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Rated: 18+ · Book · Inspirational · #1489243
"Scattered leaved with poetic imprints." My new collection of poetry.

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Well, it's now mid- 2019 and this is still the only book I use to house part of my new poetry.
I began using it years ago due to a lack of storage space in my over-700 item WDC portfolio.
I really need to do some spring, summer, fall and winter cleaning.
There are still lots of static items which have never received any mention by other members here.

But that's part of the problem of being a writer ( musician, artist, actor ... ).
I do not know how to network.

Thanks for discovering this link. Please leave a comment.
Bookmark it, please....
This is a writing site and not FarceBrook where it's so easy just to press the button "LIKE."
(( And I am not a fan of the fact that WDC has added it. ))
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June 20, 2010 at 4:38pm
June 20, 2010 at 4:38pm
when I dare to remember her
when those images escape
with a flow of tears
there is forever, and only
her infectious laughter
a tumbler of vodka
or whiskey, her good humor
highlighting the surface of her soul
like a puff of her classy cigarette smoke
below I knew and loved the torrents of ice
and fire that shone like the sun and moon
from her black eyes with a twinkle
nonetheless, she has always remained
a multitude of women, all different
within the same grace framed by her ideals
she is a portrait of every mother, the perfection
of sisterhood, the demonstrative lover
and my dear departed confidante
forever illuminating my memory
forever spelled in a name that will never
belong to another, uniquely hers
she was the friend who gave me so much
from her own heart, even when it burst
too soon from her black and white sadness …
life could not grant her only beautiful wish —
to share her waking dreams, but challenged her
instead, to take them with her
to the next, less hostile world
where peace would forever be her home

a sad day in May, 1997
with all my affection for Fique Rolland

June 19, 2010 at 6:05pm
June 19, 2010 at 6:05pm
I am solitary disciple of love
stranded in life with a constant eruption
of emotion I cannot share, the slightest
beauty hushes my heart to a standstill
and in that quiet restlessness
is a hint of loss grinding my soul to dust
that only shedding tears can paste together
to restore my breath once more

there are no stars in the sky tonight, it is cloudless,
Venus alone watches over my windows
where I sit and ponder this thing called solitude
that has crept into my clothes beside me
like the cool aloofness of the city haze
darkness has adopted me like a stray kitten
but the wounds she unwillingly inflicts
upon my awkward steps in our timid waltz
have never truly healed, her ever chaste kisses
are perfumed with death’s embrace

perchance moonlight will temper her charms
with the rhymes of a million stars, their illumination
ample proof of the long hours that remain
until love somehow captures me
and I am no longer alone

the long hours

June 18, 2010 at 4:28pm
June 18, 2010 at 4:28pm
a hidden part of me seeks the freedom
my every-day life seems to have forgotten
I am a boy who runs in the tall grasses
beyond the pine covered mountains
who drinks, like every other man
from a clear stream winding through the valleys
I stop to choose ripe berries from a bush
in the afternoon haze, I bathe in the sunlight
and sing aloud with the wind’s fickle song
or the summer rain’s lamentation
I am the bird call announcing joyous sunrise
every part of nature is alive in my soul…
deep inside me these memories are restless
the stories of my ancestors
agitate my heartbeat as I gaze
at a hesitant moon that tries
to illuminate the slumbering city
which is the only place I call home

what I am

June 17, 2010 at 5:04pm
June 17, 2010 at 5:04pm
once as a know-it-all teen
I tried hard to guide a horse
around sticks and brambles piled in the path
he jumped, I fell, merrily he cantered back home
and I wore a scarred back for two decades

later I met my first true love
we found a small house, giddy with happily-ever-after
but my career consumed many candles
that I burned desperately for months at a time
tempted by more, I left for a year,
which alas! turned into ten
of course love didn't wait

there are always puddles in the path
splash about and get as wet as you may
but as you do, turn over the stones you find
look underneath for an omen
forget nothing nor anyone
try and imagine your life had you not jumped
for a good horse can hurdle branches with free reins
a loving heart can encourage a different livelihood
alone, we the secrets of pain,
discover the weariness of solitude
and kick ourselves in the rear end, lacking hindsight
for the grass is rarely greener elsewhere....
but those are other stories....

the morale of puddles

OK, Not one of my best. I found a Proverb in Joy's blog and tried it out.
Too tired to fuddle with anything more creative....
June 16, 2010 at 5:36pm
June 16, 2010 at 5:36pm
no curtains adorn the window
where I sit waiting for the marvelous
the walls surrounding it are bare
but during the single moment
when night beseeches day to lend it
just a bit of color to tame the blackness
while the yin and yang circle completes its round
my eyes watch the silent parade
of ever-changing shapes and hues
as one blends slowly into the other
each evening is unique as from my window
I view a perfect masterpiece

and if I take a snapshot of these scenes
that every night breathe deeply between light and dark
a hundred other people become eager witnesses
and the communication from my eyes to theirs
joins us all in a harmonious sense of belonging
as we are each wrapped in our separate visions
of the pinks
the burnt red-oranges
a hundred blues and purples
that highlight gray and white cloud images
while the anthracite veil quietly claims the heavens
just for a few hours

a snapshot

June 15, 2010 at 5:10pm
June 15, 2010 at 5:10pm
white envelops
her dreams, softly
a gentle voice reaches her ears
across the miles of the past
that separated them, like a wisp of wind
that teases the bougainvillea
climbing on the trellises anchoring her life
the air carries the indistinct sound of three notes
played over and over on a harp or a guitar
sung sweetly like a lullaby, encouraged
she too sings these three notes
and adds three unspoken words between them
that always touch her heart
a declaration like the turquoise cross
resting between her breasts
the warmth of the sun, the west wind
insistent, like his eyes
her hope

fa, mi, ré
June 14, 2010 at 5:37pm
June 14, 2010 at 5:37pm
I have heard the wind call
from the four corners of life
it lifts the rich brown dust
and settles it elsewhere, spreading its wealth
weathered cactus share their limp shadows
with the blazing afternoon sun
red-ochre boulders block the horizon
I seek solace in the darkness they provide
and when the night comes, a whispering
keeps me from slumber's depths
I remember only a haze of tradition
a mist of promise
I am confident clarity will arrive
upon the rays of the next full moon
when I, bathed in silver shimmering
will let my need summon the wind's vastness
and listen to its crystal rushing, a humming
that will usher an ancestor's memory to my eyes
a wisdom I feel deep in my bones
but cannot yet use to shine
light on my own footprints

the call of the wind
For SummerLyn

June 13, 2010 at 4:32pm
June 13, 2010 at 4:32pm
wander into a grassy underworld
where forests of solar-powered plastic flowers
sparkle in early evening dimness
climb over steaming tea cups and fur-lined top hats
click your ruby clad heels and wake up in Paris, Texas
overhead, striped sunsets ask to be consumed
like peace pipes or meditation mantras
before they shrink into misty memory
blow out the candles as quick as a boom of thunder
lest the rain and wind storm again
and cover your body in a shroud of exhaustion
sleep, that delicate addiction, has returned
to weave its ultimate escape

where you wander

June 12, 2010 at 5:21pm
June 12, 2010 at 5:21pm
at the end
to have even a stranger
hold his hand, close his eyes
fold his arms over his chest
and say a simple prayer
not to die alone

at the end
to catch the white light
without the weight of solitude
to dry her eyes, to calm her fear
to light a last candle together
not to die alone

at the end
to speak of my far away family
to dream aloud of angels
to believe life was worth it, leaving no trace
except a stranger remembering my voice
not to die alone

at the end
to have someone mourn
look fondly at a photograph
in an album or on the wall
a tombstone engraved with love
not to die alone

not to die alone

June 11, 2010 at 5:27pm
June 11, 2010 at 5:27pm
he sings of earthly matters
a troubadours counting
of life to cherish love
loss to follow death’s footsteps
sweet weeping doth partake
all ages of man’s follies
his naked breast doomed
by a song despairingly sullen
jarring the marvels of beauty
resounding madrigal and lute...
ah death, greet him gently
on the morrow, ladies swoon
in darkness, let him dwell

death, greet him gently

After John Dowland’s song “In Darkness let me dwell"
as sung by Sting’s on his album “Songs from the Labyrinth.”

June 10, 2010 at 4:58pm
June 10, 2010 at 4:58pm
like razor sharp gashes on gray canvas, the rain cut
through my vision piercing through my skin
to soak my bones in x-ray suffering
even holding the blue umbrella was an effort
my boot-clad feet trudged through oily puddles
on the sidewalk, allowing my early arrival
for a hour’s massage to tempt my pain with relief
her gentle hands did not alleviate much
of my life’s weight burdening my back
its dissention merely rolled around my spine
and settled itself in my right shoulder blade
provoking more nausea and angry flashes
in my blood-shot eyes incapable of guiding me homeward

two hours later a third hot shower
drugged me in warm drowsiness
but I did not cohort with sleep
the migraine claimed my attention
and jealously stared me in the face
for eighteen hours, much like
a wicked vindictive mistress
without a new bauble to prove her worth


June 9, 2010 at 5:28pm
June 9, 2010 at 5:28pm
The second poem for today.
Inspired by Cat's comment in Summer's blog entry of yesterday.

the peacemakers continue to believe, when
we have forgotten, on their fragile shoulders
they carry the weight of light, hoping this beacon
shines far enough into the estranged hearts
of the lost and erring who have let the doubt
of darkness envelop their lives

the peacemakers cannot cry out loudly
vociferation is so often mistaken
for a war song, bringing an uprising of arms
from the ignorant who do not listen —
yet they cannot whisper
for who will listen to a wise man thus?

the peacemakers are dying, old age
pushes them into the world of their beliefs
they leave behind generations of their children
who follow slowly in timid footsteps
praying that one day the message of their fathers
will rebuild a world where unity reigns
and no man needs to fear
the misguided certitudes of another

the peacemakers
a ROAP for SummerLyn
June 9, 2010 at 4:57pm
June 9, 2010 at 4:57pm
varied blues paint the skyscape
outlined in deep gray
with droopy pink fringe
I am reminded of a childhood game
finding powder puff
animals on a lazy summer day
tonight there are mountains
and tranquil paradise islands
and a fat man-in-the-moon cumulonimbus
a lone human character in the scenery
imperceptibly a dragon’s tale
curls out of the snowy Matterhorn
between the two inverted Egyptian pyramids
a last orange breath of fire
before extinguishing the day’s light
and in a half-hour’s time I will be drawn
to the silence of black hovering
like sleep rewarding a tiresome day
my concentration will wane
and I’ll imagine a shooting star
even though the depth of summer’s heat
has not yet enveloped my senses…
ever changing, the windless
clouds permeate my meditation
perhaps birthing those same dreams
where I conquer the mysteries of my imagination

[2010.9 6…a]

June 8, 2010 at 4:21pm
June 8, 2010 at 4:21pm
like every evening, he sits in darkness
ideas swelling, he spells out each word
supposed to describe his emotions
they fail, lacking punctuation

a dusty strip of sunset beneath
powerfully turbulent thunderclouds
inspires a monologue on grayness
drabness lacks splashes of primary colors

when finally nature unleashes her wildness
he stares at the streaks drenching the windows
surprised at the wetness on his cheeks
he remembers, his father left on a rainy day

a blue ink spot mars the page, he has drifted
into a place built of clouds and sorrow
where he tastes his love for lightning rods
ablaze in words, his pen burns through page eight

frenzy spent, he underlines passages
about mourning people he has lost
hours turn towards the owl’s plaintive chant
perhaps the sunrise will be less murky

page eight

June 7, 2010 at 11:27am
June 7, 2010 at 11:27am

from deep ocean blue clarity
light allows curiosity to float
to a place of calm and nothingness
after the luring of promises
by so many people unaware
of the marvels deep
within their own hearts…
looking thus at the sun’s rays
salted and belly offered skywards
maybe the hidden moon
will be the sudden guide
into the excited commotion
of a common marketplace
where among other oddities
hope is for sale within the casual smile
of a brown-skinned jewelry vendor
convinced that a woven leather bracelet
is the object necessary
for quiet meditation
to cross the boundary
between suffering
and illumination

other sides

June 6, 2010 at 4:03pm
June 6, 2010 at 4:03pm
dark hours envelop the familiar
in a murky fear of jumping
from rampant skeletons
and their siren songs
to the unknown void
of a soul trying desperately
to find a healing path
lit in something other
than rattling poems of midnight

within the breath of invincible winds
starlight beseeches the planets
for more reflection, knowing all along
that there are solar lights
along the path that need only
my presence to place their gentle rays
in orbit around my spirit
still navigating blindly
between yesterday and tomorrow

there is a pallid shadow surrounding me
I patiently await the strength
when my own inner light finally explodes

poems of midnight
June 5, 2010 at 1:43pm
June 5, 2010 at 1:43pm
three hours before sunrise
two more until the neighborhood
rummage sale brouhaha
dream-like peace destroyed
in instant nightmare clashes
from windows opened
against the torrid summer heat
racket wafts upwards
from the dim-lit street
turned into vast no parking zone
tow trucks creak and cringe
lifting recalcitrant vehicles
abandoned by lazy owners
human displeasure
augments the din
sweet dream wishers
bedded two hours earlier
vocalize irate frustration
angry fists raised
cars disappear
one after the other

before the rummage sale

June 4, 2010 at 5:35pm
June 4, 2010 at 5:35pm
the key leaves deep welts in my neck
its weight a burden, crushing my heart

rusty and oversized, it jams, breaking the lock
nothing penetrates into the musty darkness

thick black ash is my coronary arrest
my veins are stuffed with whiskey and cigarette

no enlightenment is framed on nights
where the full moon illuminates my sadness

I douse the candlelight with tears, like a blind man
I trace white chalk outlines on the earthen floor

my raspy breath limits the walls I have built
steaming the windows, no one taps on the pane

no armored shutters clang and bang in the wind
my cage of betrayal’s rotting planks is still solid

violent and crazed I explode into lightning
the temperamental eye of a summer storm

in that premature calm I pace, curved and ancient
reckoning myself to the spinning call of a black hole

soul-searing pain tears at my throat
the key burns brightly, snaps free, powerless

too late to disappear without regret
I jump into a million light years of my past

and in that one crucial second I trade
the chains of life for the freedom in death

beyond the locked door

June 3, 2010 at 4:03pm
June 3, 2010 at 4:03pm
later in the season, the droplets will sizzle
on the sidewalk below, now they form dull puddles

six times I have filled my tin watering can
nourishing my potted balcony rain forest

a lazy bumblebee circles about geranium flowers
wetted by my evening ritual, I sip lilac wine

swallows dip in acrobatic pursuit of insects
yet moths always find the way towards my lamps

soon the bats living in the eaves above my balcony
will replace the skydiving birds with as much grace

reclining comfortably behind opened windows
I meditate on the wonders of ever-changing light

tonight there is a pale orange sunset, the first one
decorating june’s skies, clear, sunny and seasonal

summer heat will arrive soon enough, suffocating the city
by that time I will lie on the beach, naked and tanned

far from the hustle and bustle, I will ask only
that falling stars illuminate my evenings

after june’s sunsets

June 2, 2010 at 6:14pm
June 2, 2010 at 6:14pm
I hold a large moss-covered stone
its flat surface speckled with shiny emeralds

I mistake my richness, my fingers trace
its heart-shaped outline, soft and warm

the gems whistle for thieving souls
for safety, I must hide them in deep pockets

I cannot both protect and ponder
my future while embracing such marvels

a wise man ignores my tiny tokens of wealth
needing a doorstop, he asks to buy the rock

a gate, propped open by my big green heart
allows every man the freedom to come and go

casually he says that I may contemplate
emeralds only behind locked doors

suddenly I see loneliness, my hands heavy
resisting the curious that covet my good fortune

saddened, though I fear a pauper’s life
I toss the shiny green gems into the flowing river

I cannot converse with silent jewels
so I appease my solitude with a moss-covered stone

a wise man’s treasure

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