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Review of Breathless  
Rated: E | (5.0)

I thought your little piece of writing here was lovely and refreshing. The size was perfect, it kept my attention levels up. I liked the freedom you gave me here in this writing. The imagery coming from some of the lines was great. I really liked the line "And the perfume of flowers that lingered has given me hope"..... this line held much promise to me. I loved the overall feeling of this writing. Great work and write on..

Spiritual Dawning
Review of Pet Menagerie  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Schnujo's in the Falklands

I thought your collection of little poems was very sweet. The first poem made me laugh so much, it rolled along perfectly. I also thought this was great for children. Nice constructive work done here on these poems. I loved them all....

Keep going...

Spiritual Dawning
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

I would love to know what broke the girls spirit. I liked your grammar and story telling. I felt sad for the young girl. I know in life this sort of occurances actually can happen, School is hard on youngsters. Growing pains and lifes demands all take their toll. A nice dark piece of writing.

Keep going...

Spiritual Dawning
Review of October Haikus  
Rated: E | (5.0)
WakeUpAndLive️~scary 2024

I really liked the 4th poem best. The middle line was very inspiring. The last poem was kind of cool too. All 5 were nicely written and nicely presented to the reader. I enjoyed reading them all through. Write on....

Spiritual Dawning
Review of This Old House  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Lou-Here By His Grace

I liked the originality of this piece from you. It had character, soul and feelings. The form was good but not one I am familiar with. I found no way of improving the piece. I liked the imagery coming from the very last line. Nice, clever writing.

Write on ....

Spiritual Dawning
Rated: E | (5.0)

I thought your little poem here was lovely. The imagery was great, I could see you on your porch, Sun dimming and music playing. There was a lovely feeling over me as I read this through. Each stanza was even and well written. The overall effect was of innocence and freedom to express oneself. Great work and write on.....

Spiritual Dawning
Review of I WANT TO KNOW  
Rated: E | (5.0)

I thought this was a lovely and sweet piece of writing. It was very different to me and I loved the originality you gave here. Your rhythm was great too. You have given this poem a lot of thought. I bet it flowed from your pen so easily. I found no way of improving the piece, it is fine the way it is now. I loved it and found it impressive.

Keep going....

Spiritual Dawning
Review of CAN YOU  
Rated: E | (5.0)

I found your poem here to be very original by theme. I also thought this was a very positive piece of writing. I had fun while reading it through. The rhythm was really good and made the poem flow very well. I think your ideas for this piece of work were on fire. Your thoughts were great. Good work and keep going.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of TIME  
Rated: E | (5.0)

I liked the way you wrote this piece of writing. I liked the philisophical stance of the words and lines. There were some interesting statements in your writing here. "Time" is a great subject to write about, if you think too much about time, you will go crazy. lol. I enjoyed reading your poem through. Good work and keep going....

Spiritual Dawning
Review of To The Sea  
Rated: E | (5.0)

I liked the unique style of this writing. The stance was powerful and noble. I found this piece from you to be very poetic and really enjoyed reading it through. The imagery was good too. There was a sweetness about this piece, an innocense, a beauty. Great work and keep going...

Spiritual Dawning
Rated: E | (5.0)

I thought this piece was well written. The flowing rhythm was great. A nice structured poem. It was easy to read and understand. I found no way of improving the poem. I liked the wisdom in this piece, I liked the mature nature of the writing. Great work and keep going...

Spiritual Dawning
Review of In Your Eyes  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Arakun the Twisted Raccoon

I thought your little poem here was lovely and simple to follow. The romantic quotes were amazing. They say the eyes be the door to the soul and I strongly believe this. Your poem was very sweet and special. The flow was great, the structure was great too. I really enjoyed reading this through. Thank you and keep going....

Spiritual Dawning
Review of THERE FOR YOU  
Rated: E | (5.0)

I thought your little poem here was lovely to read through. The amount of care in this piece was really nice. The rhymes were great, the flow was great too. I related to everything you wrote down. The positivity coming from this piece was perfect. Nice writing.

Keep going...

Spiritual Dawning
Review of MY WAY  
Rated: E | (5.0)

After reading your poem through, I had to agree with everything you wrote down. I too feel inspired by other peoples work and poetry. The feeling is grand. I loved the flow of your poem here, I also liked the simplicity of the form. I found no way of improving your work here, it is great the way it is.

Isn't reading and writing poetry fun......

Keep going....

Spiritual Dawning
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Prosperous Snow celebrating

I came across your poem in the newsfeed. Below is what I thought....

I thought this was an amazing piece of writing. The Godly sway was awesome. The poetic power was beautiful. A well written, well executed piece of work. I loved it all. Such freedom came over me as I read this through.

Keep going...

Spiritual Dawning
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

I didn't know if this was fiction or non-fiction. The last line summed up the poem very clearly. You explained yourself very well here. Love comes in many forms but this love here is an unhealthy love. I liked the rawness and harshness of reality in this piece.

Keep going...

Spiritual Dawning
Review of Going Metric  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Great rhymes, great flowing rhythm too. I liked your honesty in this piece from you. I did laugh at the funny side of this piece. Nice, clear presentation for the reader. I liked the simplicity of the story you told. Overall, a nice read and very cool to review.

Great work and keep going..

Spiritual Dawning
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

I thought this was a wonderful piece of writing. Each stanza was well crafted. There were some great lines in this poem. I couldn't help but feel humble as the writing unfolded. Like you said in the title, the wisdom was evident here. A deep, philosophical piece of writing from you. I really enjoyed it all.

Great work and keep going...

Spiritual Dawning
Review of A Kiss For You  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Sum1 Is Home!

I thought there was a lot of love, care and devotion in this piece from you. I really loved the senerity and meaning of each line. There was also a powerful tone to this item, it stood out from others. A deep, meaningful poem. I was taken back by the pureness. Great writing.

Keep going...

Spiritual Dawning
Rated: E | (5.0)

I thought your little poem here was enjoyable to read through. I was gripped to the story. I would however loved to have read a happy ending, I guess drinking is not that good for us. I liked the size of this poem, it kept my attention levels up high. Good work and very original.

Keep going...

Spiritual Dawning
Rated: E | (5.0)
Lou-Here By His Grace

I really enjoyed reading this through today. I also liked the originality of the writing. This was a well written, well crafted piece of writing. I found the little tale inside the poem to be exciting and educating. There was good imagery coming from each line ...

Great writing..

Keep going....

Spiritual Dawning
Rated: E | (5.0)
Schnujo's in the Falklands

I am not normally a fan of limerics but I found this one to very funny. I am still chuckling as I write this review. The humor is great but there is a silly side to Jacks problem. I think you have nailed your first limeric.

Keep going....

Spiritual Dawning
Review of Dusty Cousins  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Johnny Glaze

Aww. I thought this little poem was very cute and very sweet. A well written piece about the stars at night time. I liked how you made me feel free as I read this through. An interesting title and it drew me into the writing. A lovely little poem to read. Well done and great work.

Spiritual Dawning
Rated: E | (5.0)
Ezra Okami

Great writing. Great noble story too. I like your word crafting and your gramma in telling stories. I do not know the man you are writing about but it all seemed very powerful. I think you are an interesting writer and I hope you stay here on writing.com. Great work.

Spiritual Dawning
Review of The End Of Time  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Ezra Okami

I thought this piece of writing was amazing. You take on life and the cosmos was very clever. I think you spoke for a million people here in this piece. In your writing there was excitement, joy and thrills. You managed to say a lot in a few lines. I really enjoyed reading this through. Great work. Keep going.

Spiritual Dawning
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