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Rated: 18+ · Book · Inspirational · #1489243
"Scattered leaved with poetic imprints." My new collection of poetry.

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Well, it's now mid- 2019 and this is still the only book I use to house part of my new poetry.
I began using it years ago due to a lack of storage space in my over-700 item WDC portfolio.
I really need to do some spring, summer, fall and winter cleaning.
There are still lots of static items which have never received any mention by other members here.

But that's part of the problem of being a writer ( musician, artist, actor ... ).
I do not know how to network.

Thanks for discovering this link. Please leave a comment.
Bookmark it, please....
This is a writing site and not FarceBrook where it's so easy just to press the button "LIKE."
(( And I am not a fan of the fact that WDC has added it. ))
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May 12, 2010 at 5:54pm
May 12, 2010 at 5:54pm
pure wildness, angry magic songs
burning the wilderness
the earth suffers
and her creatures are powerless
when she screams in pain
time will not heal these wounds

obscurity, shadows lifted
from underneath the clouds
the song of the rain
contains a dark magic
a sadness consuming the heavens
angels should not know sorrow

deep beneath the glassy surface
the lake sleeps, the gods hover
above, searching for peace
to reflect their dreams
in the arms of human worship
prayers are lost in the magic songs
of moss beneath the water

nightingale, somewhere distant
what is the meaning of your song
what magic spreads from night’s blackness
to the erring of my sleepless heart?
tell me, sweet friend of the skies
does your song make you weep
phoenix tears at dawn?

anthracite, dove gray
streaked with peach
somehow creates light
blues of a new morning
contained in the magic songs
of the wind, blowing hope
softly across the ashes
clinging to the horizon

songs of magic
Inspired by “Cants magics” for piano, by Federico Mompou
May 11, 2010 at 5:50pm
May 11, 2010 at 5:50pm

on the path of silver bricks leading home
seventeen tartan plaid ducks waddled
across the dull turquoise lawn
I counted them from the orange bench
where I shaded myself from green sunlight
they plunged single file into the golden lake
a blue cherry tree dipped its purple barked
boughs into the wetness
my yellow-submarine glasses tinted everything
strangely, quite unlike the black and white
found bound between colored leather
allowing words to court imaginary life
like toy soldiers or rag dolls
bored with their pseudo quacking, I plopped
three tabasco flavored chocolates
into my mouth, swishing them down
with pink lemonade tasting more of magnolia blossoms
than anything lemon-lime-like
fortunately, I am not alone in this delusion
for a life overflowing with chemical additives
had to eventually induce
elaborate optical illusionary
side effects after a few generations
I wonder why the words still remain black
and the pages white…
is there no gray any more?

no gray

May 10, 2010 at 5:28pm
May 10, 2010 at 5:28pm
hot toddy groggy
vodka, shredded love letters
one picture still remains
never discarded
though peering at its shadows
no longer makes me weepy
maybe a few lemon bitters …

enough pills will numb back pain
what kills memories?

with carefully over-brewed tea
scholarly melancholia
studied and rehearsed, I am
a master of maudlin love poems
the mirrors wear black velvet
my reflection always cringed
when your eyes ceased to wink back

that morning I only blinked twice
in between, you disappeared forever

in between
May 9, 2010 at 4:28pm
May 9, 2010 at 4:28pm
I am alive
when we tango
our heartbeats
intricately connected
to the swaying rhythms
of those possessed
by the frenzy of love’s dances
spotlighted, we move as one
reinventing our unity
as easily as we breathe
even as the music slows
and silence overcomes our ardor
I know this bliss will end, again
our calm oneness — two bodies
and two souls — briefly joined
by the bittersweet echoes
of motion’s intensity
and as we separate, again
I crawl back reluctantly
to the solitude of a single’s life
regenerated for a few hours, yet
every time I leave you
my heart stops beating one second longer
I fear the hourly eternity
released from your arms
that keep me from seeking
those of death

one second longer

May 8, 2010 at 6:02pm
May 8, 2010 at 6:02pm
under the striped parasol
we wander together
in a carousel of circus color
cushions and blankets
that cover the ivory speckled sand
beyond the gentle lull of the waves
sunset mirages our afternoon sensuality
in ever changing pastels
soft as our loving caresses
the stars present in your eyes
replace forgotten candles
I follow their light deep into your soul
and wait there comfortably
as if the years had never separated us
remembering the first time I held your hand
when we cast coins in wishing wells
and vowed a quarter each
that one day we would learn
to hide under umbrellas in the rain
or parasols at the beach...
after all, love is a quiet place
a blossoming rose garden
as large as the deserted island
of our first kiss

at the beach

May 7, 2010 at 4:55pm
May 7, 2010 at 4:55pm
his suave and lazy voice
whispers jazz poems
the brush on the cymbals
swishes, and zen candles
add puff clouds of incense
couples sway, sipping
alcohol, its consumption
like yellow daffodils
or poppy seeds
his suave voice craves
and intensity is born
the moment freezes
lighters flicker
drama thaws in the memory
of a dying lover, too much
of life’s corners and shadows
dance with the moon’s static light
his suave voice
croons about laziness
hums a cigarette melody
after the funeral
when his heart
loses its beat
a dull thump
as his tears fall

when he sings

May 6, 2010 at 4:09pm
May 6, 2010 at 4:09pm
I planted them blood-red
'twas the only color she allowed
on that day my hands weren’t idle
a child's fear of cat-o-nine-tails
when the whip flew, no one knew
I was rarely far enough away

how those crates of flowers did weigh
my comic books went unread
they were birthday bright and new
no good in complaining aloud
until I'd finished the rose bush tale
and trellises became her new garden idyll

roses of any color were never my idols
thorns always got in every way
any small pleasure they did curtail
my knees were scratched with red
and swollen welts, I whimpered aloud
though that, for her, was nothing new

I kept secrets she never knew
imagination grew into my new idol
masked by the silence she only allowed
I vowed to get even, I’d find the way
if like a bull, she’d make me see red
I’d sow her garden with rotting rats’ tails

I grew into a tiger swishing its tail
came a day when I knew
her blood would flow thick and red
upon her bed of roses, and I, not idle,
I buried her deep away
under loamy earth, no cry was allowed

she’d yell and scream out loud
oh! such a desperately quiet tale
at last I’d have things my way —
served her right, cause she knew
I hate books left unopened and idle
on a shelf I’d painted blood-red.

‘twas my idyll, spinning revenge’s tale,
hands rough and red, discomfort allowed
I’ve a new bloody hobby…roses? no way!

rosebush tale
A sestina inspired by NovaCatmando

May 5, 2010 at 5:22pm
May 5, 2010 at 5:22pm
if I can no longer say goodbye
will I slide, or bounce
three hundred feet
colliding with the mountain’s
steep crags and snags
will I die
deep down at the bottom
unconscious and battered
or will I cry in agony
and collapse slowly
my soul splattered and crushed
my body heaving and bereaved
waiting for the hush of my last breath
with time to brush aside my pride
and chide myself for thinking
life would be sweeter without you…

a splattered soul

May 4, 2010 at 6:02pm
May 4, 2010 at 6:02pm
to sleep
smothered in oblivion
to forget
wrapped in a black velvet envelope
where time is measureless, a stationary orbit
or an endless trajectory spun in light years
like the fluttering eyes
of the dreamer
obsessed, coaxing visionary images
that scorch his soul in silent confession
to transcend his yearning
with tear stained pillows
to inspire desire
to recall those souvenirs reactivated briefly
upon waking, swiftly
to remember the embers
before they tumble over chalk white cliffs
where the air swirls smoke filled bubbles
exploding with daylight
to dread opened eyes, spying reality
to wish for another patch of darkness
where revelations melt
and the galaxy of longing
sparkles as brightly as a shooting star

the eyes of the dreamer

May 3, 2010 at 12:07pm
May 3, 2010 at 12:07pm
perhaps the boisterous clouds
follow me northwards
in my trek across the counties
covered in vibrant golden fields
that separate my heart-throb
and my loneliness

like the sunlight bleeding color
on the rapidly disappearing countryside
I have left your welcoming arms
once again, to open the door
to an empty city space I call home
my turbulent white to black
of thunderstorms to erupt

oh, I share secrets with my four walls
but they reflect the sky overhead
and I would prefer bright
sparkling gem stones
to capture my happiness
and never let it escape my life….


May 2, 2010 at 4:51pm
May 2, 2010 at 4:51pm
idle hours wind down to slumbering seconds
a tired cognac bottle, glasses chinking
after sly smiles, the fire’s logs
rouged into coal, rain tapping
on every drum-like surface
night sounds — quiet laughter
muted jazz floating from other stories
your sudden kiss — offer meditation
sleep and restlessness will follow
deep in your eyes the words I long to hear
glisten, silently I offer you my shoulder…

before slumber

May 1, 2010 at 12:06pm
May 1, 2010 at 12:06pm
the skies splash sadness over the roof tops
orange tiles shine like colorful wet dishes
our hunger is satisfied, if not for the want of blue
tinged sunlight, we are silent, welcoming the least
splattering ringing on window panes
for the earth is parched and without song
under the eaves of the church spire pigeons roost
unseasonably early, it is not yet four in the afternoon
tea brews after lively whistles, cake box welcomes
dull wooden-handled knives cutting generous slices
of another kind of happiness, a fire in the hearth
would be ridiculous, but the thought is said aloud
laughter follows like the sudden crack of thunder
on a gloomy may day, the room perfumed nonetheless
with lily-of-the-valley, we wait patiently,
for a golden ray, counting on the luck
of sharing thirteen-belled sprigs

not yet four in the afternoon

April 30, 2010 at 11:40am
April 30, 2010 at 11:40am
my garden of desire
is paved in dreams
nightingale songs
and a collection of trinkets
found in a leather box
where I keep my aging heart

no rose thorns tear my heart
only a tint of blues and desire
locked in a lopsided box
where every child dreams
of souvenirs and trinkets,
a father’s love for songs

no words hasten his songs
melodies float from his heart
and surround those trinkets
with newly dried bricks of desire
cloudy day rainbow dreams
I could never capture in a box

I drilled a hole in this box
that day, like Pandora, all the songs
escaped in my favorite dreams
I abandoned my swelling heart
and let it pulse through a sieve of desire
I lost my life’s shiny trinkets

I never found new trinkets
to crowd in the death-lined box
I touch my garden of desire
and remember the perfumed songs
that bathed my heart
in a six-year-old’s dreams

upon our life of flower beds, dreams
illuminate precious trinkets
kept close to a beating heart
now I place him in an oak box
and for an eternity his songs
will echo rocky paths of my desire

let me close this box of songs called desire
a place to dream of trinkets from his heart

garden of desire
A sestina
April 29, 2010 at 5:03pm
April 29, 2010 at 5:03pm
air curved under a rainbow
its verse forged into mountains
and icy silent torrents
human echoes ricochet softly
in these dusk shadows
a tiger bounds, camouflaged
by the measured cries
of life slowly revolving
towards time’s end
we are the blind, immobile forests
of sequoias, anchored to the earth
dewdrops caressed by the wind
tingles the memory of our ancestors
we breathe in the galaxy
letting the stars shelter
our dreams for mankind

stripes of darkness

April 28, 2010 at 9:54am
April 28, 2010 at 9:54am
rainfall stutters
upon the vivid hallucination
of an indigo scattering
under the trellis of world magic
audacious monumental elements
melt most vivid emotions
abandoned to shrivel upon Siberian sands
where dunes impersonate mountains
and ultramarine junk fills craters
dotting unimagined horizons
perception is placed nonchalantly
in six-by-nine foot canvas views
passersby bored
or startled with reheated
quatrain portraits versed in
sapphire cubism

modern art
April 27, 2010 at 1:48pm
April 27, 2010 at 1:48pm
pre-summer heat
that turbulent shimmering behind
the brightest cobalt
the city welcomes my arrival
on the doorstep, a black cat purrs against my leg
I momentarily forget the door's key code
for I hear in his approval
rhymes pleasing to my imagination
later friends call on us, smiling
someone mentions nocturnal
visions of a poetess
I know her well
always in my mind
she waits, sheltered by a parasol
watching the waves

in our two worlds
we hope a breeze will move the clouds
and our dreams….

in two places

April 26, 2010 at 10:47am
April 26, 2010 at 10:47am
a stream of velvet poison
vast champagne universe
young delicious smiles
of blind angels surround
the translucent eternity
of broken family circles…
weep for their unknowing folly

innocent answers

April 25, 2010 at 11:07am
April 25, 2010 at 11:07am
speak of eternity
time-tied to rhythms too complicated
wrinkles appear in patterned lightning
I do not know what secrets
time hides

slowly flowing
like thoughts
from a rusty fountain
my heart erupts, submerged
in the darkness where under a tiny full moon
flames appear
not a romantic mountain
snow-capped or veiled in haze
but angry ash from earth's womb
exploding in the birth
of apocalypse promises, timed and untimely
that will taint us in gray
before we heave speed-of-light words
sliding and subsiding in universal invocation
Eyjafjallajökull fans a litany of depression
across global warning
and melts distorted tectonic plates
that scrape and spin

create crevasses and god’s tears wail
pour forth in a slow macabre waltz
walling off tomorrow and destiny
in secrets only time, counted in millennia
will divulge

secrets of time
April 24, 2010 at 11:09am
April 24, 2010 at 11:09am

I pour myself into a notebook of dreams
valentine bound with silver
wrappings from chocolate kisses

I fly from gilded cages, prima dona songs
unrequited love, a Shakespearean
ending, the resounding sadness

thus I hide my heart behind crystal walls
protected from shadowed shards by fragrant
vines clinging to sunlit hope above

I flee eagerly the promise of autumn's melody
broken into descending harmonies
defeated by wounds I have sustained

I stare at a grey-blue palette of sunset
still a believer of soul-mates
stars and moonlight unite in your eyes

crystal walls

*RainbowL**RainbowR* ~~~ *RainbowL**RainbowR* ~~~ *RainbowL**RainbowR*

wander along lamp-lit
one way streets
leading for a while
in your direction
a four-way stop
and do not enter signs
confuse my steps
follow the leader
bread crumb paths
the dusk swallows the signs
quicker than hungry pigeons
eating my hope
are you voiceless
in anticipation
do you know I’m searching
for the beacon in your smile
desperately inventing the words
to your song to join
our love high upon a starry bridge
where my memory paints your garden
several streets over
a tangled labyrinth of life separates us
until by magic I stumble upon
a heart-shaped door
and your quiet prayer
please come in while I light the lamps

your quiet prayer
April 23, 2010 at 4:04pm
April 23, 2010 at 4:04pm
behind the red door
bells and gongs
hang in windy corners
appeasing birdsong hymns
contemporary vibrations
I wait for my beloved

arms outstretched
I seek love, admiration
devotion, eyes clear
from uncertainty's mist
I befriend destiny
plant calm offerings
for arrows of pure sentiment
thrummed by demi-gods

I pray, crossing the bridge
from night to the summons
of dawn
I whisper the rules of patience
heard in gentle waterfall
over mossy stones
collected from foreign corners
where my heart has learned
to blossom

I have created Adam's garden
brick walls tamed by wisteria
and clematis, my favorite fragrances
the gazebo, a haven of every rose hue
an Eden to caress love
behind the red door

behind the red door

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