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Rated: E · Book · Animal · #1209690
This is my first attempt to be a blogger. I hope to type a few items that you will enjoy.
I do not know where to begin with this description. The time period is from 0 to now. Please don't ask how long that is. I am sure with certain clues, you will be able to figure that out.
I am writing this on my favorite old computer at home. I have a computer room that doubles as a retreat for a few of my pets when they want to be alone.
I will cover mostly current thoughts. I hope to add some pictures as I have seen in a blog. I think that to do this sharing will take a lot of work, but the pictures I have seen are well worth it.
Occasionally, I might review a flashback in mylife. I have times when I just roll that special even around in my mind until it has every possible facet examined. Usually this time is to try to figure out a "what if" scenario.
If some of my items have no zest to it feel free to say so. I think that after I have some a few trial runs, then the real me will be out for all of the world to see. Luck you! As the saying goes, "Come with me and the best is yet to be."
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September 26, 2019 at 12:09am
September 26, 2019 at 12:09am
Tonight is hopefully the last in 16 parts of a Country and Western series by Ken Burns. It was a pretty deep examination of the history of what we now call Americana (?) but I will still call it C & W.
I did not know the beginnings of this genre of music. I just thought that it was Hillbilly or mishmash of people who lived only in the country.
Yes part of that is true. These were poor people who came from all walks of life. Most of them were southerners. The songs were unsophisticated to me. I would prefer to play and/or listen to classical music. But now that I think about this, my classical music, written by giants such as Mozart, Brahms, Wagner, and more was older. But it was played for royalty. It was on paper. It made sense to me.
There were also some great religious music. Choirs sang these songs at weddings, funerals and holidays of the Christian religion. (Messiah) It was played on the organ or a cappella. Sometimes other instruments were used. It was my kind of music.
Back to C & W in which the earlier tunes came from religious song. (Let the Circle Be Unbroken.) People also added things from their culture such as yodeling. And the basic instrument was a stringed kind such as mandolin, harp, guitar and later the banjo. These people, including women were outstanding
The songs that took from religious ones were also the kind that told of sorrow as well as happiness.
I could go on and on but this was a long show. Stan and I have sat tjhrough 8 nights of 2 hour parts. I do wish that the shows were only 1 hour, but I am not Ken Burns. I do hope that tonight was the last but it may not be.
I am saying this because this series of the history of C & W made a great impression on Stan. He enjoyed every minute of it. He has looked up some of the songs. He knew many of the singers that I did not.
The only thing I will close with is that many of the earlier artists died young because they did some drugs or drank a lot. A few were in bad accidents. (airplane crashes) Some went on to will awards and get nice contracts. This kind of work was not for the feint of heart. I do think the I should show more respect to those I have learned about and enjoy more those I know.
Both men and women, young and old, created a part of history that will be looked at and listened to for a long time.
Hurrah for 'The Grand Ole Oprea and C & W. Oh last thing many stars came from Texas and Oklahoma. I'm happy to know that.
Nighty Night! YEEE HAW!
September 20, 2019 at 11:22pm
September 20, 2019 at 11:22pm
I got a letter from a very good friend a couple of days ago. We went to school together and graduated in the same class. She was not snobby. She was nice got everyone. I was and am honored to be a person she calls friend.
Sharon married and has a family. I hope she has been and will always be happy in her marriage. Grandchildren-yeas. Still nice-definitely. Pretty-without a doubt.
She has invited me to a trip to Wimberly to be with other girls for the weekend. I am nervous to go because it might mean that I will have to drive to her house. I am not into driving long, and I mean long distances any more.
I do not want to be unappreciative of her invitation but I feel so sappy, yucky or whatever.
So I emailed her back explaining that I am in Oklahoma now. Maybe she will understand.
More to come later.
I am so tired.
Nighty night
September 18, 2019 at 10:50pm
September 18, 2019 at 10:50pm
Well I did it. I sat through for 8 hours of music history. It wa not bad.The movie clips, photographs, and song visuals were interesting. It was a Ken Burns documentary. I am sure that he had a lot of help digging for the historical data. There is probably much more out there.
The sad thing is that most of the popular singers/musidal artists started out poor. Cotton pickers. No homes. Hard work. Sudden fame but no knowledge on how to pace ones self.
These people made it to the top in the Grand Ole Opera and the like a firecracker, it was gone. I felt sad for those who burned themselves out, drank and used drugs or couldn't make it as they wanted too. I remember the good old artists like Willkie Nelson, Johnny Cash, Rogers Miller, and more.
God Bless the USA and our artists.
But note this I will not listen to this again. I will not sit for 2 hours a night again. I will not walk with Balto late at night. He went crazy poor dog.
The only thing that happened good today was that Shadow had about 4.5 hours in the guest room. I think she really enjoyed it. Good for her.
I guess that it is time to sign off. I am really tired.
Let's just say, I would like to be better but my fingers just can't do it.
Sweet dreams.
Nighty night.
September 17, 2019 at 11:22pm
September 17, 2019 at 11:22pm
What is this world coming to.
I am really sick and tired of what is happening in my country!
People----GROW UP!
Does the word impeachment sound familiar? First Trump. Now the SCOTUS Kavanough. Lies! Lies! and Lies by the Democrats (DUMB EGOTISTICAL MORONS ONERY CRAZY RAT-ASS TURKEYS) cannot seem to believe that they lost the 2016 election. They do not want anything that Trump sets up to succeed. Yes the WALL seemed crazy but people are coming here that will drain our treasury and other resources. Some, not all will be drug lords or other kind of criminals. Finally, they will take away jobs from present citizens.
Stay at home. Learn a skill. Move out of your area to some place that has the same culture and beliefs. If you want to come to America, do so legally. I cannot afford to pay for you or your children. Classes are full enough. We do not have enough medicines for our citizens in some cases. We also do not want to change our lives, to yours to make you happy.
My family came here legally. You can do it too. But once your stay is over, return home and go to work.

Finally the last news that I am tired of is how the people are abusing animals and senior people. If you have to hurt something, pick on someone your own size. No animal deserves the torture and pain or finally death that I see on FB. Judges, do your job and really punish these abusers. Grow some guts and put these creeps in JAIL. You heard of the word. You know what it means? Do it!!!!!!!!!!!

Nuff said.
NIghty night.
September 14, 2019 at 11:02pm
September 14, 2019 at 11:02pm
Friday the thirteenth on a Saturday the fourteenth?
It could happen and did. I lived through it myself today.
Balto was a little fussy or clownish on our early morning walk. We were both tired out.
The Investing course lesson was much harder than usual. I think that Stan could understand it, but it was formula heavy and hard for me.
My nap got interrupted for the second day in a row.
I tried to take Shadow into the guest room for some quality time. Let's just say that for a 23-23 year old cat, her bite is much worse than her hissing. In fact if you hear her hissing, listen and do not try to pick her up. My left hand had a bit on it. It still hurts. My fight hand has a big scratch on it and the blood as not pretty.
Stan and I tried to figure out why she reacted this way. We feel:
1. she thought that she was going out to where Balto was. She does not want to make friends with a dog.
2. she thought that she was going into a room full of other cats. She does not like that idea.
3.Stan and I put up a mirror. Too much hammering. Too much noise.
4. Stan and I have been moving some things into the guest room. She does not like that.
5. She just had medicine put into her ear. She does not like that.
t6. She was having a bad day herself. Well Ex-cuse me!
Shadow. I still love you. But the3 next time I will try to move you, I will be using gloves. So THERE!!
Well, I ate too much BBQ from Rib Crib. I feel very full. I wish I had a smaller sandwich. And the Cole slaw was a bit much. So I need to go.
NIghty night.
September 13, 2019 at 11:23pm
September 13, 2019 at 11:23pm
Just another busy day. Stan and I went to the storage place to hunt for antiquities or MOTHER'S journal for the army. She was in Oklahoma when she was in the war. Her unit of nurses went to somewhere in Oklahoma to rescue tornaedo victims. It was first thought the city was Pryor but now due to some research we thin\k the place might be Antler, Oklahoma
I called Fred who added the information of Camp Maxie. Stan did some computer research on Friday.
I went through many boxes that had antiquities on the label. No luck yet.
We will find it. Or something.
Tomorrow Stan will go to St. Patricks to weed. Looks like he will get those little monsters even in September.
I am tired and need to feed Shadow.
Nighty night.
September 10, 2019 at 10:53pm
September 10, 2019 at 10:53pm
History, a subject in school that most kids in school say, "Yuk! Why do I need to study that?"
I'll tell you why.
We ae living in history right now. Fighting. Forest fires. Hurricanes like Dorian. and political shenanigans you would not believe.
But the most important history is about you and your family.
Today I used my little laptop to start finding out where my mother was as a WW II nurse to get a Presidential Citation for going 2 days without a break to help people in an Oklahoma town after a horrible tornado destroyed/levelled a town. Stan found the tornado in Antlers, Ok in 1945. We had previously thought that the tornado was in Pryer, OK.
In Pryer, his mother and her siblings went to school. Just think that back in history, our mother and his family might have met. But Antler, Ok, changed all of that.
Then after a phone call, Fred said that he remembered the name, Camp Maxey. That was in Paris, Texas.
Mother also took care of prisoners of war. I believe that this happened much later.
So we lived in history, in a period that was interesting.
Key words:
Prisoner of war
Ammunitions plant
Pryer or Antler, OK
Grandfather lost farm due to eminent domain
Electric dam

I am excited. I do hope that something more will come out of this.
But must go.
Nighty night!
September 9, 2019 at 11:04pm
September 9, 2019 at 11:04pm
Monday, Monday. Can't take that day! Oh boy.
We had a lot planned.
Our first event after regular activities was that a lady came to our house to sell us window blinds. She did a good selling job. Stan was so impressed, but they will be expensive. Stan wanted my input but I could tell he really wanted those blinds or rather shutter blinds. I do hope they do a good job.
Next we got a foundation mattress for our bed. It was large but not heavy. But the second mattress did not arrive. Stan is upset and called the delivery company and the mattress making company. I am sure that he will be up early if he gets any sleep at all.
I have been told by someone here that we could look at the electricity bill. I mentioned that we knew that she was handling the bill nicely. There is an agreement with Stan and his stepson and daughter in law. I hope that there will not be any problem in the future. We are family and will stand together. I wish us all the best.
I'll tell more later.
Must go.
Nighty night.
September 8, 2019 at 10:18pm
September 8, 2019 at 10:18pm
Oh yes! I did enjoy the WizardWorld. It had some interesting costumes. We even saw Kato ???? spelling, who was in the OJ Simpson trial. Can you imagine that! Stan and I walked around and had a nice time.
BUT Jason and Jewel were awesome!
We could have had 2 people in the picture but Stan did not want to do it, so he just watched.
Now where could I put those pictures?

Today we went to a store to buy bedding things for the guest room. I think most of the time we will have royal blue. It was expensive but Stan liked it as well.

Later on we napped. I was so tired that I slept for what seemed forever. I needed it. Stan did too.

So now I go to the room with Shadow. I am in the office for now. We will be busy for the week.
Love to talk but Shadow needs company.
Nighty night!
September 6, 2019 at 11:20pm
September 6, 2019 at 11:20pm
Tomorrow I will be out of this world. There is a WizardWorld with some movie/TV stars happening. I might get a picture with Jason Mamos and Jewel Staite together. What an opportunity to just have a special day. But wow there will be a $$$$cost. Stan is going with me and will be the driver of the day.
I will add more

I am also happy that Shadow is in the guest room for some window time. She is increasing her time and looking at traffic, people, and dogs. We also bought a Sherpa pillow case for her. I hope that Shadow and Munchie like theirs. Whatever, I'm glad we got both girls each.

I am happy that Vicky and John are saying hello occasionally. They are at Glacier National Park and walking up a storm. What fun!

Finally the Hurricane called Dorain is going jot go down as the most destructive hurricane in a long time It literally tore up the Bahamas. It has gone up the east coast and added a few tornadoes to boot. I feel for those people because they do not usually expect storms that bad. I hope that they can get some $$$ relief. Good luck to all.

Must go.
Nighty night.

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