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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Meg,

Thank you so much for this timely piece. A very dear friend of mine is a diabetic, his mother became diabetic while pregnant with him, nearly fifty years ago. And, although she lived to be ninety-one she had both legs amputated in her eighty's. He became diabetic in his early forty's and just recently they've amputated half his right foot, and now there is a threat to the lift foot being amputated from a tiny cut under his toenail. I had no idea just how bad diabetes could be until now. I’ve been taking him for his hyperberric treatment daily because his wife has to work. While waiting for his two hour 1 fathom under the sea treatment, I’ve seen young children and older children suffering so much from the pain caused from lost limbs due to diabetes and juvenile diabetes seem to be the worst.

My heart goes out to all the young people who haven't begun to live yet, and it makes me so sad to see how little is still known about the causes or cure. Thank you so much for sharing and continue the fight.
M Duci
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juvenile diabetes.
Review of beginnings  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Dix,

Welcome to Writing.Com, and thank you for sharing your writing talents with us.
This piece shows a lot of promise and just needs a small amount of work to really be very good.

This is just a suggestion, and you don't have to follow this guide line. But your poem would look
and feel much better with sentences complete. Please inform me when you have made changes to your work and I'll gladly change the rating to five as I feel it has a lot of promise.
M Duci
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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Jordan,

Such a promising piece here, I love it and find it easy to relate too! I truly loved the last two lines and I love your display of words which took work in order to sound so easy. Keep up the great writing, and welcome to Writing.Com.

'I tell them I am a door,
opening only to those with my key.'

Only one tiny typo:
everythng-should be everthing

M Duci
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Review by MDuci
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello Aubiefan,

You and I could not agree more on this beauty. Thank you for writing everything I feel about life, love and the pursuit of happiness. Your words are very simple and honest, and your work shows you have a passion for giving and loving. Thank you so much for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com.
M Duci
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Review of The Whispers  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Smokejumper,

Very nice short story, I'm hoping I got the story right, its about a horse whisper yes? I will feel so bad if I'm wrong for I've read it over twice and at first I thought it was about of group of young people getting ready for a race! Then I pictured something else. So, I hope you'll clear this one up for me. But I did enjoy it very much. Keep up the good writing and welcome to Writing.Com.
M Duci
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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello David G,

I feel so blessed just coming upon this lovely poem,
thank you so much for sharing it and I can hardly wait to visit your port again. This poem held so much for such a short piece, but filled my heart with so much love and joy for looking towards tomorrow. Thank you for these precious lines.

'Although my life and love will end too soon,
I smile; my life holds both the sun and moon.'

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Review of Mountain  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Joshua,

This is very special, thank you for writing it. I love
that I could reach out and touch this lovely painting.
I love looking at the mountains...and do so each and every day! As I live high in the mountains of Cal. They are just as you say; 'Like a colossal titan...' Thank you for sharing, and welcome to Writing.Com.
M Duci
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Review of Poems for Marnie  
Review by MDuci
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Pathwerker,

I love going down Memory Lane! There is always such an excitement waiting for those that take the trip. This was no exception. The one thing that really sold me on the perfection of this little cutie, is your very last line. I love those words and they touched me deeply. Thank you for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com.
M Duci
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Review of Darkness Beckons  
Review by MDuci
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hello ShyGalVal,

Thank you for this picture, so real, so visual. It start's so deep and dark and slowly the color changes to that of peaceful hues. Yet, the beckoning sound of yet another struggle within the darkness continues to call. Plant both feet firmly and refuse it's calling, it will soon grow tire and move on. Thank you for sharing and I look forward to returning to your site to read more of your work.
M Duci
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Review by MDuci
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Dear Kitty Love,

I've read both of your poem's, and I must tell you that I think very highly of your writing. This one filled my heart with sadness and many tears. Sometimes I think it is only the young of today who are going through these same circumstances, but looking back I can see the women of the past experiencing these same events in their own lives. Thank you so much for this honest look at life in a nutshell. Thank you for sharing and continue the great writing, and welcome to Writing.Com.
M Duci
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Review of Footsteps  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Yaren,

I hope that this is just what you say it is a 'short story, horror/scary :: death' what you did not tell us was if this was fiction or non-fiction. I hope this is a story of fiction! Because if you just meant it to scare, you did a good job of scaring me. Every detail was very scary and the color was total black and white. You've given a vivid account of that horror filled night. Good writing, and very scary. Welcome to Writing.Com, and continue writing.
M Duci
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Review by MDuci
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Smee,

This short story held my attention to the end, even though I think being in a short story form it would look better and feel a lot better on tired eyes used for reviewing and writing. But the story content was awesome and I love what you can do with a mere 331 words. Thank you for sharing and welcome aboard the great reviewing group of 'I Remember When.'
p.s. I love your reviewing signature it was certainly a five rating.
M Duci

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Review of Reach  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Mistress Sakusha,

This is so lovely, your last line touched my heart deeply.
Maybe it is time to move on for you and the love one
you're trying so hard to reach. There comes a time when we have to let go and let them fly, who knows
when we too must fly across the starry skys. Thank
you so much for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com.
M Duci
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Review by MDuci
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Dandelion,

What a little beauty! I love it, 'YOU' I can relate to this one very well and feel the same way about the other someone in my own life. You are so right, it is so hard to write a poem that fits the very essense of the one person in the world you love with all your heart. Thank you for sharing and keep on writing.
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Review of haunted  
Review by MDuci
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Sorceress,

This writing is of such a depth that only that of like mind can dare to penetrate within its borders. I could feel the fear, dread the darkness, chilled by all the shadows surrounding its inner sanction. You have written a small masterpiece ala Poe.
Keep writing and welcome to Writing.Com.
M Duci
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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Judy,

Was reading through the public pages and ran across a review Isa Danton, had written and it sounded very interesting! So I thought I'd nosey on over and see what it was all about. I'm so very glad I did! I'd been introduced to Google from looking at my own Writing.Com stats. I normally look things up in Explorer, or Yahoo but there was Google displaying an essay of mine several times for and about anything I'd written. Wonderful I thought! I don't have to pay to have my essay researched. Then one day I checked on my stats and found that someone had added a link onto my essay which was not true nor had I said anything about what they insinuated! I wrote Google, told them that someone was using my essay for their own use, and guess what? They had that compromise removed right away. So, good for Google, I love them and maybe for all of you who write and allow the public to view your work, check out your stats and see who is reading your work. Thanks for sharing this invaluable information and see you around.
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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Gabriella,

This story is touching to the core! I hope that you'll one day complete this wonderful story of someone still held so dear. It sounds like the makings of a great novella. I would love to read more on this Maverick.
Love and Hugs
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Review by MDuci
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Felicity,

Your poem brought a meaningful tear to my eye, as I could picture my parents at age seventeen, just their age. My dad himself on bended knee asking my mom to be his bride. I never saw them with wrinkled hands, or hair turning gray as they both died very young, she at forty-seven and he at fifty-four. But I know if they would have lived to see into their later years, they'd be seated on that swing holding hands and loving every moment of it. Thank you for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com
Review of Imp  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Scratch,

Sometimes those 3am type's are very, very good. This one is just such a poem. I have a few of these little Imp types running around lose in some part of my brain too! Don't they just wake you up at the oddest hours?*Smile*
Thank you so much for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com.
M Duci
Review of Hopes and Dreams  
Review by MDuci
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Suze,

Such a wonderful story, I could hardly contain the tears myself as I read the test along with you. I'm so sorry that it didn't happen but I loved reading evey single line and my jubilation was just as happy as the day I found out I was carrying my first born. This was a great read and please continue on. So happy you've found a home at Writing.Com, Welcome.
M Duci
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Review of Love Is  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Beautiful Mess,

What a beautiful little piece you've written.
I love the flow and the rhythm. You're imagery
was excellent and in and of its self deserved a high ranking five.
Thank you so much for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com.
M Duci
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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Reborn Sanity,

I hope you did well in the contest! This was such a very delightful piece. I enjoyed it very much and I
love the way you displayed the colors so richly and
lovingly. These two lines blew me away, as did the rest, but these the most:

'Where might it end? Where did it begin?
Infinite lines; a set of yellow twins.'

Thank you so much for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com
M Duci
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Review of tender moment  
Review by MDuci
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello Coolestscottie,

What a perfect little beauty you've painted. Your brush strokes are covering perfectly each and every line.
I like everything about it and can't find not one break in your lines, no paint has spilled over it is a perfect five. Thank you for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com.
M Duci
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Review of Imperfect Rhymes  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Charlie,

I like what you do with rhyming and rhythm and the pursuit of life. It makes a lot of sense to me and
the visual's are very, very good. I can see that this is a form of writing that you are very contented with, and also you seem to be in perfect control of what you have to say. Thank you for sharing this piece with us and welcome to Writing.Com.
M Duci
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Review by MDuci
Rated: 13+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Hello Eric,

"The Sentence Amusement park." Thank you for so many wonderful lessons in just one nicely wrapped package.

Not to say that you haven't but this piece should be sent out to teachers, schools, and heads of schools around the country. I'm sure that children everywhere if starting with the bases you've described would soon advance into the future much more productive than some of their counterparts.

Thank you so much for sharing these fantastic rides even the slightly more bumpy-ones.
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