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3,298 Public Reviews Given
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Template most of the time, covering setting/plot/characters/conflict/resolution if applicable. For shorter works, I concentrate more on feelings evoked.
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Short story, chapter reviews and in-depth reviews.
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Sci-fi, Romance, mystery, children's
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Short stories, novel chapters
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essay, editorial, non-fiction, somebody's homework assignment
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XGC, poems, prose. I am an animal activist and vegan, so cruelty or violent, unnecessary, death due to negligence is overwhelming. I am unable to review any pieces involving abuse of any kind to anyone. I like to keep my corner or the world happy, because I grew beyond my "challenges" of childhood and don't want to look back.
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Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
I'm back for another chapter!

Overall Impression

The beginning of this chapter seemed to come from nowhere, since the last chapter ended with the future relocation of humanity.

In Part 111, the story began to breathe, to take on a life and personality.

Ned and John are close friends, and having John drop his fork when Ned called enhanced the impression. I'm guessing both agents are single, so Ned wasn't interrupting a family meal. This was a great scene to reinforce the buddy-buddy relationship. They're like family to each other.

Through Ned's story-telling, the reader begins to see the particulars of this futuristic society. No matter how we advance, there will always be wrongdoers and people who feel responsible for deflecting the nefarious deeds.

Ned gained some definition and stature in this chapter. He's a much more compelling character, now that we know his real background. John was given a conflict to deal with. He's best friends with Ned, but now has a secret to withhold. Part of me wishes Ned had been given super powers, but it's obvious you know where this story is going, and I'm along for the ride.

Click here

Parting thoughts
When you penned this in 2004, and edited in 2008, the subject of growing test tube babies was more profound than it is today. Less futuristic. Such is the fate of science fiction. What's new today is happening tomorrow. Still, it's interesting to see what we considered years ago as clandestine, and how it's viewed today.

I'm surmising this story was finished in your mind years ago, and my reviews are probably not of much value, so I won't review any more chapters.

I'm beginning to see how you're setting events up for later chapters. Who knows, maybe I won't be able to put the story out of my mind, and I'll return.

As always, my thoughts are yours to explore or ignore.

** Image ID #1887901 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi, Dottie! Out of curiosity, I stopped by your portfolio after emailing a relative of yours, and discovered I'd already reviewed the first chapter of this story. Here I am again to review the next!

*BulletB* Thoughts/Impressions
Following on the heels of Part 1, the opening scene is clever and funny, effectively drawing me in.

This chapter had the feeling of setting the scene. The characters we met were expanded upon here, and Timmons was introduced. His back story took an entire full paragraph, a block of text that could be broken up by using dialogue.

John's history was delivered via dialogue, which makes it far more interesting. I was nodding about the island sinking back into the ocean, for surely, this must be Florida's fate. I laughed at the scene of rescue workers carrying out John's parents. During hurricanes, it's astonishing how many people cling to their homes, knowing the dwellings are in the direct path of the storm. These facts made the story believable.

John goes into great detail describing the place where his parents now live. My mom lives somewhere similar, but I wondered how important the specificity was to the plot. Will you be using it later? Otherwise, you might consider shortening it up. It's interesting to me because of who I am, but nothing that doesn't further the plot belongs in the story.

The scene was set for humanity to begin expansion into space. The lottery tickets make sense. I think this has been done in several movies and books. I liked the emphasis on how long this process would take. If the original holders passed on, the tickets went to next of kin.

Click here
A few thoughts

*BulletB*In conclusion
I'm not head over heels in love with this plot, but am still interested enough to read the next part.

My comments come from a place of humility and respect for your work. My thoughts are yours to explore or ignore. *Wink*

** Image ID #1877090 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi. Here's a review from "Invalid Itempurchased by 🌑 Darleen - QoD

Overall Impression
I began the story with certain expectations, ever the optimist. Although Lady Allan was presented as the protagonist, I was sure Lauren would win her over.

Right from the beginning, you allowed the reader entrance into Lauren's psyche without revealing particulars. This was one of the reasons I believed in all good things.

Lauren and George were painted as the loving couple. George was there for Lauren all the time, reinforcing my conviction all would be well. Despite you dropping hints as the plot progressed.

The setting was minimal, but sufficient for this story. A hint of royalty came along with Lady Allan and mention of [the hall]. The dinner scene added to my impression. And also, the tiny, important detail of Lady Allan wearing gloves. (Although it was peculiar she had them on during dinner.)

When she began speaking, I was still expecting something warm from her. You could not have offered a more complete contrast to shed light on Lauren's past. In a larger work, Lady Allan's motivations could be explored. Because you were limited, I chose the usual scenarios. She disapproved of an American girl marrying the son.

What caught my eye
You used incomplete sentences to great effect, and made several exceptional verb choices.
(ramped up her smile) (made a sweep of the hall)

The description of Ariel was exquisite. The name fit the character, and to top it off, you added this last sentence to her paragraph.
They rattled in the opening, expectant silence.

pig – tails.

In honour of Lauren’s 50th birthday
Because this is dialogue, I would spell out fiftieth.

Closing comments
Excellent job creating a complete story in so few words. It's a fault of mine. My plots are too expansive for word count contests, so it's something I admire about other authors.

Lauren fainting had me rolling my eyes, because who really faints from shock unless the story takes place in the 1800's or earlier?

However, it served the story well because fiction has to be dramatic. Overall? Nicely done!

** Image ID #1729356 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi! Here's a review for your Lightning Package from "Invalid Item

Overall Impression
This scenario was one that felt all too familiar to me. In high school I not only survived, I flourished. Honor Society and all that good stuff.

As this story opened, the memory of the first time I stepped into the auditorium for Psych 101 arose. Coming from a small school to a large campus was disorienting, and I never did find my niche.

You created a vivid character and brought her emotions front and center. It's funny, but until she introduced herself, I thought the character was male. Maybe including a feminine gesture, such as applying lip gloss, or adjusting a skirt would clue in the reader. I like to know who the character is right from the beginning.

The comical asides added depth to her personality. I smiled, while reading people who might be able to do calculus in their sleep

The use of antagonize in this sentence confused me.
looked around to see whom I could antagonize
She planned to be antagonistic? Because I had the opposite thought. She was trying to fit in, not provoke someone.

Like normal, they had a curious look on this unexpected stranger
What do you think of [As expected, they regarded me with curiosity.] I'm suggesting a possible revision because a stranger would be unexpected, so why add the word? Unlike the sentence preceding it, this one was a bit awkward.

I like how clearly you allowed the reader to see Muscat's thoughts. She tried to play off being knowledgeable about the world, and failed both within herself and through the eyes of the girls she was talking to.

Such a sad commentary about how wrapped up some people are in the media. I would be just as clueless.

I had separate feelings when I read the last sentences. Is it best she acknowledges her defeat? I think it's realistic, but wish she could be more comfortable with her personality. She's only in college, and has years to discover her potential. And even if she can't change, there's nothing wrong with being introspective and a loner. I'm sure she could find a career where her personality suits the job.

In paragraph "Sitting in my bench"
Is she sitting in the bench, or on the bench? Also, she expresses loss twice in as many sentences. What else might she be feeling?

Typical NRI reception
What does NRI stand for?

In a few places, the action of the main character is in the same paragraph as another character's dialogue. Also, white space is ideal, but too much is distracting. I noticed you haven't edited it since the inception. Consider tightening up the paragraphing. Word programs don't always translate, and there are setting options for formatting when you create a new item.

You might want to reconsider the structure of the sentence beginning with Okay, there were—
The passive verb [were] is used twice. Instead of [there were two girls standing] you might try something like:
[I made my way across the room to greet the two girls standing by the window.] It's not a great sentence, and not one you would use. It's merely an example to illustrate my point.

Parting Comments
Well! You see how far you drew me into your story? I was mapping out her life in my mind, as if she was real. Excellent character portrayal!

** Image ID #1729357 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hello Fellow Member Rising Star!

I came across your name here "Random Thoughts and Cares and wanted to investigate your portfolio. My review is offered with respect for your work and humility.

Overall Impression
The story begins brightly enough to draw interest. A woman character wishes to escape her foregone conclusion. I wanted to settle in and read this promising piece, but, for various reasons, I was tripping along the way.

From reading "Wild West" stories, I've come to expect women to choose teaching positions rather than bend. In your story, this needs to be fleshed out a little more. I'd like to know her inner thoughts. And, not everyone is familiar with "Wild West" themes.

Main character
Leaving a letter to her parents, she slipped away.
We're into the sixth paragraph and the reader still does not know the character's name, making it more difficult to connect with a nameless person.

For example, the mother's first line of dialogue might be something like this.
"Love? [insert character's name], you know that's a silly emotion."

A little jumpy.
A lovely place. She hoped they could use another teacher.
Despite the asterisks, the break was too abrupt. Where is she? Also, why did she choose a teacher? The reader needs a bit more background to understand why she would think of this profession.

Once she's on the train, her fate is determined. The plot would flow more smoothly without the asterisks between these two scenes. Some sensory input would be marvelous here. You have a fantastic opportunity with your train. Those mechanical beasts beg for descriptions of sounds and smells.

Also, [They were to join] should logically follow, not proceed the mother's comments. Or, take it out completely, and let the mother mention the sheep ranch.
[My husband hasn't told me much about his sheep ranch]

check out some new development just under the boardwalk.
The story is still lean on setting. I was lost completely until you mentioned [mercantile]. Consider using that word instead of, or added to [new development]

Riley one of his dark, ‘don’t mess with me’ stares that had Riley all but laughing.
This is an extremely personal preference, but 'don't mess with me' didn't sound authentic in this setting.

Emotional Chord Struck
Despite this being sort of cliche—shy girl meets tall, dark, reticent man of authority—the thrills Bella felt in his presence were very real and believable. *Check3*

Her desire to be more like him him, wanting to ride in the easy western manner, rather than her formal English training added to her vulnerability. You made me feel her longing.

I liked the texture added into the story when Riley reads Bella's reaction to his brother and comments on it. I could see her embarrassed to be caught.

It was not long before William left. He said he wanted to get back and make one more round before turning in.
In the next sentence, you use a bit of dialogue. Consider using dialogue more often, and always choose interaction over explaining.

The tie-in with the ants and the boardwalk brought more clarity to the passage above, when they alight from the train. Consider mentioning this earlier.

He asked as he moved closer to take the buckets from her,
Very sweet, and typical of his character traits; he doesn't wait for her permission.

Even Sarah Jane smiled
Did I miss this name earlier in the story? I'm guessing this is one of the children? Consider introducing their names in the beginning train scene.

William had let the two ladies have their conversation and went to see to the horses. He watched the ladies out of
POV switch. As much as I wanted to know what William was thinking, the story is being told from Bella's experiences. Maybe if you used asterisks, you can jump POV to William.
Also, 'the ladies' is repetitive.

Fine Tuning

Parting Comments
I more of less paused the review because my intention is not to overload you with comments. Too late for that, I guess. The conclusion was satisfying and a huge relief. I wanted those two together. Happy endings are the best.

Overall, this is a nice story about a young woman venturing beyond her boundaries and finding love. Many opportunities to enrich the experience with sensory delight are passed up. I bet the scenes stood out in your mind, now you have to translate them to your readers.

I think you're here to enjoy the thrill of writing and sharing it with other readers, learning, just like the rest of us. I have this impression that you had fun writing this particular story.

Plots like this one remind me of what I read years ago; historical romances about women drawn to the 'rough exterior' of a man. I wanted to settle in and enjoy the experience, and it's definitely worth ironing out some issues for the next reader.

The piece needs some tweaking, but I want to leave you with one impression. I'm merely one reader with an opinion. In the end, the decisions are yours. Feel free to explore or ignore my endless comments. I would not have written such an extensive review had I not enjoyed your story. *Bigsmile*

** Image ID #1947654 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Hi, Princess! Here's your last review, won at "Invalid Item

*Books3* The story began with a challenge that drew my attention. You established plot, setting, and characters in four sentences. Very impressive!

*Starg* You're the mistress of evoking emotions in concise word counts. At first, Lords a Leaping puzzled me, and then you brought me into your story world.

I laughed right out loud at some of the antics. The partridge in the tree, the ladies dancing, all the little pieces added up to a quick and cute story. More magic from the Princess!

I wish the review allowed me to extol the virtues of the conclusion without spoiling the surprise.

One little lapse of attention ~
She [is]
I can't add the verb and give away the story. To help you locate the sentence, look at the last paragraph.

Since the story is told consistently in simple past,
She [was] makes more sense.

Megan, you gave me quite a delightful experience waltzing through your Christmas folder of stories. It's been my privilege to read and review your work.

You're a weaver of fantasies. Your characters are bright and memorable. I'm immediately drawn to all of them. Excellent job creating character identification.

All of this in stories of measured word counts. Excellent work!

** Image ID #1981896 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Hi, Megan! Thanks for bidding on and winning my package in the "Invalid Item. This is your first of three reviews.

*Heart* I fell in love with this story from paragraph one. Personifying objects makes for a fun read, and you brought Timmy to life. You made me care about what happened to him, and I experienced his emotions. *Check3*

*Starg* When Mandy took notice and set the stage for the performance, I was smiling all the way through the scene. A reader can believe in the Christmas spirit or magic, and pretend Timmy really did move his drumsticks. The "sight" of Barbie dancing brought back many childhood memories.

You created a cozy family scene, and even though Grandpa did nothing, he enhanced the mood of the story.

*Starg* The appearance of Santa and his gift to Timmy was a sweet twist for the conclusion. It completed the story arc you began in the first paragraph about the dog and Timmy.

A few considerations
Fine Tuning

*Starg* Although you pulled me into your story just by the way you write, the graphics were a charming touch.

Please remember, my thoughts are my own for you to explore or ignore. *Wink*

** Image ID #1981896 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WDC Addicts Anonymous  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Header for The Gift Shop

This final review is part of the gift basket from "Invalid Item that was bought for you by your secret haunter!'

Overall Impression
On top of this being a great story, I was impressed by the seamless way you worked all the words into the plot.

The story opens in a psychologist's office where the therapist is working with two grouchy partners. The concept, the reason for the situation is close to reality. Sometimes it is the small things that tear a marriage apart. Or maybe the sum of many small things.

I pegged Joe and Mary as older characters before the descriptions began because of the names you chose. I wondered if a "country setting" would be the backdrop, and nothing better than long johns left outside says older married folks.

Mary and Joe are easy to fall for. Their love is obvious, based on the ridiculousness of their argument. Only true love can be that persnickety.

When the big ah-ha moment led to agreement, it was almost a let down after all the spirited dialogue. I wanted the story to continue. It's hysterical, two adults so embroiled they can't remember to check the calendar.

dexterous talent to revile
I admired that phrase for several moments. *Checkg*

Fine Tuning

Closing Thoughts
All the story elements worked for you, or rather, you worked them with explicit dexterity. You wrote this in 2007, revised it in 2012, and it's still withstanding the test of time. No surprise coming from your portfolio.

As off this date, your handle reads: glad to be with WdC. All your fans are glad you're with WdC too!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Sea Turtles  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with RAOK Upgrade Brigade Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi. I'm here with a review for Diane monthly ROAK challenge. I found your story through random reviewing several days ago.

The emotions you evoked so swiftly caught me up, I had to wait until I could review without crying.

Stories like yours should be a snap to review. All I need say is: "This story was phenomenal." But since you're hoping for helpful feedback, let's see if I can expand on that sentiment.

The opening scene was vivid and set the mood. All seemed happy and joyful, except for a few odd comments here and there, reservedly sprinkled to create an undertone of worry. Why is Joe's shirt too big?

The characters were moved expertly through the scene with actions that made sense in the setting. The heart breaker in this first section:
My little turtle.

Mid-section brings the camera in closer. Using actual names for places enhances the reality of the story realm. You chose an excellent title to match the theme.

The foreboding is ramped up. The half-lemon sentence? Brilliant. Blurring yellow showed the mom crying more intensely than the words.

My dream for this perfect little family was fading around the edges, and despite the clues, I wasn't prepared for what shone from underneath.

I wished I had a video camera on me—
I agree with Em. The mental picture surpasses the digital by far.

By this point, Em had me worried. I was taken with the way she described the couple as in motion, but noting that non-motion was just as great. She wanted time to stop.

The splurge on the vacation equaled the splurge of words in this story, all to a poignant effect.

You see why this review is challenging? Because now all I want to do is congratulate you on writing the air-conditioning scene. You worked right up into Em's psyche, and let Joe take the action. Honestly, I didn't want to read more. Tears were on the way.

Here's an interesting passage that left me thinking.
—"I filled in the silence, swallowing big lumps of nothing
This was another favorite sentence. The wife fills the silence. In the next
—his voice full where mine was empty.
the husband has the [full] part. I didn't pick this up until I'd read this several times over. Was it intentional, or one of those 'author moments' when words just fall into place?

Click here:
Fine Tuning

I'm refusing to comment on the conclusion. It's more than I can bear. *Heart* Like I said in the beginning, a phenomenal story.

RAOK's logo image.  This is a shared image, so feel free to use its item number.

Keep writing!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with Earth Day Challengers  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Everyday is Earth Day!

Welcome to "The Earth Day Challenge review activity!

Overall Impression
Your article gives a simple point by point plan any person can grasp. The formatting gives the work a polished, professional look. After reading you bio, I believe this presentation is an automatic gesture.

A few thoughts
Last year, Amazon began asking for feedback not only on the item purchased, but on the packaging. When big companies alter their actions, society benefits from the impact.

A customer can stay away from companies that use packaging not earth-friendly.

It's difficult to know what is right when talking about recycling. Some say there's no point in trying; it's already too late for the planet to recover. Irregardless, people should continue recycling rather than giving up.

A few of the sentences lost meaning for me. I listed two examples below. Making suggestions feels wrong because all the sentences are consistent with your writing style.

One adjustment might be to shorten some of the longer sentences. Break them up for an easier read.

Fine Tuning

Closing thoughts
I think your intent is clear in my mind. One fact I did learn. It's not enough to power down electrical items. The plug itself has to be disconnected.

In the beginning, you mentioned Canadians as front-runners in this challenge. Am I to assume what you've included in this article relates the practices already in motion in Canada?

What we're all shooting for is the combined efforts of each individual impacting the planet in a healthy way. Even if it's not making much difference, at least we're not worsening the planet's suffering.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with Earth Day Challengers  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Everyday is Earth Day!

Hi, Ken! Big surprise. I found your story here. "The Earth Day Challenge

Overall Impression
Where did you find the cover art? It's precious.

The title, The Warmth of Spring and the brief description were catchy, but did not give the plot away, as sometimes happens.

It took quite of bit of imagination to pull this story off with a credible action scientists might dream up. Clever!

The opening paragraph had all the necessary story elements. The scene was set, characters introduced and I heard a slight undertone of danger.

The last sentence in the second paragraph confirmed my suspicions without giving away the story's future. Using italics was effective in bringing this feeling to the forefront of my mind.

Oliver and his mom were instantly likable. Their relationship was special, as in very close, which made me wonder where the dad was. But since our culture is changing and reflected in different types of families, the absence wasn't overtly distracting.

I won't spoil the story for the next reader, but you the small details you added strengthened your message and escalated the doom. (The banana part struck me as especially evocative.)

What she vaguely remembered
The adverb [vaguely] was the operative word in this sentence, establishing a time frame.

Fine Tuning

Closing thoughts
All my complaints and picky points were deflected in the final paragraph. The slight missteps were overshadowed by this poignant conclusion because the word [unremembered] stirred something deep inside me.

Your work is always original and a delight to read.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Earth's Poem  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with Earth Day Challengers  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Everyday is Earth Day!

Welcome to "The Earth Day Challenge review activity!

Overall Impression
Earth's Poem evoked varying emotions, and I liked the work and the message.

I do not write or normally review poetry, but I saw your poem here "The Earth Day Challenge and chanced a peek. What I found delighted and saddened me. The overall effect made me want to cheer and help shoulder the planet's burdens. And to weep.

As the prose/poetry rolls
Beginning the poem with the honeybee theme had me nodding my head in agreement. Without the bees, the world cannot continue.

The second stanza did not generate an emotional reaction. Do elephants play a unique roll in world balance that I'm unaware of? When I read the first line, I expected the last word to be skin because elephants have thick hides. This could be a metaphor for protecting the planet's surface. How would elephants sin? I'm sorry, but the connection wasn't in this stanza.

Now, polar bear's stanza was clever. Melting glaciers is a predominant concern for the planet.

Although the dolphin's stanza's rhythm felt off, the words, and intent behind the words was poignant. I could feel the earth giving thanks, and my favorite line in that stanza was the last.

You packed a punch in the final stanza with your sharp portrayal of the planet's inner feelings. The truth was spoken, open and frank, without diluting the message.

Fine Tuning

Closing thoughts
I wanted to highlight the first line in stanza five. It was like a slap in the face after reading the prior, gentle stanzas, but that would spoil the effect for the next reader. Well done!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Green Grocer  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with Earth Day Challengers  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Everyday is Earth Day!

Welcome to "The Earth Day Challenge review activity!

Overall Impression
From the beginning, I was concerned you were on the side of the ones who are complaining because the first sentence sounded argumentative, or as if you were holding a grudge.

Poking the bags
This feeling held on until much later in the editorial. Was your intention to calm all naysayers by offering up front, every possible objection? It worked. A few readers who might resist the trend, probably continued reading because you were expressing all the negative aspects.

A neat and tidy trap you led them into.

I've never seen any numbers for what these bags cost, and wasn't totally surprised by the facts. I was relieved to finally have the knowledge.

You showed the disadvantages of plastic bags. I use mine as trash bags, but wonder if they put little holes in the bottom to foil me?

I came away with the feeling the alternatives to plastic bags were a new concept, when these recycling rules have been in place for years.

New York State is more vigilant in most legalities due to the existence of New York City. Extreme measures are required in this great city, which translates to all the lesser cities being subject to the same laws.

Walmart is mostly banned by me so I don't know if they offer cloth bags, but the other grocery stores do.

I'm in the process of switching from plastic to glass containers. Plastic will never, ever, go away. That means when archaeologists uncover our civilization, they will wonder what we found so important in dog plops that we had to store it for eternity.

Fine Tuning

Closing thoughts
Maybe it's not easy to be green, but soon it will be harder not to be. Will it make a difference? At least we tried.

The conversational tone worked well in this article. You came across as confident, sincere in your thoughts, and you've included the research. Great article which didn't suffer at all under the word constriction. *Checkg*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with Earth Day Challengers  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Everyday is Earth Day!

Welcome to "The Earth Day Challenge review activity!

Overall Impression
The animated, dramatic story-telling coupled with a unique observation made this a fantastic write.

Joni Mitchell in reverse
The mood is conversational, but it's clear you're going somewhere with your adventures. The image of a deserted mall, likened to a church parking lot was strong and easy to identify with.

You're articulate and personable. The word choices and sentence structures are varied, creating different pacing throughout the work.

A few years ago, rumors were running around the notion of a hospital taking over some of the deserted retail space in a smallish mall. Friends and families of those hospitalized could shop for designer dressing gowns with more than three ties. The rumor died.

I'm familiar with your clever twist on the Joni Mitchell theme, but you explained the message so anyone can appreciate your viewpoint. Now the song is stuck in my head. *Rolleyes*

A city in rural New York State offers bonuses to businesses willing to pay for the cleanup left behind when IBM and other large companies pulled out and ignored the consequences. New business, what little there is finds untouched land more suited to their needs. What to do with all these empty spaces?

I went right along with your whimsical extension. Yes, the bulldozers would still be busy returning earth to itself. This could easily translate to a community project. I'm convinced you need to take action and make this happen! It makes more sense than many other solutions or suggestions I've read.

Fine Tuning

Closing thoughts
You might have struck upon a workable idea. What if change truly began because you wrote this?

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with Earth Day Challengers  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Everyday is Earth Day!

Welcome to "The Earth Day Challenge review activity!

Initial Impression
Outstanding title! Considering the length, it still has a clear sound and is fun to think or say out loud.

Your first paragraph caught my attention because it sounded so reasonable, as if "Come on over here and listen to this."

Further examination
Once you drew me in with your large hook, it was a natural transition to the focal point of the editorial.

The only fact I know about gasoline is that the 10% ethanol manufactured and added to the product not only is useless in improving anything, it is actually more costly to make than the gasoline.

Am I correct in my assumption that your main point was moving toward synthetics? I've heard buying synthetic oil reduces the frequency of necessary oil changes, as you stated, but I've also heard it's not true. So, who do we trust?

Fine Tuning

Closing thoughts
My one suggestion would be to expand on this. My reasoning? When I reached the end and saw the link, my thought was, "Why didn't he write a longer article if there's more to know?"

Despite the technical topic, you diluted the vast explanation so people who aren't in the industry, or in the know, were able to understand your viewpoint. *Checkg*

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Review by Nixie
In affiliation with Earth Day Challengers  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Everyday is Earth Day!

Welcome to "The Earth Day Challenge review activity!

Overall Impression
I enjoyed this swift read and the emotions you evoked in so few words.

The story opens smoothly with a mood of serenity and longstanding traditions. For Westerners, it's not unusual to envy the complacency of the Eastern cultures. I can't think of a more pleasant way to spend time than in the companionship of a Bonsai tree.

This story is an excellent example of showing, not telling. By describing her actions while keeping the action level, I was able to form an image of her.

You made a good decision by not giving away the story in the brief description. Unfortunately, I have a habit of skipping to the end so I knew what was coming.

Given that, the moment when the earth trembled still filled me with dread, which is a testimony of effective writing. Her trimming the tiny branch was a sharp contrast to the upcoming event. I like to see that portrayed in stories. The simple and the grand of opposing, but equal strength.

Thinking of this lovely woman "catapulted to the ground" broke my heart. I knew she would cling to the tree, and when they were swept away I acknowledged the insignificance of humanity vs. the power of nature. As much as I wanted this to have a fairy tale ending, the truth has to be accepted.

Fine Tuning

Closing thoughts
I'm not a fan of 'meant to be,' but it works for this story. Otherwise, it's merely tragic, without the poignancy.

Overall, a compelling write. *Check4*

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Review by Nixie
In affiliation with Earth Day Challengers  
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Everyday is Earth Day!

Welcome to "The Earth Day Challenge review activity!

Overall Impression
The implicit threat of offshore drilling to the planet and its inhabitants could not be more crucial. Unfortunately, we're too easily distracted by the next great tragedy, or the movie star who tripped.

Delving Deeper
I have to disagree with your editorial. In the first paragraph, you claim no one, other than you, has researched the facts on offshore drilling. Seriously? Perhaps you meant despite all the research, no one has taken action to rectify the situation. If there even can be a correction for the folly of humans.

The tone is almost playful.

You demand we stop drilling without exploring possible ways to change our lifestyle to make oil less of a necessity.

Much of this editorial was repetitive. The fact that animals and humans suffer from exposure was stated in almost all the paragraphs, but exactly what happens due to exposure is lightly brushed over.

The Arctic melting is a very tragic situation and we can’t make it worse.
We are making it worse every day!

An editorial should evoke a strong reaction, either for or against the author's point of view. It helps if its informative. The reaction raised in me was anger for not taking this issue more seriously and providing readers with more facts than anecdotal remarks and generalizations.

Fine Tuning

Closing thoughts
When I read pieces that seem less than informative, I head over to the author's biography for enlightenment. Sometimes, there's a good reason. Possibly, a teenager wrote it without proper research. Perhaps this is the author's first time trying to write anything. Editorials are not easy to compose. I wish you'd given me a clue so I could accurately steer my comments.

I had high hopes for this piece because the topic enrages me. I'm not here to judge; I'm only wishing for something more concrete and informative than what you've offered. If you have it, the community needs to hear it. I want to read it.

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Review by Nixie
In affiliation with Earth Day Challengers  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Everyday is Earth Day!

Welcome to "The Earth Day Challenge review activity!

Overall Impression
Your dream created a gorgeous piece of prose. The entire piece was mystifying and mesmerizing.

Diving In
The first paragraph is effectively disorienting. The concept of 'nothing' can be comforting, as in 'nothing really matters at all,' or horrifying, as you expressed.

I'm not an interpreter of dreams, so this is not commentary. What an odd object (whip) to appear in this type of dream. It brings to mind cowboy westerns, and is contrasted immediately by modern day satellites.

Outstanding imagery presenting first glance at earth. You caught me with the image of "popping." We think of so many ways to destroy our planet, and the verb you chose brings forth the delicacy and vulnerability of our home we carelessly use.

The simplicity of this line was evocative and striking.
This is all I need to keep me alive.

I was almost upset with your dream when I read about the whales using their flippers to propel you. I had this whole mystical, magical mood, and the flipping image created seemed cartoon-ish compared to the other paragraphs. We can't edit our dreams, though!

Fine Tuning

Closing thoughts
I applaud your style bringing this dream to the conclusion. Using a full stop between [appreciate] and [How] created a much greater impact than what might have been traditionally punctuated. *Checkg*

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Review of ODE TO NATURE  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with Earth Day Challengers  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Everyday is Earth Day!

Welcome to "The Earth Day Challenge review activity!

Overall Impression
I found quite a bit of wisdom and wit in your words. My parents labeled me "overly imaginative and dramatic." Maybe that's why we're writers, now.

Internal workings
You kept this piece moving by showing the reader how nature impacted you at different points in your life. It seems you had a difficult time, or felt uncomfortable trying to express your thoughts about Native Americans. But, it wasn't a "cheesy exaggeration" at all. I have also felt the magic of these People who understand what it means to revere nature, who never wasted anything from an animal taken for food. There's no need to preface your words by your statement. (Take the cheese out.)

The director and veterinary technician—
This paragraph was one of my favorites because it's current with today. Rather than begin your sentence with listing the animals, begin with the section below for greater impact. It's funny and bright, but the magic is lost when it appears at the end of the sentence.
unbeknownst to their 4-H

Fine Tuning

Closing thoughts
Because this piece was written from your heart, it needs a bit of editing to bring forth the beauty and joy. When writing, I keep in mind, "less is more" or "practice word economy."

I'm not a *disclaimer* reviewer, but due to the amount of suggestions, please feel free to ignore whatever doesn't work for you. This is your work, and it was my pleasure to read and review it.

Your story is one of love.

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Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (2.5)
Hi there!
Welcome to "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group
*Dropg* Puddle Jumping Spring Raid! *Dropg*

This review is courtesy of "Invalid Item. A Lightning Package gifted by taliah_l

First Impression
Hm. The first paragraph is your opportunity to grab your reader's attention. One way to achieve this goal is to begin with a strong character and some action. You don't have to make it a big, flashy scene, just something that makes a reader want to know more.

Once you have the reader's attention, it's time to keep them involved. This happens through reader identification. Possibly with a character, or the situation.

The best way to begin a story is with exuberance, regardless of the topic. Writing down exactly what the character is doing and listing a description of the characters and their roles will not win readers.

The good news is, you have a strong story. You need to present it in the best light possible. How? For me, I would enjoy seeing the girl running from school to her grandmother's house.

Your characters appear in the plot not listed, but as active participants. Maybe Jamie brings tea and cookies into the parlor where the story is taking place.

Edward might be outside fixing something that belonged to Grandma Eli's deceased husband. That's one way to introduce two characters. I'm just tossing ideas out for you to consider.

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Fine Tuning

In closing
The real story is about the Jr. Detective Club. I would get right to that part, and filter in all the other details you've included.

One trick I use to bring a story to life is to crawl into the plot and then my main character's head. I see what's happening through their eyes.

If a girl has bright green eyes and long, wavy, brown hair, show it. What do her eyes look like when she's excited/sad/angry. How can you show her hair without describing it? You don't have to provided a detailed sketch of your characters. Readers want to hear a story.

I just dropped a big chunk of story craft in this review. I'm excited for this story, and I hope my few words will encourage you to work it up. Reading and reviewing others' work takes time, but it's a great way to learn. Stick with it! Keep writing! I'm intrigued by the Alligator Rubies and want to know more, after this chapter is edited. Feel free to email me with any questions regarding this review, or if you'd like me to write another review after the edits. *Bigsmile*

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Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi there!
Welcome to "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group
*Dropg* Puddle Jumping Spring Raid! *Dropg*

This review is from your Lightning Package from "Invalid Item gifted by taliah_l

First Impression
Personification is always a fun exercise to stretch and discover writing skills. I can still remember my first assignment in the fifth grade. It was write a story about a piece of wood.

You can bet I was smiling all the way through this piece.

The jokes weren't humorous in the least, but it worked for the personality you attributed to your paper.

Still thinking
You set up a realistic world for your sheet of paper. If paper could talk, it probably would have similar thoughts. I liked this piece of paper because it wasn't concerned about posterity, or being an important document. Right from the beginning, the paper wanted to bring happiness. Humans should aspire to the same goal.

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Fine Tuning

In closing
You found a very clever way to describe recycling. The paper goes into a lengthy sleep. In the conclusion, the paper kept its intellect and found the happy ending it longed for. I liked it as well. Everyone wants to make babies and the elderly smile.

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Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi, Elle.
Welcome to "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group
*Umbrellag* Puddling Jumping Spring Raid! *Umbrellag*

Overall Impression
If this was meant to be a children's story, my enchantment with the plot and characters is quite distressing. You have a way with words that kept drawing me in, even as I tried to back out, trying to remember "It's a story for children, Nixie" and desperately failing.

The plot moves back and forth, in and out, with ease. Whether I'm in Jayden's head, or in his book, or with his sister, I'm always with the plot, not once feeling confused by the unusual happenings.

You were very clever, working in the pronunciation of Taniwha. It's frustrating when an author chooses a name or a spelling that leaves me guessing. I spend most of the book worrying whether I'm reading the character's name as intended.

You make exquisite word choices. My favorite was 'plonked,' but you used it twice, so you'll have to think of another.

I enjoyed the banter between brother and sister, and Emma's human-like behaviour. Kids love animals in stories.

Wiremu was a fascinating character. His tattoos matched the Taniwha, which led to all sorts of mind wanderings. As a kid, entering a book was a fantasy I indulged. Now, when I'm reading to my two-year-old grandson, he wants to have what is in the book, much the same as my feelings. In his puppy book, the dog's treats look like candy. Weston says, "I eat food, Nana." And tries to pluck it from the page.

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Fine tuning

Parting Comments
I'm smiling while writing these final words. Everything in this chapter was memorable, but the image of Emma listening to the story stays in my mind. Great write!

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Review of Foward  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi there!
Welcome to "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group
*Dropg* Puddle Jumping Spring Raid! *Dropg*

First Impression
This poignant story was a real heart breaker. You've done an outstanding job capturing parents' reactions to tragedies. Something similar to this incident happened only a few days ago, very close to my home, allowing me to relate to the story in a third way.

Although the reason for the action came later, the first few sentences had a feeling of foreboding.

Either you have been through something similar, or you're able to imagine an event like this, because the small details you chose to paint the scene got right into the thick of it. I'm having difficulty not divulging the plot and trying to explain what hit me the hardest. The mug and what was pinned to the refrigerator sickened my stomach, knowing how easily a random tragedy can strike.

The parents approached the grieving process in separate ways, and this made the story accurate. I was relieved they stuck it out together and agreed on later actions regarding moving on. They're correct. It's not for anyone else to say what is right or wrong in these instances. (Although nine months did sound abrupt to me.) Also interesting, nine months is the gestational period of a developing fetus. I wondered if that came into play when you were writing.

Great job showing us the daughter's room through the mother's actions. The sentences were much more effective than a telling of what she did. You made the reader experience the emotions.

The single sentence that tells the reader what happened was concise and extremely effective. Quite a shock after the quiet plot. Expertly presented. *Checkg*

Sarah looks at him.
At this point, the sentiments are becoming redundant. Suggest you strike first sentence following and begin with
But how will I handle being a mother again?

The excitement that she and Adam felt is [was] indescribable.
In a short story, there's no point in writing that something is beyond description. The reader learns nothing. You can skip that sentence and continue on with what happened to make the day indescribable.

The first day of first grade is fresh in Sarah's mind. Up to this point, the story has been seen through Sarah's perspective. Not a direct POV switch, but something about this sentence felt off. Sort of like an outside observation of what Sarah remembers. Also, avoid using [first] twice in the same sentence.

They both get up and go inside.
The next *Paragraph* begins with: After breakfast—
What brought the dog and Sarah inside?

Section 3
Sarah and her husband learn what happened after going to the school. So what is revealed on the officer's face they don't already know?

The living room looks like a picture off of Pinterest.Use caution when referencing current societal trends. Will Pininterest mean anything as the years continue? How many readers today know about Pininterest? "Better Homes and Gardens" or "House Beautiful" - something similar will create a stronger impression because even if the reader isn't familiar with the publication, the meaning is expressed in the title.

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Fine Tuning

In closing
The suggestions I offered are extensive, but they are either minor corrections easily edited, or general information about story craft. Nothing detracted from the plot as evidenced in my rating of 4.5 rather than 4.0 or 3.5.

This story caught me by surprise, and I've been reading and thinking for a few hours. Maybe I'm a bit too close to this story for personal reasons, but you've got an incredible write here. Well Done!

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Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WDC Addicts Anonymous  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Header for The Gift Shop

This review is part of the gift basket that Rhonda bought for you from "Invalid Item with the message 'Christine, just a little something to say Thank-you so much for all you have done for me. You have been a wonderful mentor, and an even better friend. You are the most compassionate, kind, caring and thoughtful person I have the honour of knowing. Thank-you for being my dear, sweet, beautiful friend and most of all for being you! ((HUGS)) & *Heart* xo with Love, Rhonda.'

Overall Impression
Christine, you've dragged me out of my world, yet again. You breathe life into your characters and populate the plot with small details that create intimacy.

The opening paragraphs were puzzling, possibly because the title and the brief description did not directly relate to the plot. I wasn't sure what to expect.

You eked out glimpses of the full story at a tantalizing pace. At times, Theresa's inner thoughts run on high octane and required concentrated reading to catch all the nuances.

I was halfway through the story before the plot formed in my mind. Theresa's back story is delivered through narrative, punctuated by crisp dialogue. The reader has little room to breathe as each sentence builds on the other.

The words you chose to show Julius prodding the fire and the image created provided one much-needed resting place before the two characters exploded again.

Fine Tuning

Closing Thoughts
One question remains. Will Theresa be abandoned in the country? Without giving away the conclusion, let me say, expertly crafted.

How do you think up such unusual plots? From your experiences, I'm guessing. Keep writing!

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Review of The Little Potato  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi there!

*BalloonB* Welcome to WDC from "Newbie Welcome Wagon! *BalloonB*

Overall Impression
You indicated this story was written for children. I can see a child buying into the plot, and as all good stories should, it teaches a lesson. The concept requires a higher intellect to process. Something has to die so something else can live. Is the purpose of life to sustain other life?

The worm was my favorite character. I never thought about worms not having eyes. To it, the potato was an encumbrance, an obstacle to go around.

The action is believable and simple enough to follow. When the farmer took the potato from the earth, the potato noticed the man's hands were warm. Even though I knew what would happen, I liked thinking that the potato wasn't immediately distressed.

Personification is always fun for me.

Why do rats always get the bad rap? It must be those beady eyes. Now, the potato is no longer an obstacle, its a victim.

The farmer reappears for the final scene, and the purpose of the story is revealed.

*StarB*Click here

In closing
The final two sentences might be less choppy if you joined them with the conjunction [but] after child. Replace [little potato] with it.

The story is simple and engaging. It's the philosophy behind it that has me thinking about age appropriateness.

Great work in this little bit of fun. Keep on writing!

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