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Review of my mother  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Serenity,

What a beautiful tribute to your wonderful Mum. There is nothing more real then a relationship between a mother and her child. You are both so blessed to have that kind of love and adoration for one another. I had that same adoration for my parents and even though they are both gone I still fill them near and loving.

I feel this for my own children and grand-children and they for me. Thank you so much for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com.
M Duci
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Review of Flame Lily  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Africa,

Now and then one will read a short poem that will give the detail of one's own life in a nutshell. This you have done for the 'Love of my life.' These could be words written from my own inner thoughts, words that would come from the bottom of my heart to the one I love in this same way. What a wonderful find I have found in your site tonight! Sorry I've only just found it.
Thank you very much for sharing the 'Love of your Life.'
M Duci
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Review of Funny Feeling  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Adowa,

What a beautiful array of words used in this lovely
poem filled with the feelings of being Baptized with love. I don't think I've heard love described quite so
nice, as the thought of one being baptized, and made whole with love. Excellent choice of words.

I love your every line and more then anything if feels as if I've just peeked inside a beautifully written letter to someone very special.

Thank you so much for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com.
M Duci
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Review of Misfit  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Ocean-Sirius,

I loved this little cutie, and the rhyming was very
pretty. I know this is ole clique shay but you've hit
the nail right on the head. Sometimes we are just determined to make something fit; that in the end just won't no matter how much we try. There are things in our life we hold onto that should have gone out to the trash can ages ago, but we just couldn't let go. Thank you so much for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com.
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Review of Cupid's Fate  
Review by MDuci
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Wic,

What a wonderful read this was!*Laugh* I couldn't stop laughing, even choked on my cappuccino during some of the heady comments. You are a natural born storyteller and I cannot wait to invade your port for more of your fascinating tales. This piece should be in everyone's library to read whenever cupid comes flying by. Thanks again for the great read and many laughs. I like to feature this piece in our Feb. issue of "I REMEMBER WHEN" Newsletter with your permission.
M Duci
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#1117235 by Not Available.

Review of Living With Apnea  
Review by MDuci
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello Svrsek,

Quite a funny story on Sleep Apnea! You have captured a member of my own family in your little drama. She,
has been driving sleep for years, I always worry about her getting home because of it. She, is now on the machine and according to her she is doing much better.
The first time I noticed that she was sleep driving, I was a passenger in her car. Needless to say If ever I have to ride with her ANYWHERE! I make sure I keep my eye on her all the way *Smile*. Thank you for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com.
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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Angel,

'Joy and love thought forever gone' Bravo, Bravo! Well done a small master piece.

Lovely beyond words, I see nothing that should be fixed or corrected. I am lost for words. Please continue this vain of writing and it is a pleasure to welcome you to Writing.Com.
M Duci
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Review of Glory  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello CBobbert,

What a beautiful tribute to our Lord' you've written.
This is a prayer that we could all learn and live by
and what a wonderful world this would really be.

'As I worship let it come,
reveal the glory of Your Son.
Let it fall, let there be
open heavens over me.'

I love every line you've written, but these hold so much more for me. Thank you so much for sharing.
This is a perfect score.
M Duci
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Review of Between Two Tides  
Review by MDuci
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Allen Smith,

I don't know where this story will go from here either! But you have captured me heart and soul.
This was written with so much feeling and emotion that it rolled right over on me. I could have gone on reading forever I'm sure. My heart wanted to take all the children into my arms and hold them forever. Not being able to do that I will keep them in my heart in any case. Thank you for this wonderful piece. "Oh! Papa, poor Papa."
Continue please this story.
M Duci
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Review of Deer Hearts  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Crissy,

Today is the best day for staying in and reading the best of WDC, it's hot outside and I'm enjoying this time inside. I just happen to live in a National Forest in Cal. and I have seen the nuzzling of noses of these beautiful Deer's. I too could write stories just about how graceful they come and go. Thank you so much for sharing this Deer story with us.
Glancing as she goes
Whimsical ballerina of the wild'

Such a joy to watch.
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#1117235 by Not Available.
Review of Mystical Moon  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Deborah Elaine McLane,

Very nice take on being washed by the moon's ray's.
I feel this same way about the moon! I have heard those same stories about the full moon, etc. But I
love to think of it as the man in the moon or any such fairy tale. But I do think it is beautiful and even more so on a starry, starry night. Thank you for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com.
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beckon-did you mean to say beacon
Review of Brushstrokes  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Gypsy4evermore,

What a wonderful Brushstroke on this canvas of beautiful lights. I really cannot see how it could
be improved. You have captured the very night and
as I close my eyes I see in the distance the rising
sun. Thank you for sharing this lovely piece with us,
and I promise to return to visit again very soon.
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#1117235 by Not Available.
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Greeneyedpoet,

I must say I think you did a splendid job on this piece, for as you say this is not an easy form to
write. This is my favorite stanza, but I like them

'Fireflies, with passion, burn up too soon, though,
With desire, they throw their weight in the fray.
It’s in the nature of the things that glow.'

Continue the great writing and welcome to Writing.Com.
M Duci
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Review of You are not alone  
Review by MDuci
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Misha,

What a lovely little poem! You presented a wonderful painting of which I could see and feel all the emotions and expressions of one who goes out and buys themselves a card in order not to feel alone. I even felt the raindrops that fell from her cheeks. You are a wonderful storyteller! Please keep writing and
welcome to Writing.Com.
M Duci
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Review of Summer of Spain  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Ashley,

What a wonderful job you did on your essay. I enjoyed it tremendously.

It is wonderful for young people and older people to venture away from their homeland and see as well as spend time with those from other countries.

SPU sounds like a wonderful program for the students and it will afford them a life time of wonderful memories, and new friends.

Thank you so much for sharing this piece and welcome to Writing.Com.
M Duci
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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Lordtheobald,

The first thing that drew me to this little shorty was of course the title. 'Who Will Hug The Porcupine.'
Before reading the poem I'd imagined that perhaps you had hugged him.

Its just something so sad about a Porcupine, maybe the fact that nobody wants to be his friend. I love your piece and wouldn't it make a very good story, something like "How Porcupine Saved My Life." Continue the great writing Lord, and welcome to Writing.Com.
M Duci
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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Wandering,

You have taken on a truly remarkable piece of writing, and you have written a splendid character profile of the beautiful mad woman who lost it when she was rejected by Hamlet and more when her father dies.
You've shown a picture of a woman in love in part 1, and in part 2 we watch as she goes mad.
I look forward to the continued writings and welcome to Writing.Com.
M Duci
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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Ashvet,

I enjoyed reading the story of Ashwini and Mark very much. By the end of the story I felt so happy because she had finally gotten over all the pain and love she'd been carrying on her shoulders for over four years.

What a talented writer you are and I hope you'll continue the journey forever. Thank you for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com.
M Duci
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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Sweet_Cat,

What a wonderful outlook you have on life. You make life and all it surroundings so beautiful and bright.
I love this little piece and I love how it makes me feel. I believe that we can fly! It is just a matter of spreading our wings. Thank you so much for sharing this lovely poem and welcome to Writing.Com.
M Duci
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Review of The Distance  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Tag,

I can relate very well to this little cutie! I have
a wonderful friend who lives in another country and
sometimes I think I should move there as they cannot move here. But sometimes it's for the best we get the best of both Countries. Thank you for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com.
M Duci
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Review of Paradox  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello D Rogers,

I too believe that strength comes from within, and
that it is not wrong to show weakness, for from showing weakness man can learn to become the strength that makes him strong. I had three sons and I taught them that it was okay to cry and I had friends who would say to their son's "big boy's don't cry" my words to them "my boy's are big boy's and it's okay for them to cry." Know man is an Island, the problem is they feel ashamed to cry. I'm a strong woman and I cry a lot. I cry while reading a beautiful poem or a sad poem then I feel better. Thank you for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com.
M Duci
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Review of What Went Wrong?  
Review by MDuci
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Moon,

Thank you for this short read! You tell a very compelling story and no matter that it is short,
you've filled in all the cracks. I feel you've been
given a very special gift and I hope that you use it
well. Write, Write, Write. Thank you for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com.
M Duci
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Review of hurt  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Libby,

You brought me to tears with this piece, and I hope that I won't read another tonight as heartbreaking as this one. I was told so many years ago by my wonderful, young and gifted parents that, 'God' will only put as much on you as you can handle. I remember telling one of my children that when he broke his leg in two places playing football, he was in so much pain. His word to me was, "Then he must have made very strong, because I don't think I can take one more bit of pain" he was ten then! And over the years we talk of that day and I know he has endured more pain since then but he will stay strong. Thank you so much for sharing and I'll send a copy of this to him to frame.
M Duci
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Review of Full of Spunk  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Emopoet,

I love this darling poem, somehow you painted a wonderful picture of yourself and I hope you stick
to your guns. I love every line and look forward to reading more of your work very soon. I only have one little suggestion! A or Aw or Ah or I. It's up to you,
I wouldn't change you for the world.*Smile**Thumbsup*
'A may be an odd girl,
But I will rule the world!'
M Duci
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Review of Beauty  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Frinkin,

I love this little beauty, and even though it had a few imperfections, it still stands tall and goes right to the heart. I'm not so sure that these words were wrong because you wanted them to be or because they just happened to be little typo's. Thank you for sharing and Welcome to Writing.Com.
M Duci
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