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Review of Writing in Snow  
for entry "A New Faucet
In affiliation with Poetic Exploration  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Yippee! A new faucet.
The old one bought it.
Now the good ole water,
Breaks in the new washer.

Good form, structure and life filled.
Fourteen words that together meld.
Telling a tale at a leisurely pace,
New water to splash in one's face.

The absence of grammatical snafu's leads to the conclusion that "hey you're good" and write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
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Poetic Explorer
In affiliation with Poetic Exploration  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Nice perspective with the world viewed from two pair of eyes.
Form is on the spot and 14 words create a complete story.
The flow is magnificent with a range of emotion from , yuck to wow.
The pace is controlled and detail filled. Well set up and completed!
Absence of grammatical matters to discuss leaves nary an inch for suggestions for improvement.
Writer on in the WDC!
Copenator out!
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In affiliation with  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Oh what fun,
So much done.
Seuss is inspiring,
And toward your to do list you are aspiring.

Nicely paced, rhymed, and timed
The piece so neatly chimed.
One slice of a long day
Gives the reader room to play.

Form, structure and rhyme scheme,
Improves the natural leisurely theme.
An absence of grammatical matter to discuss
Leaves nary an inch for suggestions of improvement this good stuff.

Write on in the WdC!
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Copenator's Crew leader
The represents review #2 of 5 for your winning auction bid.
Review of The Barrenesses  
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This speaks volumes in a form that is reminiscent of the ballads of old.
The illustrative photo is brilliantly framed to show the sky as blue as gold.
The emotion of gratitude being expressed is present in this cool piece.
There is a sense of nature's giants resting in their season of peace.

In anticipation of the new season to come, new duds will soon be donned.
For now enjoying the preview that flows smoothly amid these trees rotund.
With precision, grace, and a determined pace the story is told.
The reader awaits with glee for the next stanza to unfold.

Seeking and yet finding no grammatical snafu's of note,
This reader, and future ones to be sure, will often use this quote.
"write on in the WdC!"
The represents review #1 of 5 in your winning auction package.
Copenator out!
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Review of Designs  
In affiliation with Poetic Exploration  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Superior word play.
Your point holds sway.
The form to the rules conform,
And you are at your norm.

Writing great works of art,
Adding to culture with your part.
At a flow that is comforting,
And yet has a forboding.

Grammatical snafu's are nowhere to be found, therefore you're encouraged to write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
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A Fellow Poetic Explorer
Review of Harmony  
In affiliation with Poetic Exploration  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Ken this is poetry in motion.
Every word brings an awesome notion.
Bringing to life your world with grand imagery.
At a flowing lilting pace that is sheer mastery.

The form is spot on, and oh so fun,
You've got grammatical snafu's on the run.
The photosynthesis that is all about growth,
Is eloquently stated here in stanzas the both.

Write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
fellow Poetic Explorer
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Review of Writing in Snow  
In affiliation with Poetic Exploration  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Funny question in the end.
Weather changes are the trend.
Waxing philosophically nature and life,
Flowing seamlessly causing no strife.

Solid form and symmetry
Enhanced by cool imagery.
Emotionally it is a downer,
But worth the read time-and-time again.

Explore on in the WDC!
Copenator out!
Fellow Poetic Explorer
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Rated: E | (5.0)
Featured in the lasted edition of Noticing Newbies newsletter, your story is a pleasing journey through the life of an author who is seeking refuge from the pressures of a successful writing carer.
The gentle details you describe give the reader a sense of peace finally found for this writer. The scene painted outside the window is one of contentment and the introduction of the falling tree ending the life of a mother bear adds to the ambiance found here.
There were no visible grammatical snafu's and you are encouraged to
Write on in the WDC
Copenator out!
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Review of A Dream.  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Such a complete story found in this dream. You are featured in the latest edition of the Noticing Newbies newsletter and wow is the impression through to the end.
Your detailed description of the dream world is stunning and the reader can feel every emotional high along the way.
The reader can but cheer for the writers finding of this completing love. A love that defines the true relationship between two who are sharing their lives day-by-day.
Your attention to detail and the picture you paint with your words is a gift every writer seeks to pass on to his/her readers. You've done that and thanks for sharing with us.
The absence of any grammatical snafu's to discuss leaves no room for suggestions for improvement. Continue sharing and be encouraged to
Write on in the WDC
Copenator out!
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Rated: E | (5.0)
The recipe in the end is inviting indeed. While we do not drink I'm sure it would compliment well the dish you describe.
Your piece is featured in the latest edition of Noticing Newbies and is a well written piece that the reader can relate to on certain levels.
The structure, form, and pace are all good and enhanced by the limited number of grammatical snafu's found along the way. The flow is good and only hiccuped along the way by the use of the original language without a popnote to explain the meaning of same.
You took the reader down memory lane and then presented a recipe for life that could be sampled from time to time.
One minor matter occurs in paragraph 2 "Ithought" in the last line should be I thought. This little bit does little to create a stumbling block, but does cause one to pause to try and digest what is written.
Emotional chord felt through this piece is that of peace and contentment with the time of your life you present in a fine fashion.
Write on in the WDC
Copenator out!
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Review of Summer Dreams  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Fabulous love story and fitting to be featured in the latest edition of the Newbies Newsletter.
The ending is sad but the story is timeless and priceless.
The emotional bliss in the love that was found is present here.
The flow is wonderful and enhanced by the absence of grammatical matters to cover.
The pace is leisurely and at every turn charged with memory, emotion, and a bliss of enjoying time with a loved one over the summer of a lifetime.
You are encouraged, nay entreated to continue sharing.
Write on in the WDC
Copenator out!
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Review of Feathers  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
A tribute to Candace found in the latest edition of the Poetry Newsletter.
Condolences at the loss and the sadness permeates this piece.
You see your loved one swirling down, like so much plumage plucked from the roots of life.

There is depth of meaning here.
There is a rhythm that leads the reader through to the end.
The free verse allows for word choice that carries impact.
The reader can but be in awe and pray for healing of the ones who miss Candace.
The absence of any grammatical matters leaves no room for suggestions of improvement. Thank you for sharing and
Write on in the WDC
Copenator out!
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Review of The Old Poet  
Rated: E | (5.0)
"seldom read the words he penned."
Wow! Well played and the point nailed.
Your admiration of the poet shines through,
And paying a tribute that is so fresh and new.

With a perfect pace and rhyme scheme,
The reader is lead down a bubbling stream.
By one who appreciates the wisdom of another
And expresses it with graceful poetic fervor.

Emotional chord is that of admiration and concern,
The reader can so easily sense, nay discern.
Structurally, grammatically, and fundamentally sound,
This piece has it all to fare well in a contest round.

Write on in the WDC
Copenator out!
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Review of I Notice  
Rated: E | (5.0)
A loving tribute to your wife,
Whom you notice in your life.
All the expressive ways are seen,
And your response is quite keen.

Flowing like a soft rose petal,
With grace you pen this medal.
This badge of notice in pure form,
Presented to she who makes your heart warm.

Imagery rich that leaves the reader sighing,
Pacing the lines and through detail galore sifting.
A color permeates this piece, blue filled with peace.
Suggesting matters of improvement, not necessary here Jace.

Write on in the WDC
Copenator out!
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Review of Tai  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Incredible imagery in here.
The reader holds emotions dear.
A good form and pace helps to keep our interest.
The reader feels the quiet sadness of what's going on.
The tiny hands that want to be mothering -
Strike a chord in any man or woman''s hearts.
The absence of grammatical snafu's leaves on room for suggestion of improvement.
Write on in the WDC
Copenator out!
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Review of As I Fought  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Is this a particular poetic form? The consistent 6 line stanzas are full of emotion ranging from happiness to sadness. You are ready for the fight without any fright.
The flow is exceptional and enhanced by the absence of grammatical matters to address. Paced in such a way as to allow the reader to digest the sense of conviction within these words. There is within your piece a feeling of completion, almost as if a journey has come to an end. Well done, written and presented!

Write on in the WDC
Copenator out!
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Review of My Guardian Angel  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
The feel of a eulogy begins this piece.
A love lost and you left with no peace.
The flow is fine and is in no way hampered,
By grammatical snafu's your piece is pampered.

There is a rhythmic feel in here,
Every single day and year,
You will miss your beloved.
Continue sharing your art in word, and you are truly encouraged,
Write on in the WDC
Copenator out!
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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Nicely written and consistently rhymed piece.
The flow is strong and data filled, vivid too.
Imagery that speaks of impending doom and rescue.
Form and structures uniformity leaves a rhythmic tone.

One word in this is a mystery to the reader: pollies
A suggestion would be to provide a pop out with a brief meaning of this word.
A minor break in the form and rhyming scheme; in the last stanza; serves to be a distraction that can be alleviated by reworking the stanza.

The absence of Grammatical snafu's leaves no more room for suggestions for improvement.
Write on in the WDC
Copenator out!
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Review of Nature's Cycle  
In affiliation with Poetic Exploration  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
A beautiful String Haiku.
Furniture birthed from a felled tree.
The rhythm is fluid and gives a sense of peace.
The form is spot on and flowing nice throughout.
Grammatical snafu's are not visible.
Suggestions for improvement are not viable in this case.
Write on in the WdC so we might be further enthralled with your skill.
Copenator out!
Fellow Poetic Explorer
Review of chalice  
In affiliation with Poetic Exploration  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow! What an excellent picture you paint. Imagery that lifts right off the screen/page.
That sunset really touched your heart and you laid it out in such a short and amazing way.
Best part for me: sky's brilliant chalice.
Thank you for joining us in this Poetic Exploration.
Copenator out!
A Fellow Explorer
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Review of Moon Song  
In affiliation with Poetic Exploration  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Ken you bring the moon to life in 17 syllables.
Well done with the form, structure and natural rhythm.
This reader feels the sense of mystique and mystery.
You paint the picture that you used to illustrate so well.

Suggestions for improvement: Don't change a thing because this is awesome!
Write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
Fellow Poetic Explorer
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In affiliation with  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Enchanting, enthralling, awesome.
A few of the feelings found in your imagery.
A flow that melts the readers heart,
Form, structure, and rhyming scheme wow!

The pace is serene and peace reigns.
Grammatical snafu's are nary a one.
Suggestions for improvement?
Nah! You surely must have won 1st place in the contest.

Write on and let others see this too on other sites, it is publishable material.
Copenator out!
Copenator's Crew leader
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Review of Crimson Teardrops  
In affiliation with  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Awesome display of poetic prowess.
Not a jot nor tittle are amiss.
The subject matter is full of emotion
And the lines are a mirror of that notion.

Dominant emotion here is anger,
In a flow that speaks of so much danger.
At a pace that points out the many ways of abuse,
And sadly parents so often are perpetrators, of misuse.

You have penned this grammatical snafu free treatise,
And made it look as if done with such ease.
The difference is the heart is lain out in each line,
And that alone is worth a big nine.

Write on in the WDC and beyond! For this strikes a chord with every reader who dares venture into the lines you so vividly create.

Copenator out!
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In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your tribute to Paul is stirring.
There is a gentle treatment of the character that is Paul.

A flow that is inspiring,
A pace that is not too rushed.
No grammatical snafu's to detract from the meaning.
There is but one thing more to say.
I'm speechless!
You are more than encouraged to write on and we will always read your great works.

Copenator out!
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Copenator's Crew leader
Review of Writing in Snow  
for entry "Mercurochrome
In affiliation with Poetic Exploration  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Your double etheree was enchanting indeed.
These words could have come from me.
That bottle was the cure all and in such need.
As I was a rambunctious little flea.

The flow is amazingly smooth and the structure is pleasantly symmetrical.
The pace is quick and yet not bereft of details that scream the emotions felt along the way.
There is a sense of reminiscence, hearkening back to a time that was good and joyful in the life of this writer. Thank you for opening this bit and giving a glimpse of the life you have lived.
The absence of any grammatical matters leaves no need for suggestions for improvement in your marvel of an Etheree x2.
Write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
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