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Review of One Too Many...  
Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hello 🌕 HuntersMoon

OH man I am laughing out loud! Now you are one clever dude! I can't believe how entertaining this is! I can actally see it happening. Your words dance with music and fun. I even hear giggling, oh wait...that is mine! Thanks for not being my teacher! I bet your still waiting!! What a cute read.

Thanks for sharing your talent!
Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: E | (5.0)

Life is a storm and I have battled many. Some were part of a plan to exercise control of my life, other times it was out of control just like my life. I think it takes a very strong person to allow themselves to be weak. To know that anger and pain are part of the dance of nature. I love the imagery in this poem and can feel your very real power! Thank you for inspiring me with your words. I love your poetry.

Write on!
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My final review that was gifted by Sister of Mercy.
Review of OCEANS  
Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: E | (5.0)

Oh you may say this is fictional, but I have been caught up in this ocean before! It was a honest part of my life, not very long ago. I know that poetry can be written from the soul and your words echo right to mine. I love that kind of powerful emotional writing. When I can put myself in the words and let the emotions wash over me, like waves!

Write on!
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review 4 of 5.
Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: E | (5.0)

A bleeding heart can only endure so much pain, then it calls out for help! Hopefully you are one that can have someone help heal your heart. I know for me, only time was able to restore the power back into my heart. Thank you so much for writing from your heart. That is my favorite kind of poetry!!

Write on!
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review 3 of 5.
Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hello Hyperiongate

Well I am not a flash fiction writer, but I could be now! I loved your tips, they were easy to understand and compact enough to keep my interest. I like to normally read and write poetry. Stepping out of my comfort zone is what Writing.com is all about. I want to say happy birthday account! Look here it is April 2009. Time flys when you are having fun! I am so glad you could share your knowledge!

Write on!

Review of Interactives  
Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
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Hello Shannon

*Star*Your entire folder is filled with your creative muse. I love the image and I can see why you purchased it! That is an open invitiation to let the imagination run wild! I think my favorite in this folder in your pay it forward in & out. I love that you provide a place to pick up a creative thought! You are indeed kind for helping out like that! I will be back for sure!!

Write on!
I hope you enjoyed the shower!

Review of Wishcraft  
Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello 🌕 HuntersMoon
Thank you for your entry in the "Invalid Item

I Judge on the following three items:

1. Follow the prompt. Well you did! I found myself enjoying this, how clever to call your young girl...Michelle!

2. Easy to Read. Not only was this enjoyable to read, but your words float. The story tells itself. It is filled with images, character's you can believe in, esp the Easter Bunny! I even liked the chocolate covered kids. What a cute line!

3. Errors/grammar. I am not an editor, so for me to find mistakes, they must really stand out. I did not spot anything!

Dear Ken,

Great Job!!

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Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
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*Star*Hello kiyasama

The picture the words, the emotions...all to heavy to carry. It really flows from the soul of a young son. I can feel and see exactly what you are saying. To me in poetry, that is what I am looking for, the complete emotional picture. Great job! No suggestions on improvement, to me it is perfect and well worthy of that ribbon!

I hope you enjoyed the shower!

Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Sticktalker


Well that darn Hannah,sure knows how to get the talent to work! I am really looking forward to see what direction and impression we can make on the community with The Shadows. I think it's a great idea to have the gang involved and have real editior's like yourself involved. I love the name, creative.
Thanks for sharing your awesome talent!
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Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hello 🌕 HuntersMoon

You must really be a sucker for Praise!

Wow I have been here, but I could never put it in the words that you do, this is so creative, deep, emotional and real to me. I love the form and I know it is not an easy form to do. Your poetry talent is incredible. I am in awe of your purte talent. You just make this look so easy and I know it is NOT! I love the image as well. Great job and no suggestions for improvement. You know it is perfect, well all except that part that someone else has your heart...yeah that part sucks!!

Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Oldwarrior

What an amazing tale of love, lust, and time travel. You have not left anything out of this. I love the story line and descriptive writing. Thank you for picking this for a selection into the Shadows. I will let you know soon, which one I will choose.

Thank you for sharing your talent. This perfect.

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Review of Shoes  
Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Meeple

I have to recommend this for The Shadows. It is just to brilliant with emotions and reality and it is too important not to share. This is so emotional for me to read. I can see and feel it. I am in awe of your recording history like it is happening in front of my eyes today. Of course, I recently saw the movie The Reader...so that doesn't help!

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Review of The Key  
Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Dear NickiD89

I am recommending this story for the Shadow. The tears that are running down my face are real. This is so touching, so brilliant with emotional and saddness. I can feel it in my bones. You take me right into the car, you bring me on this journey and make me cry with joy and peace at it's ending. So well written. Wow this is a real beauty!

Thank you so much for sharing it!

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Review of The Way Forward  
Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello NickiD89

Wow girl I can see why you want this in the Shadows. It is indeed a perfect story, it has every element I need, beauty, interest, romance, reality, images of passion and places and events. It is pulled together so tightly and so effortlessly when you read it. I am in awe of your talent. This is great, I can't wait to read your other selection.

Thank you so much for sharing your talent!
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Review of Forever  
Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello § Forsaken §

This is a Simply Positive Review,

Wow I want to dance in this poem. I love the flow and style of it. I can find no fault in that only, sometimes is not forever. How often are two's breaking in half. I forget how long ago I wanted to shout to the world my love, but after 20 years of marriage and 2 kids, that is not what I am shouting anymore! *Wink*
Thank you for the kind reminder!

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Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello KÃ¥re Enga in Montana

I am so happy to see this listed in the Simply Positive Selection!

I told you once and I will tell you again. This poem moves me. It is so beautiful. I can find no flaw in it except that it is for me...I only hope to store as much light in my heart as you think I have. You have inspired me to dream big and find my topaz dreams!

Thank you and please never stop letting your muse inspire the world!

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Review of Golden Review  
Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Erina,

Congradulations on this beautiful award. I have had my share of honors, but giving in-depth reviews is not one of them. That is indeed an honor! I know the amount of work and talent that goes into good in-depth reviews. They are not easy and not something that cant be faked. You are the real deal and you should be very proud of this!

Thank you so much for sharing your talent and time with us!
Write on!
Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hello Caressa

I so believe that falling in love over the Internet happens, it is a strange bond that can be so strong. It is still old fashioned in many ways, but you took it farther and I hope the love continues forever. What a wonderful poem, it was like reading a love story that has a happy ending!! My favorite kind!

Write on and Thank you for sharing your talent & Heart!

Check out..
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#1527427 by Not Available.

Review of Pictures  
Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Miz Kitty

So are these images yours or just some you picked up along the way? They are adorable. I love how you have them all displayed. I should do that! I am always mixing my up and I have a ton. I love images but I often forget to add them to my signature. I know a sure sign of laziness! lol

Write on!
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Review of Family Photo  
Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hello Writer_Mike

You know you have to love a family that can stick together, make people happy and come in all sizes. I love your sense of humor and this is funny! A lovely family no less! Thanks for sharing...I mean you do have enough to share...right?

Write on!

Check out...
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#1527427 by Not Available.

Review of Bottles of Love  
Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Michelle Broughton

Okay girl, this is magic and emotional writing at it's best! I love this. I love the twist and the ending. I love that you captured my full attention and you gave me something to think about as well. OH I really like your voice and pace in this. Great job! I am going to recommend this one for the Shadows.

Great Job!
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Review of The Bed  
Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Michelle Broughton

I love this story line. I think you do a wondeful job with your voice, pace and tone of this story. I love the message and I can actually see the bed. Great descriptions and believeable characters. Nice writing. I like it and have no suggestions for improvement.

Thanks for sharing your talent!
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Review of I Feel Trapped  
Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hello Ilana Shayn

I think at one point in time, everyone can relate to feeling trapped or invisible. I really liked the flow of the emotions here and the way that you really build up to the final feeling. Great job! Thanks for sharing your talent, I think you do well with poetry. It is my favorite form of expression.

Write on!

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#1527427 by Not Available.

Review of Broken Malice  
Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
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Hello Dawn Embers

Geez don't mess with you, when you have a broken heart! Ouch and yikes is all I could think about when reading this. You really paint a very disturbing picture. Which I believe was your goal...So geat job! I can add nothing to improve on this, but wow bitter! Good Luck in the contest!

Write on!

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#1527427 by Not Available.

Review by ShellySunshine
Rated: E | (5.0)

Your generous heart is so big! I love this Community Auction. I think you have a great selection offered that everyone will find something here of interest. I am so impressed with your time that you give Writing.com and all your friends. I love it! This is going to be a huge Auction! I wish you a ton of success! Great page set-up!

Write on!
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