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"Scattered leaved with poetic imprints." My new collection of poetry.

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Well, it's now mid- 2019 and this is still the only book I use to house part of my new poetry.
I began using it years ago due to a lack of storage space in my over-700 item WDC portfolio.
I really need to do some spring, summer, fall and winter cleaning.
There are still lots of static items which have never received any mention by other members here.

But that's part of the problem of being a writer ( musician, artist, actor ... ).
I do not know how to network.

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This is a writing site and not FarceBrook where it's so easy just to press the button "LIKE."
(( And I am not a fan of the fact that WDC has added it. ))
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April 22, 2010 at 5:19pm
April 22, 2010 at 5:19pm
sensual tangos sway
in the shadows
across the room, his ghost
stares at me in dim lamplight
spicy geraniums perfume the falling darkness
his exotic after-shave
mixed with august lust
and summer-by-the-sea
shimmering sunset hues, a turquoise
striped sail floating
beyond eye level
a parasol offers a certain

the bandonéon reminds me
of the latin lover legacy
of grandfather's annual mexican holidays
a sombrero hanging above my bed
a stage for dreams to weave
words like amor or te quiero
in an armor protecting my heart
fragile like not-quite-dried butterfly wings
rushing towards promised sweet nectar
called impatience
or desire

midnight calls in whispers
the empty bed has captured
my unclothed limbs
but my heart
belongs to the specter
of freshly shaved cheeks
that first fragrance
all my senses

that first fragrance

April 21, 2010 at 5:01am
April 21, 2010 at 5:01am
Evolution of a poem. I tried to succeed with Cat's latest idea of beginning with a lone verb. Here's the result:

twists, cranes over the crooked branches
of family trees flowering in muted feminine hues
of grey-blue and fuzzy peach
turtle neck protected, bleach blond head
spins like a child's top
trying to remain stationary
in a life that is a genetic jumble of circus
performers topsy-turvy contortionism
and teen-aged angst produced
love songs where death courts
vampire eternity
in a rouged kiss
between two insecure boys

first love
à la NovaCat, beginning with an unconnected verb


twists, craning like a flamingo
over the crooked branches
of family trees flowering in muted
feminine hues of turquoise and fuzzy peach
neck wrapped in an indigo scarf, his
sweet bleach blond head
bounces nervously like a spinning child's top
seeking stationary stability
in a life crossed by a genetic jumble of circus
performers’ topsy-turvy contortionism
and teen-aged angst-produced
love songs where death swells courtship
with vampire eternity
in a rouged first kiss
between two insecure boys

This is still confusing, the time line isn’t evident for anyone other than myself.


neck wrapped in an indigo scarf, his
sweet bleach blond head
twists, craning like a flamingo
over the crooked branches
of family trees flowering in muted
feminine hues of turquoise and fuzzy peach
his laughter bounces
nervously off his bedroom posters
like colliding marbles
unknowing he seeks balance beam
immobility, in a life
crossed by a genetic jumble of circus
performers’ topsy-turvy contortionism
and teen-aged angst-produced
emotional ballads where death swells in courtship
with vampire eternity —
his solution, a rouged first kiss
with a love-struck boyfriend
a new picture for the family album
of ebony leather covered in ivory lace

the family album
The idea of the family tree needed balancing at the end, thus the new title.
The last line, also balancing the need for color, is perhaps too much.
April 20, 2010 at 12:35pm
April 20, 2010 at 12:35pm
dark billowing mourning has lessened
left me bathed in hazy gray peace, though
the imprint of its chilly wetness
is a dear crackled companion

you chose to befriend others
love was never a schoolbook text
awarding either of us top honors

in the thunder-storming
eruptions of my dreams, all memories of you
have dissipated into volatile remnants
burned by my soul’s instinct to survive
the anger contorted into creative midnight terror
so I could lounge peacefully under the garden’s
flowering trees and meditate
about the man I would resemble
without the metamorphosis into a premature cadaver
heart chilled in the wake of your ghostliness

those sweet noontime hours bled my heart
like the dagger of your absence
now I ponder my empty childhood

my eyes conjure no images of you
you, a magician, whose ultimate defiance
was to make both of us disappear
into the fog of a word called divorce

into the fog

April 19, 2010 at 6:02pm
April 19, 2010 at 6:02pm
for a few years you coddled me
as I slept fitfully, I remember
only the impression of your nurturing arms
yet when I most needed their strength
you left with no goodbye…

we lived in two different worlds
by silent misunderstanding

you are dead now, I have grieved
my hate
and my love for you
this is my story, a common one
you never told me yours
and had you done so I would only have heard
strange words you never taught me
but you were not brave enough to speak

in my dreams
I soar the heavens, I used to look
for your trace in cloud formations
and rain puddles, hoping your tears
would lead me to your special corner of eternity

today I fly freely
looking only at my shadow
dancing with the horizon

I am a grown man now
with my own nurturing arms
and in spite of your absence, I long
to enlace someone else’s need
in my own protective strength
and listen to their heart beat
in the rhythm of love

in the strength of our arms

April 18, 2010 at 1:22pm
April 18, 2010 at 1:22pm
and amid the black clouds
comes a puff of hope
floating on a snowflake
angel tears dance with fire

though many men may mourn
this sentiment is the earth’s
as she weeps for her children
lost in war, in greed
forgetting penitence
prayer addressed to the wrong gods

her ashes swirl far and beyond
our own losses, our desperation
like the ice, tears melt
the frozen spots in our souls
and life floods come again
but in this path we find a destiny
few wise men could predict…
and she dances with angel tears

and she dances…

April 17, 2010 at 1:35pm
April 17, 2010 at 1:35pm

when the northern ice breaks and lightening lava
spits and spews, angry and tempestuous
mankind is astonished by these apocalyptic visions
only until his convenience is displaced and the dust
emanating from the boiling entrails forces
international travel to a halt
it is a shame that human passions
are thus hindered, our needs
to accomplish any ridiculous endeavor
at any sublime whenever deftly postponed
by liquefied earthly anger spilling
towards the heavens where we pray
so fervently that the clouds will not infringe
too long upon our eager taps of a pin code
purchasing a sensation of liberty suddenly thwarted
by a power more mysterious
and glorious than we imagine, except maybe
those few who hold a certain belief in god

and when Iceland’s volcanic core reminds the world
of its power multiplied from magma and frozen life
is it not our god-of-hot-and-cold-excess warning us
by such extreme adventures
to measure our selfish yearnings
to stop our marathon lives of accomplishment
and finally uncover the true goals in our hearts?
for if we do not heed the messages billowing
in the infernal ashen clouds, they will quickly
shade our tomorrows, taking from us
any sentimental means to marvel at the sun’s rays
illuminating a simple photo of a volcano
in its own harmonious need
for eruption

hot and cold excess

April 16, 2010 at 4:05pm
April 16, 2010 at 4:05pm
behind the curtains I waited
peering occasionally, trying not
to let hope invade my heart

the narrow sleeping porch
overlooked the garden
with my beloved yet crooked crab-apple tree
and the driveway where I waited
for love to step out of the only car
that never arrived —
I learned the pains of heartbreak

now I am old and have forgotten
the color of the sedan he drove
but as I age I have become more and more
like that tree, bent and curved
patiently rooted, waiting for other people
who could heal my heartache
but never decide that my humble demure
is a place they would like to call home

the crab-apple tree

April 15, 2010 at 5:29pm
April 15, 2010 at 5:29pm
his empty house rarely sleeps
soft lights keep shadows from invading
the corners where his questions exist
waiting like cobwebs abandoned to dust
still, these days he asks strangers
about secrets kept deep in his heart
he seeks solace in the silence, the sweet guitar
strumming on the radio, the soft breath
of his sleeping child
he finds no answers in this music
no response that can be shared
yet, he yearns for dreams…

and I would tell him, should
our paths cross in a shady park
in the land where Morpheus masters imagery
that the answers also disappear on the wind
play amidst the raindrops
or hide in the perfection of snowflakes
the verse we seek fades delicately into night’s quiet
from sunset's rainbow display
and the mystery etched in their elusive rhymes
slowly illuminates our souls, only
when we stop listening for responses
and accept that many questions
are just fairground attractions to bide the lonely hours
until life catches up with the tenderness in our hearts
and allows us to believe once more
that we can indeed tame the unwritten melodies
of our own lifesongs and boldly sing
those words we have somehow misplaced

the asking boy
A RAOP for Joe
April 14, 2010 at 5:41pm
April 14, 2010 at 5:41pm
what are these sad harmonies he hears
alone in his silence, this eerie melody
circling solemnly like a dirge
what has he to mourn, if not the sound itself
stored carefully on a shelf of his childhood
when he brooded lessons about blessings
and laughed with the noise of friendship
this slow lamentation drifts
from his imagination
the delicately preserved remnants
of his world-not-yet-exploded
into a suggestion of withered whispers
he listens to only one song
penned by the philosopher’s hand
who carefully recites
what may and what may not
be called music

rom the philosopher’s hand
after the music for piano "The Philosopher's Hand" by Terry Riley
April 13, 2010 at 4:34pm
April 13, 2010 at 4:34pm
through the ruins they stagger
their soft soled feet barely avoiding
the shards of life
in black mourning, their arms firmly linked
to support the weight of destruction
they face at every familiar crossroads
it no longer matters who is responsible
there is as much destruction elsewhere
as many tombs hastily dug, as many
unending tears, as many fervent prayers
no one has invited death to come
and take its share of life
and even in the light of day
the debris of war leaves a fine dust
remnant of the pale light of dusk
and the night brings only darkened
heartbeats and the heaving
sighs of one question...
how can tomorrow bring peace?

already dusk

April 12, 2010 at 5:55pm
April 12, 2010 at 5:55pm
red purple reflects
in the black waters of the harbor
a disquieting color, like bruised blood
flowing under the white
lighted arches of the bridge
no fog tonight, the city beyond is
a kaleidoscope of high-rise color
yet only the red purple catches my eye
making my breath halt

I do not sense the deep danger of blue-green
or turquoise-tinted-orange waves
I remember them closer to the shoreline
on other nights when my destiny was caught
in the city’s fog-like gasping
a thousand souls glide in sleek calm
away from the mechanical dreams of the masses

I must go away, there is no peace here

the waters below swirl with currents
rhythmed by three million heartbeats
a place where life wastes beyond the colorful windows
of churches and office towers
yet tonight in this floating coffin of humans silenced
by the quivering of anticipation
I hope only to survive past the bridges
past the still-too-present city blinking
past the threat of red purple shimmering
my destination finally clear

I have chosen the direction opposing civilization

over the loud speakers, a gong courts the moonlight
the strangeness of this dark sudden sound
brings me hope
it is a long deep drum roll of time’s dance of seduction
a single note reminding me that fate changes nothing
a man’s heart cannot grieve

the ferry within my dreams
Second take on Steve Reich’s “City Life”, part four “Heartbeats/Boats & Buoys”

April 11, 2010 at 5:01am
April 11, 2010 at 5:01am

black crows
invaded our country
on my birthday, so young
you must go away, such fright
we knew nothing of that then
four days
and four nights
they (we?) called it a cattle wagon
then (or in retrospect?)
we were women
and children
whistles pierced our wailing cries

sirens blaring
over the countryside beyond the closed wagon doors
already burned, already ashes
all ready
to be forgotten

but we, we could not forget

don't breathe
call us by our names

let pain of becoming
a tattooed number
sear our hearts
burning strange sounding names
from no one’s ears
our arms remember

there was smoke going up in the sky
black clouds that cleansed nothing

realities we would slowly come
to call our own
we would not become a blackness
from our country, to haunt
from nineteen-forty
to an eternity of tears
to haunt, a millennium of ashes

we cannot forget
our birthdays
the crows, invading
blackness of mourning
which came to be our own
dawn has a bitter bleakness

don’t breathe
call us by our names

not a blackness removed
Flarff and poetic inspiration taken from the video featuring Steve Reich’s work “Different Trains (Europe during the War)”

April 10, 2010 at 10:53am
April 10, 2010 at 10:53am
shore in view, life starts again with promise
heartbeats follow choppy waves to newness
a place where darkness slowly fades
twisting need and hope into a rope that joins
shattered ends and teetering beginnings
splatters of slippery brine allow
only a tentative grasp on the unstable buoys of tomorrow
a job, a house, freedom to pray
yet today the shore calls from a dim horizon of distance
between dreams, more and more tangible,
and the ever-following threat of capsize
as arms hoisting sails weaken while liberty
raises her hand in salutation

a small statue on the horizon
Inspired by Steve Reich’s “City Life”, part four, “Heartbeats/Boats & Buoys”

April 9, 2010 at 3:13am
April 9, 2010 at 3:13am
Yes, there's a story. One I cannot tell yet. I was up most of the night with this text, actually written in ten minutes because the right door finally opened. Then I spent a few hours trying to make it into poetry, unsuccessfully, and I won't go beyond this point, for to do so correctly would mean exorcising the repeated words so necessary to the whys and wherefores behind this text.


it’s okay, little brother, yes, it’s okay to cry every night while you dream,
you don’t know how to welcome the tears into the daylight yet

it's okay little brother, you can reach out now, you can wake up from a life
of nightmares, always the same, maybe today you no longer need to hide
behind your wall of silence, behind your playground act of sticks and stones

it's okay little brother, you can say aloud that no one came to gently touch
your forehead in the night when you were afraid, the monster was there
under the bed, in the closet where so often you found a skimpy shelter,
he had a name you knew so well, it’s okay that no one asked if you could stay
alone in the dark, it’s okay that you rotted there, semi-alive in solitude
waiting for the event that would never happen

it’s okay little brother, you don’t need to hoard secrets any longer
in a rusty tin box with your wishes that never came true

it's okay little brother to cry, to weep all the tears in your six-year-old heart,
even today when you’re a grown man, it's okay to say all the things
that have imprisoned you inside of yourself
to spit and strike like a poisonous snake

it's okay, little brother to feel sad when daddy doesn't come home any more,
to want to yell and scream about your hours of anguish
when it's time to sleep and the monster under the bed
is ready to grab you
and all you wanted was your daddy and his strong arms,
it's okay to feel lost even when the sun is shining
because daddy’s big shadow is not next to yours

it's okay little brother to miss him whenever you must
at each hour of every day, for as long as you can’t stand being alone,
it’s okay not be brave so rest of the world sees a good little boy,
you have earned the right to feel like a coward
only capable of running away from life,
it’s okay to only want his comfort, as desperate as you feel,
whenever the blues come too close

it's okay little brother to feel like an empty shell because you can't say
what you want, because no one listens to your pain, no one is interested
in a child’s silly fears, a stupid child who doesn’t understand
grown-up matters like divorce and when love stops,
it’s okay for your love to keep growing even if you hide it away
with the moth balls and cobwebs buried in a grave
where you tried in vain to capture daddy’s love

it's okay little brother to ache in the morning after a fitful night's sleep
and even afterwards when your head splits with the rhythm of your heartbeats
it's okay little brother to hate the world that abandoned you to your fears
it's okay little brother not to love people that hurt and mock you
it's okay little brother to not be able to catch your breath at night
when you howl so many times that the sound gets caught in your throat,
stifling, unbearable, stuffing you with uselessness,
it’s okay to feel like you’ll suffocate if the love doesn’t return somehow

it's okay little brother to peer beyond the street lights,
the curtains parted in desperate expectation,
when you wonder if daddy's ever coming home again,
you don’t need to explain yourself nor invent childish excuses,
daddy left us,
that’s all the reason you will ever need

it's okay little brother to be a baby
and not understand why big people lie and cheat
and hit you and hit you again,
t’s okay to cry when they pound your self-assurance into morning’s oatmeal,
and force your tiny curiosity back into the deepest hiding spot within yourself
and never ask you to come out and play

it's okay little brother that it's taken you all of your life time
to come to me and wake me in the middle of the night, and ask me
to be your daddy and hold you tight
against that monster under the bed,
against the monster in the dark
against the monster in buried in your heart
who's name you've never been able to say out loud

it's okay little brother to hate your daddy
because he left us, yes, it’s okay little brother,
and we couldn't ever speak of our heartache, until this morning,
little brother, when you had the courage to wake up
with those six-year-old tears in your sad eyes
and cry out my name
little brother

when the night monster returns

April 8, 2010 at 7:20am
April 8, 2010 at 7:20am
caught in a dream
his pain lessened slowly
just enough for him to take notice of its absence
the thumping rain had dimmed, the blood in his temples
flowed with a calm soothing flutter
and the morning light filtered just enough
to create a haze over the make-believe mountains
a mist over the loch were his demons had drowned
and that tell-tale numbing in his heart
the night was coming to an end

he would awake alone

once more he opened his eyes
suddenly caught in the reality of heartbreak
or merely the persistence of lumbago
the pain of stretched heartstrings is no less
than that of a man who desires to walk upright
forced to resign himself to a premature curve of old-age....

after the pain disappears, just for a while
April 7, 2010 at 4:36am
April 7, 2010 at 4:36am
...and several hours before dawn
still wandering aimlessly in a wise man’s disguise of meditation
I peek beyond the waterlogged corners
of my old friend, a faded indigo panama hat
to discover a cloudless three-a.m.
I circle back towards my own dark garden with its ivy-lined walls
and empty the rain-filled hammock between the oak and elm trees
there, I lie watching the stars between the not-yet-budded branches
of early springtime, thinking of all the stories they tell us, of all
the mathematically insane combinations of words each one could
represent, its twinkling a far-away message
of whatever would become
a balm for our hearts
for my heart
I do not feel its heaviness now, amazed by the poetry in uncountable stars
and wonder, as I feel the sandman’s approach, if any single mortal
could learn — after a lifetime of watching their slow transcending ballet —
all the shining combinations of winking hope they carry nightly
in their secret missions across the sky
in those long hours before tomorrow’s pale horizon…

when the calm returns
April 6, 2010 at 4:42pm
April 6, 2010 at 4:42pm
beyond midnight are the sounds of rain, a quiet pitter patter
an irregular swoosh of car tires on the wet pavement, people hurrying to their homes
before the promised deluge
the full moon has come and gone again, its magic measured in broken dreams
blinking street lamps resemble giant winged images perching on the still naked tree branches
exotic birds woven from soft cotton threads or folded silk papers also wait patiently for the miracle
of the first leaves, and somehow, they never become soggy
the rim of my panama hat catches the slow dripping of rain as I stroll through the darkness below
the dim reverberation of orange-lit rooms facing away from the street, this light casting
strange ruddy glows on brick walled gardens hidden further beyond, I imagine sitting there
reading a fable about a man in the moon or listening to girl children sing soft songs
warning the deft field mice —beware! the swift silent wings of a white eagle, his piercing cry
a quick punctuation to the gentle, unrelenting rainfall —
my cumbersome gait slows and yet I am uplifted by this spring wetness crowning
the evening with dark shadows; my eyes
see into the corners where promises are born and I smile knowingly
although there is no one else awake at this hour to see my upturned lips

midnight in the rain
April 5, 2010 at 2:01pm
April 5, 2010 at 2:01pm
time for forsythia, daffodils and cherry blossoms
tiny sapling buds of a rainbow of green
children laughing on a merry-go-round
brilliant blue sky contrasting
human joy with the perfection
of nature, I capture this freedom
on film, hobbling here and there
for I am an old man
examining things
not for the last time, but in a way
to remind me
of my own happy-go-lucky days
when I could still run like a deer
through the spring meadows
oblivious of old men
who sit resting on park benches

trespassing upon youth
April 4, 2010 at 12:28pm
April 4, 2010 at 12:28pm
bells toll to rally faith
glad congregation
in fear we resist the temptation
to ask questions of our hearts
wondering if our own sons
could conjure such devotion

across the crowded piazza
eyes meet, a charnel seduction
this moment must escape them
while other faces are piously lowered
bells of faith toll

they too are tantalized by hymns
of joyous blessing, yet in their pain
will they ever find sanctity
in the death of their own sons
never to rise except in the prayers
caught by the knell of mourning

a fable of three days

April 3, 2010 at 6:11am
April 3, 2010 at 6:11am
I cannot witness their departure
my heart is not valiant
watching powerless
I cannot listen to children
try to bravely allay
their blank-eyed sobbing
my tears would join in sad chorus
and I too will spend a lifetime asking why
cursing destiny and everyone else
I cannot summon the strength
to calmly watch fear claim their faces
and I am not a god
to offer clemency
though the look in their tender eyes
brings a certain wonder to my soul
I cannot choose in their place
the angels who must face
alone, and those abandoned
who must remain weeping
at the injustice of a claim
against pure and trusting hearts
filled with love and devotion

beyond even the love in my own heart
after an idea noted [2009.29.10...a]

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