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Review of Accept Me  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very good piece. You have done a good job. There were no mistakes found in the whole piece. The structure was good and the piece flowed nicely. it is so hard to be accepted in high school as it is much more with you being 4'10" which is considered short. However, you are the size you are supposed to be. Being a freshman, is something that the upperclassmen had to go through with the first year of high school. They didnt' become an upperclassman right off the bad. So, it is clear that you should be most proud of you being a freshman. Some people don''t make it through grammar school or junior high without quitting. BE proud of your place in high school. I believe that you are and that is good. You go get them lady your days of being an upperclassman is yet to be. cubby/jblackgloves
Review of The Journey  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a good piece. You have done well. There were no mistakes found in the whole piece. It was a good one. There was the mentioning of you finding the man you were before. Does that same man have strength and caring? If so, then that man is what or who you should be. I liked the words or the line, "Out of the ashes like a phoenix I soar". That was a good line. There is true strength there and it is so very clear that you were on your way back to being the man you were before. I liked teh structure of the poem. You have a well written piece. You should be proud of it and then you should put it in your highlighted pieces on your port. You deserve so much for it. Praise I mean. You got my attention from beginning to the end. All the best, cubby/jblackgloves
Review of Unperfect  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a sad piece. It tells more within the words than the words themselves. You are not loved and you are sorry for that. That you're not a size 10 and pretty as the other person wants. You can't be someone you're not. That wouldn't be you. You have to hold your head high and go on without the other person. The thing is that they dont' deserve you. You are much better than anyone else. You loved this person and apparently you still love them. Well, kick them to the curb. You are much better than themselves. Stand up and be counted. You have a right to be counted on for anything that you are able to do and be. I am all for you. Take care of yourself. Cubby/jblackgloves
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a sad piece. There is so much within the short span of your piece. It is a well written piece. You have done a good job. There were few mistakes found in the piece. You may want to go back and read it over again and correct the piece with the spelling of some of the words. Other than that I didn't see anything wrong with it. You did a good piece. The structure was good too. It flowed nicely. All the best to you, cubby
Review of Never Again  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a sad piece. There are so many things that happens in a relationship that can enhance it or destroy it. It is for sure that your relationship was destroyed. That is the sad part. I hate having to read such things but that they are part of life and life must go on. I am glad that you got your feelings out on the screen. All the best to you, cubby
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is so very well spelled out to me. I know you are doing the right thing for Dawn. I would like to help with the remainiing four hundred gift points I have. I know what it is to being upgraded and keeping your port alive. I know what it is to have a need and then someone supplies that need for you. I know this isn't much but it is all I have in the hundreds anywayy. It is could not be used for any better purpose than this one. Thank you, Dean Harley for having this piece. Your student, cubby Brickhouse
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This was a great piece. I appreciate how things were spelled out as to what kind of help a Newbie would be able to find in WDC. I am a Veteran now myself and a member of the Angel Army. I would like to help out anyway I could for a newbie or any other member of WDC. I think it is a great part of WDC to have this great group of individuals to be active in so many things. I have a brother that is a Veteran himself but still considered a Newbie for he has been with the site for less than a year. Thank you again for having this group. cubby/jblackgloves Here is 10,000 gps to help with anything that they could be used. I don't mind supporting the group at all. This is the best that I can do.
Review of I Am By Nature  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
You are speaking about Nature and the way that we are taking care of it and also not taking care of it. There is much to what you say. Nature is cut down and burned to make new houses and fire wood for the heaters in people's homes. There is a wasted land that wasn't so many years ago. There is so much to your piece. I liked it. All the best, cubby
Review of Them Green Eyes  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
How sad! It was awful that the loss of his parents was one thing but to take it out on you was another. It is a sad commentary in anyone's life to be abused. It seemed that you were abused mentally. That is a bad thing. There are plenty of other guys who would love you for yourself. Maybe it is time to move on and forget about the green eyes. Not telling you what to do. I am merely making a suggestion. All the best to you. cubby
Review of As time goes by  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is most sad. There is something in a mother's love that is eternal. I believe that. it is a shame that your dad treated you the way he did. I wouldn't know what to do either. it was great coming to the US. I would have liked that part too had I been born in a place as yourself. It is really sad that your mother couldn't have come with you. I know she would have protected you against him. You are courageous in telling your story. I applaud you for a piece well done.
All the best, cubby
Review of Belong  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I really hope you don't feel like this. This is a horrible existance for you if this is the way it is. I know from my own standpoint that I have had to feel I was a non-entity for many years. It wasn't until I found someone who cared about me that I didn't feel I had a right to live. I thought I was a mistake. My parents wished for having me. They planned on having me. So, it wasn't the fault of my parents who left me feeling like this. You did a courageous thing in writing this piece. I would be proud of it. I hope you are.
All the best, cubby
Review of Away  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a small piece. But, it is a good one. You have done well. You have done a good job. There were no mistakes found in the whole piece. "Away" has many things attached to it. I liked the part where you said "away is the darkness". It is so true, dont' you think? Happy New Year. All the best, cubby
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
What a great story. There is so much to this that one can see just from reading the words. You drew lovely pictures though sad ones, too. The man had searched all of his life for the woman that was buried there. it is sad and also fulfilling to the man for his love hadn't gone away from him. Happy New Year. All the best, cubby
Review of The Rose  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
It is a beautiful piece. It is so true about the rose. Mankind has many flowers from which to choose to surprise someone special. However, there is nothing like roses to do the job right. I loved your use of words. I loved the whole piece. it was beautiful and one thing I know is that I was able to see the rose.
That is it in a nutshell. I was able to see the rose. Happy New Year. All the best, cubby
Review of To Be Released  
In affiliation with Poetry Inspiration  
Rated: E | (4.5)
My overall impression is that this is a good piece. You have done a good job. There were no mistakes found in the whole piece. You were mentioning about life as I believe you were anyway. it is fleeting. The things you hung unto are gone. That the umbrella of hope and belief are lost down inside locked with the dragon. This is to quote yoiu of course. I hope I show no disrespect to you for quoting you. As said before, it was a very good piece. Happy New Year. All the best, cubby
Review of Frozen Breath  
In affiliation with Poetry Inspiration  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is a tragic piece. There is no getting around that. It is tragic. She followed a voice that was a man's voice. She felt that he was her rescuer in a word. instead, he was the devil himself. You sure made me a believer. That is the sign of a good writer. I was following up with every word that you wrote. I hate the ending. Another soul perishes in the snow. Happy New Year. All the best, cubby
Review of Gone  
In affiliation with Poetry Inspiration  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This poem to me doesn't make any sense at all. My overall impression is that while it is a good piece there is nothing here. One is fighting to be recognized if I am assuming this is right. There is nothing more than mere words to this piece. There is no color to it. I don't see a picture. I hope that you will keep writing. I am sure that you meant well with this piece. I just couldnt' make head nor tails of it. That is my problem not yours. Happy New Year. All the best, cubby
Review of Burning Words  
In affiliation with Poetry Inspiration  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Your rhyme scheme was excellent. You did a good job. There was much in this little piece. You were talking about someone really close to you. You were speaking as though if you left the other that you would have that same person within your heart. That is beautiful. Happy New Year. All the best, cubby
Review of Reflection  
In affiliation with Poetry Inspiration  
Rated: E | (4.5)
You certainly have me in your corner. There is the question why me? You can see the reflection in the mirror. You know it is yourself. I guess that in a word the world is made up of mirrors too. There are the ones in the circus and others like you have at home. It is a world to itself. Happy New Year. All the best, cubby
Review of Welcome Back  
In affiliation with Poetry Inspiration  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
You left me high and dry. I was reading every word and then there was nothing more to read. The scream would have got my attention too. It was a horrible scream. it makes one think of it being with vampires or something else. I know that I wouldnt' have wanted to have stayed and listened to the scream. you made a believer out of me. That is the sign of a good writer. I hope this is fictional. Happy New Year. All the best, cubby
Review of Let it Be  
In affiliation with Poetry Inspiration  
Rated: E | (4.5)
What beautiful pictures you have come up with this piece! You want someone to notice you from what I got through the reading. You want someone to nuture you and care for you, too. If I am correct in assuming that you have no one now then that is sad. There is so much within you that you must go on. Go on living and experiencing the best that life has to offer. Happy New Year. All the best, cubby
Review of Who I Am  
In affiliation with Poetry Inspiration  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is a sad piece. You have no idea of who you are according to this piece. That is sad. You know you are somebody but who? This is tragic. There are other ways to find out who you are. Ask a relative or some friend. Know that you are somebody wonderful. That is who youare a wonderful human being. Happy New Year. all the best, cubby
Review of Creative writing  
In affiliation with Poetry Inspiration  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Being "Gumnaam" is something I never thought of before. It is a new word on me. There is always a chance for second thoughts to happen. it soundsas if you have had second thoughts, too. You wrote a beautiful piece of poetry/story. There were some pictures within it. My overall impression is that this is a good piece. I don't see any place for improvement. Only to make it known what the song really means. Other than that, you did a good job. Happy New Year. All the best, cubby
Review of That's a wrap  
In affiliation with Poetry Inspiration  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a sad piece. There was love or at least what seemed like love between the two of you. Then, something happened that changed all of that. It is always a sad time when love no longer exists for the other. You have painted a great picture here with your words. One could see the blanket and the two of you being wrapped together. Then the pain got to be too much. You wanted out of the relationship. So that is what happened. I think it is a sad piece as I said before. Happy New Year. All the best, cubby
Review of SILENCE  
In affiliation with Poetry Inspiration  
Rated: E | (4.5)
A sad piece is this one. You have every emotion locked up inside of you and the tears are flowing. You love the person very much. However, it doesn't seem to be the other way around. Silence is a gift in so many words. Silence is golden; as they say. you have done well with this piece. I am very glad that I had the chance to review it. Happy New Year. All the best to you, cubby
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