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Review of By a stream  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
General Disclaimer: This review reflects my opinion and is given with the intention of being constructive and encouraging. I hope you find this review helpful.

A good title that suits the theme of your poem. A good write, peaceful. Well crafted free verse. Very nice use of simile (water clear as glass; sky as perfect as a picture; peaceful as a babbling brook.) Imagery: is good as are the descriptives. You paint a beautiful picture of this special place that we see through the lens of your eyes. You take me there, to this place of serenity where one can commune in nature. Flow: is good; line to line transition and breaks are nicely done. Nice rhythm. Tone: lovely depth of feeling, this place you describe is almost magical. Word choice: is good as is the alliteration, assonance and consonance. Overall: well penned and an enjoyable read. Write on.
*Balloon*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Balloon*

Angel Army Signature by Kiya
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
General Disclaimer: This review reflects my opinion and is given with the intention of being constructive and encouraging. I hope you find this review helpful.

A good title that fits the theme of your poem. A very good write and imaginative story poem. Suspenseful. Well crafted rhyming poetry that I enjoy and prefer. Good use of repetition for emphasis of emotion for the struggle of the lovers who wished to be together. Nice use of simile ('roiling darkness like a shroud'). Imagery: is good as are the descriptives. We see through the lens of your imagination this story of lovers who flee so that they can be together but all they encounter are trials that wish to keep them apart. Flow: is good; line to line transition and breaks are well done. Nice rhythm. Rhyme: is good; near perfect masculine end line rhyme that is executed very well in this piece. Tone: deep expression of emotion; suspense builds throughout the poem. You are a talented storyteller. Word choice is good as is the alliteration, assonance and consonance. Overall: well penned and a much enjoyed read. Write on.
*Balloon*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Balloon*

Angel Army Signature by Kiya
Review of Memories  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
General Disclaimer: This review reflects my opinion and is given with the intention of being constructive and encouraging. I hope you find this review helpful.

A good title that suits the subject of your poem.

A good write about your memories. Heartfelt. Well crafted rhyming poetry which I enjoy and prefer.

Imagery is nice as are the descriptives. You paint a nice picture of memories at different times in your life and how important they are to you.

Flow is good; line to line transition and breaks are nicely done. Nice rhythm.

Rhyme is good; every second/fourth line in first two stanzas are perfect masculine end line rhyme. The second/fourth line of the third stanza is near rhyme.

Good depth of feeling; you express with poignance these memories that you will treasure, good or bad. These feelings I can relate to, the bitter and sweet of memories that will always be important to us.

*Star**Star*Word Choice:*Star**Star*
Word choice is good as is the alliteration, assonance and consonance. Nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling.

Well penned and an enjoyable read. Write on.

Angel Army Signature by Kiya
Review of Desert Skies  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
General Disclaimer: This review reflects my opinion and is given with the intention of being constructive and encouraging. I hope you find this review helpful.

A good title that suits the theme of your poem.

A good write. Heartfelt and prayerful. Skillfully crafted rhyming poetry which I enjoy and prefer. Nice use of repetition for emphasis of the beauty of the desert in the evening.

Imagery is good as are the descriptives. We see through the lens of your eyes the beauty of the night sky, stars shining brightly, then fading as the sun rises.

Flow is good; line to line transition and breaks are well done. Nice rhythm.

*Star**Star*Metaphor or Simile:*Star**Star*
Nice metaphor 'He paints the sky with His hand and spreads His warmth across the land' A wonderful way to express the beauty created by God and the security of His presence that gives warmth to the spirit.

Rhyme is good as is the rhyme scheme. Perfect masculine end line rhyme that is executed beautifully in this piece.

Lovely depth of feeling; calm and peaceful, stargazing at the beauty God created knowing that the ones you care for see these same stars too. Comforting.

*Star**Star*Word Choice:*Star**Star*
Word choice is good as is the alliteration, assonance and consonance.

Well penned and an enjoyable read. Write on.

Angel Army Signature by Kiya
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
General Disclaimer: This review reflects my opinion and is given with the intention of being constructive and encouraging. I hope you find this review helpful.

A good title that fits the theme of your poem. A good short write, heartfelt birthday wishes for your friend. Concise and succinct. Well crafted rhyming poetry which I enjoy and prefer. Flow: is good; line to line transition and breaks are well done. Nice rhythm. Rhyme: is good; nice mix of near rhyme and perfect feminine and masculine end line rhyme which is executed well in this piece. Tone: nice depth of feeling in these well wishes for a good time and great day on his birthday. Word choice: is good with nice alliteration, assonance and consonance. Overall: well penned and an enjoyable read. Write on.
Angel Army Signature by Kiya
Review of The ocean  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
General Disclaimer: This review reflects my opinion and is given with the intention of being constructive and encouraging. I hope you find this review helpful.

A good title that suits the theme of your poem. A good write, lamenftful, heartfelt and poignant. Skillfully crafted rhyming poetry that I enjoy and prefer. Imagery: is very nice; you paint a picture of love that is deep and lasting. Flow: is good; line to line transition and breaks are well done. Good meter 8/8/8/8 and very nice rhythm. Rhyme: is good; second/fourth line rhyme that is perfect masculine end line rhyme executed very well in this piece. Tone: deep expression of emotion; you express your feelings of this special love beautifully, a love that will never be forgotten. Word choice: is good; nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling. Nice alliteration, assonance and consonance. Overall: well penned and an enjoyable read. Write on.
Angel Army Signature by Kiya
Review of Pieces of Me  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
General Disclaimer: This review reflects my opinion and is given with the intention of being constructive and encouraging. I hope you find this review helpful.

A good title that suits the theme of your poem. A very good dark write and sad lament about love. Heartfelt and introspective. Skillfully crafted rhyming poetry that I prefer and enjoy. Very nice use of simile. Elegantly written verse. Flow: is good; line to line transition and breaks are well done. Very nice rhythm. Rhyme: is good; unique rhyme scheme. Perfect masculine end line rhyme in lines 2, 4, 6 and 8 of stanza 1; lines 2, 5, 7 9 of stanza 2 and perfect feminine and masculine end line rhyme in lines 2, 4, 6 and 8 of stanza 3 which is executed beautifully in this piece. Tone: deep expression of emotion; you express your thoughts about this withdrawal of love that causes one hurt, pain... and suicide. I hope this isn't a true story. Word choice: is good as is the alliteration, assonance and consonance. Overall: well penned; write on.
Angel Army Signature by Kiya
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
General Disclaimer: This review reflects my opinion and is given with the intention of being constructive and encouraging. I hope you find this review helpful.

A good title that fits the theme of your poem.

A very good write. Heartfelt, poignant and lamentful. The epistle is a lovely form of letter writing and in this case it is from a soldier to his sweetheart.

Imagery is good as are the descriptives. This soldier paints a vivid picture of what life is like for him on his tour of duty and how much he misses his sweetheart.

Flow is good; line to line transition and breaks are well done. Nice Rhythm.

Lovely depth of feeling; He expresses his worry from not hearing from her but as always tells her he loves her and that he misses her. He encourages her to keep her spirits up, even asking her to tell him what he did wrong until he finally hears from her and finds out that she loves someone else. A man of character, he wishes her well, telling her one last time that he'll always miss her and love her. She doesn't realize that she's the one who as lost someone very special.

*Star**Star*Word Choice:*Star**Star*
Word choice: is good. Excellent use of repetition for emphasis of feeling. Nice alliteration, assonance and consonance.

Well penned. Beautiful love letters that end on a sad note. Write on.

Angel Army Signature by Kiya
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
General Disclaimer: This review reflects my opinion and is given with the intention of being constructive and encouraging. I hope you find this review helpful.

A good title that suits the theme of your poem.

A good short write. Concise and succinct rhyming poetry that I enjoy and prefer.

Imagery is nice as are the descriptives. You paint a vivid picture of soldiers through time who have fought for our freedom.

Flow is good; line to line transition and breaks are done well. Nice rhythm.

Rhyme is good. Perfect dactylic and masculine end line rhyme that is executed very well in this piece.

Good depth of feeling; you express the conviction of those in the military who serve willingly to preserve our freedom.

*Star**Star*Word Choice:*Star**Star*
Word choice is good. Nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling. Good alliteration, assonance with nice consonance.

Well penned. Write on.

Angel Army Signature by Kiya
Review of Your name  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.0)
General Disclaimer: This review reflects my opinion and is given with the intention of being constructive and encouraging. I hope you find this review helpful.

A good title that suits the theme of your poem. A very nice short write, heartfelt, introspective and lamentful. Succinct. Nice contrast between the first and last stanzas. Abstract. Nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling. Flow: is good; line to line transition and breaks. Nice rhythm. Tone: deep expression of emotion. You express your thoughts, the drama that remains unnamed very well in this piece. Word choice: is good. Overall: nicely penned, write on.
*Balloon*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Balloon*

Angel Army Signature by Kiya
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
General Disclaimer: This review reflects my opinion and is given with the intention of being constructive and encouraging. I hope you find this review helpful.

A good title that fits the theme of your poem. A good write, heartfelt. Well crafted free verse. Romantic. Nice metaphor ('sea of white' for snow). Very nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling. Imagery: is good as are the descriptives. You paint a lovely picture of the love you wish for. Flow: is good; line to line transition and breaks are nicely done. Nice rhythm. Tone: deep expression of emotion; you express this beautiful wish for true love that any reader can relate to. Word choice: is good with nice alliteration, assonance and consonance. Just a suggestion, in line 5, change 'you're' to I'm. It makes the line flow much better, in my opinion. Overall: well penned and an enjoyable read. Write on.
*Balloon*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Balloon*

Angel Army Signature by Kiya
Review of A Heart  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
General Disclaimer: This review reflects my opinion and is given with the intention of being constructive and encouraging. I hope you find this review helpful.

A good title that fits the theme of your poem. A good short write, concise and succinct. Heartfelt and introspective. Well crafted rhyming poetry. Flow: is good; line to line transition and breaks are well done. Nice rhythm. Rhyme: is good; every second/fouth line in each stanza is perfect feminine or masculine end line rhyme that is executed very well in this piece. Tone: deep expression of emotion. Lamentful. You express these feelings of loss with power; feeling emotions (anger, sadness) that seem to tear you apart. Word choice: is good with nice alliteration, assonance and good consonance. Overall: well penned, write on.
*Balloon*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Balloon*

Angel Army Signature by Kiya
Review of Inside My Head  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
General Disclaimer: This review reflects my opinion and is given with the intention of being constructive and encouraging. I hope you find this review helpful.

A good title that suits the theme of your poem. A good write. Heartfelt and introspective. Very nice rhyming poetry. Imagery: is good as are the descriptives. You paint a picture of this special place in your mind that is peace, serenity and your unique picture of life in perfection. Flow: is good; line to line transition and breaks are well done. Nice rhythm. Rhyme: is good; a mix of near rhyme and perfect feminine and masculine end line rhyme. Tone: lovely depth of feeling; you express well how this place takes away your troubles. Word choice: is good as is the alliteration, assonance and nice consonance. Overall: well penned and an enjoyable read. Write on.
*Balloon*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Balloon*

Angel Army Signature by Kiya
Review of Silken Desires  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
General Disclaimer: This review reflects my opinion and is given with the intention of being constructive and encouraging. I hope you find this review helpful.

A good title that fits the theme of your poem. A good heartfelt write, delightfully sensual. Well crafted rhyming couplets. Nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling. Flow: is good; line to line transition and breaks are nicely done. Nice rhythm. Rhyme: is good; perfect feminine and masculine end line rhyme that is executed well in this piece. Nice internal rhyme in line 7 (abounding, surrounding). Tone: deep expression of emotion; erotic and passion filled. Word choice: is good with nice alliteration, assonance and consonance. Overall: well penned, write on.
Angel Army Signature by Kiya
Review of One word  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
General Disclaimer: This review reflects my opinion and is given with the intention of being constructive and encouraging. I hope you find this review helpful.

A good title that suits the theme do your poem. A good dark write. Introspective and heartfelt. Short, concise and succinct rhyming poetry. Flow: is good; line to line transition and breaks are well done. Very good meter and rhythm. Rhyme: is good, iambic tetrameter that is executed with precision. Perfect masculine end line rhyme which I enjoy and prefer. Tone: deep expression of emotion, you express your grief powerfully in this piece. Word choice: is good as is the alliteration, with nice assonance and consonance. Overall: well penned, write on.
Angel Army Signature by Kiya
Review of A Broken Branch  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
General Disclaimer: This review reflects my opinion and is given with the intention of being constructive and encouraging. I hope you find this review helpful.

A good title that fits the theme of your poem. A good write. Heartfelt. Nice metaphor. Skillfully crafted free verse. Nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling. Flow: is good line to line transition and breaks are well done. Nice rhythm. Tone: good depth of feeling; you express the pain and sadness you feel because this friend would not accept your peace offering. I can relate. Word choice: is good as is the alliteration, assonance and consonance. Overall: well penned. Write on.
Angel Army Signature by Kiya
Review of Make Me An Angel  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.0)
General Disclaimer: This review reflects my opinion and is given with the intention of being constructive and encouraging. I hope you find this review helpful.

A good title that suits the theme of your poem. A good write. Imaginative. Imagery: is good as are the descriptive. You paint a picture of fantasy love that is seen through the lens of your eyes. Flow is good; line to line transition and breaks are nicely done. Nice rhythm. Rhyme: is nice. Unusual rhyme scheme. In lines that rhyme, they are near perfect masculine end line rhyme (ears, hear; match, catch; below, flow, glow, go). Tone: nice depth of feeling as you express the 'angel' that you wish to be made especially for you to love. Word choice: is good as is the alliteration with nice alliteration and consonance. Nicely penned and an enjoyable read. Write on.
*Balloon*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Balloon*

Angel Army Signature by Kiya
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
General Disclaimer: This review reflects my opinion and is given with the intention of being constructive and encouraging. I hope you find this review helpful.

A good title that suits the theme of your poem.

A good write and message. Inspirational and heartfelt. Skillfully crafted rhyming poetry which I prefer and enjoy.

Imagery is very nice as is the descriptives. You paint a lovely picture of nature that we see through the lens of your eye.

Flow is good; line to line transition and breaks are well done. Nice rhythm.

Rhyme is good; every second/fourth line in each stanza is perfect masculine end line rhyme that is executed with precision in this piece.

Deep expression of emotion. Your faith shines in this piece as seen through the beauty created by God as does your love and trust in Him who has blessed you with a family and friends. I can relate to this lovely message to take the time to see God's beauty.

*Star**Star*Word Choice:*Star**Star*
Word choice is good as is the alliteration, assonance and consonance.

Well penned and an enjoyable read. Write on.

Angel Army Signature by Kiya
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
General Disclaimer: This review reflects my opinion and is given with the intention of being constructive and encouraging. I hope you find this review helpful.

A good title that fits the theme of your poem.

A very good write. A skillfully crafted Rubaiyat. Perfect form and well crafted rhyming poetry which I enjoy and prefer.

Imagery is good as are the descriptives. You paint beautiful snapshots of each of the seasons that are vivid as seen through the lens of your eye.

Flow is good; line to line transition and breaks are well done. Very nice rhythm.

*Star**Star*Metaphor or Simile:*Star**Star*
Nice metaphor of autumn 'painting colors of brilliant hue' in the trees.

Rhyme is good; perfect masculine end line rhyme that is executed with precision in this piece.

Lovely depth of feeling; you express the different aspects of each season that any reader can relate to.

*Star**Star*Word Choice:*Star**Star*
Word choice is good. Nice use of repetition for emphasis about nature's attributes. Good alliteration, assonance and consonance.

Well penned and a most enjoyable read. Write on.

Angel Army Signature by Kiya
Review of blooming love  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.0)
General Disclaimer: This review reflects my opinion and is given with the intention of being constructive and encouraging. I hope you find this review helpful.

A good title that suits the theme of your poem.

A good heartfelt write. Nicely crafted prose poetry that is concise and succinct.

Imagery: is nice as is the descriptives. You paint a picture of the shades of color that one sees in the person that they care for that is seen through the lens of your eyes and heart.

Flow is nice; line to line transition and breaks are nicely done. Nice rhythm. Just a suggestion, after bloom change the comma to a period; after colors change the period to a semicolon. Take out the second 'But' and change 'thy' to they. These changes will smooth out the flow and rhythm of your piece (in my opinion).

*Star**Star*Metaphor or Simile:*Star**Star*
Nice simile that we are 'like flowers' in full bloom at last showing others our 'true colors,' who we really are whether it is in friendship or love.

Lovely depth of feeling; you express your thoughts about love in a beautiful way in this piece.

*Star**Star*Word Choice:*Star**Star*
Word choice is good as is the alliteration, assonance with nice consonance.

Nicely penned and an enjoyable read. Write on.

Angel Army Signature by Kiya
Review of All I ever Wanted  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
General Disclaimer: This review reflects my opinion and is given with the intention of being constructive and encouraging. I hope you find this review helpful.

A good title that fits the theme of your poem.

A very good write. Heartfelt and poignant. Rhyming poetry that I always enjoy.

Imagery: is good as are the descriptives. You paint a vivid picture of loss about your child who remains dear to you as you continue to grieve.

Flow is good; line to line transition and breaks are well done. Very nice rhythm.

Rhyme is good; perfect masculine end line rhyme that is executed with precision in this piece.

Deep expression of emotion. You express your loss and love for your little girl poignantly in this poem. Even after four years this is understandable and my condolences in your loss.

*Star**Star*Word Choice:*Star**Star*
Word choice is good. Very good use of repetition for emphasis of your feeling of loss. Good alliteration, consonance and nice assonance.

Overall: well penned, write on.

** Image ID #1611887 Unavailable **
Review of Field of White  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
General Disclaimer: This review reflects my opinion and is given with the intention of being constructive and encouraging. I hope you find this review helpful.

A good title that fits the theme of your poem. A very good write and prayer. Very nice presentation. A sincere cry to the Lord for his strength and guidance in your time of need. Heartfelt prayerful supplication. Skillfully crafted free verse. Flow: is good; line to line transition and breaks are well done. Nice rhythm. Tone: deep expression of emotion. Your faith, trust and love for the Lord shines as does your praise and adoration in this piece. Word choice: is good as is the alliteration and consonance with nice assonance. Overall: well penned and a most enjoyable read. Write on.
** Image ID #1611887 Unavailable **
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
General Disclaimer: This review reflects my opinion and is given with the intention of being constructive and encouraging. I hope you find this review helpful.

A well crafted series of pleiades. Well written and beautiful presentation. Imaginative and magical. Very good form. Overall: well penned and a most enjoyable read. Write on.
** Image ID #1611887 Unavailable **
Review of HALLOWEEN  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
General Disclaimer: This review reflects my opinion and is given with the intention of being constructive and encouraging. I hope you find this review helpful.

A good title that suits the theme of your poem. A very good write and skillfully crafted rhyming acrostic. Concise and succinct. Imagery: is good as are the descriptives. You paint a picture of halloween night that we see through the lens of your eyes. Flow: is good; line to line transition and breaks are well done. Nice rhythm. Rhyme: is good; lines 2, 4, 6 and 8 are perfect masculine end line rhyme that is executed with precision in this piece. Tone: good depth of feeling; you express the fun and games of halloween night very well. I can relate. Word choice: is good as is the alliteration with nice assonance and consonance. Overall: well penned and an enjoyable read. Write on.
*Balloon*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Balloon*
** Image ID #1611887 Unavailable **
Review of The Firefighter  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
General Disclaimer: This review reflects my opinion and is given with the intention of being constructive and encouraging. I hope you find this review helpful.

A good title that fits the theme of your poem. A good write and message about firefighters. Skillfully crafted free verse that is short, concise and succinct. Flow: is good; line to line transition and breaks are well done. Nice rhythm. Tone: good depth of feeling. You express with gratitude the service of firefighters to be there for us when they're needed. Word choice: is good with nice alliteration, assonance and consonance. Overall: well penned and an enjoyable read. Write on.
*Balloon*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Balloon*
** Image ID #1611887 Unavailable **
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