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Review of Poem #2  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Balloong* Welcome Charlie to WDC! I am happy to do a review to celebrate you! *Smile*

Wow! This short free style expression is thoughtful with vivid images. *Thumbsup*

Your adjectives suit the nouns brilliantly and I enjoyed reading the sound combinations out loud. "pellucid" is an interesting word too.*Wink*

Beginning each line with verb gerunds is effective and I like how the reader is left to imagine these actions and what they might look like and when one might do it. eg. think like steel--etc.

The similes are well done. I ponder what you were dwelling upon when these came to mind. *Smile*

Thanks for sharing this open ended creation. I can dream.

Light on the path as you write on!

** Image ID #1815342 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Dumb Luck  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*Balloonr*Welcome to WDC Helgemonster on behalf of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group!
We are having a review raid and I found your evocative title. Looks Like I am the first!! yay! Good for you in posting your first piece today! *Thumbsup*

*Fairyr* I really how the title suits the theme and feeling of the story. I really kept pondering his luck through out this serious, mysterious and yet rather funny tale. You really mixed the three effectively. The whole idea of a "gaping "hole that size and one lone survivor and how he might react is imaginative. His sense of humour made me smile a number of times even though the whole scenario would really have a somber tone!

*Fairyr* I could imagine the character as you have shown him though his narrative thinking and the whole range of emotions and action he might experience made sense. I could imagine him throwing rotten food etc into this abyss. I really identified with the notion of finding entertainment somehow! Like I mean what else could you do? It does a have a comedic edge. Good description and his emotional expressions kept me interested and the ending keeps me on the edge-waiting for the next chapter. Awesome! It gives lots to ponder and query. *Wink*

*Fairyr* The style was natural and I felt like it was how this character would speak. I am sure there is room for edit: like the phrase "all things considered" hangs by itself. fro the most part, for me, I could read and follow easily and enjoyed the story as a reader.

*Fairyr* Thanks for sharing this truly inventive tale that kept me entertained. I'd like to know what happens next. It is really fascinating how you make this event interesting. *Star* Keep on writing!

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Fire* Hi Hooves! This review is the last part of yourElectric Packagefrom "Invalid Item! Enjoy!

*Fire* LOL! This story is so creative and cute. I enjoyed the story told by Hooves the bull and had to laugh at the last line. It was certainly an unexpected and unique response to the prompt! *Thumbsup*

*Fire* You had me with the first short dramatic line stated with such authority and pride. An important voice. The personification is well effective and fun!

*Fire* The story flowed coherently and the setting and details vividly portrayed this bull's experience. I loved the "animal-friendly computer" and the embarrassment about his hunger noises. I could so imagine that scene! *Smile* You have really captured the writer's way when he gets so focussed in that other world in a very humourous way!

*Fire* One minor part I stumbeld upon. This phrase didn't seem to be complete. "and living way out in the country, where the service is slower than molasses." I think it was meant to connect with the power outages but the way it is written, confused me and I had to reread. *Rolleyes*

*Fire* The vocabulary was well chosen and verbs and movement description kept to the antics of abull. *Thumbsup* I like the "tilted head" pose. *Wink*

*Fire* It was fun ot read and hear a bit of the stroy behind the persona and name "Hooves of Fire" too. So imaginative and unique. Thanks for sharing this wonderful piece of entertainment. It made my night. *Bigsmile*

It was such ajoy to visit your port! I hope you enjoyed your gift pack!

Lovely gift from Power!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of If I could walk  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Fire* Hi marcia. I am back with a last review as part of yourNuclear Packagefrom "Invalid Item! I have nejoyed visiting your port. *Delight*

*Heart* This is an amazing tribute to yourself and I admire your vulnerability. The questioning in this reflective piece is similar to what we all do as we consider what our weaknesses are. Sharing your queries from your POV invites us to consider our own and to get more quickly to where you express in the second half of your poem. Gratitude! *Thumbsup*

*Heart* You are an inspiration and a model for all of us and especially those who have not the disability that is your gift. It is interesting that your questions are universal and make me feel liek weare all one---coming from our lack of esteem and and not acknowledging BEING the divine sparks we are. Other beigns how have similar issues to you can also take away a potent messge of hope and knowing they are not alone!

*Heart* The tone of this is personal and heart-felt and drew me into your vision. The free style suits the content and lends freedom of experession. Your fatih and hope is truly profound abd you just rock as unique, powerfully creative Being! Keep Being the *Starp* YOU are, Nobody can do it better! *Wink*

I admire your vulnerablity and abilty to express so clearly.

Lovely gift from Power!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Jewelry  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
*Balloonp* Happy New Year turtlemoon! I found your piece on "Haiku and Senryu: A Contest and More.... and am here to review to celebrate you! *Starp*

Wow! This is absolutely a gem! I love the metaphors where I see the moon, stars and an elegant vision of the night sky. Amazing!! *Starstruck*
I am so impressed and enchanted by this fanciful haiku.

It was a pleasure to read this aloud and it flowed well.

The haiku had a natural theme and correct format with a unique aura and flavour. I loved it! I would love a star necklace too. I see the moon goddess so clearly.

Thanks for sharing your gift. I learn from you!

Dragon SP Signature

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Remember When  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Fire* HI billiegail! I am back with a poetry review as part of yourNuclear Packagefrom "Invalid Item. *Delight*

*Heart* Wow! This expression is so romantic with a heart-felt aura that is truly moving. I really felt the gratitude at the end too.

*Angel* The free style suits teh emotional content and theme and the change in line patterns and verses add to the overall effect.
The questions in the first verse invite the reader to pause also reacall if they can before you give your response in verse two. The details in the next verses are vivid and gives us your personal feelings. I liked the feeling of revery as if one is sitting in a special spot reminiscing--we do not knwo the details of the meetings but we can put our own story into the dream.

*Butterflyr* Repeating "over and over" in the last verse was an effective emphasis and using "remember when" ends where you began and supports your title! *Thumbsup* Well done!

*Starstruck* This would be a super valentine note! *Heart* I enjoyed the inspiration. Keep on writing with *Heart*

Lovely gift from Power!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Fire* Hi billiegail! I am back with another review as part of your Nuclear Packagefrom "Invalid Item! Enjoy!

*Music1* Oh wow! This is a fabulous idea for an in and out forum. How did I miss it? I hope this review gets it out there as I think peoplel might like to share fav poem or song! I may have to come back several times as iam not sure I coudl choose an exact favourite.
But maybe one for the moment.! LOL

*Bookopen* Your intro question is specific and easy to read. I wonder if some colour, emoticons and little verse might add drama and interest.also maybe give a little explanation of discuss--I take it to mean say what you like or why or what it makes you think of or what meaning it had at the time or....
*Wink* You could even just add a few example questions like Ijust did here. *Smile*

I see by your example the kind of open response you can have. As time goess on your first entries will be at the bottom and folks might miss it. *Smile*

*Delight* I enjoy easy little items in which to participate as they only take a little time and offer away to share expressions. Awesome concept! I am glad I found this entertaining item. Thanks for creating this for WDC!

Lovely gift from Power!!
for entry "Destiny's Witness
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
*Fire* Hi Hooves! I am back with another review as part of your Electric Packagefrom "Invalid Item! *Wink*

*Delight* I couldn't resist the esoteric title of this one and the idea of one observing destiny! *Wink* Who could it be? LOL *Quill*

*Fairyr* The image in the first verse enchanted me and I could imagine this ride, like the pony express! The idea of the "battered horse" suggests wery and well used. *Cool* The last lines of each verse honour the poet. They pull the poem together somehow as they have the similar rhythm. Nice job here.

*Fairyr* It was a delight to read this weaving as the pace was quick and flow easy. The rhyme rocked with cool words like "laugh" with "epitaph" and "shore" and "lore". *Thumbsup* It has a rather romantic and fantasy aura! The last verse reference to Ireland may give a clue as to the the reason and inspiration! *Smile* Well done!

*Fairyr* I admire your gift with words and metaphor--always an evocative message to ponder. Brilliant. *Starstruck*
Sure now I bet you kissed the blarney stone at least in your dreams. er..or maybe you made your muse do so!

Lovely gift from Power!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
*Fire* Hi hooves! I am back with another review as part of your Electric Packagefrom "Invalid Item! Enjoy!

Wow! These are powerful verses filled with philopsphically toned concepts. Well done. I think they are more senryu than haiku as they have human and concpet thems instead of nature..but what is in a name" *Wink* They are well written in the format and evocatively invite us to enter into the vision with our own perspective.

The title drew me in and is so filled with deep meaning in the idea of opposing concepts. *Thumbsup* The senryu chain illustrates your vision.
The first verse has strong opening image with "names in the dust" seeting the idea of transient life and then I could see the hard life of the second verse--so many variants, and then the idea that lesson outcomes will be known later and whne done you life is done.

I like the expansion of the vision in the last verse to include a longer life period and the dramatic last line!

*Starstruck*There is such depth in this expression that I could send much time dwelling in the dimensions of it. Well worth the pondering.
I find the form hard to create and so admire this craft. It is brilliant! *Star* Thanks for the illustrative model of the form. I learn form you! *Heart*

I am glad I found this book! Keep on Shining as the *Star* you are!

Lovely gift from Power!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "Distant Moon Baby
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
*Fire* HI Hooves! This review isthe 3rd part of your Electric Package from "Invalid Item! Our shop elves are just catching up with the loooong list. So sorry for the delay! But Happy new year!!

*Delight* I just found this cool book and haven't reviewed any form here yet so here I am. I was intrigued by the title for the theme. Cool idea!

Wow! You have so poignantly expressed the polarity of the two events with the metaphor of sun, moon and star nature elements.
How creative. *Thumbsup*
As I read I could imagine the soul of a child ready to enter the world and was at first wondering about the negative "killing" part but I see the day comes and shades the moon, the symbol of coming hope to the world. with the note about your mom, it makes it even more powerful.
Life is always the hope of future even if death is approaching.

It must have been a bittersweet time being happy for coming child yet sorrow for mom's illness. Hard to express yet this poem speaks volumes and keeps the light of inspiration alive. I wonder if the the two connected on the astral level in the dream realm where all is one.

I like the style of three line verses and balanced form of the words. The gerunds work well in third lines and the verbs are potent choices. the change from "disant" to "drawing near" is an effective contrast at the end. *Smile*

*Starstruck*Thanks for sharing another of your inspirational personal experiences so eloquently. I admire your vulnerability. *Heart*

Lovely gift from Power!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Fire* Hi Alexi. I am back with another review as part of yourSolar Packagefrom "Invalid Item! Enjoy!

*Fairyr* Wow! This poem is really powerful and I am impressed. You were really able to take me into the essence of the tragedy in a novel way.
I could really imagine the family' s life in three segments. Wonderful.

*Fairyr* The metaphor or the book is brilliant and I marvelled at the vivid images and potent feeling evoked in the poem. Well done!

*Fairyr* the free style suits the ocntent and the separation of the key lines from verses was emphatic and enhanced the significance and sadness of the message. Quite dramatic. It felt like the strange quiet when fate takes hand and you have not control. I have heard that when such a tragedy is happening folks panic or get still and wait in silence--a prayer.

*Fairyr*Your single lines are very potent and evocative and I could dwell on the depth of meaning for a while. They are poems in themselves.

*Fairyr* In the second last line : "To late.." should be "Too late". *Wink* I notice the first and last verse have rhyme but the middle one does not. I think it is a free verse anyway but It was interesting to notice.

*Starstruck* The originality and energy vibe of this peice is stellar.
Thank you so much for sharing your craft. A meaningful tribute to this event.

Keep the ink flowing and write on! Happy New year! *Confettir*

Lovely gift from Power!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Seagulls Hush  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Fire* Hi Alexi! I am back with another review as part of yourSolar Packagefrom "Invalid Item! Enjoy and happy New Year!

*Fairyr* I was intrigued by the unique title of this poem and I liked the sound of the words together. I am familair with seagulls and they are not always that quiet. *Smile* The idea so suits the tone and aura of the poem.

*Fairyr*The atmosphere and setting is well portrayed in this rather mournful piece. I like the view of nature as witness and a part of the man's mood. the seashore is a apt place for this kind of reflection--and the aftermath of a break up. The 4th lines spoke strongly to me: "seagulls hush nd marke the time" I want to dwell on that thought. Whew!

*Fairyr*The word "mornings" needs to be the possessive "Morning's" if you mean one "morning's dawn". Nice image.

*Fairyr*The free style suit the emotional theme and it flowed well. Your vocabulary had lovely sound qualities which added to the flow and made it pleasant to read aloud. *Thumbsup*

*Fairyr* Leaving the query at the end leaves it open ended and truly gives the feeling of what he is going through --as he doesn't know the answer either.. The image of the man on knees shows his sorrow and repentance. The question shows there could be hope. I am ready for the rest of the story. LOL

*Starstruck* Thanks for crafting this moving piece with its visual and emotional elements that make it realistic. Well done!

Keep the ink flowing and write on! Happy New year! *Confettir*

Lovely gift from Power!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Fire* Hi alexi! This review is part of yourSolar Packagefrom "Invalid Item! Enjoy! *Smile*

*Fairyr* Wow! This poem is amazing and I love the shape of the tree. I admire your creation of the Etheree and it is an apt choice for the nature theme. The illustrative title says it all and feels romantic.

*Fairyr*The poem follows the pattern and is pleasant to read and imagine the vivid images within the weave. Phrases like "waking green" and "kiss of rain and "parched breast" are potent and the personification of the relationship of these elements is well conceived.

*Fairyr*The line endings were fine and the pauses in lines 5 and 6 added dramatic effect. *Thumbsup*
In the last line 'earths" needs to be "earth's" to show possession.

*Starstruck* Marvelous creation that is truly a tribute to Mother Earth and her divinity.

Keep the ink flowing and write on! Happy New year! *Confettir*

Lovely gift from Power!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Balloong* Happy one month at WDC and happy New Year! I am happy to do a review to celebrate you! *BalloonP*

I caught your alliterative title on the Read A Newbie page and thought it was a unique concept so here I am! *Delight* It is so evocative and really sums up your heartfelt poem's theme . Good choice.

I enjoyed reading your verse with its sad tone of regret. Many lines flowed off the tongue in a lovely way as the sound similarities and alliterative quality gave it life. *Thumbsup*The second line was effective with it repetition and concept. Like feelings in an envelope.

The 6th line is rather awkward to say and while you do not have a strict rhythm format, it feels out of sync with the rest.*Wink*

The last line is potent and evokes a response. I think we can all relate to not being heard or understood and here it is all the more pathetic as the letter was never sent. How often we have these regrets-the path not taken esepcially in potental relationships as your theme suggests.

The lack of formal structure suits the emotional content and theme of the poem, allowing for a freer expression. Good call.

Thanks for sharing our expression with WDC. *Delight*

Light on the path as you write on!

** Image ID #1815342 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of My Lynnie  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Fire* H Marcia! This review is part of yourNuclear Packagefrom "Invalid Item! Enjoy! *Fire*

*Fairyr* I like creating acrostics so I chose to peek at this one! It is a heartwarming tribute to your great neice and what a treasure for her to keep.

*Fairyr* I like what you did with the coloured first letters and while acrostics generally line up on the left, your centering has an aesthetic appeal.
Along with the rainbow colours it emits an enthusuastic and fun vibe to the movement. *Smile* A fine reflection of this young gal!

*Fairyr* I read it aloud and was charmed by the positive and loving tone as you sing her praises and what she means to you. Adding details of the things she does with and for you gives us a greater appreciation for her as you see her. I like baby pool idea--how sweet! I did not notice anything out of sync!

*Fairyr* It is interesting that you wrote it as if speaking to her rather than about her--lots of "what you are's" . *Wink* It makes it like a letter to her and more personal.

*Starstruck* This expression just rocks and is inspiring, evoking the query of how wonderful would it be if we all shared how special people are to us. Thanks for sharing your craft and a bit of your life with us. Nice to meet your neice too. *Wink*

Keep the ink flowing and write on! Happy New year! *Confettir*

Lovely gift from Power!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Fire* HI This review is part of yourSolar Packagefrom "Invalid Item! Enjoy!

*Fairyr**Delight*What a vivid image you portray in these few words. It reminds me of japanese form with limited words that allow the reader to enter into the experience with his own point of view. I can add my own details as to type of bird, where it happened etc. *Smile*

*Fairyr* I am not familiar with this type of poem but you have the correct syllable count and the weave is coherent in its flow and meaning.
I like the line order of lines 3 and 4. It captured my attention.

*Fairyr*I wondered why you have used a captial letter on "fledge" and "quietly" when they do not begin lines or are proper names. I like the contrast of the quiet bird to the singing mom. I wondered about using adverbs as I learned they are not as descriptive as more vivid words. Yet I do appreciate the sound of the word giving effect to the poem, and it fits your syllable count.*Wink*
It was fun to consider whether you meant the fledge quietly sat, or the mum sang quietly. and the fledge sat. A comma might help clarify.

*Fairyr*It is interesting that I saw the bird being quiet and content but in the last line he banishes his fear. If it is the mom who sings quietly and waiting for him to get moving... Wow. I am seeing lots of potentialities here. Cool.

*Starstruck* The poem is appealing laid out on the page and I admire you for doing the form. It inspires me to tryit out!

Keep the ink flowing and write on! Happy New year! *Confettir*

Lovely gift from Power!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Fire* Hi Beck! *Santahat* Here is another Secret Santa review from "Invalid Item ! Enjoy! *Fire*

*Fairyr* Oh my gosh! a Christmas song! I do enjoy parodies and this song has been a favourite. I often play with it with kids in class to help teach beat, rhythm etc. I have never seen it done with fishing though. So original and appealing. I may have to share it with some friends up here who love fishing. *Wink*

*Fairyr* I sang your version fairly easily though the "Rapala that's" seems one two many syllables so I wanted to drop "that's" !*Wink* Maybe I say it wrong though.

The 5 part was difficult to get to the tune depending on how you say the words. Other than that it was spot on. I have never heard of some of these items but I am sure they are necessary! *Laugh* I did recognize some of the baits. Were there any other items if you couldn't use baits twice? *Rolleyes*

*Fairyr* I wonder if spacing between the verses would just give an easier read to the page.

*Starstruck* Thanks for sharing yet another of your imaginative gifts! I have so enjoyed my visit in your port on behalf of SS!

I hope you liked you Secret santa gift! *Santahat*

"Invalid Item

Keep on following your muse and write on! *Fairyl*
Lovely gift from Power!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Happy Birthday  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*Fire* Hi Lena! *Santahat* Here is another Secret Santa review from "Invalid Item ! Enjoy! Santa's Reviewers are catching up at the shop so please excuse the delay.*Fire*

*Fairyr* Wow! What a lovely expression of the birth experience. It feels like a real account. I like that the narrator is telling the story to her baby as the process is happening. Good details and story is told in logical manner in a biographical manner. .

*Fairyr* It is so precious that Grandma would sing happy birthday and Dad has prepped the lovely nursery.

*Fairyr*I wondered why you would keep from screamng--I have heard it was all part of the release. *Wink* "skin ripped" is vivid. Ow! I'd scream!

*Fairyr* The structure is coherent and told from the past until the last paragraph where you come to the present after the birth. It did not stop the flow or enjoyment of the read. The feelings of the mother are evident and her hopes for her daughter strong.

If this is true account you could add details in a longer version. I know you were limited by number for the contest.

*Starstruck*Thanks for sharing your gift.

Keep on following your muse and write on! *Fairyl*
Lovely gift from Power!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Mother's Day  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Fire* Hi Lena! *Santahat* Here is another Secret Santa review from "Invalid Item ! Enjoy! Santa's Reviewers are catching up at the shop so please excuse the delay.*Fire*

*Fairyr* I enjoyed your heart felt tribute to mothers and have to agree that they deserve a thankful love more often. You have really touched on many of the attributes of a good mother and it is a good reminder for the reader. I like the idea of her beinge a story teller, hugger, advisor, and how her love is unlimited even when scolding.

*Fairyr* The open free style suits the poem and its emotional and detailed content. Beginning with queries insights our pondering and sets out your potently held premise that mother's are worth more than just token day. You back up your belief effectively and offer the plea to be thankful with I love you more often. The ending rocks: that mom is there for not just one day in our life. Something to consider.

*Fairyr* I noticed a typo in line 8: "never to busy" needs to be "never too busy". *Wink*

*Starstruck*Thanks for sharing your tribute to mothers where your own gratitude and honour for your mom is evident. It would be interesting for you to do a writing about you as a mom now and if any different depths have occurred form your POV of a mom.

It is a sad thing that some many have not this same experience.

Keep on following your muse and write on! *Fairyl*
Lovely gift from Power!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Angel  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
*Fire* Hi Lena. *Santahat* Here is another Secret Santa review from "Invalid Item ! Enjoy! Santa's Reviewers are catching up at the shop so please excuse the delay.*Fire*

*Fairyr* This is a beautiful and inspirational peom for your friend wher her guardian angel speaks though in sorrow one may forget or not hear.
It realates well all the ways an angel is helpful and a great reminder of how we are loved by the divine no matter what.

*Fairyr*The tone is hopeful and consoling, which suits the intent of the poem.

*Fairyr* I notice a typo with "can not" . It is all one word "cannot".

*Fairyr* I wonder if you need to break into another verse at " You never talk to me" as the tone changes with the angel now expressing its sadness instead of comforting. and then again after "always will be".

*Fairyr* I like the way the angel tries different ways to get the listener to hear.

*Starstruck*This is such a heartfelt message and I am sure your friend would be comforted even now by it. It must have been terrible to lose a child--how does one comfort? *Sad*

Thanks for sharing this tribute as it may well comfort others too. *Heart*

Keep on following your muse and write on! *Fairyl*
Lovely gift from Power!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Fire* Hi Beck. *Santahat* Here is another Secret Santa review from "Invalid Item ! Enjoy! Santa's Reviewers are catching up at the shop so please excuse the delay.*Fire*

*Fairyr* *Delight* Wow! This is so creative and fun to read. It is amazing how many soap titles you were able to weave inot this episode and make total sense! *Thumbsup* The theme of the story also fits the prompt and idea of soap operas. *Cool* Brilliant.

*Fairyr* I had to laugh out loud at first line--Dynasty and Dallas all in one scoop! I had to laugh at the mundane ending too. Good one!

*Fairyr*The story is coherent and was easy to follow in three short acts. I think the dangers of high life is well portrayed in Ryan' s loss of self and addiction. The voice is consistent and I like how the story is narrated from sharing the past but ends in he present time. Nice transition!

*Fairyr* In paragraph two I saw a typo: "when he calls" needs to be "his calls". The second sentences is a bit long and run on. Maybe break it up for ease.

*Starstruck*This story was highly entertaining even with a darker theme. Happy endings are alway nice and reconciliation happens in soaps too..till the next crisis. *Smile* Thanks for creating this with such dramatic vibe! It rocks!

Keep on following your muse and write on! *Fairyl*

Happy New year!
Lovely gift from Power!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Shedding  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Fire* Hi whiskerface. *Santahat* Here is another Secret Santa review from "Invalid Item ! Enjoy! Santa's Reviewers are catching up at the shop so please excuse the delay.*Fire*

*Fairyr* OMG! I love the idea of this poem. I had to laugh as I was reminded of my own cat hair issues. My cat was black and I tend to wear light clothes! LOL

*Fairyr*The form feels like a mix of senryu/haiku with its syllables and lines. The contrast is from cat shedding to the comical last line! Also in the colour. Cool!
The image of the moment is vivid and one can enter in to the scene with one's own experiences of this issue and feel the vibe of the last line.
I can almost imagine the nuisance value yet the resignation! *Smile*

*Fairyr* You might need a comma for emphasis after "still".

*Starstruck*I had fun with this poem! Thanks for sharing your crafting. I have really enjoyed my stay in your port! *Delight*

Keep on following your muse and write on! *Fairyl*
Lovely gift from Power!!

*santahata* I hope you have enjoyed your secret Santa gift!
"Invalid Item

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Escape  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Fire* Hi whiskerface. *Santahat* Here is another Secret Santa review gift from "Invalid Item ! Enjoy! *Fire*

*Fairyr*Wow! Evocative titIe and made me curious . You have a knack for titles to lure me in. *Fairyr*

*Fairyr* I like cats so I was happy to see this one get free. LOL You have in few words evoked to my mind the watchfulness of the swift cat who takes advantage of the window left open by a not so thoughtful human! I can imagine the cat's attitude and manner as it brings tomind my own cat, whom I had to watch carefully when ever I opened he door. *Smile* He was not an outdoor cat but loved to get out there!

*Fairyr* I liked your compostion with open ended phrasings more prevalent in this form. The images are clear and I could feel the speed in the second line. I enjoyed the sound and flow in the last line. I have heard that adverbs are not really descriptive or poetic so I wonder what else is possible with "swiftly"? *Smile* Not vital, Just an idea. I do like the "w" and "f" letter themes here though. It adds to the drama and coherence.

*Starstruck*Thanks for shairng this awesome model of senryu. I can relate to the cat when having to work indoors and seeing out the open window and the sun shining.....dreaming of escape.LOL tody it snowed! We have a green xmas which is really odd for this time of year. Guess we will start the new year right on track! *Snow1*

Keep on following your muse and write on! *Fairyl* You have a gift for this.
Lovely gift from Power!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Heal  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Fire* H whiskerface. *Santahat* Here is another Secret Santa review gift from "Invalid Item ! Enjoy! *Fire*

*Fairyr* Here I am to enjoy more of your senryu. I was drawn to this title as it is a cool theme and I was curious to see your perspective.*Wink* I really felt the gratitude vibe as I read and thought of how deep this idea is. I though of how we are all broken in some way but in that we can relate and perhaps heal others. Also I thought of how points of view about people vary. I do like when poem take me on a journey from my own perspective! .

*Fairyr* The form is correct with the present tense and emotional references. I like the repeat of "They call" , I call" and the "b" words! *Wink* in line 1 and 3 even though in short poem I have heard it is not good to repeat so close. Here I think it is effective. The last line provides an evocative contrast too. Well done. *Smile*

*Fairyr* I would not leave spaces between lines. I am not a pro but I wonder about the complete sentences in each line. I am still learning the ins and outs of the form. *Wink*

*Fairyr* The poem carries a potent message and gives pause for thought. I am seeing a happy ending! *Smile*

*Starstruck* Thanks for sharing your crafting. It rocks!

Keep on following your muse and write on! *Fairyl*
Lovely gift from Power!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of BeeNotes  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Fire* Hi Beck. You are receiving Secret Santa review gift of 5 Poem reviews from "Invalid Item ! Enjoy! Santa's Reviewers are catching up at the shop so please excuse the delay.*Fire*

*Fairyr* I was drawn to the title of this cnote shop as I thought it was a unique theme and honours the Bee--they could use some good vibes in this day in age. *Wink*

*Fairyr*The little intro picture is appealing, inviting with a happy vibe. I like the simplicity and felt the welcome without words.

*Fairyr*The notes are creative and original with a variety of positive messages. All of them use the BEE theme with gusto.
The fonts are clear to read on brightly coloured backgrounds which are aethestically pleasing. *Thumbsup*
I had to laugh at Sour Bee. It is so true to life too. Be Inspired has lovely script reflective of the message. Bee Yourself made me laugh too.
The Hubbard quote was interesting and I never heard it before.

*Fairyr*I enjoyed persuing this reasonably priced collection. I really like that they can be used any time as the messages are not linked with any season, genre or intent. They are fun and inspiring. *Smile*

*Starstruck*Thanks for contributing this to WDC . It really buzzes! *Wink*

Keep on following your muse and write on! *Fairyl*
Lovely gift from Power!!
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