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"Scattered leaved with poetic imprints." My new collection of poetry.

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Well, it's now mid- 2019 and this is still the only book I use to house part of my new poetry.
I began using it years ago due to a lack of storage space in my over-700 item WDC portfolio.
I really need to do some spring, summer, fall and winter cleaning.
There are still lots of static items which have never received any mention by other members here.

But that's part of the problem of being a writer ( musician, artist, actor ... ).
I do not know how to network.

Thanks for discovering this link. Please leave a comment.
Bookmark it, please....
This is a writing site and not FarceBrook where it's so easy just to press the button "LIKE."
(( And I am not a fan of the fact that WDC has added it. ))
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June 1, 2010 at 4:40pm
June 1, 2010 at 4:40pm
a sullen blue mouse sits under a dome
the old church spire hasn’t sung for generations

the bell’ s copper interior is chipped, flaking turquoise
decorates the failing oak floor and makes rain paint

the caretaker’s hole, known thus to the rodent population
has ropes replacing ladder rungs that descend to musty religion

high above human habitation, no prayers mention cheese
sandwiches at evensong, such are erroneous tales told of mice

only the colored brothers retain certain celebrity
when caught scavenging below, they become priceless exhibits

in orchid fragrant conservatories, their captive homes
are wicker baskets, a quick meal after four days of gouda bloating

a servant’s bell rings because the children are distraught
the heavy book of grandmother’s fairy tales is so dusty

they rarely mentioned the blue mouse
May 31, 2010 at 10:41am
May 31, 2010 at 10:41am
bits of neatly folded paper
filled with numbers
litter the floor
below the computer
discarded now are costs relating to
their corresponding items
displayed above, on the screen
where modern accounting tracks
the virtual remains of my eager
monthly spending sprees
without thrifty fiddling
or fingering of real printed money
the tabled tallies tell everything
spelling end-of-month trouble
dividing the predictably unbalanced link
between laughter and liability
I rarely remember
where small hand-to-hand spent pennies
disappear, like my banker’s smile
when I mention not even buying
new shoes or a felt hat

what I forgot to buy

May 30, 2010 at 6:39am
May 30, 2010 at 6:39am
and on the wind
an eagle flies high
his tears caressing the rain
his memory timeless
his heart soars, timed
with his wing beats
for those lost
to the physical world below
and maybe, so close to the heavens
that is why he flies freely
to touch those souls
no longer alone in the darkness

"an afternoon prayer"
For my dear friend Summer....
May 29, 2010 at 4:40pm
May 29, 2010 at 4:40pm
when the warm breath
of summer descends on our lassitude
we are regenerated by the calm of the plains
where the winds are gentle and flowing
she murmurs to us of the trees and the rocks
and unveils hidden rivers with shallow pools
that comfort our erring souls
she is the priestess of the seasons, answering to
the earth and sky, through her wisdom
we follow from birth to maturity
stopping for a moment
to bask in her perfect light

Inspired by my dear friend SummerLyn
May 28, 2010 at 4:25pm
May 28, 2010 at 4:25pm
I am no devil
nor angel
misguided by the eye of the storm
love isolates itself from
my heart, often too cold
yet I am afraid of death's visit
and in pain from birthing once again
another of life's ill-destined follies
I would ask you to come hold my hand
talk gently to me of this or that
letting me listen in silence
while your voice dissipates my anguish
like wind on a misty morning
yet you are distant, like so many others
and I am only foggy mourning
for I have never learned to let my heart speak
nor to woo your desire
to remain by my side

conversations in silence

May 27, 2010 at 5:29pm
May 27, 2010 at 5:29pm
I cannot return
over the same rickety bridge
rivers below are swollen
and words of forgiveness
drown in the turbulence
I am lost, weighted with pebbles
that seek my pockets for warmth
I cannot refuse their comfort
though a silence surrounds me
magnifying a restlessness
that has broken both of our hearts
I have forgotten
the words to our songs
and if you hum the melodies
your voice does not light a path
towards the rotting planks
where my feet wander
farther away from the place
we used to call home

a bridge

May 26, 2010 at 5:21pm
May 26, 2010 at 5:21pm
thirteen women
gaggle like fire sirens
about trivia questions
when they try to sing
— supposedly —
so soft is the sound from their
now unopened mouths, that
melody is lost in their breathlessness
no ear can scan
the air for lovely vibrations
resembling a song about a dove’s flight
the bird quickly escapes the floundering harmony
to search for his mate, unheard human song
would be a tribute to this feathered couple
if only their garbled words
described something beautiful
and resembled, as music would
the gentle cooing of love birds….

garbled gaggles

May 25, 2010 at 4:36pm
May 25, 2010 at 4:36pm

with dusk falling
words will not cross my lips
though you tempt my poet’s heart
its gentle beating is content
warm and fuzzy, and smiles
take silence to new planes
I am lost floating with raindrops
fingers entwined with yours
making a parachute in case
a gust of wind tempts our immobility
and speeds us towards our dreams
we visit thunderheads and watch
the birth of lightning fantasy
silent white wisps through the electric fog
shooting us back to the flash of our love
when just for one evening
we allow the rest of the world
the joy of whispering
about our secret stars

when silence quiets our hearts

May 24, 2010 at 5:19pm
May 24, 2010 at 5:19pm
I hang on words
verbs and adjectives
that distill time’s crazy hold
on my life, decorations penned
in spiral bound notebooks with tiny locks
so easily broken, like dreams
or promises carried forward
from past generations, a chapter
neatly finished, but always incomplete
tonight I unplug the colored bulbs highlighting
dead unornamented branches, sons of the tree
that rose silently one year in splendid happiness
crystalising the summit of my childhood, the night
you disappeared and distress replaced your love
too young then, I neglected to listen to your words
thinking naively that you’d be around
to speak them hundreds of other times
and now, older than you were that year
I’ve forgotten
even the sound of your voice

forgotten words
May 23, 2010 at 5:32pm
May 23, 2010 at 5:32pm

on each square of the fifty five
pieces I dreamed into my patchwork
a garment of life, I sewed my secrets
charms and songs, treatises of good will
and prayers protecting friendship
patches of forlorn love for my ghosts
— parents and lovers alike —
and circles of emotion
for those who still touch my heart
the sleeves are filled with poems
of tiny written words
dedicated to a handful of gentle souls
rhyme and symphonic drum rolls
heralding my future years
on each pocket I embroider tiny leprechaun
pots of gold for the precious weight of my past
those priceless lessons bound
in the pelt of my very being
across the shoulders of this great coat
I weave in the wisdom of
white eagle feathers from my ancestors
and an invisible meditation
for the children I never fathered
an incantation of a dozen cups of wine
and half as many treasured animal companions
each with their own prints to decorate
the elaborate colored silks and brocades
I have woven into myself
one square for every year, a thread per second
a precious button for each day
thus I count what others might call
blessings, content to offer to my life
on this candlelit day, a gift to wear proudly
during each of my next waking moments

55 dreams

May 22, 2010 at 5:53pm
May 22, 2010 at 5:53pm

at rare moments
when strife catches us
in its strange web, we caress
rings that decorate
our fourth fingers and seal
our oneness
we rub a lucky buddha statuette
or twirl a turquoise pendant gifted
by a wise man who speaks few words
we reclaim our studious youth
with bedside reading to strengthen
a budding faith, manuals
for better loving oneself
and believing in life’s tiny miracles
and occasionally
when the odds outnumber me
I remember the grace
of your silent force, your certitude
that all is well
you, my touchstone


May 21, 2010 at 4:26pm
May 21, 2010 at 4:26pm

love floats, feather light
between two hearts
joined into one being
the bittersweet pain
of blissful happiness
unbearable, yet it is
the priceless source
of our delicate elevation
together we become angels
but we are not gods, though
the perfection that paints
all our senses
into a single masterpiece
is godlike, and with fervent
prayer, we are transformed
into a miracle, no longer
weighted to the earth
but free as cloudburst
revealing sunlight that glitters
with life and promise…
we are the unbearable
lightness of being

we are…

inspired by the title of the book and movie "L'insoutenable légèreté de l'être"
or "The unbearable lightness of being." I prefer the French title.
And no, I have not read the book, nor seen the movie. Yet.

May 20, 2010 at 4:00pm
May 20, 2010 at 4:00pm
let me sleep
don’t pinch, everything
is real enough
fjords with
crevasses and crows feet
glare at me in the mirror
permanent sinus run off
and drool stains on the pillow
wobbly spare tires
where fab abs used to be
gray hair multiplies like rabbits
except on the bald spot
I still laugh and smile
though my teeth must remain imperfect
imagine a three-thousand dollars repair…
so just let me dream of toy people
youthful excursions to nudist beaches
skin tight designer clothes
on saturday night disco floors
not that you’d find any of that
in the photo album from the eighties…

the photo album
May 19, 2010 at 5:08pm
May 19, 2010 at 5:08pm

I lunch alone
savoring lentils and sausages
you interrupt with a pertinent question
a warm hand shake and ears willing
to listen to my response —
or part of it —
for as a third person arrives, sandwich in hand
and offers a smiling hello
warmer than the words you sought
detailing our common project
your distraction shows
I watch your face grow into a frown
that cries you didn’t catch my answer
deliberately, I do not repeat myself
leaving you to your small talk
about potato chips
or whatever

you will offer your hand again
and say hello, and I will
— distractedly —
mutter a response
aloof and distant
but I wonder
will you understand why I am not eager
to speak with you again?

someone more interesting
May 18, 2010 at 5:13pm
May 18, 2010 at 5:13pm
I call him goldilocks
because of that firecracker yellow
fluffy mop of hair
and that’s no compliment
he even lisps, poor dear
his self-righteous, me first
attitude is worse than papa bear
discovering an empty porridge bowl
his drunken growls punctuating
the wee hours of every thursday
and friday morning
keep me from my regular rendez-vous
with sleeping beauty and snow white
and without eight hours of dreamy silence
my wrinkles rival the wicked witch’s warts
I know nothing worse
than listening to his frog-like voice
croaking “calm down, old man
a few less hours of sleep
won’t kill anybody”
I jubilate in my threat
to take a pair of shears
to his odd shaped head and thereafter
refer to him as humpty-dumpty —
seems like a timely response
to his churlishness —
and after I send him splattering
over the balcony railing
with a whack and a push
he’d need more than the wizard of oz
and a tube of glue to mend
his cracks, yet I know
at the next full moon
he’ll still bay like a feisty werewolf cub
and dare to call me a grumpy old man
some people never learn…


May 17, 2010 at 5:44pm
May 17, 2010 at 5:44pm
tears streamed down his face
not hers —
although tenderness
touched his cheek
guided by her soft hand
neither spoke as I passed
as discreetly as I could
in front of the church steps
where their drama enfolded me
in its intense silence

the sky was a Turner masterpiece
brooding blue-grays lighted with pale yellows
but I remember only the absence of life
in his brown eyes, in the three seconds
when empathy wrapped me in his pain

how many times
have I
resembled this youth
weeping alone
without a friend’s gentle caring
to dry the tears on my own face
after the shadows of life
have brought turbulence
to my weary heart

on the church steps

May 16, 2010 at 4:55pm
May 16, 2010 at 4:55pm

in the still of night
a soft wind carries desire
from my heart to yours
across the continents
until, by a trick of fate
we both dream
of meeting a stranger, falling
in love, asking for a golden circle
to complete our reveries
under a starry moonlit sky
where our vows can be heard
by all eternity

although I awake alone
I am filled with confidence
that this solitude
is my breviary before
my exalted leap onto the wind
that carries me to your heart

before I leap

May 15, 2010 at 4:59pm
May 15, 2010 at 4:59pm
he lives in tiny quarters filled with bric-a-brac
resembling an odd cross
between museum and manicured attic
fine statuettes share shelves with glasses
filled with philodendron or begonia cuttings
books sit piled against the wall
their rigidity complementing the suppleness
of Turkish floor cushions
a collection of empty perfume bottles
shares the piano top with elegant contemporary
brightly painted cows, five in two sizes
the second armchair, where he does not sit
to offer him, with a quick swivel, an easy view
of either the television or the computer screens
is home for unpaid bills and various paperwork
or publicity for local garage sales and double-paned
windows blocking out the neighborhood houpla
black framed art deco posters from the 20s
hang on the dull yellow walls
side by side with abstract acrylic paintings
signed by his hand…
scarce visitors find so much strangely assorted
eye candy, questioning the various stories
intertwined with items striking their fancy
that their human conversations
rarely turn to anything personal
for he would have to admit to monologues
with plants, ceramic frogs or an odd cello bow
to bide the hours when loneliness forces him
to gather other inanimate objects
that somehow warm his cold heart

inanimate objects

May 14, 2010 at 5:12pm
May 14, 2010 at 5:12pm
I was staring at the ceiling
and then I saw the sky
midnight blue sheets
became a grassy plane
my head resting on a pillow
floated calmly on cloud nine
with raindrops worthy
of champagne, shooting stars
mocking perfumed candlelight
and the moonlight, its delicate rays
whispered of your love, reflecting brightly
in the gentle raindrops wetting my eyes

from a dream
Inspired by John Adams’ songplay “I was staring at the ceiling and then I saw the sky.”

May 13, 2010 at 5:07pm
May 13, 2010 at 5:07pm
he is caught standing at a secluded
four-way stop on a rural road
not knowing which way to turn
pinned by uncertainty
in an x-marks-the-spot middleness
half way through his life
in an unfamiliar place
where he meets his forgotten youth…
far away in his abandoned home
on a glass coffee table
pink rose petals have dried
drooping sadly
their once promising blossoms
broken by a past too heavy
with secrets and the lies
they engender
in the vase, the water
has evaporated, like his dreams
of belonging, he has nourished
so few other souls
left no indelible print
on a child simply asking
to be loved and who
would only desire
to continue down the street
adroitly balanced
on a red bicycle, waving
at the familiar passers-by
who honk at a strange man
vested in a navy blue sweat suit
lost in the middle
of the intersection to a future
he didn’t ask to discover

after watching the film “Broken Flowers” by Jim Jarmusch

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