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Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hi Lynne, I have just read your little article, " Apartment Mischief."

I love cats, I have one, although she is quite calm in comparrison to your "Bonkers."

He sounds like he was a lot of fun.

Thank you for sharing.


Review of I am who I am  
Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello StoryBob, I have just read your poem, "I am who I am."

I think this is true for all of us, we are who we are and cannot change, nor should we want to.

Nice little poem.

Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Waldecam, I have just read your story," Powers Of Thought, Where Could You Go?"

I really enjoyed this and would like to read more. I believe you could go on with this and make it much longer.

I love to read anything Supernatural.

Suggestions: The only part I did not understand was , "Falling from one story of another." Perhaps I am reading it wrong.

Great little story.


Review of The Troll Wife  
Review by Sanita
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Xylch, I have just read your story, "The Troll Wife."

I must say, I was engrossed from start to end. Amazing story, I loved it.

Imagery is fantastic and I loved Odora.

I would love a Sequel, their children, maybe?

I have no suggestions, it needs no improvement.

Best wishes.

Review of Laria  
Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Ivyn and welcome to WDC, I have just read your poem, "Laria."

What A lovely name for a perfect world. I wish there were such a place.

I think my favourite verse is , "Laria, where no one is lonely, where we all help one another."

Just one typo, end line, wee should be we.

Best wishes.

Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Soh, I could read this without leaving a comment.

It is beautiful, what a lovely thought to wake up on Christmas morning to such a lovely surprise.


Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello sunflower In Texas, I could not pass this buy without comment.

I love shopping for makeup, like you I prefer a red lipstick and do like to shop around before choosing.

I notice you have , "Andy never decide untill I have looked at everything." I think you meant "And I"

Nice little Article on the art of applying Lipstick.

Best wishes.

Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Lynn, Welcome to WDC. Depression is an awful thing, but as your poem says, nothing is impossible unless we believe it to be.

Well said.

Review of Destiny's Dream  
Review by Sanita
Rated: 18+ | (2.5)
Hello MsShawnR, welcome to WDC. I have just read your story, Destiny's Dream."

I think you have the makings of a good story line and I would like to read more as you add to it.

However, it does need a lot of editing. There are numerous spelling and punctuation mistakes, which make it difficult for the reader.

Best wishes.

Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Zap Hazardous, I have just read your poem, "Love Forever, Love For Never."

A poem of acceptance, knowing the person loved will never be with the poet.

It reminds me of that saying. "It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all."

Lovely poem.


Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello Thelyrical, I have just read your poem, "Way Too Much Power."

A poem of anger at Authorities, Children's Services.

While I would agree with the poem to a certain extent, in some ways they have not used their Authority enough. A lot of Children have suffered and still suffering through neglect from the services.

Suggestions, In line, "Bo room for human error, no room for mistake." Did you mean "No room" a opposed to "Bo room?"

Best wishes .


Review of Goldfish  
Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello BJ Neblett, I have just read your poem, "GoldFish."

I must say, I had to read it a few times before I could decide if I liked it or not. You will be pleased to know I do.

It is actually quite romantic in a fishy sort of way.

The only thing that would put me off, if someone were to say this to me, is that, Goldfish are also very predictable, nothing exciting about them.

But having said that, you won your lady with it.

Review of Lie in peace!  
Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello Neha Mishra, welcome to WDC. I have just read your poem, "Poem."

From what I read the poem decribes the feelings of an angry lover.

I feel the poem would benifit from a more alluring title than Poem.

Review of What To Do  
Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Deepnthought,welcome to WDC. I have just read your poem, "What to do."

I see you are asking for help with the Title. A the poem is clearly about someone who does not know your feelings for them, then perhaps a Title such as "Secret Love." Might fit.?

Review of First kiss  
Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Mravice and welcome to WDC. I have just read your poem, "First Kiss."

So cute and innocent when children have their first kiss.

I was sure of the line "Balls over my head, blood on my knees." I understand she/he probably fell and scraped a knee, but I did not understand the balls thing lol.

Best wishes.

Review of Father Time  
Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello bonnyprince, I have just read your poem,"Father Time."

What a great play on the word time. It is witty and thoughtful at the same time.

I loved the line , "It is Time Time, for your tea."

Review of I'm Waiting  
Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Page, welcome to WDC and Happy Christmas, if you celebrate.

I have just read your little poem, "I'm Waiting." I like short poems, they can say so much in so few words.

A lovely poem, unfortunately we do have to wait, but I think when it happens it will be worth it.

No suggestions, except, keep waiting!

Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Alexandra4577, I have just read your item, "This One Christmas."

What lovely memories you have, thank you for sharing, As for the word "Sorries," I am not sure, but we let you off on this occassion lol.

Happy Christmas.

Review of Don't Think  
Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Rivenfell , this is a great proverb, I could not agree more. Time does not wait for anyone, we should just take the bull by the horns.

Well said.

Review of Discovery  
Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Jessica, I have just read your poem, "Discovery."

I like short poems, for me they say much more than long drawn out ones. I usually do not like non rhyming poetry, but this has a message. The poet is about to start the long climb back up the ladder and find herself again.

Well said.

Review by Sanita
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello justanotherpoethero, I have just read yout poem, " I Will Call My first daughter Lisa."

This is amazing, I cannot fault it, I cannot even pick out which part I liked best, because I liked it all best.

Absolutely beautiful, well written, thoughtful poem.

Best wishes.

Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello acceptthemystery, I have just read yout story. "My Mother, The Antique."

I must admit I found it a little strange to begin with, but then on reading could see the humour in it. On reading even more I see the very important and lovely message in it, your Mother's worth.

Cleverly done, thank you for sharing.

No suggestions.

Best wishes

Review of Three Little Pigs  
Review by Sanita
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello peacelovexc, I have just read your story, " The Three Little Pigs," the true account of course.

I actually laughed out loud, great little version of that story, although I do not think children would be too pleased with it!

No suggestions, great story.

Best wishes.

Review of Santa Darling  
Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Minja, I have just read your poem, "Santa Darling," I like this little poem and I do not think you should make it your last poem as you suggest in your description. Poetry is an excellent way of expressing our feelings.

I like the last two lines, using the word Presents and presence.

Best wishes.

Review by Sanita
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)
Hello eve, I have just read your poem, " Why Make A Promise."

I think It is hard to accept when someone makes a promise, such as an engagement, and then realises it is not for them. As you express in your poem, we then wonder if they will do the same thing to someone else.

Suggestion: In the line, "You ended it like we never meant nothing to you," Actually means we meant something, if we never meant nothing.

Best wishes.

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