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Review of To Feel  
Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello cimmino , welcome to WDC. I have just read your poem "To Feel

*Buttonv* Overall impression: Death of a loved one is never welcome and you express many emotions it brings very well in your poem.

*Pencil* Suggestions: I am not sure why you need the speech marks on the word OH.

*Heart* My favouirite lines, "Surely it is better to feel, than live as this.

Well written emotional poem.


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Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello Zinka and welcome to WDC. I have just read your children's poem,"Cookies And Animal Crackers."

A cute poem and you are right they are so messy!

Suggestion: I think the poem would read better if put into separate lines rather all in one.

Best wishes.


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Review of C'mon Yaar!  
Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello Aliraza and welcome to WDC. Hope you are finding your way around the site alright, it can be a little daunting at first. If you need any help please feel free to e-mail me.

I have just read your poem "C,mon Yaar."

I am not sure about the title it does not seem to fit with the inspirational verses. I especially liked the lines," You can change the world around, you can bring happiness."

The syllable count is off, which makes the read a little jumpy, but a very good inspirational poem.

Best wishes.


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Review of Puzzle Passion  
Review by Sanita
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello Little Birdie, welcome to WDC! I have just read your short story, "Puzzle Passion."

I thought it a great little story, very funny and the pun at the end really made it.

Poor George is obviously addicted to contests!

The lines are a bit off, I do not know if that was intentional or you copied and pasted. Sometimes when an item is copied and pasted it does tend to go a bit wonky. I see it is a contest entry so you maybe are not allowed to edit till after the contest has been judged.

Very enjoyable little story.

Best wishes.

Review of Whispered Words  
Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello its-just-me, I have just read your story, "Whispered Words."

What a beautiful love story with a tragic end. I enjoyed the read, really good imagery.

Two typos: "I was afraid of losing of frienship" and "You're badly injured but you'll ok."

Lovely story.


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Review of crache (94 words)  
Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello whisperit thank you for your entry in the "Invalid Item .

I love the way chiidren interact with each other.

A slight twist in this little story, the girl taking the mans role and vice vercer. Food for thought here.

Great little story and good luck!

Review of Memories  
Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi again Yusuf, what a beautiful poem this is.

I sincerely hope this is fiction.

Lovely poetry.

Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (2.0)
Hello Express, I have just read your story," White Elelphant."

I am assuming this is not finished as there does not appear to be an ending?

I think you would need to edit the whole story as all these red numbers you have put in are very distracting to the reader.

Review by Sanita
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Shail, welcome to WDC. I have just read your poem, "Unwashed Memories."

Actually it was the title that drew me to it, one of those titles that is intrguing and makes one want to read more.

It is very hard when we lose a loved one. I like the lines, " Magical moments as these, remind us to cherish and celebrate each moment and seconds spent in the mystical company of the loved."

Very true.

Review by Sanita
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Hello Jaiam, I have just read your poem,"Pretty Brown Eyes."

What a lovely poem and the picture to go with it.

No favourite par,t I loved it all and no suggestions.

Review by Sanita
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello C Shepprun, I have just read your story, "The Price Is Wrong."

What a very deep story this is and such a powerful message too.

I have no doubt this sort of thing happens. Part of me felt sorry for him as he had no recollection and part of me did not.

Imagery is great.

Review of UT-OH  
Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello lost in thewoods, I have just read your story, "UT OH."

The Snowmobile sounds like fun, although can be dangerous as you explain in your story. I am glad to hear Tiff was fine.

Suggestion: When somene speaks it is best to put something like "asked dad," or "Tiff replied," rather than just their name after they have spoken. It would read much better.

Review of Vacant Seat  
Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello Neptunus, I have just read your short story. "Vacant Seat."

I would say you have a good story line, but feel there should be much more. The imagery is not there. I think a clearer description of where they are, how Sam met Joodeth and a little more of their history.

Hope this helps a little.

Review of LOVE spell. :)  
Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello puppycat123 and wow, I am so going to try this! Ha Ha

Have you done it? Did it work? I must know!

Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Prosperous pen, I have just read your of "BEing The BEst You In The New Year."

A lot of people making their resolutions and wanted to do better than the past year, It is good that we set goals for ourselves.

You could enter this the "Dear Me, " contest.

Review of How I met My Wife  
Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Robert, I have just read your story. "How I Met My Wife."

What a beautiful account of how you met LaVerne and what a beautiful name.

It sounds like you had many lovely years together.

I love the poem you wrote her all that time ago and how lovely that she kept it.

Thank you for sharing your story.

Review of The Philosopher  
Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Nabbit and welcome to WDC. I have just read your poem."The Philosopher."

I like this, very true words, the world is full of empty promises.

I especially liked the last lines." Under the sun, people find solace in lies, and that is their escape."

Good poem.

Best wishes.


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Review of Winter  
Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Madeline, welcome to WDC, I have just read your poem, "Winter."

I think the seasons are always a favourite with poets. So many ways to describe the weather.

I like the line, "The wind tosses snowflakes around in the air."

I am not sure why the end line just says "And."


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Review of Growing pains.  
Review by Sanita
Rated: 13+ | (2.5)
Hello kylie, I have just read your story, "growing pains."

It is always difficult when we learn to trust someone and then discover they no longer want us. A hard lesson indeed.

Suggestions: There are a lot of Grammatical and Punctuation errors here. Each sentence should be started with a Capital letter and "I" should always be a capital.

Hope this helps.

Review of Heights  
Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello Hayley, I have just read your draft, "Heights."

You have a good story line here and I know it is just a draft, but I feel it is moving to quickly from one thing to another. For example, " Eating roast at the table alone. Three hours later she woke up." It seems to infer Hannah was eating in her sleep, I feel there needs to be more inbetween those lines.

Also the words. "Flashes of memories flashed through her mind." would read better as "Memories flashed through her mind." The use of the words Flashes and flashed are too close together.

Hope this helps a little.

A good story line.


Review by Sanita
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hello Allons-y. I have just read your letter to yourself.

Some great advice to yourself and some goals to keep to.

Suggestions: I notice you have written "an" quite a lot, when it should be "and."

Best wishes and good luck with your goals.

Review of Dear Me  
Review by Sanita
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Aquib, Welcome to WDC. I have just read your, "Dear Me," letter.

Apart from some it being very funny, it also has a serious note and some very good advice to yourself.

I agree completely, always be yourself, do not go to the gym, or diet or give up the vices because other people think you should. Do everything for you.

Great letter.

Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello mayagracie, I have just read your poem, "Letting go, I release."

Great message with your poem. You are right forgivness is the first step to feeling free and released.
We cannot move on till we do.

Best wishes.

Review of Firebug  
Review by Sanita
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Nathan, I have just read your story, "FireBug."

Well, part of me wants to laugh and the other part wants to be cross, just like your parents! if you had have been mine, I would have grounded you for life, not two weeks! lol

Dangerous stuff fire, but children do not see the danger.

Thank you for sharing this and leave the matches alone.

Review by Sanita
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello meinnc, I have just read your poem," Because He Had A Reason."

I know it is a little late to review a Christmas poem but I found this on the static items and did not want to pass it by without comment.

You are right Christmas has lost it's meaning for many, it seems. Title very fitting.

Good rhythm and rhyme.

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