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Rated: 18+ · Book · Inspirational · #1489243
"Scattered leaved with poetic imprints." My new collection of poetry.

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Well, it's now mid- 2019 and this is still the only book I use to house part of my new poetry.
I began using it years ago due to a lack of storage space in my over-700 item WDC portfolio.
I really need to do some spring, summer, fall and winter cleaning.
There are still lots of static items which have never received any mention by other members here.

But that's part of the problem of being a writer ( musician, artist, actor ... ).
I do not know how to network.

Thanks for discovering this link. Please leave a comment.
Bookmark it, please....
This is a writing site and not FarceBrook where it's so easy just to press the button "LIKE."
(( And I am not a fan of the fact that WDC has added it. ))
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April 2, 2010 at 4:40pm
April 2, 2010 at 4:40pm
I return to that house, your house
your offering of three months’ happiness
you still greet me with your smile
your frilly blond curls
and your fair childhood lips
with pretend kisses and girlish laughter
even though you were only seven
I was your big brother
and you my little darling
we were both alone then

twenty years later, I have forgotten nothing
but I am still alone, looking at your memories
I have come for your wake

in your home, time has stood still
the kitchen table has the same lace
the curtains still smell like clean
the madras bedspread somehow
has my imprint in its softness
I was a boy, rebellious
lost, navigating
from one house to another
in your home, it was only your gentleness
that kept me from wandering again
your gift of those three longs months
a brief haven of peace
was all my childhood offered me

I look back upon your house
where your innocence let me discover myself
yet I fled too quickly and only remembered
your smiling face
happiness was only a three-month dream

to return home

April 1, 2010 at 4:15pm
April 1, 2010 at 4:15pm
in a distant dream a magic blue bottle
poured hope into my cupped hands
they shone like silver moon beams
I was as tall as my shadow
and people smiled and laughed
content to shake my hand
to touch the contagious glitter

each night I try to find that dream
once more, to reassure my mortality
for at dawn, only a grain or two
of the moon's light has tainted my cheek
with a dried tear stain on my pillow

the bottle of sleeping potion
is empty now, my heart has shriveled
to unloveableness and my body
resembles a funeral march
I have sought my childhood magic —
those dreams and desires — for generations
of full moon duets, yet never
have I found them reflected
in anyone else's eyes
but my own....

in the full moon
March 30, 2010 at 5:06pm
March 30, 2010 at 5:06pm
This isn't good. But it's the only thing that comes out of my mind tonight. It's been a very bad ten days as far as my back is concerned and I don't foresee too much change in the next week.
April Fools day has the revision.

in a strange house built from
cobblestones and shards of time
I occupy a dilapidated chair
with too many cushions, even so
I do not sit in comfort, for I am
a broken man with kinks and curves
that create horror and pain in my back,
I sit at a window, seeking
between the curtains
a whisper where tears dim
tomorrow’s reflection
the bathroom mirror
adds thirty years to my own vision
of my crooked stance
I shudder — my youthful silhouette
crushed by mysteries and worry —
and take three more pills, like chocolate
they alleviate nothing
but the jingling of my coin purse
still, my bones crack
like a late winter fire
and when I hobble though
the once-upon-a-time garden
searching for past shadows
my feet thud harmoniously
with my heartbeat, like so many uneven
splashes in evening turmoil
that inspire soggy nostalgia
for the years when I stood
perfectly framed in uncracked mortar
not yet twisted by a tainted childhood
spent looking over my shoulder
to see if he would come back home

looking back

February 28, 2010 at 11:55am
February 28, 2010 at 11:55am
casting stones to the rhythm of my breath
I listen to them resound within twilight’s echo
rippling across the waning hours of night
in slivers of wave-breaking silent meditation
every shifting of the tide
brings a silvery secret desire
for tomorrow’s embrace —
a kiss of kismet — with genies rubbed from lamps
coaxing my mellow-minded muse into a tiger’s roar
rich, melodious, crossing continents like the wind
my words, the paint of a poet with a movie camera
immortalize the moment snowflakes caress the rain
preparing the timely sweet return of crocuses and iris
reaching for the bluest sky
in the timid golden pulse of a warming sun
basking there alone with the gentle ripple
I do not think about my need
for my verse to titillate the page
I rhyme and dance, toes digging in the mud
grasping springtime’s wet offering
like the circles my pebble made
last month, cast into the thawing mush
of the frozen lake of my inspiration

when the lake thaws

"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
Written for the Inspirations Contest, using all of the prompts.
February 27, 2010 at 6:17pm
February 27, 2010 at 6:17pm
save me from this darkness
the blindness making me stumble
behind the shadows that beguile my soul
hide my heart in starlight
it disappears
with your breath
a wisp of cigarette smoke after
our frenzied dance
gives way to stable heartbeats
and as I open my eyes
imagine me
chasing the gates of love
in a race to seize fleeting warmth
before winter raindrops freeze
into perfect crystals
searing happy teardrops to my cheeks
tearing the ruddiness from hope
chasing the salt from wine
tonight's promises
kiss me one last time
I am your prince disguised
in the nightingales fading song
as the morning sky turns from indigo
and victorious, I close my eyes
and cross the finish line
into the deep azure of your eyes

blow out the candles… let me dream again

disguised in the nightingale’s fading song

February 23, 2010 at 3:55am
February 23, 2010 at 3:55am
the cliff is high
over an ocean of tears
I will not plunge, I am my own void
my naked toes
feel the loose pebbles
unsteady and inviting
clouds cover my heart
fluffy novocaine
the suffering
         of a starless night lessened
         though dreams of a falling star have
like the swish of Cupid's arrow
whirling past, when I,
in a moment of stupor,
did not feel its thwang
to quickly place myself in its path....
I fall
         like the last grain of sand
         time has bequeathed me
an angel in the arms of death

love’s last chance

February 21, 2010 at 4:40am
February 21, 2010 at 4:40am
where kittens hide
between canisters of cranberries
sun-dried and crisp, they can spy
Lady Hope sings gaily of unicorns
dipping ladles into the granola pot
shoveling bran and nuts
into new breakfast porcelain
early in the morning
kittens wiggle into small nooks
under Ikea bookshelves
or between the chimney’s logs
waiting to be lit, from vantage points
they leap at undesired visitors
arriving unannounced like an aged prima donna
before the ritual of filling the first coffee cup
but this granny’s daughter was
not welcome
and tiny kitten claws forced her
back into her cobwebbed cranny
where with her crooked fingers
she made poisoned gingerbread…
phantoms spooked, coffee cup filled
Lady Hope can relax
spoon dipping in bowls
a purring kitten sitting on her lap

kittens, granola and unwelcome visitors
For Phantom of Hope, aka UnicornSong, our dear Holly

February 15, 2010 at 10:06am
February 15, 2010 at 10:06am
these bruised, over-plucked heartstrings
often discarded like last week’s unread news
I regret that my songs espouse the wrong words
the volume turned low in mismatched rhythms
my saturated mailboxes and telephone lines
are nuggets of golden leaves from forests burned
by summer insurrection or winter blizzards
messages of love abandoned to wither
in boxes filled with yellowed postcards
return addresses carefully noted
somewhere I’ve forgotten, a fantasy
or a brilliantly staged Midsummer Night’s Dream
I am that different drummer
seeking peers in crowded corners
of sidewalk cafés populated by troubadours
and organ grinders declaiming
whatever makes their hearts throb

I am Cupid’s last arrow
rearing like a mustang
cornered against a cliff
there is no love without freedom

a white eagle high on the horizon
sets my future ablaze
in emblems of weeping and rainfall
I am destiny’s dying ember

circus performers tempt the throngs
to applaud and release pent-up emotions
clowns recite silent poems with painted faces
acrobats defy the volcanic cracks of life
while trumpets herald inevitable tumbling
and I, with book-learned mantras, rarely plummet
into nightmarish scenes of betrayal
friends long forgotten, their faces sketched
into forgotten photo albums of my childhood
there was no love then, affection followed
the scant verity in fortune cookie predictions
triumphant after each season of doubt
when white-violent electrical storms
pummel against the tear-stained windows
of loneliness, poorly cast in an empty theatre
filled only with confession’s confetti
and bedtime prayers, where hope reigned

February 14, 2010 at 6:54am
February 14, 2010 at 6:54am
naked branches
snow falls
capturing red hearts

stately elm branches
a lonely sentinel
for snow fall and red paper hearts
that decorate its nakedness
a child's valentine cheer
a dreary february horizon

naked trees with snow
cut-out hearts create sunlight
a child's valentine

three valentine's ideas

modern haiku, free verse, traditional haiku
inspired by peach

February 13, 2010 at 3:58pm
February 13, 2010 at 3:58pm
blue mice nestle, scatter
under thick straw nesting
pairs of grey whiskers
quiver, scenting pink wrapped
chocolate and chilled champagne

foolish calendars
with winter dates for copulation

blotted in a single community
warmed by thick chimney pipes
they squeak in passionate squalor
below, in velvet comfort, other appendages
engorge human bastard lust
impersonating nightly barons
charming cheaply rouged maidens
with Tennyson and words of the bard
recited in an indistinct mumbling
the parlor fire crackles loudly
titmice from frozen fields
need no inflated eloquence
for infatuation’s activities

a tale of two tails trailing
entwined and twitching in bestiality

afterwards, fornication
bids exhaustion’s favors
humans parry with Morpheus
blossoming in Monet impressionism
tiny rodents scamper between
overturned glasses and cookie crumbs
laced with ancient illusionary herbs
mice? yes, they were blue

bitches and brothel brides
ignore the patience and hunger of blue mice

a valentine’s fable

February 12, 2010 at 3:21am
February 12, 2010 at 3:21am
I have only glanced at her
Mona Lisa smile from the eye
of a fellow photographer trying
to portray her secret trance —
perchance one day in another mirror
I will inspire her lips

yesterday I captured the dance
of snow flurries furiously decorating
the conservatory’s street-front square
trees and cars turning white
within minutes of a sudden blizzard
eternalized by a quick iPhone click

the blight of hours passed, past thoughts
about another love’s portrait preoccupy
emotional overdrive so frequent
when I am alone, I shouldn’t keep
my ex lovers on my bed table
in such an impressive collection

in two days the fable of Valentines
will unite one erring soul to another
red cut-out hearts, chocolate kisses
and the reflection of my own dry lips
pursed in an awkward smile, reassuring
myself that someone still loves me

what I have seen

These poems need one item extracted from daily news, a item from history or a museum, an item in our homes and an item found on one's daily promenade out of doors.

The object is NOT ONLY for Cat and I to duel poetically, but for everyone else to participate too. It's too bad that only Cat and I dare to play.
February 9, 2010 at 3:46pm
February 9, 2010 at 3:46pm
I'm too lazy now to go back to Cat's Ploggia and list the elements of this poem as she did for hers.
It needs four elements. Something from my daily life. Something heard about in the recent news.
Something either historical or from a museum. Something crossed in my daily life.

Here's my contribution to what I hope will become a game of poetic tag.

the bakery sidewalk is still littered
with hundreds of sticky silvery stars
abandoned nonchalantly weeks ago
by a child on a rainy morning

you, like other icons I worshipped,
are broken now, like the Venus de Milo
glue is useless
you no longer reach out to me
that need adopts furry kittens

I love you does not rhyme with gentle mewing

New Orleans roared this past week-end
fiery, proud, jubilant
like the f-minor tapestry
of a Chopin ballade I practice

I do not count the stars
nor your welcome
music is my god, my religion, my salvation
life's hurricanes try to decimate our havens
to rebuild myself I am alone
in dreams
purring kittens
midnight’s lonely rainfall

what rain does

February 7, 2010 at 4:08pm
February 7, 2010 at 4:08pm
such is the brave moment we arrive at love’s door
wavering, losing control, perhaps wanting more
dreams of phantoms and lovers still condemn our nights
in idyllic pursuit, staged under moon’s dim light

you lead me to your hearth, we are fragile, and supp
in quiet rippling harmonies no song can stop
silk curtains sway in a breeze, you gaze from the sill
to reach out and touch you — my resistance is nil

the garden titillates, swelling summer’s late fires
can a promenade quell our hearts’ secret desire?
dancing, hazy smoke appears, a haven for moths
our wet clothes hang in the silver rays, hope is not lost

in our naked embrace words quiver from reason
the first time we kissed, I did not think of treason

caught by love’s invitation
January 25, 2010 at 11:15am
January 25, 2010 at 11:15am
trapped in a Van Gogh tableau
she tired of reaching for twinkling
slightly blighted, an apple fell
at her naked ivory feet
her crazy wish on a falling star
abandoned for earthly delights —
even they were tainted

she spoke truths to the worm
about starlight's celebrity
and secrets recently unveiled
leaving her heart melted like gold
before her past became an ingot
he was not like his cousin, the snake
who chose to corrupt the Original Pair
his response was etched in the silver light
of wise prose scented with loam
and springtime promise — a gift
of choice hidden in richly painted
swirls of inky midnight
where only reason could imagine dreams

tomorrow she will once again reach
for the seventh star

apples and stars

Originally a response to Cat's latest poem.

January 16, 2010 at 6:56pm
January 16, 2010 at 6:56pm
“I used to believe in soul mates and waited to be loved, trembling with thoughts of how treasured that would feel; now, I believe that love is a gift best given away.”

I stood behind the curtains, a small boy
waiting for daddy to return, he never did
I must have believed in love for six or seven years
like Santa Claus and red bicycles I never had
my heart became cold and lonely

I have sought his strong arms everywhere
and felt their protection only scarcely
like when the snow melts
and the streets get all slick and shiny with purity
it ‘s a quick, quiet moment lasting
the time to become a memory
and daddy is my oldest memory, the most faded
the most tarnished, the most untouchable
the most incomplete, the pain never dried

I have searched for soul mates, to contemplate
daddy’s lost love through other, more willing eyes,
always losing this game of hide and seek
god and daddy abandoned me, and love —
that precious imaginary gift — is only something
I give away in furtive smiles
or innocent bear hugs that last
just as long as it takes me to dry
a few tears of loneliness, glad to witness happiness
bringing a sweet, tender embrace to another life

as a man I stand behind different curtains, content
to watch the weather change, to see lights go on and off
in distant homes where others have found soul mates
and love, wherever it creates a hearth, has come to visit
my door is always open, candlelight for warmth
my heart timid, my arms strong

strong arms

The third stanza has been edited, after Kåre and Cat's comments, with which I agreed. The original reads as follows:

I have searched for soul mates, to contemplate
daddy’s lost love through other, more willing
eyes, always losing this game of hide and seek
god and daddy abandoned me, and love —
that precious imaginary gift — is only something
I give away in furtive smiles, in innocent bear hugs
that last just as long as it takes me to dry
a few tears of loneliness, glad to witness happiness
bringing sweetness to another life
January 14, 2010 at 4:07am
January 14, 2010 at 4:07am
I did not solicit her tears
she has no need of another rugged tear
in her soul, I wanted merely to understand
why she is uneasy with life's miracles
though I too hide, a bit, behind words of walls
colored with a semi-wash of emotion
that leaves streaks in comprehension
wet mascara, cheeks with crusty salt patches
contact lenses that wobble from too much
humidity of the eye, so in this we are sister souls

I did not solicit her torn heart, lately repaired beyond
life's unhappiness, because I cannot see
into the secrets revealed in the depths of her eyes
she does not avert them when we whisper
and I am not truly blind, seeing her shadows
even on a cloudy night, but finding hidden meanings
in the labyrinths between us is a task to defy
the Delphi oracle, yet my pioneer spirit forges ahead

when I speak to her, my words resonate
like a cello's c-string, strong, vibrant, passionate
and slowly her oyster heart opens, and within
is a glimmer of two, not one, shiny pearls
waiting for my hands to help her build a necklace

when others do not follow her

January 10, 2010 at 4:53pm
January 10, 2010 at 4:53pm
Invalid Photo #1022043

sweet sleep
eluded night’s visions
where darkness’s comfort was desired
your image imposed a sense of peace
enlightening my bedchamber with hopes for a clear sunrise
         to honor our friendship

Invalid Photo #1022044

taunted me
with secret corners
I feared not its shadows
for already memories of our conversations rocked me
in gentleness more suited to your calm theological beliefs
         than my perpetual doubts

Invalid Photo #1022045

beckoned me
to Fourvière Basillica
overlooking the Rhone and Saone
where I’m certain your otherworldly intervention parted clouds
celebrating your passing in a place worthy
         of the angel you have become

a touch of pink over the gray city

January 10, 2010 at 6:55am
January 10, 2010 at 6:55am
Invalid Photo #1022046

against fading blue and growing whitish skies
somewhere deep in Ohio lands
nested between Oberlin and Elyria
forests of birches and icicles bend under
frozen water weight, branches caught
slowly weeping single tears, as timid sunlight
declares a few minutes of melting
may be possible —

fur-booted and wool-scarved
for sub-freezing wandering
alone, a young woman roams
her eyes highlighted with a camera lens
her smile jubilates

a lone deer forgets three red holy berries
a sudden ray of sunlight casts shadows in the snow
and her final inspiration falls
upon thick tree trunks of ice
dripping slowly into a single moment
captured from the illusiveness
of nature’s perfection
on a blustery winter day

the photographer

January 7, 2010 at 7:12am
January 7, 2010 at 7:12am
melancholia brandishes an olive branch at newcomers
         no one hears a hermit's song, does it exist

if only the wind picks up its modal filament
         the echo on the mountain's far side is too distorted

foreigners live there, they too sing
         words so incomprehensible we think mumbo-jumbo

speak to me, oracle of Delphi, or even the local
         wishing well, of futures contained in four leaved clover

the gypsy lady, in beads, baubles and colored scarves
         torments the unbeliever with horrible destinies

each hermit tries to escape those same events
         his harmony is lonely nights tending the fire

smoke signals, across borders, like clouds
         are signs that man is not alone, but misunderstood

I will not recite prayers taken from any good book
         the gods begot silence as a defensive weapon

when words exist
December 29, 2009 at 12:47pm
December 29, 2009 at 12:47pm
Invalid Photo #1021963

our next rendez-vous will hail
sunrise on the twenty-ninth
I remain behind to witness fondly
those loving souls who sail ocean winds
with your ashes, solemnly letting them
disperse, to unite with the tanginess
of the brine and their weeping

my own tears will not immortalize
this precious moment of family grief
for I will look on it from a distant city
crossed by two rivers, in a place
that separated our friendship
into individual spaces
from which we navigated
across the airs to speak-write
about things which created our closeness

as your remains bless the elements
relieving them of our earthly grief
they scatter along the vast ebbs and tides
to one day caress my rivers’ banks…
patiently I wait on my footbridge, knowing
the precious atoms of your mortal body
have reassembled themselves to jubilate
in celestial illuminations for my lonely nights
an aurora borealis memory of your soul
soaring joyously with the twinkling stars…
and as I bask in the rouging glow of today’s sunrise
quietly, I add your name
to my mantra of ethereal people
I cherished for only a few moments
watching as you, joining them,
pass onto further missions
to ignite the love in other hearts

from a distant city I look on
For Ken Rhodes

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