 10:48pm
August 22, 2019 at 10:48pm
Well two days have passed and I have a few interesting things to report.
Yesterday Stan and I looked at furniture in 4 stores. We were making plans to get our Guest Room official. Stan says that I can decorate but he had his mind set on a bedroom set. I must admit that he does pick things that people like. Some people love the clothes he has picked for me. Maybe I am jealous. I just want to look good from the body out.
Today we went to our first choice and bought a nice set. We got a huge discount because it was the beginning of Labor Day sales. We also made the sales lady happy because I am guessing the commission will help her cover expenses of her 2 children. She is a single mother who had a bad marriage. We were sorry to hear that. She was also from the Woodlands in Texas. But she divorced the bum/jerk/abuser and has gone on.
Stan said that I can decorate. I will get his approval of course. But the theme will be English.
The next is that Fred and I talked about my hammer toe, insurance companies, Sue, Sue's brother Rusty and Fred's watch.
I am always happy when any of my brothers call. It is like a quick trip back home. I hope that all of the conversations can be good ones. I will not be able to visit unless there is a wedding or funeral. God please bless and protect my family.
Well I could say more but there is a serious thunderstorm happening now. I will feed Shadow and let her go to be.
Me too!
Nighty night.
August 20, 2019 at 11:06pm
August 20, 2019 at 11:06pm
Today is Tuesday, August 20, 2019. It was supposed to be the day before my hammer toe surgery.
Did I say supposed?
Yes I did. And for a good reason. The darn surgery was cancelled because someone, could not get the coding for my surgery approved by the insurance company. This is the first time this has ever happened to me. Imagine that I have a toe that is crossed over the next toe. It does not hurt badly but it looks icky.It right have an effect on my balance for walking.
I was all ready to eat to my heart's content until 12:00 am tonight and drink water until 5:00am. I am not thrilled with that but it was pre-op procedure. Stan and I had planned what we would do. We told Fred, Diane and Kirk about this and hoped for the best. So during our nap time, came to bad news. We were shocked.
So we were told that maybe the surgery might be done next Wednesday. Well excuse me. What if I do not want it next Wednesday! What if it might have to be postponed until the Wednesday after that? Huh! Huh! Huh!
The only positive thing is that Stan went to the food store and bought many things to eat we would need for my convalescing period We got to eat at home and I felt very happy to not be going out. Balto even behaved well. He sat down as we began to eat. He went to his room after we finished. And then we relaxed. What a nice feeling.
But the mystery is about what happened. We want to get this over with so, I'll keep you posted about the situation. I do not want a hammer toe for the rest of my life. Please no jokes about nails. I've heard them all.
Time to go.
Nighty night.
August 19, 2019 at 11:38pm
August 19, 2019 at 11:38pm
Well I think that my Friday the 13th came today. I have been bitten by Balto and did an unmentionable in my unmentionables.
The bite came when I tried to get Munchies' toy away from Balto. I used the famous JD method of distraction. Balto was faster and bit me. Yes it hurt. And yes it bled. Stan was visibly upset. He finally decided to view a lesson about training dogs. But he wanted to see only the one about fear and aggression. The teacher mentioned that if there was a serious problem, to CALL A PROFESSIONAL TRAINER. We went to the vet's office and got two names. Otherwise, we treated Balto with kid gloves. It was not my complete style but I do want to vie seen to be giving a fair chance to the critter.
To be fair I must mention that three people ganged up on him to put him in our room at dinner time yesterday. I said to Stan today that he may have been traumatized by the ganging up yesterday. Stan agreed. Oh BTW Balto did bare his teeth to me today which added evidenced that we need a professional to consult with. I was intiimidated. No one wants to be bitten twice or attacked when they least expect it.

The scoop about the poop is not funny. It happened very late as I was going into Shadow's room. I made it to the guest room' bathroom but did not have my pants down in time. Dark, stinky, good, stuff flew everywhere. The beautiful bathroom that Stan had prepared, is not a hazardous waste land. I was so sorry. But I am now washing my stuff in the washing machine under sterilize. Two hours for pants, two socks, pants and a towel. What a barf!
But the embarrassing part is that I had to walk from guest room to my room in my regular pants.If Diane or Kirk came out to get some water, then the whole thing would be total embarrassment. I cleaned up as much as I could and came back to Shadow's room with her food. It looks like my walk tonight is definitely over.
I told Stan that I think it was the Nivea type supplement for brains that upset my tummy. I hope that my diagnosis is true.

Looks like my eyelids are getting heavy. I am tired and still must take a shower. Can't take a dirty body and stinky smell to bed.
I'm wrapping this up.
Sweet dream.
Nighty night!

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