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"Scattered leaved with poetic imprints." My new collection of poetry.

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Well, it's now mid- 2019 and this is still the only book I use to house part of my new poetry.
I began using it years ago due to a lack of storage space in my over-700 item WDC portfolio.
I really need to do some spring, summer, fall and winter cleaning.
There are still lots of static items which have never received any mention by other members here.

But that's part of the problem of being a writer ( musician, artist, actor ... ).
I do not know how to network.

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Bookmark it, please....
This is a writing site and not FarceBrook where it's so easy just to press the button "LIKE."
(( And I am not a fan of the fact that WDC has added it. ))
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September 10, 2009 at 4:18am
September 10, 2009 at 4:18am
... or knowing how to read in between the lines. Catherine sees well, and my mood is indeed rough edged. Here's what flowed this morning, and I feel like the day will bring more words caught magically on paper...

it tarries not
this dismal fluffy cloudburst
brings tiny droplets
colored in green tea magic, misting
the windows, extra wind-chime
grace sends soft songs elsewhere
the swallows are silent
no cars swoop along oily streets
passers-by? they too are absent
this grayness engulfs everything
wet glistens on future fall leaves
and my heart, heavy
roams so far, like a caged lion's desire

to calm desire
September 9, 2009 at 9:37am
September 9, 2009 at 9:37am
What would I do without this wonderful guy? His words, while so different than mine, ring so true to my heart.

my walls lament, I hear it in the creaking floorboards
like a ghost reliving someone else's aged footsteps
I come and go, like a lion in and out of its cage
returning for the geraniums that still bloom
and the sense of welcome, a secret mystery
gifted from the four walls I call home....

to return home
September 7, 2009 at 9:47am
September 7, 2009 at 9:47am
their own private big bang of love
crashes with jazzy overtones,
leaving misty atoms of love in the air
that catch the crackle of the first dry leaves
it is electricity between them
in hushed voices they quietly tune
the improvisations of their desire
which nightly, explodes
in a never-ending beauty
like anniversary fireworks in the sky
making the Milky Way jealous
of their illumination to togetherness

later, when the music goes moody
they dream, separately, for a while,
of catching Cupid's arrows
and in the morning count the lucky dents
of love, almost piercing their hearts,
pinching themselves, they know
it's never been a dream...

between Cupid and the big bang
For Kangaroos and Joeys, everywhere
September 1, 2009 at 8:45am
September 1, 2009 at 8:45am

the shutters are closed, they retain soft darkness in the back room
this place where I write, meditate, exist – but life escapes me still
today, death visits… I welcome the somber words of my tears

closed in

today the rain falls, muted and hushed, respecting mourning rites
even the silent Pacific greets our tears, leaving salt on our cheeks
over the waves near your home, the sun will rise tomorrow

the sun never sets without rising

August 14, 2009 at 5:06am
August 14, 2009 at 5:06am
silent, an abandoned checkerboard of thick oak
thrones in the shade beneath a silver-leafed tree
the pieces of jade and onyx scattered beyond checkmate
a picnic basket abandoned, three red apples remain
only the shadows of birds flying high above
reveal a sign of life, the ocean, distant now
has removed its crashing waves of muddy threat
to destroy another island, other dreams, other lives
leaving desolation as a false sense of peace
in a world where children are supposed to laugh

after the tsunami
inspiration by Mandy

August 13, 2009 at 2:09pm
August 13, 2009 at 2:09pm
silvery light trickles through the clouds
pinprick raindrops dampen my skin
the gentle fountain falling
from gray celestial curtains
is like the soft spray of dandelions
gone to seed, spreading their laughter
to color other faraway images

ah, is this the bitter tang of an angel’s tears?

as all things surrounding me begin to dry
a subtle scent of pine permeates the air
like the fleeting perfume of a lover
or the wisp of a memory touching
my heart, like a brass urn overflowing
with rose petals mottled red and white,
still searches for a brightness I never knew —
your eyes, speaking to me of love…

to remember what I never knew
Inspiration by Mandy

August 11, 2009 at 9:45am
August 11, 2009 at 9:45am
unhurried, dressed in angelic flowing white linen, she wanders
up and down the deserted square, whistling for her Siamese cat

behind the ocre-framed courtyard window, a door suddenly slams
crushing the Monday morning calm — the pharmacy is always closed

under the lazy shade of broad-leafed platanes, the corner café bustles
with tourists expecting frothing latté drinks bearing green logos

seated near the spritely bubbling fountain, a man removes his blue beret
fanning himself absent-mindedly, he wonders: it was a gift from which lady?

an absent-minded morning

Author's note:
Modeled after Arthur Guiterman: On the Vanity of Earthly Greatness

Within these completely independent, but linked, stanzas, I have united the poem with color elements, words describing both sound and having to do with speed. The poem begins with a woman and ends with another; the outer stanzas describe a specific person, the inner ones describe an invisible one and a group of people. The last unifying element is the location of each stanza; the reader should be able to picture a square in a quiet neighborhood.
August 10, 2009 at 1:26pm
August 10, 2009 at 1:26pm
darkening haze, silver rays slow
bouquets of clouds raised from moon song

silver rays slow through bordeaux hues
bright glows falter, sowing storm rain

through bordeaux hues water spews forth
tatoos the earth, bruise from the storm

bright glows falter as bluster claims
bantering sound stirred in trouble

sowing storm rain with profaned peace
coxswain beats woe, chained to fury

bouquets of clouds, angry shrouds veil
sea-proud vessels loud rumbling claps

angry shrouds veil white curtailed light
on hail-stoned breeze, sails bend, flashing

sea-proud vessels, death dispels hope
and quells all rest, bells sound warning

loud rumbling claps, swift time-lapsed flares
whitecaps of froth scrap the silence

raised from moon song, south wind’s long quest
still bongs resound, throngs plead for grace

south wind’s long quest has not blessed salt
but pressed those tears dressed for demise

still, bongs resound like hearts drown fear
in pounding waves bound from heaven

throngs plead for grace in boldface prayer
outpacing time lace spins from fog

darkening haze lifts this crazed fear
a maze of light, glazed sunlit gold

when the west wind blows

The overlapping form, outlined by northernwrites is separate from the Than-Bauk couplets:
ABCD // BEFG // Exxx // Fxxx // Gxxx

CHIJ // Hxxx // Ixxx // Jxxx

DKLM // Kxxx // Lxxx // Mxxx // A!xxx

August 5, 2009 at 6:30am
August 5, 2009 at 6:30am

drunk, he lies face caressing the pavement
shrieking obscenities into a pothole
rolling as if possessed by his mother's ghost

the traffic cannot advance, obviously
people lean over balconies, intrigued
time stands still, an imminent warning

the angel of death laughs aloud at Fate's joke

endgame in the street, part one

he is no troubadour, but his suffering
is more real than any poetry, his is not
more timeless than his inebriation

oily pavement stains his face, no tears
can mix with the earth’s dirt, his soul
is filled with disgust and decrepitude

there is little rhyme in the nothingness he feels

checkmate, part two

oh they may laugh, surmise
and judge him, behind their windows
perched high in homey comfort

sharing drink or white powder
a secret, well hidden sense of unworthiness
they do not see the ease as decline happens

he has fallen farther than their nightmares

castling does nothing, part three

from this vileness he stumbles slowly
his fingernails, pried from the flesh
have never grown back; thus his numbness

one upon a time he courted beauty, jealousy
sought him with her vengeance, his weakness
was to believe in human goodness

now jeering strangers stare and point fingers

a king as a pawn, part four

below the street empties the crowd disperses
I hear whispering, muted mocking
I would have preferred 911 sirens

I do not understand my own tears
I feel sacrificed, like a bloodied lamb
remembering things I should still forget

for I watched powerless, and could only wimper

somehow I am losing, part five

he staggers again, falls bleeding
head unconscious now, silence quiets the crowd
later, the medics, too late, will pronounce the hour

no, this is not television’s drama, we are not
warring for power, people are still not interested
in saving the soul of an insignificant man

powerless, his secrets ferment even his death

king, a miserable life, takes king — part six
August 4, 2009 at 12:02pm
August 4, 2009 at 12:02pm
I might dream
of whipped cream
covered men
adult nights
holding tight
muscled might

such nonsense
great pretense
onyx knives
old men too
sing youth blues
late curfews

the mind sets
nightmare nets
silk-clad legs
eros wanes
while sex planes
without reins

yet I seem
to redeem
torn garments
from the sights
groping heights
spinning plights

during the wee hours

Snámh Suad form for a NovaCatmando challenge

August 2, 2009 at 11:28am
August 2, 2009 at 11:28am
when the lark cries, moonlit sighing
he tries to sing silent sadness

moonlit sighing, unfleeting tears,
songs bring questions, wings now rested

he tries to sing, alluring bird
a king aloft, spring’s memories

silent sadness, swift confessions
suppress gray clouds, bless tomorrow

unfleeting tears, which endear him
his sphere is not mere verse, but joy

songs bring questions: rich visions, new
bastions of life — shun not these chords

wings now rested, new paths spread far
ahead, freedom threads the future

alluring bird, heaven’s words catch
wizard’s lament, blur emotions

a king aloft, whispers soft fears
at scoffed folly, often distant

spring’s memories: will it’s breeze soar
appease longing, tease his pure heart?

when cries the lark, his song, dark like
Petrarch sonnets, sparks true sadness

the lark's sadness
Elaborate Than-Bauk linking couplets

Revised version finished 1.8.2009
A thousand thanks to northernwrites for more excellent ideas in the revision process.
July 31, 2009 at 10:13am
July 31, 2009 at 10:13am
weightless and maybe I’ll find some peace tonight
constructed on famous Route 66, a building folly
strictly decoration, usual purposes: none
housing, sheltering a conventional structure
the one-act play, a dilapidated boathouse
may manifest singles charts over decades
or, as an 18th century french landscape garden
often representing Roman temples,
insanity, craziness
or madness

in the arms of the angel, fly away from here
However, Madness achieves this in a shorter time period
surrounded by weeds
the story’s valentine unfolds as a waltz
a euphemistic term with
classical virtues or ideals
a spectrum of behaviors characterized
by abnormal mental

"Talley's Folly"
story: one night, lives
two semi-permanent, severe, unlikely sweethearts,
Matt and Sally
the original Indian inhabitants of the area
even from this dark cold hotel room
Talley farm in Friedman Missouri.
set attractions
scandalous rather than being disgraceful
an unusually prolific Fourth of July, 1944.

the most prominent band
initially called The Wyota Inn
will run for ninety-seven minutes
no intermission
and the endlessness that you fear
completely refurbished with comfortable
and elegant atmosphere, Chinese temples
Egyptian pyramids, becoming a danger to themselves
here illuminated by work lights and the house lights,
encountered an informal instability

trees untrimmed
gardens and paths overgrown
revealing their most painful secrets
you are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie

the set artificiality is obvious
Langford Wilson announces the play
the audience, having
no intention of encouraging courtship
you’re in the arms of an angel, may you find some comfort here…

essay on folly and certain places dear to Allison Crowe
Flarf Poetry composed from lines downloaded from various internet researches, no extra words added, original texts simply cut and rearranged "poetically."

July 29, 2009 at 8:36am
July 29, 2009 at 8:36am
Okay, here "feeling sorry for myself," so cliché, becomes "sorry feeling for myself."
The other six are textually respected...

I do not hesitate to open the gate
greeting the rusty lock, red paint chips
this garden has been kept well

thick moss hides the luster of youth
vines of roses and wisteria climb
iron-laced pergolas and trickling fountains

here I remember the taste of falling rain
the sweetness of salt brine, or the vapor
of green tea brewing in your old red kettle

this sorry feeling for myself evaporates
from the well where my wishes vibrate

I’ve time enough to wander through fallen petals
their perfume pacifies my heart as it capers
along soft paths sowed in suffering grains

clutching the leather billfold, mountains
of memories, old yellow photos of time
speaking to my personal religion of truth

pausing beneath the oak tree, my heart swells
parting was never spoken from our lips
until eternity, for those words, I will wait

the taste of life
Written for the Inspirations Contest

July 27, 2009 at 12:10pm
July 27, 2009 at 12:10pm
a brief hesitation while the gray wind speaks
mocking hinge squeaks, dead leaf swooshes
I open the gate, the shimmer of its flaky rust
still recalls the ruddy lack-luster of youth
lost another rainy day, engraved decades ago
into my fragile mind,

mesmerized, like an automatic
recording replays the innocent taste
of falling rain mixed into my salty reminiscence

chiding my cloudlike stance
forever the sightless man behind the moon
feeling sorry for myself because my reflection
was never as golden as yours
I’ve had time enough to wander in my labyrinth
of sentimental journeys, yet as this reverie
has left me white-knuckled and shivering,
I shake myself from my mission’s
thundering power of intimidation, and
clutching the leather billfold — your only legacy —
I discover my life
suspended in desire as I stare at marble memories
pausing beneath the oak tree where today
your gravestone becomes a new hallowed territory
for my embittered soul

hallowed territory
Written for the Inspirations Contest
July 23, 2009 at 11:03am
July 23, 2009 at 11:03am
beyond the drapes, night veered purple

cloaked in royal velvet warmth
he refused princely blues;
midnight had not yet decided
that anthracite was necessary
to calm his cloudburst shadows

although he tried, so many stars
could not be counted
their brilliance stained the evening gloom
in tones of silver shimmering ivory

the hours brought peace, whispering

pain subsided briefly, wine had bought
its inebriating freedom
temporarily, yet

he waited until the dawn’s magenta
would cover him in soft silk reminiscing
praying it would thaw the ache
of his grieving heart

minutes of welcome oblivion before another day

before oblivion
inspired by Lynn McKenzie
and Kåre Enga

July 16, 2009 at 4:07am
July 16, 2009 at 4:07am
calmly, she walks towards the golden bridge
bathed in the afternoon’s rose-of-light auras
         towards golden auras, the afternoon bathed
         the bridge, calmly, she walks in light-of-rose

still her strides lengthen, churning between rainbows
and thunder claps which power her dreams
         churning, her power dreams clap and lengthen
         her strides which, between rainbows, still thunder

peace filled with moonlight makes her heart summon life
vibrant, she is the gate over waters reflecting hope from the bay
         she is filled with hope-reflecting life, moonlight over the bay
         her heart makes the gate summon peace from vibrant waters

still, rose-of-light peace strides over the bay
she is the water’s churning power
which makes golden auras lengthen from her afternoon summons:
hope, the bridge between thunder claps reflecting her dreams
and the gate towards moonlight bathed in life, she walks
her heart calmly filled with vibrant rainbows

to run in the moonlight
A paradelle for Catherine

July 11, 2009 at 12:31pm
July 11, 2009 at 12:31pm
inert, alert
I watch in the darkness
or whatever comes to disturb my dreams
averting my sensations
to the night's embers forcing me from sleep
overt, subverting
my peaceful status is filled with reverse impetus
diverting the black shadows to the blinking
red behind my still-closed eyes, immobility
subverts images
lets them revert to their monochrome status
the expert diverts
‘twas a mere toggle in the night’s cinema
the morning light will pervert my brain
converting my self to the certitude
that reality might be better
(at least calmer)
such an effort…


July 11, 2009 at 5:13am
July 11, 2009 at 5:13am
oh my dear, how I fear the black of night
storms may rage, winds may blow
oh dear black storms of may night
how I fear my rage, may the winds blow

unreal thoughts disturb my precious sleep
nightmares threaten late evening's peace
precious sleep! late evening's thoughts threaten
nightmares disturb my unreal peace

calm cannot arrive 'till dawn's early light
bird call only echoes in the ominous dark
only ominous bird call in dawn's early light
cannot echo the dark, "till calm arrives

in early evening's light, dark nightmares may rage
oh how I fear ominous storms of sleep
my unreal thoughts may blow black winds
'till the dawn's echo arrives
late night cannot threaten the precious calm
only bird call disturbs my dear peace

night paradelle
7 july, 2006

Here I've decided to eliminate the repetition of the first and second lines, which, in the original form become the second and fourth lines of a six line stanza:
a-b-cd here should be a-a-b-b-cd

July 9, 2009 at 4:37pm
July 9, 2009 at 4:37pm
he, the magnificent, pondered the purple weeds
which called to a mischievous U-voo–La
he knew it a strange name for pseudo-hobbit like creatures
speaking flutter, who reincarnated
after the ebony nightingale invasion, his forefather,
daddy Jae-RR-Tee(OlkIn), thought he’d penned
encyclopedic volumes defining all the half people
speakeasies — but the muddy creature was neither
quick as molten lightning spewing out of crumpled
eggplant thorns mulched together for a wickedness tune
nor cursed by the resultant lazy Ra-bbit-sTwo lethargic
allergic reaction after eating snail soup antedotes

so, in the aftermath, he, Gandolf the phoenixed,
wondered at the hourly will-flowerness
of folk-lorened speakeasies
too quick to jammerslink with deceased
moon walked rock idols, after all
we are the one was never the best slogan
against war and peace

his feathers itched, like human counterparts
with pso or such, tar brought the sleeping dreams
potions were no longer relevant, staffable white streaks
through the sky brought ill creatures to bloom
with the night orchids, sand filled lakes
and dunes of hoarfrost…
ah, for the tales of a wandering troubadour

phoenixed tales

Written for Master Harper’s Second Challenge
necessary words (or their phonetic equivalents…)
Famous person - J.R.R. Tolkien
Strong verb - flutter
Common noun - lightning
Uncommon noun - uvula
Adjective - lethargic

July 4, 2009 at 2:38am
July 4, 2009 at 2:38am
chastised for the images floating around
a sweet-water mere surrounded by cattleya
cattle traipsing over the delicate petals stop
to drink occasionally in the deep ultramarine
retired emeritus poets leave indelible imprints
on nimble scholars and troubadours
like hieroglyphs in musty tombs
catalogued in library rooms filled with stuffy leather

we, the pseudo-erudite
photograph lochs of nestled purple pine
happy retreats for antediluvian lake monsters
though naming twilight’s stars is an obscure occupation
like farming viridian lichen or dying leather fronds
when wandering deep scented Peruvian forests
or the Catalan vaqueros’ mountain homeland
we have sought enlightenment, the sunlight
leaves shadows in our need for undreamable dialogue
where words are merely locked into the simplest expression
orchids are only pretty exotic flowers

northwestern tales
inspired by written conversation with northernwrites

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