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Review of Torn  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I thouroughlly enjoyed your poem This man sounds like the epitome of evil. Thank God, you got through it with just a broken heart. I love your use of words. It was a very nice read. But the more I read, the angrier I got. I do hope that your life now is happy and content. Happy New Year. All the best, Beeline!
Review of Dragonfly  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Your use of words, I liked. I suppose it speaks of love. Lost Love at that.But, not totally love or am I reading this wrong? The only thing I found that I didn't like was your use of metapors. It made me get lost. Not that I am stupid. But I had to read between the lines. It was however a good read. Happy New Year. All the best, Beeline!
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is an excellent fantasy poem. It was an excellent reading. Perhaps the dragons are still fllying. And perhaps the faries have found another wood. I loved the way the poem is worded. I have always been a scienfce fiction fantasy fan. That is what attracted me to your poem. Keep up the good work. Happy New Year, Beeline!
Review of LOVES EMBERS  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Jessica A Martinez,
That was a beautiful poem. O ne of the best I have read ina long time. Thirty years have passed. Was there any contact in those thirty years? It sounds like a beautiful love story. One that should endure. Perhaps you could write a screenplay. It would be better than anything I have seen lately. Have you written any more since then? I would love to read them. This is truly a wonderful read. Happy New Year,. All the best, Beeline!
Review of Maps  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a very tragic poem. If only you could be close again. At first it made me very sad. As I read, I understood it much more. You would never give up the pain that happened. Correct me if I am intrepreting this wrong. AS I so often do. This is a beautiful love story. With sadness blended in. Keep writing. You are very good at it. Happy New year. All the best, Beeline!.
Review of Cat Sith Prologue  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
At first, I didnt' get anything out of your poem. But, as I read on, it took me to the end to understand. I was dumb like that. it was a good read. I wish it was longer. This is a good prologue. I hope no one else has any trouble reading it as I did. Again, I was dumb like that. I wish you the best. Happy New Year. Beeline!!
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a very sad poem. All seems lost. When your savior appears. Your angel of spring. Your life is full of sadness and misery. The world seems to have forgotten you. This is excellent writing. I love your ending. it raps every thing up. This is a great read. Happy Holidays. All the best, Beeline!
Review of MY FRIEND  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
You have a great friend. You are there for each other and that is a good thing. BE there for each other and in so doing you will have a life to go on with that friend. You told a beautiful story within this poem. you made it clear that you love your friend and they love you back. How special that is. Happy Holidays. All the best. Beeline!
Review of Demons  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
I enjoyed reading your poem. Although, I wasn't sure exactly what I was reading. Your poem seems to be complicated. It was a good read. it is probably my problem. I so much want to understand it. i am sure it is a wonderful poem. you were talking about the demons inside you working their way outside of you if I am correct in assuming what you meant. Happy Holidays. All the best, Beeline!
Review of Untitled  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I read your poem. It was quite bizarre. Although, it was a good read. I do not understand it at all. I do wish that you would email me and explain it to me. I am qutie curious. I do like your use of words. And the structure of the poem was good. I am anxious to know exactly the meaning of this poem. Happy New Year. All the best, Beeline!
Review of SILENCE  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a romance/love poem in the greatest sense of the words. You have done a good job. It is with the silence that things really happen I guess from what you are saying. Silence reveals me to you is a line that sums it up beautifully. Happy Holidays. Keep writing. All the best.
Review of Imperfection  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a very interesting poem. The stucture was very nice. It was a great read. I agree totally with this poem. It is almost like being in a crowded room. And yet, there was no one there. I agree totally with your poem. With this it was a great read. Happy Holidays. Happy New year. All the best, Beeline!
Review of I Warned You  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
A friend defending a friend is a wonderful thing. A good friend is very hard to find. Murder, I don't believe is the answer. A strong kick in the butt should do just as well. This was a beautiful read. Only I see the way that you have explained things. I believe you. However, I hope this is only fiction. Happy Holidays. All the best, Beeline!
Review of Your Veil  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a very interesting poem. I am a song writer myself. the piece had excellent structure. Great use of words. There was a picture here within this piece. It was about finding someone out in the true light of things. If this is your first song, you should keep writing. Happy Holidays. All the best, Beeline!
Review of As Expected  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a very sweet poem. And an excellent read. Happiness for a change most of the poems I read here about couples they are either breaking up or fighting or cheating or etc.. I really enjoyed this. There is a picture within the words. It tells of one that looks on another. Happy Holidays. All the best, Beeline!
Review of Happiness  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a lovely poem. I am so tired of depressing down and out couples breaking up this is a very refreshing piece. You had an excellent structure. Your use of words was superb. It is a very well organized poem. There is so little happiness in the world. Its good to see this one little corner where it is peaceful. Happy Holidays. All the best, Beeline!
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Please help me with this. I don't quite understand your poem. Are you in a mental hospital and have stopped taking your medication therefore you are beginning to hallucinate and the other things tha t go with untreated sketzophernia. I enjoyed your poem. It was a great read. Please let me know the true meaning of your poem All the best. Happy New Year, Beeline!.
Review of Gone  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I don't believe it is always meant to be. However, that is simplely my opinion. I found this poem to be sad with somewhat tragic. But it was a wonderful read. There was one mistake in the whole piece. I believe you meant to say breathe and nott breath in that one line. You said so much with so few words. I would like to read some more of your material. All the best, Beeline!
Review of Examples  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I really enjoyed your poem. It has several nice touches to it. Idon't believe you should ever have second guesses about your past. After all, your past has made you what you are today. Please have no regrets about your mistakes. From time to time, of course, we all have regrets. This poem was a very good read. Please keep up the good work. All the best, Beeline!
Review of Come to Life  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a very good piece,. There are so many things that can be said for this poem. You drew pictures with your colors you used. One could see you looking at the other's eyes and seeing yourself. You were emerging. There were no mistakes found in the whole piece. You did well. Happy Holidiays. All the best.
Review of Least Favorite  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I totally understand where you're coming from. My siblings didn't accept me. It is hard to deal with. I completely feel for you. This was a tragic piece. Being the least favorite is one thing that I can accept,. It hurts badly. There is nothing good that can come of it. Glad that you put it in writing for us to read. i do wish you all the best. Beeline! Happy Holidays.
Review of Vortex  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
This was an excellent read. However, I didn't quite understand it. Which is probably my problem. Sometimes with poems such as yours I get lost. It had a nice structure but no rhyme scheme to speak of. Of course, songs don't always have to rhyme. But a few rhyme. I think tends to help a song. ( am a song writer myself. And not all of my songs rhyme. I wish you would email me. And explain the song to me. Happy Holidays. All the best, Beeline!
Review of Falling  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
You have a great song here. Tragic. And depressing. You are trying so hard to save this other person. It is very touching. I, myself, am a song writer. My songs tend to be sad. So I love to read it. Another persons sad song. And this is a good one. An excellent read. keep writing. I would love to read some of your other material. Happy Holidays. All the best, Beeline!
Review of Allow me to dream  
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I did enjoy your poem Your rhyming was sporadic but it had added much to the poem. Your use of words were superb. it was an excellent read. I don't completely understand parts of the poem. That goes back to your use of words. Though I find it well done, it can be confusing. I like to read more of your material. Happy Holidays. All the best, Beeline!
Review by Beeline
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a beautiful picturesque piece. You have done well. There is a vision of romance and love for your musical instrument. It starts off where it seems you are talking about a girl. Then, it becomes clear that you are mentioning about your guitar. I see the picture you are making here with this piece. Happy Holidays. All the best to you and yours.
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