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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Dr. Gupta featured in Poetry Newsletter 08-15-12.

This sonnet speaks of the evil that permeates the earth.
Touches on the turmoil of a soul who has lost his/her moorings.
Calls out loud and clear for His peace to come forth.
Imagery that leads the reader through the hearts outpouring.

Form and structure are foundational.
Rhyme scheme is traditional.
Flow is smooth and full of details.
Pace is steady on, no bumps revealed.
Grammatically snafu free, no suggestions for improvement are needed at this time.
Write on!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
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Review of A Renewed Life  
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*BalloonR* Welcome to WDC from "Newbie Welcome Wagon! *BalloonR*

A nicely written piece,
Finds a home in Spiritual Newsletter 8-15-12.
A life going down hill is renewed and all is well.
The form and structure are enjoyable.
The flow is pleasantly smooth.
The pace is simply cadenced,
an easy read from stem to stern.
Emotional ties are present,
sprinkled throughout with your words of imagery.
Grammatical snafu free, no suggestions for improvement are for thee.
Write on!
Copenator out!
Review of Crimson Rain  
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*BalloonR* Welcome to WDC from "Newbie Welcome Wagon! *BalloonR*

Spiritual Newsletter 8-15-12,
Features your metaphorical piece.
Form and structure are assets to this piece.
Flow is smooth and song like in nature.
Imagery is key in keeping the readers attention.
The rhyme scheme is impeccable and worthy of an 8.
Leaving the piece up to the interpretation of the reader is fitting.
Suggestions for improvement are nil, and thanks for sharing in the WdC!
Copenator out!
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*BalloonR* Welcome to WDC from "Newbie Welcome Wagon! *BalloonR*

Your electric piece is featured in Spiritual Newsletter 8-15-12.
Looking up with man to see the light show above.
Your eloquent imagery mesmerizes the reader.
The flow is sing song like.
The pace is rapid fire from line-to-line.
The absence of grammatical snafu's = not a single suggestion for improvement.
Write on!
Copenator out!
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Loving another is the topic.
Walking through life is the theme.
Form and structure are apropos.
Flow is a mixture of smooth and rough.
Pace is like an afternoon stroll in the word-shop.
Charged by the emotional state that shines through.
Imagery that draws the reader in and keeps him/her glued to their collective seats.
Nearly grammatically snafu free, one minor suggestion for improvement occurs in line 19 "brakes" may well need to be changed to "breaks".
Write on!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
This represents review #3 of 3 in your gifted auction package.
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In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Shocking! Scary. Emotional.
A prose that is sensational.
Here is a declaration of love.
All that's missing is the turtle doves.

In matters of form and structure,
You are indeed the instructor.
Flowing like a love lorn ballad,
Paced at a break neck gallop.

Grammatically snafu free;
as far as this writers can see;
no suggestions for improvement go out to thee.
Write on!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
This represents review #2 of 3 in your gifted auction package.
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Review of Throw aways  
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*BalloonR* Welcome to WDC from "Newbie Welcome Wagon! *BalloonR*

Thank you for sharing with the WdC.
We are honored to have thee.
Your candor and honesty are refreshing.
The situation you are in is daunting but you see a light at the end of the tunnel.
The reader is impressed with the strength of character found here.
The flow of this piece is smooth, then choppy, then smooth again.
Why? The slight bumps in the road that are grammatical snafu's.
You are not a throw away! You are just on a different path until you find your way to your next destination.
The grammatical snafu's noted along the way in no way detract from the story that is penned by a future rising star in the literary world.
Write on!
Copenator out!
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*BalloonR* Welcome to WDC from "Newbie Welcome Wagon! *BalloonR*

Thanks for sharing in the WdC.
There is a lot going on in this piece.
The reader is invested emotionally, because of the scene you paint with your pen.
Form is sufficient for the purpose.
Rhyme scheme (internal - line by line) is consistent and helps with the flow.
Flow is smooth and easy to follow along.
Pace is slow, as the reader picks up on the emotional tags strewn about.
Overall impression: This writer wants me to consider life and to live it in such a way as to enjoy the ride until at last the period does arrive and end the chapter that is "us".

Suggestions for improvement:
Brief description - "Live" should this not be "Life"?
Write on!
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Review of A Love Long Lost  
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*BalloonR* Welcome to WDC from "Newbie Welcome Wagon! *BalloonR*

Thanks for sharing with the WdC.
Your story is one the reader can identify with.
Love lost is an experience most have encountered.
The dominant emotion is regret, that's imagery that the reader picks up on.

Form is consistent with the 2 line stanzas.
Flow is rough due to grammatical matters.
Pace is slow and inexorably leads to the sad conclusion.
Suggestions for improvement included the following.
1. Brief description - "ment" should be "meant".
2. Periods at the end of stanzas 1, 2, and 3.
3. Stanzas 4 and 5 should be combined to create one stanza, and the comma after "my" eliminated. Thus you have:
My love,
Write on!
Copenator out!
leader of Copenator's Crew and Sisco's Good Deeds Group.
Review of Accept Me  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Spiritual Newsletter 07-18-12,
Shelves the issue with your entry.
Accept Me - an emotionally charged piece,
recounts the life of a mute unable to overcome the bullying.
Seeking acceptance throughout her days,
In the end she sees that the Lord does care.
Flow is slightly stilted but still read with ease.
Pace is steady on and detail filled to the end.
Suggestions for improvement are not necessary.
Write on!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Your submitted item appears in,
Spiritual Newsletter 07-18-12.
A fitting tribute to the legacy of Jacques.
One who has had an impact on your life,
as is felt throughout the reading of this.

There is the sense of respect for the writer.
There is the sense of loss at his passing.
There is the sense of emptiness and more.
Imagery that makes this piece shine.

Form and structure are superb.
Flow is melodious and calming.
Pace is even, smooth, and grammatically snafu free.
You took care in the creation of this piece and it shows.
Write on!
Copenator out!
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Review of The Tire Swing  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Spiritual Newsletter 07-18-12
spotlighted your submitted item.

Oh my, oh my, oh my.
Such a story you do apply.
Emotions include happiness, sadness, anxiety, fear, pain, relief and more.
Imagery that is world class and worthy of a 20 score!

Form and structure are solid foundations.
Flow is rocked with many sensations.
Pace is fast, slow, fast and slow again.
Matching the drama that unfolds within.

Grammatically snafu free no suggestions for improvement are needed here.
Write on!
Copenator out!
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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
An intrguing story found in Spiritual Newsletter 7-18-12.
A thrift store volunteer becomes more human in the end.
He sees value in the "trash can people" and the reader feels that.
Imagery that is hard to avoid, especially when one has been in places like the thrift store portrayed.
Form and structure are fair tools to serve as a base.
Flow is somewhat choppy, yet easily read.
Pace is a heart felt stroll through the day of a volunteer.
Grammatical snafu free, no suggestions for improvement are need here.
Write on!
Copenator out!
Review of New Voices  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Featured in Spiritual Newsletter of 07-18-12.
Intensly into your story the reader does delve.
The main character; deaf and mute; is healed,
and it would appear gets the girl in the end.

The form and structure are a strong foundation.
The flow is a little low, but does not interfere with the overall fill of this piece.
The pace is slow, and the reader is invested in the characters plight with a good display of emotional tags.
The absence of discernible grammatical snafu's negates the need to suggest any improvements.
Write on!
Copnator out! BA, MDiv
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In affiliation with Need Help With An Upgrade???  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Featured in the writers Newsletter 07-18-12
Thanks for converting your blog into an article for the community to see.
Your suggestions and ideals are valid and useful for any writer aspiring to publish.
I have been published in 2 of my colleges publications, and marveled at the artistry others used to illustrate the items I submitted. One edition featured 2 stories and another featured one. It's called the Baylorian and even though I've lost them since then they had a place of gratitude in my book shelves for a number of years.
Form, structure, and flow are smooth and detailed filled for the readers consumption.
The pace is unhurried and grammatically snafu free, a plus in the smooth read you have put together here.
No suggestions for improvement are needed for your piece and thanks for sharing in the WdC!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
In affiliation with Need Help With An Upgrade???  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Spiritual Newsletter displays your piece on 07-18-12.
The reader is blessed to see the encounter between mother and daughter.
So tender, so emotional, so loving. All imagery that keeps the reader glued to the page.
Flow is smooth and uncomplicated by grammatical snafu's.
Pace is unhurried and imagery filled to keep the reader on path.
Form and structure are wows!
Suggestions for improvement are nil.
Write on Pricess!
Copenator out!
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Review of Am I?  
In affiliation with Need Help With An Upgrade???  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*BalloonR* Welcome to WDC from "Newbie Welcome Wagon! *BalloonR*

Spiritual Newslettter 07-18-12,
searches for the philosophical.

Am I? Finds it's way into it's pages.
Going through a series of questions.
Ones that span the ages.
There are so many good inquisitions.

Form and structure are foundational.
Rhyme scheme is functional.
Emotionally charged imagery attracts.
Grammatically snafu free, nothing to distract.

Flow is smooth as glass,
Pace is simply top of the class.
Suggestions for improvement?
Not for this introspective procurement.

Write on!
Copenator out!
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Review of Pay It Forward  
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Noticing Newbies utilizes Pay It Forward to illustrate the Inspirational genre.
See 07-18-2012 edition for additional genre's discussed.
An introductory piece explaining the nature and purpose of the group.
The details are laid out in a clear fashion.
The flow is decent and unhurried.
The pace is smooth with the absence of grammatical snafu's of note.
Imagery involves the sense of caring and encourages charity in the form of GPs to pay a kindness forward to another.
Write on and share as you are able!
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A gift for the cause of maintaining this endeavor is included from one who has receive much charity in this site, mostly in the form of GPs, and upgraded memberships when there was no way this writer could have paid for them.
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Genre: Home and Garden.
Noticing Newbies Newsletter 07-18-12.
You're there!
Now that's funny!
A how to/not to build a shed.
You use humor throughout your piece and the reader will find a chuckle or two emanating from their bellies for sure.
There is even some good how to advice along the way and "follow the directions" is one this reader perceived.
Flow is excellent with the sentence structure conducive to a good read.
Pace is slow and appropriately so, as the reader must needs collect themselves after fits of laughter.
Grammatically snafu free, no suggestions for improvement are needed here.
Write on!
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In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Holiday genre in Noticing Newbies 07-18-12,
locates this parody that is just too cute to pass up.
}u}Twas the Night Before Christmas{/u}, is a hoot.
For a contest entry too, so would fit contest entry genre just as well.
The form is superb,
The flow is sublime.
The pace is not a race,
The rhyme scheme is present and effective.
Grammatical snafu's are nowhere to be seen.
Write on!
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In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Noticing Newbies 07-18-2012,
Chooses your thesis to represent the Historical genre.
The abstract in your piece is well organized and the reader is prepared for what comes.
The form and structure are standard, well presented, and effective in disseminating information.
The flow is a bit choppy, due to the provinces and acronyms necessary to identify the players in the war.
The pace is slow and detail filled to the hilt.
The absence of grammatical snafu's speaks of the professional timber of a thesis.
Nary a jot nor tittle are out of place.
Write on and congratulations on your inclusion in the Noticing Newbies Newsletter.
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In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Found in Noticing Newbies newsletter,
Covering the genres found in the writing world.
Your piece illustrates the health genre and does it well.
Hypothyroidism is an interesting topic and worthy of being discussed.

Form and structure are standard for a paper being written for the classroom or other research fields.
Flow is slightly bumpy due to the number of citations, and what appears to be the absence of needed words in a sentence.
Pace is naturally slow as the subject matter needs to be considered along the way.
Overall feel of this piece is the reader receives much needed information about a condition that he/she may not even be aware of before the reading of this article.
Suggestion for improvement would be to review the for spelling and missing words. This would help improve the flow of your piece and make for a more pleasant read.
Write on!
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In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*BalloonR* Welcome to WDC from "Newbie Welcome Wagon! *BalloonR*

A philosophical tale you do weave.
Structured like a song, the melody is clear to the reader.
Form is consistent and conducive to a good reading experience.
Rhyme scheme is immaculate.
Flow is smooth.
Pace is unhurried, the reader wants to linger and take it all in.
Imagery that leaves the reader breathless in the wondrous nature found here.
Grammatically snafu free, no suggestions for improvement are for thee.
Write on!
Copenator out!
Review of As Worms Writhe  
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Few lines can be more chilling.
Noticing Newbies Newsletter 07-04-2012, rounds out it's items with this dark write.
It's almost like a birth that has occurred and our lives have been shaped from that point on.
Read over this a couple of times to get a grasp on it.

Structure and form are conducive to a good read.
Flow is painstakingly laid out and followed.
Pace is not a walk in the park,
more like a jaunt through the woods.
Prosaic nature lends a melodic tone to this piece.
In the absence of grammatical snafu's no suggestions for improvement are needed.

Overall Impression: You have a good, well organized, and thought out piece that the reader can and will invest his/her emotions in the item as a whole. The title is a bit deceptive but an eye catcher so it works.
Write on!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
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In affiliation with Need Help With An Upgrade???  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Serenity is listed in the annals of Poetry Newsletter 06-27-12.
Serenity in the calm wonders facing the writer.
Imagery that transports the reader to a sense of calm.
The structure is awesome.
The form is consistent.
A poetic melody floats through the lines.
The flow is nice and gentle.
The pace is not a race.
Nary a jot nor tittle is out of place.
Wow thanks for writing Harry!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
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