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"Scattered leaved with poetic imprints." My new collection of poetry.

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Well, it's now mid- 2019 and this is still the only book I use to house part of my new poetry.
I began using it years ago due to a lack of storage space in my over-700 item WDC portfolio.
I really need to do some spring, summer, fall and winter cleaning.
There are still lots of static items which have never received any mention by other members here.

But that's part of the problem of being a writer ( musician, artist, actor ... ).
I do not know how to network.

Thanks for discovering this link. Please leave a comment.
Bookmark it, please....
This is a writing site and not FarceBrook where it's so easy just to press the button "LIKE."
(( And I am not a fan of the fact that WDC has added it. ))
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July 3, 2009 at 9:03am
July 3, 2009 at 9:03am
my life is an overflowing basket
filled with pieces of scribbled paper
flying about like fourth-of-july confetti
I am not discontent with this littered
splashing, its amazing table of contents
contains sentiment, emotion and confusion
like rain on a summer day that quickly
thunders its impressiveness with added hailstones
my words are memos for the next generations
deciphering will be an unending endeavor
greater than Penelope’s woven shroud
an archaeological masterpiece like the China wall
or colored hieroglyphs in unpillaged tombs
recounting all the years when my secrets
were merely hints penned on bright
post-its, ideas decorating
a weathered library of leather notebooks
my dreams, your days gone by…

scribbled paper confetti
for Joy

July 2, 2009 at 3:37pm
July 2, 2009 at 3:37pm
subtle harmonies of sunset
a slow adagio of wind between indigo
and violets, suave lavender blues hint
of spring rainfall after distant
summer heat’s booming

an icicle craving, humid air doesn’t cool

like lovemaking
whiteness electrifies the anthracite
blooms towards midnight, heightens
sensations of jubilation in pre-holiday
splendor, under a miasma of falling stars
a sudden swoosh, several heavy raindrops
like coins falling into a deep well
swollen with hopefulness of youth
or secrets wise people wait for eternally
such poetry for a sweet pause
tints the silence between the mysteries
imagined during a july sunset

poetry for pause
after NovaCatmando

June 30, 2009 at 5:08am
June 30, 2009 at 5:08am
forlorn and shipless
exiled alone in the dark
I watch the Pacific moonlight
illuminate your gold framed picture
in between moments the clouds send
an unseen SOS from this island of solitude
time moves on, sluggish, marked with chalk
on salt-washed slate, I am nothing now,
lost in the depth of our dreams
I listen to my breath, a whisper of mourning…

wayward and careworn, the soul-screaming
nightmare is my faithful companion
yet I have not forgotten —
breathing still, damning myself,
beseeching the stars to alter the pain
of a thousand breathtaking sunsets — why
did I hurry away that night when
driving rain muffled our farewells
and your ring waited between us,
still wrapped in its golden box…
I said I’d count forty-eight hours
you promised to wait a lifetime
not knowing destiny’s hand, still
I cannot learn to live without your shadow
the echo of your voice, I cannot brave
losing the touch of your reality, I am insane
prevented from gazing into the love
greater than sunlight in your eyes…

timeworn and grieving
I remind myself to just
continue breathing, I am cast away
never to return to those places
where I held you in my arms
ghostlike moments which tantalize me nightly
when your golden presence soothed
eternity from my solitude
now I am lost in the ocean’s invisibility
where I escaped death’s jeer
companionless, torn apart, my heart
bleeds inexorably to extinction
alone, without you

torn apart
June 27, 2009 at 10:59am
June 27, 2009 at 10:59am
who cannot lament this sad end
that happenings could not portend?
this poet's ethereal path
of threaded words, soft like pebbles,
whispers woven hope for rebels
who seek asylum from this wrath
they too cast rhymes for death's lost loves
who visit with angelic doves
can peace not mend this aftermath?

those who weep still, witnessed this death,
stifle tears which tear his last breath
from woes, uncountable by math…
soulless, he counts life’s precious stones
in labyrinths of iv’ry bones
when grieving blooms fill trellis lath
in silent versed soliloquy
can carved bronze tears of eulogy
bring “rest in peace” to this bypath?

second eulogy:
peace in the aftermath of pebbles

Written in the Nove Otto form
aacbbcddc eecffcggc

now empty, his promise shattered
had it ever really mattered?
simple pleasures already gone
all around me, in his shadow
emotions tarry in limbo
his love, now untimely withdrawn,
was whispered “till death do us part”
yet these words have destroyed my heart…
broken glass of our love’s icon

alone, opaque shadows chattered
while solitude’s raindrops splattered
I claim no future from this dawn
his path now errs as I follow
emotions tarry in limbo
sustained by tears, a mere blind pawn
I seek love’s truce, yet I rechart
our life in visions of Descartes…
dreaming verse, my true love, begone

emotions tarry in limbo
Written in the Nove Otto form
aacbbcddc aacbbcddc
Original WDC item "Invalid Item

June 26, 2009 at 1:39am
June 26, 2009 at 1:39am
Thank you once again Catherine for trying something that I haven't done (ever, this time.) I'd already written several Monchielle poems, and a few attempts at the Rondel's sister form, the Rondeau, but never a Keats Sonnet. I've chosen here a simple syllable count without meter.

unhappy, the god of thunder roared once
twice and thrice the skies electrified blue
music ceased, except the din of flood rain

grey streaked with crashing thuds made allegiance
in skies where sunset forgot common hues
below, servants pray, humbled, crazed, possessed

alone I witness tempest bluster drain
summertime from hot skies, cool clouds commence
a descant of pounding hullabaloo

songs of the heavens appease the refrain
of lesser demi-gods, winds howl and crest
northwesterly — at last silence surrounds

silver eyes the storm: Chopin takes a zest
of waltz and spins thunder into sweet sound

A Sonnet in the Keats form
Rhyme scheme : abc abd cab cde de

Now an exciting new Static Item:
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1577327 by Not Available.

June 25, 2009 at 3:09am
June 25, 2009 at 3:09am

in the quivering candlelight
comes the banter of shadow-play
will it end, this life-like display
of lost souls that reflections slight?

sleep overtakes hours of midnight
blue dreams quake like soundtrack cliché
in the quivering candlelight
comes the banter of shadow-play

I am the echoes you ignite
an empty page of disarrayed
verse left at a sidewalk café
discarded, will you hold me tight
in the quivering candlelight?

in the quivering light
A Rondel poem
ABba abAB abbaA
Eight syllables per line

June 24, 2009 at 5:29pm
June 24, 2009 at 5:29pm
More bitter love poetry.

I said the hell with it
you can come and go, plead
that you’re truly in love
my creed doesn’t define
emotions caught above…

(Oh, and the hell with it)
… or below my torn heart
as sincerity, merely
the chattering of chaps
convinced they speak clearly

I said the hell with it
you were blind to my soul
leaving wilted roses
to die on my doorstep
like bitter promises

I said the hell with it
return to your sorry
life of loveless nightmares
let me dream of freedom —
when I vanquish despair

the hell with it!
Written in the Monchielle form.

June 19, 2009 at 5:22am
June 19, 2009 at 5:22am
I meditate on an iridescent moment
academia tires of heliotrope stimulation
I long for distant fields of cattleya
my mind eagerly abandons my weary members
on the brink of a sabbatical scratched in lavender ink…
pen nibs and reams of paper packed into cases
ameythst twilight brings cheer
to recurrent fatigue, a cold cloth of mulberry silk
swathes migraine stained eyes swollen by temple bells
resounding like rainfall on autumn nights

my desire transcends leaving this thundering pain
I would reap silence from the seeds of poetry

and find relief for these deep lavender pages
parched of their ideas by omnipresent reality
violet dreams herald my departure
a tribute of irises floating in a pond-like vase
to wither into time where reason melts into liquid purple
an incandescent escape from my life
in monochrome everything

retreat into other colors

June 16, 2009 at 2:46am
June 16, 2009 at 2:46am
to do this within my imaginary
lavender fields, notebook in hand
pinpoint sweet names on the map
so that I may calmly dream
of exile months to write, to collect beauty
to heal my soul of its temptations
and show my ghosts that purple ink
on faded pastel paper is my own power
beyond the heavens and the gods

K.E. inspiration

Final Version:

to travel once again
towards beloved
Costa Rica and her memories
a voyage still sketched within
my imaginary fields of lavender orchids
notebook in hand, impatient for
a few things on a list: to pinpoint
sweet names on the map, places
where I may calmly dream
of exile months between poet and muse
places to wander flowering paths to collect
all the beauty that will heal my soul
of its earthly temptations, at last
showing my ghosts that purple ink
on faded pastel paper is my own power
tethered by eyes and ears to a world
far beyond the heavens and the gods

K.E. inspiration
June 13, 2009 at 3:50am
June 13, 2009 at 3:50am

embarrassing distress
this ethereally slinky
silk scarf imported
lovingly from a distant Chinese
province, not quite yellowish,
definitely a curious crimson
tinted with visual distortion,
like the metallic taste
before our first morning kiss...
it had to be orange...

even silk stretches too far
June 11, 2009 at 5:07pm
June 11, 2009 at 5:07pm
my heart still roams
to places faraway, searching
for a smile bearing warm welcome
to remind me where my childhood souvenirs
once let the sun shine on my grey moods...
wandering aimlessly, I seek solace
from my quests into vast unknown territories
of love and living, I find only daunting
enigmas proposed by quaint would-be princes
knowing nothing
about quiet fields of heather
where I dreamed about wonders
to be found...
for my life
has never yielded that special corner
within a mossy red brick wall in a place
I would dearly call home, but has never been
the sanctuary filled with family, allowing
my rose petals to bloom in a garden
where a stranger seeking my love
is unafraid of its thorns


June 7, 2009 at 5:54pm
June 7, 2009 at 5:54pm

you wait, eyes beckoning, approaching quickly
sensing my presence — I think only of seduction,
wishing to seek comfort deep in your arms
although you cajole, squeezing into my personal space
I have never learned to decipher
your desire, other than to exist peacefully
among your consort of well-wishers
who bring you happiness…
your smile invites me to a place I dare not follow
and, misinterpreting,
for my love is quickly ignited like dry rosewood,
I dream of tumbling over the silky
cliffs of love and excitement,
knowing too well the height of their danger
for to plunge willingly after your shadow
is to succumb to the lust of love’s many follies…
yet even now
I would abandon myself to your sparkling eyes
allowing your twinkling laughter to make me feel
like a long lost prince especially bearing the gift love....

a jester’s dream
June 6, 2009 at 1:04am
June 6, 2009 at 1:04am
Eleven Twenty PM:

A day of sketches

plums, red-purple, forgotten,
mummified, they drip no more
no more soap bubbles either
they sloop down the tub drain
after I cool myself from Montana
heat, a sensation so quickly forgotten
since love and lust were left
on my other doorstep swollen
in regrets today's apples
will remember, framed in discarded
boxes and sushi wrappers

"à la enga"

so, I divulged secrets with the sunrise
orange on gray, purple on bloodstained heartache
I fell, like Alice, down a rabbit’s hole called love
dreams formed on the midnight mist
deformed my visions of lovable peace
as the blackbird heralds the sky-turning-daylight
in a variation of twitter-trill impossible to imitate
even when my insomniac monologues
continue to color the darkness with poetry

mad-hatter in love

a slight flutter of raindrops
brushes against the birdsong
in the background, a wetness
escaping the clouds and painting
the streets a shiny newness
marries the cool june morning
with april memories of iris
and rose petals, romance perfect
for the longing in hearts ready
to be broken, slipping on the wet
pavement of a carefree life sliding
buoyantly for a few happy minutes

for a short while

abate, my heart! feast not upon his great
ruby-colored plates, my blue blood stained sleeves
cleave all sensation in the colors of dreams, yet I believe
in his sweet love above these dove-like emotions
making my heart double take, a quick intake
of breath that wakes somehow its fickleness
and caresses the promise of happiness
furtive, captive, weightless and subsiding
abiding the tides of destiny’s harmony

abate and abide

blue moon whistles jazz
on the slight shadows of gray
night birds show silent respect
for the day’s end of smoke rings
puffed out over the river’s bridge
below the silent black depths
are as calm as tomorrow’s current
majestic spirals echo unseen clouds
of soft whiskey bottles and dreams
lovers share between dusk and dawn

blue moon jazz

June 5, 2009 at 5:39pm
June 5, 2009 at 5:39pm
when the lark cries midnight sighing
he tries to sing, I hear sadness

midnight sighing, unfleeting tears,
songs bring questions, wings contented

he tries to sing, alluring bird
spreads wings, aloft, stings memories

I hear sadness, swift confessions
suppress gray skies, bless tomorrow

unfleeting tears, which endear him
his sphere is not mere song, but joy

songs bring questions: rich visions, new
bastions of life — shun not these chords

wings contented, find paths tread well
outspread freedom threads liberty

alluring bird, heaven’s words catch
wizard’s lament, stir emotions

spreads wings, aloft, whispers soft tears
this scoffed madness, often far lost

stings memories, will they squeeze tears?
appease longing, breeze, take him high

when cries the lark, his song, dark like
Petrarch sonnets, sparks true sadness

the lark's sadness
Elaborate Than-Bauk linking couplets

Catherine found this as a static item in my port: Please visit it there, and RRR if you've got a few minutes:
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1206618 by Not Available.

June 4, 2009 at 3:42am
June 4, 2009 at 3:42am
drips of dirty
ultramarine, unrainlike
around clouds of faint
fushia stripes
purple-grey umbrella
stains and canary
all painted with
the violence of a summer hurricane
hastily streaking
oranges and vermilion
fruit trees dropping
rotting corpses, electric
white flashes zig-zag over
virgin territory
in the canvas-like sky
mixed with foibles
of artistic intention
nature caught in the folly
of creation,
tinged with magma explosion
radioactive x-ray drizzle
and other turpentine droplets —
I dare anyone
to capture this late evening nightmare
before the cavorting of last garish gongs
highlights midnight when I become
a simple house painter,
with over-sized brushes dipped
in pearl gray satin trim…

the painter
Thanks, Catherine, for the extra push

June 1, 2009 at 3:12am
June 1, 2009 at 3:12am
resounding solitude of my empty head
my past rattles deliciously, now small beans
instead of stuffy burnt marshmallows no one wants
the day-to-day elsewhere is filled will firmament
fleeting situations have yet to leave my palm prints
while, stuck in limbo I try to invent a garish sunset
to replace those turquoise beauties resembling joy
I somehow only remember when my heart was heavy

anything new…
May 23, 2009 at 5:30pm
May 23, 2009 at 5:30pm
when the hours slow and the ticking becomes invisible
the seconds subside into years of memories, swollen like
watermellon seeds in the sunlight and the moist ground —
we do not forget our loves, our friends murmur still
in our dreams, we do not forget the dazzling beauty
of laughter-filled smiles, and when the end closes our eyes
our tears will flow like those same vines carrying the melons
we toast our dearly departed with honor and good spirit
they have given us their lives, what we give in return
is a gentleness in our voices as we say "remember when..."

when we do not forget
for Sarah

May 19, 2009 at 5:46am
May 19, 2009 at 5:46am
...was to write a poem with few links between the lines, forcing the reader into a world only he/she can create from my suggestions. It started from the title, and my eyes resting here or there brought me the subject matter one line at a time.

fluorescent sunsets blind my senses
lizards whisper in foreign words escaping my dreams
the ink works both ways, coloring and defining
why organize my songs into projects only about holidays?

your kisses float away with rain clouds promising salvation
I have found the truth buried deep behind Etruscan city walls
away from the moonlight, my homeland glows less silvery
where is the wrath in fermented grapes that delight me so?

many smooth paths wander through my bonsai forests
even I am not small enough to lose myself in the shadowed branches
tomorrow, or the next day, I will count the falling stars in your sky
why do your queries always wait for my unevenly numbered keys?

read what you may in my fantastic tales or romantic portraits
Rembrant and Tolkien share secrets historians may uncover
as for me, I sit in the semi-sunshine creating time from folly
what will I discern under today’s mossy pebbles?

nobody follows

May 14, 2009 at 6:43pm
May 14, 2009 at 6:43pm
I know a secret place
where badgers meditate with mud walls
the waters there are murky before dawn
when the night sighs into daylight
they, protected in their airtight dwellings
fear neither the sun nor the moon

elsewhere there are no shadows
we breath deeply of tomorrow's hope
standing under the artificial spray
we are cleansed in our mosaic cocoons
moderns wombs offering calm healing
where a hearth becomes life
and daring brings heat to our hearts

the earth yields stone and sand
elements to awaken the silence within us
soon we will take what is needed to nurture
the enlightenment of a single breath
bathed in the scent of the morning's dew

"stilled breath...."

Thank you, Catherine...

fading, ever fading
the colors have stopped swirling
chiffon gowns accompanied
by elegant human penguins
fading still, the images of spotlighted
parquet ballroom floors dulled into
my memories, yet until my last
breath, fading quickly now
the blue danube, a persistent
oom-pa-pa gently rocking
my ears, fading
the last faithful sounds
before eternal solitude

"la valse"
for KÃ¥re
May 14, 2009 at 5:55am
May 14, 2009 at 5:55am
so, gloom trickles from the clouds
somewhere songs are sung for this miracle
iPod glued to my ears, I think in emerald violets
and ultramarine oranges, wishing the wind would
make my balcony alive with brass chiming
more real than the intimate music discreetly
filtering through my thoughts and dreams

imagination brings me wet overcastness, I thank
the impervious elements for their low-hanging ceilings
not yet ready to chant in illumination, not yet ready to admit
that I remember all the words to those same hymns
sung by my ancestors when the corn needed to touch the sky

caressing rain clouds

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