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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Amusing Dance scrolled out in Poetry Newsletter 01-18-2012.
The muse was active in the dream,
The flow was like a fish stocked stream.
Words here, words there, so much word fare.
Pacing the readers emotions like a trip to the fair.
Melodic and enchanting in nature, it is of great use.
This song is a writers vision of their muse.
Grammatically strong and emotionally engaging,
Suggestions for improvement are not in the making.
Write on!
Copenator out!
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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Found this in the Poetry Newsletter 01-18-2012.

The form is unfamiliar to this writer but it works well with your story.
A rhyme chaser sounds like something a poet drinks to be inspired (DP for me please. *Bigsmile*).
Your piece flows well and there is a natural pace accomplished by the details you pepper throughout.
The reader wants to move on but lingers a bit to savor the emotional ties that bind in natures scenery.
Does one find the tree? Inquiring minds want to know.
Grammatical snafu's are nil and the reader stumbled over one minor spelling matter (line 13) throughout the number of lines. One suggestion for improvement follows.
Perhaps a pop-up or footnote explaining the form for those interested in the mechanics of poetry would be nice.
Write on!
Copenator out!
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Review of Beautiful Flood  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Welcome to the WdC purpose.
What you write is from the heart really.
The reader will see that for sure clearly.
Your technique is a good one and rather than looking like a jumble of words, things are organized and flows quite well.
The girl of your thoughts must be special and we look forward to seeing poems, short stories, and even songs about here and the pain that you have found an outlet for.
Write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
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Review of I CAN REMEMBER  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Sweet memories of your mom.
The heart does swell, and tears form.
Your memories are precious and the reader is able to identify with much in here.
How gentle and seamless is the flow, at a pace that leads the reader by the hand it seems, to the end and we miss your momma too.
Your piece is smooth, rich, and loaded with all things divine.
A treasure chest you've allowed your readers to open for a time.
Write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
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Review of Apples  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Nice as apple pie,
and that's no lie.
You lead the reader,
On a gentle saunter.

Flowing with the greatest of ease,
The reader might even have time to sneeze.
A very melodic tone is found in this place.
And that helps the easily readable pace.

Form, structure, and rhyme scheme,
Are all tools used to enhance the scene.
Grammatically speaking all is in place,
And here no suggestions for improvement are set in place.

Write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
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Review of Okay.  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
A well rounded piece you have so near.
The reader is drawn in with imagery and tear.
Just wanting to know it is all okay,
That is something all want to say.

Flow is really strong and natural.
Pacing the reader to see the supernatural.
Form and structure are just fine,
There is a melodious timber to the lines.

Grammatically speaking there are no lacking, and suggesting ways of improvement unnecessary to be sure.
Welcome to the WdC!
Copenator out!
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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
C.J. what an enchanting poem.
A mermaid lullaby, above the norm.
The shush is well defined.
This marks your imagery divine.

Flowing with a rhythmical cadence,
The reader is rocked along with the child.
Paced at a gentle wave,
The reader must surely rave!

Form, structure, and rhyme scheme
Enhance the delightful theme.
Grammatically this is a solid A,
And suggestions for improvement, nay!
Write on!
Copenator out!
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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Abusive behavior is deplorable.
Especially when done by one who said "I do."
I speak out against such mess, and here you do an excellent piece.
Proud of you for taking the step and being set free from that time.
All this from the powerful imagery throughout your piece.

Sing a new song of freedom,
Because your lines flow so well.
Seek one who loves true,
Floating along at a gentle pace.

Corrections, suggestions for improvement are unnecessary.
Write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
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Review of Lurking Raven  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Simply positive perfection is found here.
Your form, structure, and flow are near.
Rhyming scheme is immaculate,
Pacing is at a soothing rate.

The raven is such a foreboding creature,
Images of awe and fear are in our nature.
Grammatically there are no items to discuss,
So changes to this piece? No way, make no muss.

Write on!
Copenator out!
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Review of My Heaven  
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
In eighteen lines,
Your heart you define.
Imagery that bubbles with emotion,
And a flow like a gently rolling ocean.

Form, structure and rhyme scheme
Why these just reign supreme.
Paced in a melodic timber,
The reader surely will remember.

The scent of rain pierces the air,
And the grammatical snafu free landscape is so fair.
We know you are truly there,
And this reader is glad to have found you in the latest edition of Noticing Newbies Newsletter (01-18-12).
Write on!
Copenator out!
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Review of Night of Glass  
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Earth shattering introduction.
Glass clattering, quite the production.
The reader can clearly see,
With your imagery a, b, c.

Form and structure are sharp,
Consistent as a finely played harp.
The prosaic nature is well laid out,
And the reader just has to shout.

The mystery is in the figures,
Flowing in and out of the story,
At a pace that the reader can handle.
With no grammatical cracks in this piece,
Suggestions for improvement are nil.

Found you in the latest edition of the Noticing Newbies Newsletter and encouraging you to write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
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Review of in the aftermath  
In affiliation with  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Forming a frame around the pain,
Your piece does let emotion reign.
The use of the given words is clear to see,
The aftermath of such words earns you a three.

Flowing with an undertone of regrets,
The reader is pacing to the end results.
Two who are in love once again wraped in toxic silence.
Grammaticaly snafu free, your piece makes so much sense.

Write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
Leader of Copenator's Crew.
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Review of Bitter Words  
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Keeping to the form so well.
A bitter tale you do tell.
Words spoken cannot be retracted.
To them someone has reacted.

An emotional look at the aftermath.
The reader in sadness you do bathe.
That's imagery that comes alive.
In a structure that gives the reader time to digest it all, score stars five.

Grammatically snafu free, you are encouraged to write on in the wDC.
Copenator out!
Leader of Copenator'sCrew
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In affiliation with Need Help With An Upgrade???  
Rated: E | (5.0)
On 1/10/2012 your piece is featured in Poetry Newsletter.
A piece that gives the reader a slice of your life.
So well written there is little one can find to critique.
Form, structure, and rhyme scheme compliment a gentle flow.
Your skill with the written word is evidenced by a grammatically snafu free piece.
Here hoping you will continue writing and regaling us with your words on into the year 2012, that is so young on this day.
Write on!
Copenator out!
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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
A nice welcoming letter to Newbies.
Highlighting the cool things in the WdC.
You do so smoothly and at an unhurried pace.
Your skill with the written word is an ace.

Form, structure, and grammatically snafu free presentation makes for a pleasant read.
The imagery found within these lines, makes the reader feel like a welcome guest into the home that is the WdC.
Write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
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Review of New Year's Dance  
In affiliation with Need Help With An Upgrade???  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Featured in the first Spiritual Newsletter of the new year 2012.
You have written an exceptional piece of poetry.
You have written an exceptional tribute to the new year.
You have written exceptionally and that's a fact.
The reader feels the sense of anticipation of things to come.
Of a door being closed and a new one opened full of new opportunity.
Your form, structure, and rhyme scheme are right on.
The flow is natural and pacing is steady and resolute.
Mayhaps you will regale us with your rendition of the 2012 new year we are embarking on?
Write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
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Review of New Year  
In affiliation with Need Help With An Upgrade???  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Featured in the 1st Spiritual Newsletter of 2012 (1-4-12).
You do such a fine job ringing in the new year.
Focusing on the Lord, your statement of faith.
Your flow is lilting, rhyming scheme is smashing.
Structure is consistent.
Emphasis on the emotional ties that bind indicates mastery of the art of imagery.
The reader is satisfied at the end of the piece, with these words one can feel peace.
Write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
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Review of One Resolution  
In affiliation with Need Help With An Upgrade???  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Featured in Spiritual Newsletter, first in the new year of 2012.
Your resolution is worthy of being attempted.
Pray tell the WdC the success you had in the year this was written.
Imagery is clear and gives the reader food for thought.
The form is a quick note, full of descriptive words.
The pace is smooth and the reader is impressed with the concluding line.
In this small piece you have written much, thank you for sharing in the WdC!
Copenator out!
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Review of New Year,New Life  
In affiliation with Need Help With An Upgrade???  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Featured in the first Spiritual Newsletter of the new year.
There is much to be considered in here.
Your form, structure and rhyme scheme are consistent, creating a flow that is rhythmical and easy on the eyes.
The reader sees optimism in this piece, imagery that lives within your lines.
Paced in a gently swaying cadence, the reader is wafted gently to the end and a hope of a brighter and better new year.
Write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
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Review of Knock Knock...  
In affiliation with Need Help With An Upgrade???  
Rated: E | (5.0)
How awesome is this?
10s in every category that makes a good story great.
You give voice to the past year and the new year we are traipsing through even now. You ground the reader in logic, wisdom, and a plea to enter with an open mind.
Wow! I'm at a loss for one of the first times.
Your piece is more than excellent, it is pristine.
Form, structure, flow are all in alignment to lead the reader at a prominent pace. You give the reader so many emotional "hangers" that they have no trouble identifying with your story.
Thank you for writing here and beyond.
Copenator out!
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Review of Scarred  
In affiliation with Need Help With An Upgrade???  
Rated: E | (5.0)
You have the qualities that will make for a good follow up story.
Serves well as an introduction to such a story as that.
The reader is aware of the emotional ties, the staring, the questions, the reaction. There is a beginning, middle, and an end. Grammatically sound and snafu free, encouraging you to write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
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Review of You  
In affiliation with Need Help With An Upgrade???  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow that's love.
Fitting like a glove.
Imagery to identify with,
And that's no myth.

Form, structure, and flow,
Make this story glow.
There is rhythm, rhyme, prose.
Paced smoothly as a rose.

This is the work of one who writes from the heart.
A key to investing the reader in the tale, imagery done smart.
Grammatically clean and lean, we can but encourage you to write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
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Review of Head vs. Heart  
In affiliation with Need Help With An Upgrade???  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Ah the battle continues.
Head v Heart, two different venues.
Torn between the two, you are conflicted,
At a loss for direction and in limbo.
Two emotional ties that bind this to the reader.
Flow is smooth and mostly unfettered by grammatical snafu's.
The final stanza is the best part as the conclusion is drawn so well.
Suggestion for improvement:
Vacancy's s/b vacancies.
Write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
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Review of Changing  
In affiliation with Need Help With An Upgrade???  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Changing is a constant thing.
You spoke of it well and fitting.
Form, structure, and flow are adequate.
Flow is unhurried and full of indecision.
That's the overall emotional tie found here.
Waxing philosophical, with the absence of grammatical snafu's along the way makes for a good read and leaves the reader with a lot to consider; change.
Write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
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Review of Healing Hands  
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Incredibly descriptive comes to mind.
Form, structure and rhyme scheme are well played.
Emotionally there are road signs the reader can identify with.
The rhythmical tempo of this piece is relaxing and comforting.
The absence of grammatical snafu's within limit the suggestions for improvement to nil.
Write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
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