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Review of The Moment  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello TheBusmanPoet ...

You are very right in this poem. I agree with you and what you said. Time is the key and we all should grasp the very moment in time. The past is the past and the future is not set. I liked the simplicity of your writing here. It was very philosophical and rewarding. I felt an amazing high as I read this through. Your writing was very positive. I found no way of improving the poem. The size was great. Nice presentation with the body of writing in the center of the page. Overall, a nice uplifting poem. Thank you for sharing this here.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of Lust  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Elisa: Middle Aged Stik ...

I thought your writing here was very honest and real. The lines of desire and need were great. I can tell this was written from truth and reality. I liked the last stanza most, it summed up the whole piece perfectly. This reminded me of someone having an affair, where love is secondary. Like love, lust can eat us up inside. It is a fire that needs attention. I enjoyed reading your work through. I thought you wrote this perfectly. Leaving the meaning and details up to the reader. Slightly inspirational to me. Thank you for sharing this here.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of "Fear No Evil"  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello jaya ...

I thought this writing from you was great. Your understanding of Lucifer is good. I liked this Godly poem from you. You have restored my belief in the light. I am not shocked that this writing is a first place winner. It is written very well. The technical side of this writing was perfect and the words and lines were an inspiration to me. Fear no evil was a good title for this writing. I found no way of improving your writing here. It was very nice. I enjoyed reading and reviewing this piece. Thank you for sharing this here.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of Shout.  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello BlueDight ...

I thought your writing here was very deep and well written. The flow was good and the rhythm was good too. There were many lines of great philosophy here. Life is a crazy thing if we look inside and think hard. There is no summing life up, it is like love, a subject with no boundaries. I liked the size of your writing here, it kept my attention levels up high. I liked the overall feeling this writing gave me. A good deep progressive piece of writing. Thank you for expressing yourself and sharing this here.

Spiritual Dawning
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Words Whirling 'Round ...

This was an excellent piece of poetry from you. The flow, the rhythm, the rhymes were all fantastic. I couldn't fault this writing. The funny thing is, everything you wrote down was actually true. You described aging perfectly. Some people get bitter and grumpy with old age and some see the funny side of it all. Your poem seemed to mention both parties. Yes there was some humor in this writing but the story was excellent. I am glad it has won an awardicom. Great writing and thank you for sharing this special piece.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of You Are  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello TheBusmanPoet ...

I thought your poem here was really, really sweet. The way you wrote this was lovely. It is easy to see that this all came fromt he heart and soul, a true poem. The flow was good, the rhythm was good and it all was very original. The title was simple and matched the writings content very well. You expressed yourself so clearly and the words and lines were direct to the reader. I couldn't fault this poem and I am glad it has won an awardicom. It deserves the ribbon. Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece here.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of not Me  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Empress ....

I think you have found a direction in your life. A road you can go down and be safe. You have found yourself again. Be strong and have patience. You are in touch with God now. I thought you expressed yourself very well. There was a good flowing momentum to your writing. I am glad you wrote down your inner feelings here. If you keep emptying your heart and soul in to poetry, you will fall back in love with it. Keep going, keep shining and keep expressing yourself. Thank you for sharing this interesting piece here.

Spiritual Dawning
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello Whiskerfaceschoolsout! ...

I read your writing through three times to get the full effect. I liked the child-like theme of the sea animals playing together. I loved the last line, calling the dolphins to play. The overall feeling of this limeric was great. I would have loved it if this could have been made into a chain of limerics, adding to the wonderful story you told. I liked the innocence of the theme. I wish I could write limerics. You did a fine job here with this one. Great writing and thank you for sharing this here.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of Unlikely Friend  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Smartie ....

I really liked this piece of writing from you. It was sweet, nice, pleasant and warming. The tale you told was lovely and was a refreshing change. I smiled as I read this through. I would have loved to have read more of this writing. The story was uplifting. I found no way of improving the writing. I am glad you have found someone who you really like and get along with perfectly. Your happiness was portrayed in the writing. I hope everything stays grand for you in the future. Thank you for sharing this here.

Spiritual Dawning
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello jaya ...

I would like to thank you for writing a very special piece of writing. Your writing emulated everything I feel about nature and my maker. The words and lines were magical and very poetic. Is it only writers that see the true beauty of what is around us on a daily basis? I have actually sat in a meadow and said thank you to the lord for everything he has given this world. When the sun shines softly on the flowers and trees and the animals are playing, it makes the reality of God's earth so much more rewarding. I am glad I found this poem from you. Reading and reviewing this was a real joy. You and I have both seen the real beauty of life. Great writing and thank you for sharing this here.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of Limericks  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello dragonline (dragon online) ....

If these limerics were your first attempt, I think you did a very, very good job. The first one is my favourite. I liked how the silly dog thought the mango was food. Limerics always make me smile and I take my hat off to those who can write them. I have never tried to write a limeric becuase I know I would fail. The second limeric was sweet and held a nice touch of nature. To me, you nailed these limerics very well. The amount of imagination needed to write a limeric is collosal. Well done for succeeding. Great writing.

Spiritual Dawning
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Anna Marie Carlson ...

You are very welcome for the three reviews I did for you and thank you for the gift points.

I thought this poem was great and knowing that it is based on true events makes it much more appealing. I could just imagine the owl and sailor as one at sea. I think the imagery from this story was beautiful. It is very rare that wild animals share time with humans like this. Your writing is deep and poetic. You captured a moment in time where peace was found and wisdom prevailed. I think you are an interesting writer and should keep going. You do write from a quirky angle but if your prefaces are written correctly, people will understand. Thank you for sharing this poem here.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of Where I am From  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Angelica- Happy July 4th! ...

I thought your writing here was great. I thought your writing had great momentum as the writing progressed. I really liked the originality of this piece. Somehow, I found this all to be very inspiring. Your creativity was very evident here. You covered many angles of origins and made the writing seem alive. There was a lot of positivity in this writing. I like how you ended the piece. The ending held much imagery for me. I enjoyed reading and reviewing this poem. Thank you for sharing your plentiful creativity here. Good work.

Spiritual Dawning
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Anna Marie Carlson

I enjoyed reading your work through. I found it all quite interesting. I like how you wrote this piece, it was very educational. I have never read a piece or short story with animals as characters. I have however seen a few films, cartoons with animal characters. You have a lot of knowladge and put it to good use by writing these pieces. This writing reminded me of "Watership Down" a perfect example of the fable, the story. You have put me in the right mood to write after reading this through. Thank you for shring this piece here.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of The Wise Lion  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi there Anna Marie Carlson

This writing reminded me of the cowardly lion in the film "Wizard of Oz". Your writing was clear and your grammar was good. I liked the story you told here. There was good imagery coming from your words and lines. I thought this writing was very original by theme. I would love to know the what inspired you to write this piece. I like the amount of imagination you put into this writing. Thank you for sharing this here.

Spiritual Dawning
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Anna Marie Carlson ...

I thought this writing from you was quite uplifting and positive. I can safely say I am guilty of letting friends go that seemed dull. Like you wrote, little did I know, they were actually quite special. I have had freinds let me go too. It is a classic old saying of.... "You reap what you sow".....

I liked how you mentioned peoples lives and how they can turn them around. Only if we are 100% positive can we achieve this. Sometimes we just have to fight that little bit harder to avoid missery and struggle. This was an inviting piece of writing from you. I enjoyed reviewing it. Thank you for sharing this here.

Spiritual Dawning
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi there Redtowrite ..

I think you wrote a very special piece of writing here, mixing nature with romance. Your descriptive words and lines were a real poetic joy to read through. The description of winter was sublime. I really enjoyed reading this through. The depth of the writing was great. I found no way of improving your writing. A well written, well executed and well displayed item. I loved your peotic sway here. I was gripped to every word you wrote down. Overall, a lovely, refreshing piece of writing. Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece of poetry.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of GREEN TEA  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello InkWellspring66

I thought your writing here was very original by theme. It is so refreshing knowing that you have noted the beauty that God has created for us all. Your writing sparked a thought in me that mankind does not need to eat and kill animals for food. It is apparent that God put enough fruit and vegatables on earth for everyone. Although your writing was nice and rewarding it made me realise the vulgar ways of modern man. The flow was good, the rhythm was good and made your writing easy to read through. I enjoyed this piece from you. Great inspirational writing.

Spiritual Dawning
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello 💙 Carly ....

I had to love this writing from you. You described the shower really well. You also set the scene really well too. Nice presentation. Nice flowing lines. This was a joy to read and review. I am glad you recognised the power, the beauty of the universe. I found your writing to be very refreshing. Writing about the stars and meteor showers is a real blessing. I loved the last four lines, they really hit home. Summing up the greatness of our universe. I feel special when I look up at night and it is my favourite time of day. Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece here.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of Death Came  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hi there Pony Tale ...

I am so sorry for your loss. This was a beautiful poem. Very direct, very detailed. I felt very sad reading this through. The last two lines were really sad and I felt the tug of death so vividly. I have to admire your bravery in writing a detailed poem about your mother. I felt dispair and pain too. This was a well thought out piece of writing. I can only appologise for your loss. I am glad however that you wrote this and posted it too. A very clever piece. Thank you for sharing.

Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
Review of Night haiku  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi there Kotaro ...

I thought your little poem here was great. The writing is better than you think. There was amazing imagery coming from the words and lines. I couldn't help but see the earth rise in the distance. This reminded me of the NASA's footage from the moon landings. In 1978 a stamp was made with the image of the earth from the moon. The image was simply called "Earthrise". Your writing emulated this very well. All three lines were perfectly executed. Thank you for inspiring me. Write on !!!

Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
Review of The Storm  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi there Norman ....

Again you have written a very rewarding piece of poetry. Your rhymes are again special and flowed perfectly. Your rhythm was perfect too. I loved the way you wrote of nature showing mankind whos boss. This was a lovely little line. I am a great fan of your rhyming poems and have read many of them. Good presentation. Nice overall effect. Good work and write on!!!

Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi there Lou-Here By His Grace ...

I really, really liked the amount of soul in this writing. There was to me, a real amount of humble well being coming from this writing. Reading this through made me feel at peace and awe. The special thoughts came to me when I read the line: "I went to renew my soul in the country and took a quiet nap under an old oak tree".... I found this line very unique and humbling. There was a very placid feeling to this writing. This is one of the most rewarding poems I have read in a long while. Thank you for sharing this here.

Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
Review of In His Presence  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi there Sum1 Is Home! ...

I enjoyed reading your writing through. The flow was great, the rhythm was great and the technical side was good. I found no way of improving the writing. I have to say, I found the words and lines to be very uplifting and positive. The love of God was evident here. I also found this writing to be exciting. God is everywhere in our lives and you mentioned that clearly here. I feel him every morning I wake. You mentioned a cool summer breeze, I see the beauty of God everytime the sun shines on my flowers. I related very well to everything you wrote down and posted. A lovely, inspiring piece of writing. Thank you for the positivity. God bless and write on!!!

Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
Review of Unchain me  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi there Joe House ...

I liked the originality of your writing here. You managed to say a lot in just a few lines. The theme was rare becuase many poets write of the positivity that love can bring. I wonder if this writing is fiction or non-fiction. I do strongly believe you should display the writing like I have set out below. This is just my opnion, I think it makes the poem easier to read through. You can discard my offer as you may wish. I just think it looks prettier.

Unchain me from this love
Set me free from this torment
Let me go so I may live
No wish to die do I have
So unchain me from this wicked love
You have caught me in
like a tangled web you have spun
No escape do I see.

I would like to thank you for expressing yourself very well here. This is the joy of writing poems. To be able to feel free. Nice work. Write on !!!

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