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Rated: 18+ · Book · Inspirational · #1489243
"Scattered leaved with poetic imprints." My new collection of poetry.

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Well, it's now mid- 2019 and this is still the only book I use to house part of my new poetry.
I began using it years ago due to a lack of storage space in my over-700 item WDC portfolio.
I really need to do some spring, summer, fall and winter cleaning.
There are still lots of static items which have never received any mention by other members here.

But that's part of the problem of being a writer ( musician, artist, actor ... ).
I do not know how to network.

Thanks for discovering this link. Please leave a comment.
Bookmark it, please....
This is a writing site and not FarceBrook where it's so easy just to press the button "LIKE."
(( And I am not a fan of the fact that WDC has added it. ))
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February 28, 2009 at 12:10pm
February 28, 2009 at 12:10pm
winter ends slowly with spring-like sunshine
a single crocus bursts forth, a robin searches for twigs
nourishing new hope, remembering life

winter ends slowly
a single crocus bursts forth
nourishing new hope

with springlike sunshine
a robin searches for twigs
remembering life

the month inbetween
A Cleave Poem, using two haiku

february fog, white puffy cloudburst
too close to my window sill I see tiny snowflake stains
wet winter wonders like flurries of stars

february fog
too close to my window sill
wet winter wonders

white puffy cloudburst
I see tiny snowflake stains
like flurries of stars

on a saturday morning
A Cleave Poem, coupled haiku

February 27, 2009 at 10:42am
February 27, 2009 at 10:42am
a zest of elsewhere
pinched with ticklish reality
you laugh, but your eyes
betray your desire only to kiss
their sweltering spiciness tells me
chapters of betrayal, verses of passion
and to be protected against desertion
and here before you I stand
unable to promise you a moon
which orbits tranquilly around
your inner and outer beauty
filled with your zeal for life
a gusto for tomorrow’s extravagance
that my stagnant tears of sorrow
cannot quell

a zest of something

February 26, 2009 at 12:53pm
February 26, 2009 at 12:53pm
When David heard that Absalom
         his beloved son, his flesh-of-flesh
was slain he went
         numbed now to the bone
up into his chamber
         in a place where only emptiness mattered
over the gate and wept;
         death consumed his paternal tears
and thus he said as he walked
         choking leaded words from a deadened soul:
"My son, O my son,
         “How can fate steal my son’s heart from me
oh Absalom my son,
         how can I not pray for your liberation
would God
         that my loss go not unrevenged and
I had died for thee,
         that your ethereal soul claims my empty life,
oh Absalom my son, my son
         my beloved son…”

my son, my son
A Cleave Poem

Now a Static Item: "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
based on II Samuel, 18:33

See "The Cleave Poem for a few explanations about the particular form of this poem. I've taken a liberty in the required, so to speak, presentation.
February 24, 2009 at 3:31pm
February 24, 2009 at 3:31pm
the wooden pews are empty of human attachment
the gods have descended one too many times
and people no longer believe, I know I no longer do
believe, in warmth for my cold hands to hover in hope
the love that another man fields like a stray ball
cannot land plumply in his open hand
tomorrow, another empty day, will the bells ring
louder than they did as a child
when I could still dream of believing?

many men have tried to step in your invisible gait
I have waited peacefully for your likeness
to appear, godlike, worshipping at my feet

the good book is covered in dust, it sits, forgotten
in an old maple desk, in the top drawer, nonetheless
so many people have told me about believing, telling
me that this word is gospel, as if I cannot think
or feel, for myself, the hidden messages in words
centuries old, messages from those who were closer
to a place then resembling heaven

I cry, because the greatness I feel around me
does not surround me in warmth, my heart is cold

the church is empty now, after you have left it
taken, born on strong shoulders I never knew
to be placed in the ground where heaven begins
I would return to this place of worship to mourn
my place exists somewhere I have never discovered
it was never close to your heart, your love
your life, like true belief, had outcast my timid
attempts, my feeble budding love, when I fled
the reflection of my face in the stained glass
visions of life conquering death

on your gravestone I will never cry, it occupies
a place in my imagination where love's faith blossoms
on cold winter days when the light shines low...

empty wooden pews
inspired by Morten Lauridsen's Lux Aeterna
the latest poem in the ALB, JR Poems
February 24, 2009 at 8:36am
February 24, 2009 at 8:36am

waking to walk
towards tomorrow’s lights
found across the bay
San Francisco's promises
she joins those who endure
where hope means yet another year
I hear her song, unencumbered
joining all so many voices
who will run, not walk
towards the path of survival

from a dream
© alfred booth
for Catherine D.
February 17, 2009 at 1:21pm
February 17, 2009 at 1:21pm
Untitled for the time being. A quick sketch for KÃ¥re's blog today. Inspired by the painting he selected for his plog.

his white marble eyes, unseeing
blinded by time's grazing
overlook a blue upon turquoise vista
of twisted clouds, mottled sea grass
and yellowness as bright as any sunray
maybe the village below remembers him
when he was a mere mortal poet
before he left a stamp on colored verse
stealing the variety from nature's clemency
and penned immortality as wisely
as any sculptor caresses dried earth

© alfred booth
February 13, 2009 at 2:42am
February 13, 2009 at 2:42am

lacking outlined

deep and shallow
shadows seeps
weeping and sallowed, I’ve

flat-lined again
nearing an end, appearing
as a round trip on a one-way street

in time

missing — lacking
on one confirming my demise

does this resemble
         (the artful monastic ramblings
         of heaven)
                   (or the nimble thwartfullness
                   of hell?)


à la cummings

February 12, 2009 at 3:22am
February 12, 2009 at 3:22am
I have no fear
of losing the sun and moon
in the merry-go-round of Saturn's rings
my dreams predict planetary explosions
cataclysmic meteor showers
of apocalyptic finality
no, I have no fear

I gaze no longer at shooting stars
their wishes are for simpletons
though the promise contained in the Milky Way
keeps the world's population prudently believing
in destiny and its jokes — instead
I write haiku about the planets
         drowning on the sands of time
         in a stark thirst
         only fate's tears can quench

when I found them —
the golden and silver orbs —
I was bathed in childlike innocence
and fairground carousels
a favored occupation on a saturday afternoon
but afterwards, on sundays
we read the good book
and frightened of godly disapproval
believed still the astronomer's tales
that Saturn's diaphanous rings
were like cotton candy,
albeit food for the gods

no, I did not fear
losing the sun and the moon
which contained a false sense of calm
before the birth of a volcano's smoke
and the sick acid tears ruining the land
a smoldering hellfire just under the surface
as a child I still believed
in merry-go-rounds and their innocent magic
that, I never learned to fear

fears in the good book
Part of the original Merry-go-round poems
"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor

February 8, 2009 at 3:45pm
February 8, 2009 at 3:45pm
on this cold winter’s day
I stand barefoot on a narrow balcony
looking out through eyes blurred by emotion
seeking an unknown part of my past
six floors below
and four thousand five hundred miles away
— the place where you rest —
my tears dripping on the grass
mix imperceptibly with the falling snow
and the vapor coming from chimneys
on nearby buildings and houses
I perceive only the whiteness your world of angels
timeless and pure

on this cold winter’s day, not unlike
the morning eleven months ago
when they put you in the ground
I can finally begin to recite, in a choked whisper
a hundred volumes of sweet verse I never shared
and let my heart beat steadily
with the celestial rhythms of mourning
and show you the depths of its sentiments
hidden for the lifetime that has separated us

a lifetime away
Another poem in the series written for my late father.

February 6, 2009 at 3:38am
February 6, 2009 at 3:38am
a sweet song of another man
tipped me over the iceberg, your voice never said
I loved you so much, leaving a trail of emptiness
a volcano of pain, thunderstorms of need
I was shattered

you were blind to my light
to the beauty of its illumination

my rocky path of enlightenment was not
softened to fine white sand by your presence at my side
towards that light my companions were loneliness and tears
yet I have survived without you
though I loved you so much

so much love
for Mandy
for Ken
for a six-year-old boy I knew well
February 3, 2009 at 5:35am
February 3, 2009 at 5:35am
Several poems in the Ginsberg American Sentence style, after today's blog entry in "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor

Aside from the rain pitter-pattering, my green tea has gotten cold.
My electric kettle could cure my thirst for hot liquids, or so I’m told.
Alas, opening its top, I am appalled to discover its surface covered in mold.

green tea

They dream of new fangled telephones, modern ways to keep love alive.
They whisper, they fondle love songs, this is their virtual vocal jive.
They will prevail, today’s Gloria Gaynor proof that love will survive.

telephone blues

When his pain vanishes, sunlight can stream through the dirty window panes.
Clicking his heels together, he discovers himself freed of his chains.
They have rusted in springtime’s stormy rains, paradise now starts to reign.


Welcome to a world where sexy creatures read poetry in the bath.
Covered in luxuriously scented lather, who cares about math?
Serious subjects should be avoided when lovers talk in the bath.

romantic subject matters

January 30, 2009 at 11:23pm
January 30, 2009 at 11:23pm
rivers flow and ripple
orchards grow sweet ripeness
no words do I hear, though
         a dancing melody now guides my lonely heart
daylight is a hymnal
igniting fervent hues
the hours tick peacefully
         as I stroll, wandering towards my late fatherland
meadows boast rainbow scents
mountains host white-capped dreams
I don my hearty shoes
         farther than tomorrow is where I’ll find my hearth

         going home

This started off in the Irish "snam suad" form, but it became too restrictive. There are still the rhymes in the first two lines of each quatrain, although they have now become internal rhymes from one line to the other. Also, the fourth lines now contain three-syllable words. I've added a syllable structure, nonetheless. It has nothing to do with the form that inspired the poem's birth.
January 27, 2009 at 4:30pm
January 27, 2009 at 4:30pm
wheezing, even after Purple Mountain's
majestic teas, thirty-seven steps later
the sun too is nowhere to be found
he dropped the book close to Twilight
on the first floor landing, it melted
in moonlight's watery reflections
where all the geraniums are frozen
even the plastic flowers he put there
to decorate the withered stems have
wilted... wheezing resonates in his cozy room
like the hope of a fast-growing amaryllis
spurs spring to outlive the snow
and the cold hearts wearing dragon pendants

flowers on the sill
January 26, 2009 at 3:37am
January 26, 2009 at 3:37am
quiet, my heart!
soft rain is in the air, clouds heavy and oppressive

quiet sounds
surround the morning, as sleep seduces my humble self

quiet blessings
that music and paradise titillate my senses

quiet, let me
lose myself deep within fleeting scenes of words and dreams

         quiet zone
         For KÃ¥re

Nothing dreamlike about sitting in the sun, baking till lobster red.

The hospital nurses are cute, even seen through puffy swollen eyes.

Lots of T.L.C. once safely home; no seafood tonight dear.

          cause and effect
January 15, 2009 at 3:38am
January 15, 2009 at 3:38am
zoom to find
OM, relaxing
with the giraffes
and eagles
who no longer soar high...
but our hearts, they soar
they zoom when we love

January 11, 2009 at 12:51pm
January 11, 2009 at 12:51pm
they stand steadfast
cast in copper alloys
toys for dictatorships
clip the heart from the earth
birthing wars of supremacy
seas of hatred
red is the color of blood-spill
until steeled soldiers replace humanity
insanity, blasphemous claims
aimed at proving religion
is an engine for ultimate peril
carols sung for the planet’s death


no more tears of laughter from the chosen
Ambrosian fields of paradise

eyes with less and less twinkling mirth
birth an inkling of distrust

rusting away the people’s good humor
more emotional craze

praise brings awards for thoughts of eradication
nations are lost and dispossessed

jest not against harmony swaying peace
increase this endless strife

a knife for Jerusalem
mayhem caused by man’s belligerence

fences made from gunpoint become prisons
sons plot for the survival of the ancient clans

hand over Palestine?
“for Thine is the kingdom…”

alas Jerusalem
For Inspirations, prompt n° 2 “swaying peace”
January 10, 2009 at 12:54pm
January 10, 2009 at 12:54pm
slipping, almost unbalanced
an ungainly glissade sends her toppling
spread-eagled on the winter-colored pavement
the sting of tears freezes her cheeks as
ungraciously plopped up on elbows
trying to appear dignified
she calls out to a well-bundled passerby
cushioned in bright fleece and down
but equally unsteadily footed

tumbling in less comfortable conditions
her would-be rescuer, nimble and fit,
ends up equally bent out of shape
covered by snowfall and frustration

after hot chocolate, bruised egos fading
they will laugh, for bundled so tightly
her knight in slippery armor
an acquaintance of her youth, now
an out-of-town gymnastics champion
divorced for the second time
she for the first
maybe love can take the sting
from the icy hand of winter

tumbling on the ice
written for "Inspirations", prompt 4 — icy hand of winter

I know your aching heart
parting sorrow, leaving you here,
veering about without cheer
austere, bereft, to be left behind
pining in unspeakable chagrin
spinning in folly after our last kiss
bliss blushing red each cheek
soon streaked, tear stained with regrets
fretting a tight hold on my emotions
shunning time to I say I love you
too often, you have refused to believe me
used to my disappearing, again,
when I break your heart

our last blissful kiss
written as an Echo Verse

blinded by tears, into the night I wander, alone
surprised by your love’s sudden flight, I ponder, alone

there was a time I knew about illumination
in my ignorance, I tried to fight yonder, alone

I sequester my heart under the weeping willow
in the shadows of moonlight, I am bolder, alone

my dreams foretell harmony from heartbreak, now I wake
clamoring in dawn’s misty off-white splendor, alone

tears forgotten, I return to await Cupid once more
dressed in the cloth of love’s rites I embroider alone

solitary embroidery
a ghazal
written for Inspirations, prompt 7 - into the night I wander

January 1, 2009 at 11:08am
January 1, 2009 at 11:08am
is there anything more beautiful
than your eyes telling me of your love?
we chink glasses of champagne, exchange
solemn words for the new year
omitting our private resolutions
but nothing is more important
than that look of love
coming from the depths of your eyes

another first day
December 31, 2008 at 3:53am
December 31, 2008 at 3:53am
roses aren't always red
although the well bred
among us have bled
on their thorns, shed
tears, (like forget-me-nots
on a cold winter's night)
when, alone in bed
shadowy dreams tread
on the golden threads
of a troubadour's happiness, read
and accepted, these honors, he said

acceptance dread
Written for Ken's blog today

all identity
can only confine me
pre-defining my heart
as it outlines my soul
in clichéd verse
terse words that proove
only that I groove with rhyme
climbing higher towards
the discovery of who
hides behind the face
in the mirror....

questions of identity
the closing speech of The Troubadour's Golden Digest, 31 december, 2008

December 30, 2008 at 4:16am
December 30, 2008 at 4:16am
melancholic funks can only
fix little dabs of mourning
while the early sunlight
gathers strength in our souls
ghosts disappear slowly
for our hearts are the hearths
where their wispiness lingers
so we shed our quiet tears
maintaining a dreary vigilance
over fond memories
which never seem to get caught
in the winter snows, rarely warmed
by midnight cups of steaming coffee

mocha colored ghosts
inspired by RainbowApple's blog this morning

I am not motionless
I stand, teetering, waiting for the image to fade

no prayer voiced with mercy
ever grants release to my weary heart

I let minutes pass, hours float, then days
nothing remains the same behind my blurred visions

in the mirror, I wonder how
early morning fog can meet the steaming shower

bringing a wet melting sensation to my eyes
any apprehension I had is stuck in the haze of my reflection

there is no poise of majesty
a slumping stranger stares back at me each morning

thick sickly mint drips
from the toothpaste stained mouth

where musk stained words
can no longer escape the froth of my insanity

morning fright
First draft of a poem for Stormy's Newsletter

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alfred booth, wanbli ska has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

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