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Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello Messy Bookworm

I am glad you have written another poem and it is a good one. I loved the title very much. Your writing structure is good here. You seem to write about humans and their condition and their feelings. I wonder what your poems would be like if you wrote about nature, flowers, birds, bees and grass. You can already write well. I see no problems with your writings. To me there is always a light in sadness. Some people are so used to sadness that they forget what it is like to feel the light and happiness. I like the topics you choose to write about. I have told you before that you are good little writer and I enjoy visiting your portfolio to see your work. Your writings are fine. Thank you for sharing this poem here.

Spiritual Dawning
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Messy Bookworm

I thought your writing here was very positive and bright. Again you wrote this poem in a good way. Nice flowing lines. Good rhythm, good rhymes. I see you are enjoying your writing lately. Your writing is very good. It feels good when a poem is finished and posted. You have done a very good job on this work. You are right, hope, is a flashlight. Great writing. Keep smiling and keep going.

Spiritual Dawning
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello Messy Bookworm

WOW, I thought this writing was great. Yes you made the writing very real. The rhymes were great and the rhythm was good too. You described the feeling of fear very well. The detailed account was very vivid. You also made me feel lonely with the correctness of your words and lines. I liked how you mentioned the world being a big place and feeling like a mouse. These lines really hit home. Overall this was a great piece of writing. No need to change anything with it. Good work.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of Anger, A Blaze  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello Messy Bookworm ...

I am glad you posted another poem for us all to read. Your rhymes were great and the flow was great too. I think you described anger very well here in this poem. To me, anger is a flash of hatred that lasts just seconds. I also think it can be uncontrolable, normally coming from someone with no patience. You are right, it is a spark. I liked the poetic sway of your writing. I enjoyed reading this work through. I think you are a good writer. Thank you for sharing this work here.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of Misled  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Purple Princess

I found your poem here in the random review page.

I thought this poem was perfectly written. The story was well directed and executed. The flow was sublime, the rhythm was great and the rhymes were fantastic. Although the theme was sad, the whole poem was alive. You have written an excellent piece here. There was emotions in this piece, heartfelt love and pain too. This is a deep poem and I loved it all. Thank you for sharing it here.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of The Little Match  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Messy Bookworm

If this is your first attempt at poetry, you have a good writing future ahead of you. I thought this writing was very positive and rewarding to read through. There was wisdom and hope in your writing. The flow was good, the structure was good too. This was a nice piece of philosophy here. Welcome to writing.com. I really hope you stay here, it would be a sad waste to see your writing skills disappear. You have skill, use it wisely.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of True Friendship  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Pat ~ Rejoice always!

I stumbled across your poem here in the random review page.

Not only is this a clever piece of writing, everything you wrote down was true. You exact the meaning of real friendship perfectly here. I was taken back at the pure quality of this piece from you. You nailed the form so well I was so shocked at the finess of your writing. I am lucky enough to have a friend like you have described here. So I related very well to everything you said. Overall, this is very, very good writing. Thank you for sharing this here.

Spiritual Dawning
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Prosperous Snow celebrating

I found this poem from you in the random read page.

WOW. I loved this beautiful poem from you. Your word-crafting was very special. The use of the words were great and rewarding. The little story was warming as you mentioned the changing season. There are too many favourite lines to choose from, I loved them all. It is poems and writing like this that keeps me reviewing and returning to WDC. This was such a joy to read through. The pureness of this poem made me smile and sigh. The poetic sway was sublime. Thank you for sharing this here.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of Oops 2  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Beholden

I had to laugh at your very short story here. The title made the story even more funny. I am laughing as I type this review out. Such a silly little piece but has a great impact on the reader. The simplicity was great, there was even good imagery coming from the words and lines. I had to feel sorry for the aliens in their craft. I guess it serves them right for landing here. Overall, I loved the quirkiness of your story. Good work and write on. Thank you for making me smile.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of Why Care?  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello G. B. Williams

I found this writing from you to be very interesting. You seemed to care for the careers in this world. You obviously know some lovely people in your life. Just as I do mine. Some people care too much and others have no care at all. The theme of your writing here was great and can spark a decent, deep conversation. Sadly we have no control over people we meet in life but we can control ourselves. I care, I always have. Yes it has been thrown back at me sometimes, but, like you said here, it is who I am. I enjoyed reading and reviewing your piece here today. Thank you for sharing this here.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of Prayer to Danu  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello LeJenD'

I found this piece from you in the random read page.

I thought it was lovely to read through. There was a real amount of sweetness to the overall feel of this prayer. I loved the sentiment and realness. My heart came alive when reading this through. I would love to know who Danu is, a biblical person? Writing prayers down really gets the jucies flowing with high amounts of inspiration. I felt the freedom of life in this prayer from you. I loved it all. Your creativity was fantastic. Great writing and thank you for sharing this here.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of I Am Deer  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello LeJenD' ...

Aww. I thought your poem here was lovely, sweet, rewarding and fresh. You told this story very well. The flowing words and lines made the writing a joy to read through. You also described the life of a deer perfectly. I loved the natural power of your poem and you have made me feel sad for the hunted animal. I live in the UK and we Brits don't hunt deer, we protect them in deer parks. I felt peace as I read this through. Overall, a lovely, sweet and special piece of writing. Well done and keep going.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of Bullets  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Daimoness1996 ...

I thought the way you wrote this draft was good. I liked the tempo of the words and lines. I read through this draft at speed. Your gramma is fine. I was gripped to the story as it unfolded. I noticed There were a few repeated moments in the draft. The heat of war was very well documented here in your story. I am not the greatest at reviewing stories. I liked the intesity of your words and plot. Good luck for the future.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of Tired  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Daimoness1996 ...

You were not joking when you said your emotions are all over the place. This is a deeply written piece. It seems like your lover is not making things easy for you. I liked the title, it matched the writings words and lines. If you cannot decide what you want then walk away and be by yourself, that way you can think more and wait to see what happens. I liked your expressions and open hearted feelings. Love can be the hardest thing to ever work with, especially if its going sour or confusing. I hope things smooth themselves over for you in the future. Thank you for sharing this here.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of Frost Wraith  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Ashutosh Galgali ...

Your writing here is splendid. Good flowing lines. Good rhythm and great rhymes. You described the winter very well. The transition of seasons was well documented here in your writing. I am glad you have found a place to post, show and present your writings. You are a good writer judging by this first poem from you. I really enjoyed reading and reviewing this piece. The title was fitting for the poems words and lines. Sometimes, after a long hot summer, the winter can bring a sigh of relief. I found no way of improving your writing here. It is a great piece. Thank you for sharing this here.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of Serene Beauty  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello VeryWell ...

I am so glad you have recognised the pure beauty of nature, the green grass, the flowers, the animals. Your writing here was direct and simple for the reader to follow. I liked the size of your writing, it held my attention very well. You wrote this perfectly, leaving the reader to think of nature and the impossible perfection that it really is. I also thought your philosophy in this poem was great. I found this all to be very inspiring. The true beauty of nature may never be fully understood, especially how it all came to be. Overall, this was a lovely little piece of writing. Thank you for sharing this here.

Spiritual Dawning
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello LeJenD' ...

I thought your poem here was very sweet and lovely to read through. You painted a lovely picture of your times with Daddy. The whole piece was kind and peaceful. I loved the innocence this writing made me feel. You wrote this on fathers day?, what a lovely tribute. Your memories are beautiful and made me smile. I love how you refelcted on Daddy's work torn hand. I am glad I came across this lovely poem, it made me smile. A nice reflection of you and Daddy. Thank you for sharing this here.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of Passive Cruelty  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Sox and Sandals ...

I thought your little piece of writing here was good. The title drew me in and matched the writings content very well. The dark that surrounded this piece was to me a slice of reality. The writing made me see many things, a lazy man drinking beer all day. A terrible father who never worked. A carer that never really cared. The imagery was vivid to me. I liked the size of the writing, it held my attention up high. The overall theme was sad and deep. I enjoyed reading and reviewing this poem. Thank you for sharing this here.

Spiritual Dawning
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello flyfishercacher ....

I don't normally read short stories but I am glad I read this one. You painted a lovely picture with your words here. You described the scene very well. I was transported into the valley as if being there with your characters. I felt the warmth of the sun and saw the light of the moon. The imagery was special. Your grammar was excellent and you told your story very well. I loved it and wouldn't change a thing. This is a lovely, lovely little story. You managed to mix nature with real life really well too. Great writing. Thank you for sharing this here.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of A Woman's Love  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello rl ...

I have to say, I think you wrote a very inspiring piece of work here. I too have recognised that a womans love should be captured with both hands. A womans love is pricelss and worth more than can be said. Love is a two way street though. I liked your writing style in the piece from you. It was very well written and executed. I liked the title a lot, it was simple and matched the writings content well. Thank you for sharing this great poem.

Spiritual Dawning
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello HollyMerry ...

I thought your little poem here was wonderfully written. A lovely descriptive piece of flowers, nature and blooms. This whole piece was very portic and lavish by word. The size was good too, it held my attention up high. There was also a fresh sense of freedom coming from the words and lines. I was so happy reading this through. I found no way of improving the writing, it was great just how it is. A lovely poem to read through. Thank you for sharing this here.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of Moonlight dreams  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello simon331 ...

I really enjoyed reading your poem through. I am a great fan of night time and have written many poems about it. I think it is a time of fantasy and wonder, delight and joy. I related very well to everything you wrte down. I loved the poetic sway about this piece. I liked how you described the morning sun coming to kill off the night. The romance was lovely at the end. This was well written and well executed. I loved the title too. Overall, a lovely little piece of writing. Thank you for sharing this here.

Spiritual Dawning
for entry "June 17 and 18
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Yes, I was indeed refering to NASA's picture of the Earth with the Moon on the foreground. I am not sure where I got 1978 from. They call this picture "Earthrise" and here in the UK in 1978, I think, we made the picture into stamp. Apollo 8 was rolling footage of the Earthrise. As Apollo 8 filmed the Earthrise, they said a prayer, starting with ..."In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth and God saw the light". I wasn't born until 1972 so I am playing catch-up. Upon seeing this rolling footage in 1993, I cried at the beauty of it all. I knew since then that we all should be taking better care of the Earth. It is now in 2021 that we are finally doing so. Thank you for plugging my piece and giving me the oppertunity to discuss it here.

I can not believe you managed to park your car in the wrong drive way. I didn't know if to laugh or cry for you. Sorry about your husbands health.

Review of Yellow  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Koyel~writing again ....

I thought your little poem here was lovely to read through. I really enjoyed the romance side of this work. Such a simple little poem and made me smile. You managed to say a lot in just a few lines. I would have loved to have read more of this writing, I was gripped to each line and word. The whole poem seemed to be uplifting and promising. It is hard to pick a favourite line because they are all great lines. I admired the romance here. Thank you for sharing and making me smile.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of Alive  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello fyn ...

I couldn't help but feel emotional as I read your writing through. This was a powerful piece of writing and it tugged on my heart and soul. The emotion in each line made my eyes fill with tears. You have written a very strong poem here. The poetic power was magnificant. The tearful meaning of this writing really hit home. I hope you have many years still to come. There was a realness about this writing. Thank you for sharing this here and thank you for making feel tearful. lol.

Spiritual Dawning
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