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Review of Horseshoe Canyon  
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Rated: E | (5.0)
Good memories indeed Ruwth. The adventures of neighborhood kids on summer days. Oh how this brings back memories too.
You told your story in an unhurried, imagery filled manner, that left the reader with little distractions and all of the details peppered through this story.
Your form, style, and general feel for the story left a pleasant feeling in the readers mind after all was said and done.
There is not a hint of grammatical snafu's and no suggestions for improvement can be made at this stage in toe game. Write on in the WDC!
This is review #2 of 7 in your gifted raffle package from Jay's debut novel is out now! who won the package and is blessing you with the fulfillment.
Copenator out!
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Rated: E | (5.0)
Great interview. Good story. Good form structure and flow. Good imagery that puts the reader in the action, feeling the emotions, seeing the memories, and enjoying the overall feel of this story.
The pace of this piece is well suited and is not hampered by any noticeable grammatical matters to discuss.
Best part: "No, I'm not by myself." That is a character who is content and aware that his departed wife is still with him in spirit.
Suggestions for improvement: None necessary.
You are featured in the Simply Positive Newbies Review choices and this reader is impressed with your skill.
Write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
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Rated: E | (4.5)
A nice sing-song like piece of poetry.
Your form is intriguing and well placed.
Flow is good and the closing question. Whoo!
I liked everything about your piece, it has a good rhythm to it that brings the story along at a good pace.
Only one matter was spotted in your title that threw this reader.
"Riped My Heart in Two". So does that mean that your heart was ripened just right and then ripped in two? Ah the dual meaning if you did indeed use "riped" intentionally.

Write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
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Review of Love  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Cool rendition of what love feels like.
The fine lines, three words each (save for the first two lines), combine to create a great image of love.
Your heart is in this piece as seen by your desire not to hurt someone else.
The flow is good, with the evidence of only 1 minor bump in the progress.
Line 6: (freind) should be friend.
Considering the compact nature of this piece, this writer is impressed with the complete nature of the write. Well done and thank you for sharing on the WdC.

Write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
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You are featured in the latest Simply Positve Newbie Review choices this week.

In affiliation with Need Help With An Upgrade???  
Rated: E | (5.0)
A poem it is yes.
Haiku to be precise.
Well expressed yeah!

Thanks for toiling in the task of writing anew.
We are the recipients of style and nothing askew.
Flowing like a river thawing out,
The pace is what it's all about.

Getting the feet wet, dipping the stylus in the ink.
With no evidence of grammatical matters to discuss.
No suggestions for improvement needed for your ink.
Leaving just one more thing to discuss.

Write on in the WDC!
Copenator out!
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In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
An artist takes a blank canvas and burns into it with the image that is in their minds. You did that here in the sense that you began from scratch and created the premise of your story in a creative way.
The flow was hampered a bit by the line separation, slowing the pace a tad, and giving the overall impression that albeit disjointed, the message is clear in the end.
The absence of other grammatical matters to discuss gives this a crisp air about it and thanks for sharing what it means to you to write.
Found your piece in the latest edition of the Poetry Newsletter.
Write on!
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Review of The Real Me  
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
The real you is visible.
You've shown us within.
Your concern is palpable.
Good imagery you do pen.

The flow is consistent,
The pace is information filled.
The structure is well spent,
Every stanza, more of you, you build.

The absence of grammatical snafu's
Equals a pleasant read of one who is so sad.
With each line the reader is more concerned for you.
Suggestions for improvement are nil, for nothing here is bad.

Write on in the WDC!
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In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
You are featured in the latest edition of the Noticing Newbies Newsletter.
Thank you for your suggestions. As a sponsor of two participants I can use some of this and even refer them to this article if they do find themselves in such a situation.
The flow is smooth, professional, and logical.
Suggestions are sensible and simplifies how to deal with matters.
The pace is easy going and the right amount of imagery keeps the reader interested.
The absence of any grammatical snafu's enhances the pace and makes for a more readable piece.
No suggestions for improvement are necessary at this time.
Write on in the WDC!
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In affiliation with  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
You are featured in the latest edition of the Noticing Newbies Newsletter.

Sorry this happened to you. Guys can be jerks, but they're not all like that. There is true love to be found.

You told your story in a vivid emotion filled way - good imagery.
I was following along, not sure of the end, and the flow was as smooth as silk.
The form, structure, and prose is well suited to your piece, and enhancing the readability was the absence of any grammatical matters to discuss.

Overall Impression: String him up! Okay maybe not that harsh but you really showed the way one feels when put in such a position, and that's what readers can identify with.

Write on in the WdC!
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In affiliation with  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Lord find a cure.
Stop the loss.
Stop the shutting down of the mind.
Show Your strength and Love Agape.

A life shut down and others shut out,
How can one not but give a mighty shout!
Lord heal! Lord bring back the mind.
Lord comfort! Apply the balm, the peace of mind.

There are no suggestions for improvement, there can be no changes. This is as it should be. Haste be the day when memories are no longer lost, haste be the day when Memories are Kept Alive through the cure that You lead others to devise through research.

Write on in the WdC
Copenator out!
"Invalid Item
Review of First Prayer  
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
A stirring scene is set.
The Slaves are beset.
The Bushman sees and prays,
And we are the wiser from of His mighty ways.

We see that they are not alone,
That the Father is with them, not aloof on the throne.
We know that He will watch over them
Even in the midst of the travails that beset all of them.

Your scene is set and the action is loud and clear.
The flow is Stoic to match the solemn sadness that is happening.
The pace is reverent, and filled with praise to Him.
Done in such an intricate way to display the meaning so vividly.

You are an artist, the canvas was bare.
With such emotion and special care,
You opened the words and spilled the meaning forth.
Without even an "i" out of place, every word of such worth.

Write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
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In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Excellent! Following the story was no problem at all.
It had humor, fear, disgust, anger, and all that good imagery.
The pace was smooth and easy on the eye. The flow is enhanced by the absence of any grammatical matters of consequence.
Overall this felt like one big mistake but in the end you were apparently well compensated and hopefully began a new and better life.
No suggestions for improvement are necessary and thank you for writing on the WdC

Copenator out!
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In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
You do seem to have had a journey,
You went through a lot and still moved ahead.
How you got to there is plain to see,
You got ready, were set, and away you fled.

Doing such things in a fluid manner,
Sure there must have been fear along the way.
But with a structure, form, and rhyme scheme what matters?
Thank you for taking us on an error free walk through your time today.

No suggestions for improvement can be made.
Write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
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In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
When was the last time you looked at a tree?
And waxed as poetic as you did in this piece?
With a flow that is fluid as the wind, it's a three!
Rhyming with ease and so distinctly, at a good pace.

You go with your capers, flitting, and wind blowing,
To you our thanks we are owing.
For such a pleasant ride in the wind,
Watching the trees gently bend.

Literally error free you did scramble on through this tale,
And with such skill brought it all to bare on a grand scale.
Suggestions for improvement would be whack,
For there is nothing at all this piece does lack.

Write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
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Review of I gave you away  
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow. So touching and heartfelt.
Remorse, regret, and sadness.
Imagery that conveys a message of sorrow.
You do this in a smooth and consistent way,
The progress is even and measured, so well paced.
Your form is familiar and suits this piece to a T.
Would that your desire would be made so.
You write with grace and wisdom, knowing your flaw,
The reader can but empathize with your plight.
Lines that are a monument,
Erected over the years of successes.
Inquiring minds want to know? Have you had contact? Or is this such a fine piece of fiction that the reader is totally invested in the story?
Write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
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Review of A Passing Away  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Positively a most intriguing piece.
Your prose is suited to the subject.
The form, structure, and flow are assets to this piece.
The pace is gentle and detail filled,
The reader has no trouble seeing what is occurring.
The passing of a soul from this earth and into his/her eternal repose.
A true gem worthy of inclusion in the Simply Positive Newbies review list this week.
No suggestions for improvement are needed at this time.
Write on in the WDC!
Copenator out!
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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Awesome! Welcome to the WdC.
Your presentation of this piece is flawless.
The interpretation of the different colors is precise.
The insertion of your state along the line is intriguing.
The flow is at a staccato pace based upon the structure.
Details the allow the reader to see clearly each rose you describe.
The absence of any grammatical matters makes for an even more pleasant read.
No suggestions for improvement need be made, as this is marvelous indeed.
Write on in the WDC!
Copenator out!
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Review of Take Care of Mama  
Rated: E | (5.0)
A tender loving tribute to your mom.
Take Care of Mama is quite a charm.
A child so young, praying for her mom,
Asking that she be relieved of the harm.

Then asking the Lord to take care of mama,
The words of a child who misses her already.
All at such a loving pace, with care and timing too.
In a form that lends to the readability, surely award winning material.

No suggestions for improvement need be made and thank you for sharing this heart felt prayer for mama.
Write on in the WDC!
Copenator out!
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Review of My Friend  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Sorry for the loss of your friend. Losing a pet is just like losing a member of the family. The grief process is the same.
You truly loved your pet so much, to take such a trip as you did to find a suitable resting place.
The reader felt this in the choice of your words along the way.
The flow is superb and really quite fluid, even the slight bumps in the road in stanza for did not hamper the pace at all. Overall you have an excellent tribute to your pet, and the only suggestions for improvement will be the following.
Stanza 4: to s/b too in two places.
The snow too deep. The trail too well hidden.
Write on in the WDC!
Copenator out!
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Review of Tulle soul  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Welcome to the WdC!
I liked the flow of this piece and the structure was consistent, lending to a good pace.
The absence of any grammatical snafu's helped things move along well too.
The story seemed to bog down towards the middle, as if a detour was taken on a drive home.
Not sure how you might improve the flow in this portion, rather than re=writing slightly. Overall feel of this piece is one of reminiscence and missing one who has passed on. Imagery is sufficient for the reader to see this. The question is, is this correct?
Write on in the WDC!
Copenator out!
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Review of Lunacy: Chapter 1  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Welcome to the WdC!
You have an excellent chapter here and it was easy to read.
The flow is solid and takes the reader along for the ride at a good pace.
Stumbling here and there on a few inconsequential grammatical snafu's the plot and storyline are developing really well.
The reader is in the action with the use of good imagery and there is the sense in the end of wanting to read the next chapter in the book.
No suggestions for improvement can be made, save for the spelling of about 3 words, a remarkable fete considering the length of the chapter. A spell checker will catch them or you can ask me if it does not locate them.
Write on in the WDC!
Copenator out!
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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
A tear trickles down the cheek,
And falls into the shallow creek.
Caught by the Lord, treasured forever more.
Safely in His heart, your care he does store.

You send the reader so gently through,
A day you want to last forever more.
The reader can but wish it true.
Caught up in the emotion evermore.

Your form, structure, and pace,
Are all top 10, and that's no exaggeration.
You show in this piece such solemn grace.
Thank you for sharing and please share this with the nation.

Write on in the WDC!
Copenator out!
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Review of Roses in Heaven  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Condolences at your lost. My mom left this earth in 2000, and I still miss her so.

This is a dedication to your departed mother,
Roses to Heaven you desire to send through Him.
One way or the other,
Know that the roses were received, delivered by Him.

A flow that is so serene,
You do paint a peaceful scene.
While it is a painful time,
You did it with such fine rhyme.

Writing from the heart,
Is seen at every part.
With no snafu's to see,
This deserves 503.

Write on in the WDC!
Copenator out!
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Review of Gazing  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
A complicated sounding from is made easy reading your piece.
Where there was strife now there is peace.
Where there were concerns now there is contentment,
Gazing out on the scene before your eyes, skiing the cares away, no resentment.

The flow is immaculate.
The pace is slow and steady.
The rhyme scheme is consistent with the form.
The emotional petals that fall include happiness, welcome release, imagery yeah!
The form, structure, and lack of grammatical snafu's equals,
Write on in the WDC!
Copenator out!
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Review of The Story of "Is"  
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow! How impressive is this tale of the mighty word "is". This reader was captivated all the way through to the very end. Flow was excellent and with the absence of grammatical matters to discuss, you have created an awesome story and taught this old geezer what "is" truly is.
The imagery evoked laughter, smiles, consternation, and wonderment at how well this was related.
Suggestions for improvement are not necessary, for you have created an instant classic in my eyes.
Write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
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