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Review of Mother's Day  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Fire* Hi Lena! *Santahat* Here is another Secret Santa review from "Invalid Item ! Enjoy! Santa's Reviewers are catching up at the shop so please excuse the delay.*Fire*

*Fairyr* I enjoyed your heart felt tribute to mothers and have to agree that they deserve a thankful love more often. You have really touched on many of the attributes of a good mother and it is a good reminder for the reader. I like the idea of her beinge a story teller, hugger, advisor, and how her love is unlimited even when scolding.

*Fairyr* The open free style suits the poem and its emotional and detailed content. Beginning with queries insights our pondering and sets out your potently held premise that mother's are worth more than just token day. You back up your belief effectively and offer the plea to be thankful with I love you more often. The ending rocks: that mom is there for not just one day in our life. Something to consider.

*Fairyr* I noticed a typo in line 8: "never to busy" needs to be "never too busy". *Wink*

*Starstruck*Thanks for sharing your tribute to mothers where your own gratitude and honour for your mom is evident. It would be interesting for you to do a writing about you as a mom now and if any different depths have occurred form your POV of a mom.

It is a sad thing that some many have not this same experience.

Keep on following your muse and write on! *Fairyl*
Lovely gift from Power!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Angel  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
*Fire* Hi Lena. *Santahat* Here is another Secret Santa review from "Invalid Item ! Enjoy! Santa's Reviewers are catching up at the shop so please excuse the delay.*Fire*

*Fairyr* This is a beautiful and inspirational peom for your friend wher her guardian angel speaks though in sorrow one may forget or not hear.
It realates well all the ways an angel is helpful and a great reminder of how we are loved by the divine no matter what.

*Fairyr*The tone is hopeful and consoling, which suits the intent of the poem.

*Fairyr* I notice a typo with "can not" . It is all one word "cannot".

*Fairyr* I wonder if you need to break into another verse at " You never talk to me" as the tone changes with the angel now expressing its sadness instead of comforting. and then again after "always will be".

*Fairyr* I like the way the angel tries different ways to get the listener to hear.

*Starstruck*This is such a heartfelt message and I am sure your friend would be comforted even now by it. It must have been terrible to lose a child--how does one comfort? *Sad*

Thanks for sharing this tribute as it may well comfort others too. *Heart*

Keep on following your muse and write on! *Fairyl*
Lovely gift from Power!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Fire* Hi Beck. *Santahat* Here is another Secret Santa review from "Invalid Item ! Enjoy! Santa's Reviewers are catching up at the shop so please excuse the delay.*Fire*

*Fairyr* *Delight* Wow! This is so creative and fun to read. It is amazing how many soap titles you were able to weave inot this episode and make total sense! *Thumbsup* The theme of the story also fits the prompt and idea of soap operas. *Cool* Brilliant.

*Fairyr* I had to laugh out loud at first line--Dynasty and Dallas all in one scoop! I had to laugh at the mundane ending too. Good one!

*Fairyr*The story is coherent and was easy to follow in three short acts. I think the dangers of high life is well portrayed in Ryan' s loss of self and addiction. The voice is consistent and I like how the story is narrated from sharing the past but ends in he present time. Nice transition!

*Fairyr* In paragraph two I saw a typo: "when he calls" needs to be "his calls". The second sentences is a bit long and run on. Maybe break it up for ease.

*Starstruck*This story was highly entertaining even with a darker theme. Happy endings are alway nice and reconciliation happens in soaps too..till the next crisis. *Smile* Thanks for creating this with such dramatic vibe! It rocks!

Keep on following your muse and write on! *Fairyl*

Happy New year!
Lovely gift from Power!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Shedding  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Fire* Hi whiskerface. *Santahat* Here is another Secret Santa review from "Invalid Item ! Enjoy! Santa's Reviewers are catching up at the shop so please excuse the delay.*Fire*

*Fairyr* OMG! I love the idea of this poem. I had to laugh as I was reminded of my own cat hair issues. My cat was black and I tend to wear light clothes! LOL

*Fairyr*The form feels like a mix of senryu/haiku with its syllables and lines. The contrast is from cat shedding to the comical last line! Also in the colour. Cool!
The image of the moment is vivid and one can enter in to the scene with one's own experiences of this issue and feel the vibe of the last line.
I can almost imagine the nuisance value yet the resignation! *Smile*

*Fairyr* You might need a comma for emphasis after "still".

*Starstruck*I had fun with this poem! Thanks for sharing your crafting. I have really enjoyed my stay in your port! *Delight*

Keep on following your muse and write on! *Fairyl*
Lovely gift from Power!!

*santahata* I hope you have enjoyed your secret Santa gift!
"Invalid Item

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Escape  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Fire* Hi whiskerface. *Santahat* Here is another Secret Santa review gift from "Invalid Item ! Enjoy! *Fire*

*Fairyr*Wow! Evocative titIe and made me curious . You have a knack for titles to lure me in. *Fairyr*

*Fairyr* I like cats so I was happy to see this one get free. LOL You have in few words evoked to my mind the watchfulness of the swift cat who takes advantage of the window left open by a not so thoughtful human! I can imagine the cat's attitude and manner as it brings tomind my own cat, whom I had to watch carefully when ever I opened he door. *Smile* He was not an outdoor cat but loved to get out there!

*Fairyr* I liked your compostion with open ended phrasings more prevalent in this form. The images are clear and I could feel the speed in the second line. I enjoyed the sound and flow in the last line. I have heard that adverbs are not really descriptive or poetic so I wonder what else is possible with "swiftly"? *Smile* Not vital, Just an idea. I do like the "w" and "f" letter themes here though. It adds to the drama and coherence.

*Starstruck*Thanks for shairng this awesome model of senryu. I can relate to the cat when having to work indoors and seeing out the open window and the sun shining.....dreaming of escape.LOL tody it snowed! We have a green xmas which is really odd for this time of year. Guess we will start the new year right on track! *Snow1*

Keep on following your muse and write on! *Fairyl* You have a gift for this.
Lovely gift from Power!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Heal  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Fire* H whiskerface. *Santahat* Here is another Secret Santa review gift from "Invalid Item ! Enjoy! *Fire*

*Fairyr* Here I am to enjoy more of your senryu. I was drawn to this title as it is a cool theme and I was curious to see your perspective.*Wink* I really felt the gratitude vibe as I read and thought of how deep this idea is. I though of how we are all broken in some way but in that we can relate and perhaps heal others. Also I thought of how points of view about people vary. I do like when poem take me on a journey from my own perspective! .

*Fairyr* The form is correct with the present tense and emotional references. I like the repeat of "They call" , I call" and the "b" words! *Wink* in line 1 and 3 even though in short poem I have heard it is not good to repeat so close. Here I think it is effective. The last line provides an evocative contrast too. Well done. *Smile*

*Fairyr* I would not leave spaces between lines. I am not a pro but I wonder about the complete sentences in each line. I am still learning the ins and outs of the form. *Wink*

*Fairyr* The poem carries a potent message and gives pause for thought. I am seeing a happy ending! *Smile*

*Starstruck* Thanks for sharing your crafting. It rocks!

Keep on following your muse and write on! *Fairyl*
Lovely gift from Power!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of BeeNotes  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Fire* Hi Beck. You are receiving Secret Santa review gift of 5 Poem reviews from "Invalid Item ! Enjoy! Santa's Reviewers are catching up at the shop so please excuse the delay.*Fire*

*Fairyr* I was drawn to the title of this cnote shop as I thought it was a unique theme and honours the Bee--they could use some good vibes in this day in age. *Wink*

*Fairyr*The little intro picture is appealing, inviting with a happy vibe. I like the simplicity and felt the welcome without words.

*Fairyr*The notes are creative and original with a variety of positive messages. All of them use the BEE theme with gusto.
The fonts are clear to read on brightly coloured backgrounds which are aethestically pleasing. *Thumbsup*
I had to laugh at Sour Bee. It is so true to life too. Be Inspired has lovely script reflective of the message. Bee Yourself made me laugh too.
The Hubbard quote was interesting and I never heard it before.

*Fairyr*I enjoyed persuing this reasonably priced collection. I really like that they can be used any time as the messages are not linked with any season, genre or intent. They are fun and inspiring. *Smile*

*Starstruck*Thanks for contributing this to WDC . It really buzzes! *Wink*

Keep on following your muse and write on! *Fairyl*
Lovely gift from Power!!
Review of Winter's Dream  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Fire* Hi Lena . You are receiving Secret Santa review gift of 6 reviews from "Invalid Item ! Enjoy! Santa's Reviewers are catching up at the shop so please excuse the delay.*Fire*

*Fairyr* Wow! This is a beautiful dreamscape. Your descriptions are vivid and I could imagine myself there. The metaphor is effective and I like the " loud howl of hope"! Cool and lovely sound!

*Fairyr* The prophetic positive outcome is an appealing message and keeps with the being connected to nature.

*Fairyr*In line 4 "those that see hope" may be "those who see hope".

*Fairyr* I wondered who SHE' was---who is fur covered? "Fur, covered in ice.. she travels, or is she covered in fur in snow" I see a wolf in minds' eye as you say the snow melts form her later. or is the dreamer as wolf, but as written the subject is vague. You speak of the forest, then the breeze and then fur It is common in dream writing. I do it too. LOL Something to think about clarifying. OR NOT. If I do not get logical with grammar, I can feel through the mist. And dream language and image is so personal..so no worries.

*Starstruck*I so enjoyed this type of writing from the soul world especially with its inspirational tone. Thanks for listening and sharing from the heart. This rocks!

Keep on following your muse and write on! *Fairyl*
Lovely gift from Power!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Caveman  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Fire* HI Whiskerface. Congrats! You are receiving a Secret Santa review gift from "Invalid Item ! It includes 5 Poem reviews! Santa's Helpers are catching up with shop orders so please excuse the delay. Enjoy! *Fire*

*Fairyr*Hi, I so enjoy the japanese forms so I am so happy to read some of your wonderful creations! This title was so unique in theme for a senryu. I was intrigued.

*Fairyr* I was captivated by the imagery right off and said WOW at the turning point at the end. Brilliant!! I can see this comparison. The online addict in his lair--or even in other world forgetting surroundings. I can see someone huddled online in the basement in a cool evening, earphones on in own little world.

*Fairyr*The form is correct though I would drop the capital letters as see not many are usually used in japanese forms. The title is indicative of the theme for easy find and draws the reader--but I wonder if it gives too much away-directing the reader instead of allowing the reader to realise your metaphor on his own.

*Fairyr* I enjoyed reading the verse aloud for its well chosen images and word choice that creates an effective soundscape.

*Starstruck*Thanks for sharing your gifted vision in this evocative senryu. It just rocks!

Keep on following your muse and write on! *Fairyl*
Lovely gift from Power!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
*Xmastree* *Crown* Hi Ken. I wanted to briefly respond to your entry in "12 Days of "Christmas"!

This is such a precious poem reflecting on the memories carried by ornaments on trees, the scents and sounds of winter season and indeed even the music one hears now that triggers the back then. Very moving and inspiring.

Well penned verses are are a pleasure to read . I love the sentimental tone and the gifts made by children to put on the tree that are still treasures.

*Angel*The song chosen for Soundtrackers is perfect, a joy to hear and the pentatonix group is one of my favs.

Thanks for this gift today! *Star*

picture gift of blue fairy
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Fire* Hi elle! This review is part of yourNuclear Packagefrom "Invalid Item! *Delight*

*Fire* I used to love letter writing and card sending and it is becoming a lost art in this day of computer ease. I enjoyed how you make it seem fun and a much more sensual experience by the vivid examples you give--the anticipation and the cup of tea!

What you say about facebook is also true--fast paced and lack detail and it never really feels personal or private. I have noted more folks will answer on facebook than a phone call or email!

*Fire*Your tone is light and relaxed as you invite folks to consider writing a letter and make it easy to begin. I love different pens and paper too and it always made it interesting and fun to write . I would much rather write than type and Ihtink it involves more of the physical me than typing-- like you say the handwriting is unique and perhaps has a speech essence of its own.

*Fire*It was fun to read your conversational style with variety of line lengths and dialogue like questions evoke responses. I could enter in to the play. I had to laugh at the comment about not liking your voice but family would still listen. ! I don't like my vocie yet when I hear it on tape it sounds like my sister or at times my mother. ew!! LOL As to handwriting--well--I suppose as long as the writer is not a doctor you could enjoy it. LOL

*Fire*This article for the snail mail groups inspires me to want to write letters again. A bit of a boring tale of my life but.. *Wink* I may indeed consider it.

*Fire* Thanks for yet another spark igniting expression. *Starstruck* Where do you find the time for all these neat activities? Wow!

** Image ID #1729365 Unavailable **


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Adversity  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Fire* HI kiya! I am back with a final review as part of yourNuclear Packagefrom "Invalid Item! *Delight*

*Fire* Digging down into your treasure trove of tales, I unearthed this gem! I enjoy these short evocative forms and really like the added challenge of using alphabet letters to begin each verse. You did it so well.

*Fire*The theme of forbidden love from afar is potently portrayed and the deep feeling of the poet is vivid. The use of gerunds and the concept words in the first 4 verses were effective and I really felt the power of Verse 4 with "damning". The anger tone gives way to potency as the poet builds the vision of what is desired.

*Fire*The last verse brings in a cold truth and adds more depth to the reasoning of why the relationship is seeming unattainable and poles apart in the eyes of the world. The last line is potent. Brilliant construct.

*Fire*Each verse carried its own part of the chain of lunes. I am not sure if there is a set syllable or word count here as I saw not pattern. I did look up lune form and it seems to have 13 syllables in 5/3/5 but maybe Lune 2 is different? Anyway, it doesn't take way from the profound message.

*Fire*I enjoyed the dramas of this expression which again sheds light on the injustice of discrimination as it applies to relationship. Thanks for sharing your unique crafting! It is aesthetically presented on the page as well. *Smile*

Keep on being the light and write on! *Starstruck*

** Image ID #1729365 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Field of White  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
*Fire* HI kiya. I am happy to review this lovely poem as part of your Nuclear Packagefrom "Invalid Item! *Smile*

*Bird* This poem is woven as a potent lament and appeal to the divine from a soul in despair. It is filled with the heartfelt prayers and reflections on this soul's feeling about self and the situation. It feels real in it emotional content and takes us from the "brokeness" to the hopeful ending.

*Bird*The language and imagery is vivid and applicable to the theme and spiritual content. I liked the dark heaviness of line 3 in verse 2 contrasted with the next line. It could be a hymn in its tone and flow.

*Bird* It has rather free structure with 4 verses and no apparent rhyme or rhythm scheme. It does not detract form the read as it reflects the ups and downs of the emotional nature of the speaker. I like the balance of sorrow victim plea as in "hear my sobs" and the parts of affirmation as in lines 3-4 in verse 3.

*Bird* I wondered about the periods after "spririt" in v 1 and "today" in v. 2 as the next lines seem to hang there without a subject if you leave the periods. commas or semi-colons might work better.

*Bird* The reason for the outcry to God is not specific here so the prayer could apply to many in some crisis. *Thumbsup* So it is open to interpretation and use by those who may identify with the feelings.

*Bird* The picture at the top is lovely and simple and evokes the title. I like the idea that when we cannot see, help is still there in the blankness or seeming dark.

*Star*Thanks for sharing this inspirational prayer! Keep shining the light and write on!

** Image ID #1729365 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Justice  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
*Fire* HI Kiya! This review is part of your Nuclear Packagefrom "Invalid Item! *Fire*

*Star*Wow! It is so amazing how you can create such a meaningful and powerful message in the strict Fibonnacci Form. *Thumbsup*

The theme and perspective on Justice is well established and I felt the "accusatory eyes" and vibe and the stark sad truth of the last line. Each word in the last line is well chosen to fit the 13 count. *Thumbsup*

It had a fierce tone as I read it aloud and harsh sound words with "c", g, k, d " are effective in creating some drama. The emphatic dialogue in the first line sets the tone. "dark hue" is a nice change from "black" or dark skinned" . *Smile* Maybe a comma after "demand".

*Starstruck*Thanks for sharing this potent message that puts light on this issue. It is a shame we need reminding still.

Keep on being a beacon of light and write on! *Star*

** Image ID #1729365 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Fire* Hi Doctor Dirt! I am back with another review as part of yourNuclear Packagefrom "Invalid Item! *Smile*

*Fire* I could not resist this appealing and poetic title and it really suits this inspirational prose. I enjoyed the reflective voice and reverie vibe that reflects your main theme so evocatively.

*Fire* I enjoyed entering into this moment of time as I can imagine the experience from your fine sensory details in the description of your meditative moment. It so captured the oneness that can happen when one is still and allows all thoughts to drop and to open to awareness of all that is. Your conclusion is so apt and powerful realization.

*Fire* In the line " lying in the grass and sitting absolutely still " I felt the word "sitting" in unnecessary as you are at this moment lying down. It might even be tightened up to "lying still int he grass". You also use "and" a few times and the word "all" twice in the same line---it makes it a little run on I think.

*Fire* I wondered if "stimli we can enjoy" might flow better as "stimuli to enjoy". The next paragraph after the first sentence says the same thing as the line before. "not only...given sense...and experience with them" seems similar idea. eg the stimuli. though I see you give lovely examples.

*Fire* I wonder given the lovely sensual experience of the next paragraphs whether you even need the line about " Some may think it is coincidence..senses" The reflection takes us out of the moment of your vivid moment.
Maybe it is just a matter of the order of the paragraphs. The real first and then the thoughts on it. Just pondering.*Wink*
though it does kind of take our mind time to float away from thought. LOL

*Fire* The language is descriptive and fits the theme and appeals to the senses. I especially liked the joy sounds! *Smile*

*Fire* Thanks for sharing this lovely peaceful moment--and inspiring readers to remember to take time for quiet connection beyond the mind.
May you continue to meet your muse there and write on!

** Image ID #1729365 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
*Fire* Congrats! You're receiving a gift from "Invalid Item ! The Nuclear Package has been ordered for you from: Jeff and includes a mix of six reviews of any items in your port!! Enjoy! *Fire* We are jam packed and running behind but catching up! LOL

*Fire* Wow! This is an original and timely contest as many do like to write on the LGBT theme. I really like the pastel coloured and symbolic logo that sets off the page. Beautiful and warm.

*Fire*The page is well organized and very easy to see and read with drak fonts and accentuating colour decor. It is not busy and distracting.
The prompts are neatly presetned near the end for ease and having a variety to chose from is appealing.

*Fire*The rules are clearly stated in detail and the dates are firmly established and easy to locate in their own subsection. This is important as folks can easily miss dates. Links to how to post are handy to and great for newbies.

*Fire*The prize are very generous and I like the unique added feature of earning an MB for entering so many rounds. That is a cool incentive. Brilliant concept.

*Fire* I had never seen of a tiered donation system here so this is another different feature. You rock!

*Fire* It is so wonderful to have this contest as a vital contribution to our Community. I hope this review will give it a little plug. The new prompts look like fun. *Santahat*

*Starstruck* Keep on being who you be and doing what youdo as you write on!

** Image ID #1729365 Unavailable **

Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Delight* Hi ruwth! It is fun to see you on the Rodeo postings! *Cowboyhat*

*Rainbowl* Wow! I really liked your application of the weather advisory prompt! Brilliant and inspirational! *startsuck*
Prefacing with a quote from Longfellow adds weight to its importance and introduces the reflective philosphical interpretation to come. It adds interest for me as I do like wisdom relating to nature. We are all interwoven. Well done!

*Lightning*The style of writing has a personal tone and using the "we" is inclusive as you invite us to ponder with your query line. The teaching is gentle and spoken from life experience. Your faith is evident.

*Rain* The piece was easy to read and flowed well , coherently developing the metaphor. I had to smile at the desire for a divine weather warning. Wouldn't that be cool? *Smile* The way we focus so much on weather in real life, I wonder if we don't end up making it worse with collective thought instead of just being in the moment with the weather and trust higher even in these smal things over which we have no control. You make really good points! *Thumbsup*

*Dropb* I wonder if adding a personal real life anecdote after the 7th paragraph might add to the weight of the message and a more personal connection. Readers might see something of their own life in one of your "storm weathering experiences".

*Clouds*I felt there was a bit of a jump from paragraph 7 to the last one like something missing, especially as you begin the last paragraph with "And". *Rolleyes*

*Clouds* This line sounded awkward: "The best tool for dealing with the storms of life that I have found is" . I wonder if turning it around like: "I have found that the best.." would flow better.

*Rainbowr* I enjoyed the positive and encouraging vibration or this expression that will touch seeking hearts. *hearts*

Thanks for sharing your crafting of this heartfelt message. Awesome job with the prompt!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Fire* Congrats timtu! You're receiving a gift from "Invalid Item ! The Fossil Fuel Package has been ordered for you from: Samberine Everose . Enjoy! *Fire* I am not a story writer but am happy to offer my perspective of a reader. *Delight*

*Dragon*Wow! This is amazing and creative novel concept! I love your dragon world and the cool invented names for mixed creatures! The title is appealing and speaks to a coming series and the importance of the Golden Talon.

*Dragon*I appreciate your commentary on publishing and your back history and experience of writing such a work and trying to publish.

I wonder if the first part-the intro and author's note might be better in it's own item, linked to the page. Or as you are upgraded account--you could put these in a book item, so people could choose one chapter or part at a time to review. Your opening could be the intro to the book item and then the prologue could be in its own chapter. Not necessary , just an idea for consideration next time. It also breaks up the size.

*Dragon* It is so effective to begin the prologue with a quote as from the Dragon history books. It gives it a serious tone and lends atmopshere.

*Dragon* You drew me in from the first line and its awesome metaphor and you set the major problem that will underpin what will come! I have a hint this will be important.

*Dragon* The narrative is well written, I loved the flwo of language and It was easy for me to read and follow with clarity and coherence. The style reminds me of historical tone and gives great detail about this kingdom and its "dragreatures". While you do not explain the political structure totally you give hints. eg the Frist Arden... I am assuming this will have more detail in the story for those who like to know this kind of thing. Makes for vivid real culture. Ilike to get tot he character bits myself. *Wink* The background elements are essential to the coming tale. It is apparent that you have a great knowledge of this world. I easily bought in to the falling of the kingdom.

*Dragon*The character of the Trueblood Dragon is well shown and his motivation for his descent to "bully" is well accounted and believeable.

*Dragon* I liked that the King developed a plan to save the twins and his choice of saviour, who could manage in elements of sky, earth and water. The inconspicuous one--remidned me of the story of the Bojabi tree! LOL Well conceived and magical escape. I love portals.

*Dragon* I was totally engaged in the prologue and the amazing way you weaved the scenery into the described action. You leave enough threads un bound so they can be continued in the story. eg. what happens to king and the princess's parents--I predict she will be told more of the whole as she makes her journey to the queendom once more.

*Dragon* A quick edit will pick up some missing commas and I am sure an editor would pick up spots of wordiness and such. I am not sure how long prologues are to be but I enjoyed the read and the scope of the piece. Having background knowledge like this before diving in to a story makes sense to me as I do not like reading astory where so many questions pop up in the first few pages. *Smile*

*Starstruck* This preview is so telling of the impressive expression yet to come. Wow! Creative, original and well thought out piece from my POV!
Keep on scribing! *Fairyl**Starp*

** Image ID #1729347 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
*Shamrock*Hi Hooves! I am back with review two just for you! *Delight*

*Shamrock* I chose this one as I liked the title and place name. I also thought of the bell on a cow my friend used to have! *Bigsmile*
I always wanted to go to Ireland and lvoe the accent and songs from there! Sounds romantic.

*Fairyr*Your poem paints a vivid walk through various hihg points of Ireland and you give me a taste of the fare that greets you. The sights and sounds and tastes! It is clear that you enjoyed the experience from the atmosphere and tone of the expression.

*Shamrock*It was pleasing to read aloud as I could almost hear it as a song and if I spent some time could likely make up a tune. It is amazing how you wove the names of places and brews and products into the poem complete with rhythm and rhyme. A few places were not as smooth to flow but the overall picturesque and experiencial value overrides the off rhythms. *Smile*
Thanks for the little author' s note with the particular voacbulary. MM. toffee!

*Fairyr* I like the line about remembering how to live! Profound. The excitement evoked with the race back and I had to smile at the 4th line --I can imagine the roads. The ending that keeps on...--is so evocative and suits the vibe. Like a story you don;t want to end--or a place to go back to or a tale to continue. Cool!

*Starstruck*The page is appealing with its decor and the fantastic shot of the cows. I can imagine thme walking by the cobble streets. Yep definiitely how to live. Cozy and nurtured!

Thanks for sharing this realistic and heartfelt entertaining expression that appeals to the sense and imagination. I had fun on the journey!

Keep the ink flowing as you follow your muse and write on!*Star*
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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann- summer travel

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*Cowboyhat* Hi Thing (and Hooves too)! Thank you so much for your kind offering in purchasing my package in our "Invalid Item! *Heart* It is my pleasure to review to celebrate you! Here is review one!

*Fairyr* I could not resist this one as I was grazing in the pasture. I love songs and they count as poems, right? I mean I often sing my poems! LOL

*Hand1*This is so original and so reflects your aweseom inventive style--an honour to your generous and enthusiastic spirit that seeks to be supportive. *Delight*

*Hand2* I could so hear the tune and rhythm of the song and was entertained by the images and hints at competitions. I don't know these folks but it didn't seem to matter as I could imagine the hijinks!

*Hand* I laughed at the idea of Goldie's prom dress, and the leather jacket. I liked Hooves grazing under Athena! *Bigsmile* You really know how to mix all these images and personalties right up to the Dalai lama. the deli LLamma! *Laugh* I love your sense of humour!

*Fairyr*Just ran by to listen to the eagles and sang your lyrics. Pretty darn close for the most part. I would have to practice to get the phrasing perfect! Fab!! *Thumbsup*

*Starstruck* I like the appealling page and the record album cover at the bottom. Genius!!

More!! More!! *Delight*

Keep the ink flowing as you follow your muse and write on!*Star*
Sig for blog/reveiws

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann- summer travel

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Delight*Welcome to WDC DM Carroll! I am happy to do a review to celebrate you! *Star*

*Wave1* I was enchanted by your title that sparked my imagination as I drifted around the Read A Newbie Page!. *Wink*

*Wave2*This poetic lyric was lovely to read aloud and vivid in its atmopshere and imagery. I felt myself rocking with the flow as I read as if seeking comfort. It begins as a lullaby and yet the word "aching" gives a warning. It ties nicely into the dark image in verse 2. Well done!
I like the notion of a dream sequence as if memories surface from deep chaos and tragedy.

*Wave3* The verses are well balanced and the rhyme is effective. I thought the line ocnnectings in lines 3-4 and 7-8 and 11-12 were dramatic! *Thumbsup*
I felt out of the flow abit with the word "softly". eg. I notice the lines 7 and l0 have one more syllable than the matching line 3 of verse 1. Not major as ythe rhythm count is not even everywhere. These were just more noticable. *Wink*

*Starstruck*The images were well conceived and I liked the "chariots" and your soundscape with some alliterative qualities. The rocking waters contrast the darkening. This is a very evocative piece.

*Fairyr*Thanks for sharing your fine crafting . I really enjoyed the experience of your vision. *Delight* Keep the ink flowing and following your muse.

Light on the path as you write on!

** Image ID #1815342 Unavailable **

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Introduction  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (3.5)
*Delight*Welcome to WDC Heramac. ! I am happy to do a review to celebrate you! *Star*

*Angel*Oh, how cool! This isa really good start to an intro and I see it could be expanded for more detail. It feels like you jsut put your foot in the water. LOL You have given me the hint of how wonderful it tis to be of service in this way and how hard it was to share such gifts in the face of collective sameness and judgement. So many have had this same trial as being wayshowers with a different outlook and consciousness often are. I have several friends who have these gifts too. Good for you for following your heart.

*Fairyr*Beginning with a question is a good ploy to lead into your theme. Lines 4 and 5 just seem to hang and could be more coherently interwoven. They do give vital info about what makes up your experience.

*Smile*I would start a second paragraph with the next question and expand. You could even drop it and dive right into "For me.." I like the follow through into the next line from here about not easy to let it be known and then the explanation.

*Star*A good synopsis from which to build your bio. Keep on writing! And welcome to our WDC!!

Light on the path as you write on!

** Image ID #1815342 Unavailable **

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (3.0)
Welcome to WDC David! I am happy to do a review to celebrate you! *Star*

*Laugh*I had to laugh at this bit of fun revealing the true story of Bo Peep as you view it! It felt like "the rest of the story.." in a newsreel voice!

*Smile*I wanted to change the wording in line 4 to "problem with flat.." so it flows better and addsa bit of rhyme for coherence and pun.
I was wondering about the rather vague "it seems"--would it be more direct to make it a statement of fact.
You say for certain she did not lose here sheep but then when you say "seems"..it is like a heresay--but maybe you mean it to be..? *Wink*

*Laugh*The title rocks and got my attention right off! The whole idea is entertaining. Thanks for sharing the unique idea in a fun way!
Carry on with the pen!

Light on the path as you write on!

** Image ID #1815342 Unavailable **

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Bullying  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Welcome to WDC! I am happy to do a review to celebrate you! *Star*

*Dragon*Wow! This is a relevant topic for poetry and you have a powerful voice as you describe the actions and effects of bullying. The vision is clear in each poem. *Thumbsup* You really get the point across of how harmful it can be especailly in the last part of second poem. Well done.

*Dragon*I really enjoyed reading the rhyming verses aloud. You did a terrific job with the rhyme, finding key thematic words to rhyme so each line rhymes within each poem. Amazing!! I even smiled at the poetic liscense of "withdrew" , *Smile* instead of withdrawn.

*Dragon* The rhythm is not always even but it did not spoil the read for me as it had a unique flow and seriousness. Your second and third poems flow more easily than the first one, where the flow is more stilted. Certainly has a heavy feel to it, though.

*Starstruck*Thanks for sharing your views on this tragic trend, and the wish in the end that bullies would only realize...--I think we can all concur with that desire. This is a well conceived and potent message! *Thumbsup* Keep on expressing!

Light on the path as you write on!

** Image ID #1815342 Unavailable **

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Bird  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Balloony* Welcome to WDC David! I am happy to do a review to celebrate you!*Star*

*Laugh*This song to so funny and I had a good laugh. Your description of the dog eating the turkey is so vivid I could imagine it! I loved line 5!

*Laugh*I don''t know the tune but the chorus and flow certainly feel like a ranting song. It has a quick pace and unique rhythmic voice.
While the rhyme had no pattern I still enjoyed the read. A ffew missing ocmmas too.

*Laugh* I like how you have two points of view-one in each verse--both suggesting the "goodness" of eating bird! Nice contrast. Well done.

*Laugh*The chorus reminds me of addictive focus--maybe the dog nagging for more! LOL

Thanks for sharing this lively entertaining expression! A great and original tribute to thanksgiving theme.*Starstruck*

Light on the path as you write on!

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"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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