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"Scattered leaved with poetic imprints." My new collection of poetry.

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Well, it's now mid- 2019 and this is still the only book I use to house part of my new poetry.
I began using it years ago due to a lack of storage space in my over-700 item WDC portfolio.
I really need to do some spring, summer, fall and winter cleaning.
There are still lots of static items which have never received any mention by other members here.

But that's part of the problem of being a writer ( musician, artist, actor ... ).
I do not know how to network.

Thanks for discovering this link. Please leave a comment.
Bookmark it, please....
This is a writing site and not FarceBrook where it's so easy just to press the button "LIKE."
(( And I am not a fan of the fact that WDC has added it. ))
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April 8, 2011 at 4:59pm
April 8, 2011 at 4:59pm

in case of an accident, identification papers: an out-of-date license from a foreign country
in case the foreign people need to be warned of death; loose change, a few small bills, keys,
(bureau, house, the ex-car no longer driven), in the bottom of the rucksack is a faded rose
bud carefully preserved in a small wooden box engraved with foreign symbols, I’ve forgotten
where it came from, but know who gave it to me; menthol flavored paper handkerchiefs for
the 12-month allergy season, a few paperback books in case boredom strikes or my feet can’t
bring me home so I need to take a taxi or a bus, yes the tickets are there too

there’s a strange collection of plastic bottle caps, eight or nine, a set of jeweler’s screwdrivers
with yellow handles, a police whistle in case of problems with young know-it-alls, a bronze
bell from Tibet, dried fruit and nuts if I spend too much money on other stuff, in that case I
have to remember to rob the piggy bank before leaving the house again; various maps still
have a home in the side pocket even though the cities are not where I currently dwell,
postcards never written from those trips

the rucksack is filled with memories, its sun-stained canvas is silent

earphones and a head set, depending on the out door temperature, to listen to a new-fangled
mp3 player with hours of string quartets and symphonies, breath mints of all types and
flavors, should I meet someone I know — bad breath can quickly stop unwanted
conversations, my teeth are clean but digestive confusion leaves its aura around me;
sunglasses, a baseball cap, a scarf if the wind picks up, a dictionary because I’m bilingual but
forget words in both languages, an alabaster egg, a wooden duck painted with blue and
orange stripes, various utensils for writing stored in a small leather case containing a used
inkwell and yellow stationary bearing an address thirty-five years old

oh, there are such odds and ends that travel daily in my humble company…

next to the gold dragon and an emerald, a third chain around my neck bears a flat black onyx
medallion engraved with seriousness, a message well needed before my visit with Saint Peter
— it reads “do not reanimate” (ne pas réanimer)… I carry my life with me everywhere I go,
I’ve learned not to fight the inevitable

things in a rucksack

April 7, 2011 at 3:58pm
April 7, 2011 at 3:58pm

the same washed out blue vest, twenty years old, ironed weekly to a crisp, pockets filled with the items for daily use: a bus pass when hip joints ache too much, glasses for far and near, eye drops, the notebook, this year's opus already torn and tattered in april — impressions fade so quickly now, menthol flavored paper handkerchiefs, an ivory bear talisman, master to a handful of meditation rocks — as close to a religious symbol as he allows — touch that dam too closely and water under the bridge will be the biggest tsunami wave ever imagined, lastly, an old yellowed photo, only one, of a time so far away that youth seemed eternal

he still lumbers up and down the same avenues, home had to be somewhere, —there are no other places to go, he stops daily at the same park, direction the gazebo with the waterfall behind it and the uncomfortable stone bench where other couples have engraved their initials, victims to silly puppy love

proud, he still resembles that man alone under an elm tree, his life watered down to colorlessness, even if, fifty-five years later, he has never ceased believing in angels

under an elm tree
prose poetry

April 6, 2011 at 2:18am
April 6, 2011 at 2:18am

mon petit ange bleu
always made you blush
my truth was simple
your angelic smile did light up my life
your cobalt eyes
were as deep and vast as every blue
I had every imagined
you redefined perfection
and crowned me your prince
our days together were heavenly
our nights were black and white ecstasy
yet you could never unpaint
the broad primary stripes of sadness
from the dreams plaguing my souls, as if
loving a blue angel was not destined to last
as long as I could continue to breath…
you never spoke of your aches and pains
printed in your private coloring book
or warned me that your love
might suddenly explode one morning
and fade permanently into your last aquarelle
of a man alone under an elm tree
watered down to colorlessness
I saw then how the last brush stroke erased
the color from your eyes
and left me prisoner of that portrait
alone with the bittersweet memory
of my sweet blue angel

blue angel

April 5, 2011 at 5:45am
April 5, 2011 at 5:45am
“Music was my refuge.
I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness. ”
-Maya Angelou, Gather Together in My Name

home to solitude, listen to my heart beat
discover what makes it throb
I resembled a stray cat, and music -
its insistent purring – played the role of my
no one claimed me among the notes
they were black and white ecstasy
broad primary stripes of sadness
where word songs plunged into
my soul welcomed their mysterious haunting
and I whispered with yesterday's pain
laughed at my daily incongruity
like all children did
of a future gathering towards
a life force responsible for my precious
a companion to the less ordinary
sounds I might one day find


April 4, 2011 at 3:53am
April 4, 2011 at 3:53am
I long for a garden
a place to bask in the sun, or meditate
under the branches of any tree
that wants to call itself
home for shade

there I will seek no shelter, welcoming
any windy path from harmonious concerns

darkness gathers over my Eden
daunting spirits alight like fanciful fireflies
my soul welcomes their mysterious haunting
as the first blossoms of jasmine perfume the air
I sense joy in this unique moment
when answers weave yesterday with tomorrow

in my garden I face the stardust
while wind songs let me touch heaven

counting joys and concerns

For Beth and SummerLyn
April 3, 2011 at 5:00am
April 3, 2011 at 5:00am

distant, my breath returning slowly
like the elliptical journey of the planets
I follow you, shadowed in rejuvenating starlight
I reach so far away from myself, a prisoner
caught in moon rays radiating midnight meditation
that are quickly fading between yesterday and today
there, too far away now, our footprints in the sand
leave a windy path from harmonious concerns
about two broken hearts
their song a dream of melted candles, a cloud of dust
left behind, reflecting in desensitized hope
that tomorrow the pain will stop for a brief moment

melted candles


April 2, 2011 at 8:04am
April 2, 2011 at 8:04am
naked, unclothed, untouched
no arms to caress the zones of solitude
invisible kisses parch my lips
desert dunes hiding each peaceful oasis

like starlight, I reach so far away from myself
between each midnight and my dreams
their chimes conceal a fog emptied
of all substance

regardless of who answers my call
the cloth of my life cannot morph
into soothing wools or cooling silks
this magic weave remains a plea
but I am no beggar

in the loom, its threads tightly knotted
their color pales into a fuzzy zoom
the garment sized for two...

a patient wait in a bed
downsized by too many extra pillows
poorly imitating a warm human presence
naked, unclothed, untouched
I shiver

I am alone
a willing partner for a sensual embrace
Morpheus, ever faithful, can never return

night magic
For Scarlett
and her line "May the cloth of life morph into soothing warm wools and cool, silky satins for you."

April 1, 2011 at 6:11am
April 1, 2011 at 6:11am
temple bells
resonate like VSOP Courvoisier
in spite of grey-streaked skies
east west north south
my prayer is complete
mortal men can do so much
if the divine appears
in a sudden moon-striking ray
of silvery good luck
when the winning lottery numbers
resemble those on my ticket
then I’ll pray every day
regardless of who answers

we do all we can

March 31, 2011 at 5:36am
March 31, 2011 at 5:36am
eyes indicating some state of still being captured by night
I drift between the wannabe sun dance
and a child’s delight at me guessing her name
it seems buried in a pre-Alzheimer’s memory stick
I’m too young for senility’s pranks, but playing with her
brings back my own springtime
all of her names mean love

caught in brilliant cross-over
between an Andy Warhol/Mozart eclipse
quadra-chrome portraits in black and white sound
I have forgotten your birthday
guilt hounds at my soul, I find a way to console myself
an April Fool’s card hoping your days
are not spoiled by rainfall
or Japanese nuclear atom-filled dust particles
my eyes burn, but I’m easily embarrassed

a large coin dropped in a wishing well
I want both of us to live long enough
for Guinness to interest itself in our longevity

finally I extract myself from sleep
I am that nameless child playing
the same game with my schoolmates
inventing pseudo names for myself
so no one would learn who I then found myself to be
lonely, already walled in lies
that only Bach and later Monet could smooth
into cloth I felt comfortable wearing

the cloth of life

For Jen Marie

March 28, 2011 at 5:30pm
March 28, 2011 at 5:30pm
in other cities you people dear
to my heart sleep tranquilly, worrying not
that my soul is slowly tattering
tethered to my fear
that one morning I will not wake
and the fright of these last minutes
of utter solitude will, like a spear
tear the silence from my heart
my whispered cries unheard
the rhythm in my chest slowing
towards its rendez-vous with eternity

and on that fatal and dreary morning
no one will know why my front door
remains locked behind the silence
no one will be present to shed the tears
that might warm the ghost of my departing ember
and across the continents
where my fondness has strayed
no one will remember flowers
to decorate my unmarked emplacement
at the crematorium
simple endearments to guide
my erring soul while it still hovers
above my love
dispersed between my memory
and your fading photo album pictures…

did you dream of me that night?

March 26, 2011 at 9:42pm
March 26, 2011 at 9:42pm
Joy and Kåre's blogs. Haven't decided what to write chez Joy, but composed the following for Kåre:

i am his thief
stealing stones, beetles and crunchy cookies
dispersing them as treasures
along the slow spring path
of the williamson kin trail, from the school
to the libraries found in the forest, there i learn
of a clearing where their forefathers
planted an orchard, sweet pears and apples
vineyards facing the mountain's flank
tomorrow we will, on our separate ways
visit the fish market, i will find cloves
and other rare spices, to be paid for
with a rhyme and a jig
for i am only a thief of his dreams...

his thief
A RAOP for Kåre
March 23, 2011 at 1:32pm
March 23, 2011 at 1:32pm
i cannot live inside the super moon
its light too bright, its rays too distant
in my dreams that night
i was drinking rum

i cannot live inside a mere poem
my pen and muse are too often at odds
and what would become
of ancient broad-wood trees
weathered mariners, or faraway realms of magic
that a simple love poem
cannot touch?

                    i would wander

in the words, though, letting them
whisk me into fantasy worlds, or Greco-roman amphitheatres
overcrowded stadiums, a gilded opera house

i would find myself on a victorious mountain top overlooking
deep emerald rivers,
where, like love-struck Romeo, I would declaim

                   my soul songs
                   and listen to the universe weep

never lost on my ethereal perch
i would let those words pave my slow return to civilization
on roads winding through forests,
where, gladly yielding to the temptation of bird song
and shadows from the overhanging canopy,

                   i would wonder

and i would ponder
content to be delayed by this delectable mystery
where tantalizing sounds shoot arrows through my heart
and double its speed, a twin to starlight
am i in love?
is this the radiance of last night's full moon?
is this power i find in a poem?

in or outside of it
i know nothing other
than i am alive…

where i would live

Inspired by Crys-not really here after today's Poetry Newsletter
March 21, 2011 at 10:56am
March 21, 2011 at 10:56am
cloudless blue skies, dirt under my nails
today the balcony changes seasons
sweat-stained socks tumble in soap suds
shirts hang in the sun on a balcony rope
jazzy improvisations jabber with the wind
and the tea kettle whistles like birds call for love
I stop to breathe the still cool air, the taste fresh
before munching on cookies
the broom waits patiently for the last act
the epilogue a visit to the trash cans
in the courtyard five flights down
plants revive quickly in afternoon sunlight
rejuvenating buds promise more colors
than blue seen at each cardinal point
my heart is buoyant, already thriving on springtime

thriving on springtime

March 20, 2011 at 1:23pm
March 20, 2011 at 1:23pm
...so I'll pen a small haiku...

evening fantasy
spring colors blue with pink haze
midnight promise

February 23, 2011 at 11:43am
February 23, 2011 at 11:43am
there is only one empty room
where the blue moon creeps
before he returns from the orchards
at four in the afternoon
where a lifetime of cookie crumbs
tempt generations of mice
oak floor boards creak, ghosts hover
and cast lonesome shadows 
a caress on chips from blue-painted walls
polish for weathered thick brass doorknobs
beyond one, the closet's dark threshhold
still welcomes empty hangers
old mud-caked boots on the floor
beyond another the garden-side window
says goodbye to the lemon tree
and the porch swing turns cold north winds
into faded creaks of his old photo album

the lemon tree
February 22, 2011 at 8:51am
February 22, 2011 at 8:51am
the empty house floats around me
parquet floors with Persian rugs
brick walls hung with original oils
hot water floods into a sunken tub
vanilla parfumes the air like an orchid
pale green tea mists through a glass pot
the second cup is empty
I am thirsty for the sound of rain
clouds gather round the steeple that points
towards my nighttime dreams
I am a dolphin, a sea horse
a falling star
a sudden splash startles my reverie
a tap of winter's tears on the window
and with ripples of pleading
the house brightens into a love song
loneliness forgotten

when the sun almost sets
February 14, 2011 at 1:41pm
February 14, 2011 at 1:41pm
Catherine's Valentine's poem inspired me.
I took another stanza from the same text by Rumi and turned it into the following glosa poem.

At night, I open the window
and ask the moon to come
and press its face into mine.
Breathe into me.
         Some Kiss We Want -- Rumi

Alone with my comforter
I listen for your whispering,
knowing your verse by heart.
Among nightingale songs
at midnight, I open the window.

My prayer would hear your voice
remembering this day.
Sunlight has faded,
so has this promise of love,
and I ask the moon to come

the stars to illuminate
your portrait gracing the wall.
I have not forgotten you —
I offer my solitude only a chaste kiss
and press your face into mine.

But oh, when at last we touch
after a delicious wait,
harmony tunes our discord
and your life awakens my wishes ---
breathe into me.

the breath of moonlight
February 13, 2011 at 12:36pm
February 13, 2011 at 12:36pm
A poem inspired by the glosa form. Basically, one takes part of another writer's poem, highlights it as the beginning of the new poem and uses each line quoted as a point of development for a new poem which "glosses" the original. There is a small rhyme scheme which I have not respected 100%.

The text is not here. As it's a 81 line poem, I have awarded it its own Static Item. For the time being, as I'm looking for reviews, it's Auto Rewarded, so true reviews will earn you GPs!

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1751035 by Not Available.
February 8, 2011 at 6:06pm
February 8, 2011 at 6:06pm
I can't copy a photo here from Mandy's FarceBrook page, but it's the one where the river winds through the forest.

Summer asked if I couldn't use her photo as inspiration for a new poem. I have done so tonight.

silence has gathered its tethered hush
over the abandoned  wilderness
not yet frozen, a trickle of current
conveys the sparkle of december sunlight
from east to west, twisting then north to south
the riverbed path wanders
in a zig-zag through the forest
covered in winter's robe, harsh and  beautiful
a slight breeze carries the spirits of other seasons
like the mist of human breath
tickling naked branches that reach toward eternity
with the silent  memories of generations of wisdom's promise
night eventually falls and by the moon's silver hues
only the cold blanket of snow catches the motionless shadows
time, like the ageless river, flows hither and yon
casting a glow of destiny towards
the horizon of mankind's tomorrow 

while we wait
January 27, 2011 at 4:36am
January 27, 2011 at 4:36am

undismayed, my tears flow
they cleanse the loneliness
I have imposed upon my body
to heal the tension that ails it
my mind and soul run free
in a monastery bound by
vows of silence, their marvels
unshared — for I cannot parry
the distance that imprisons me
from the world I affection

I read your simple words
and bask in their comfort
they are the welcome bringer of tears

I am not a hollow man
though a dense nothingness
surrounds my heart, daily
its growing pains thwart
the emptiness, and each time
I dim my bedside lamps
before retiring into the void of sleep —
sometimes punctuated by silence
often compressed into a mess of turbulence —
I too offer a humble prayer
that resembles a selfish mantra

to the eons of darkness between us
I follow a single shooting star and hope
that the peace you find in her arms
will be enough to help my soul heal
as I watch your love unfold
while I wait for the day
I am strong enough to once again
fill my heart
with the truest joys of your friendship

words need not be spoken

It's rough and I did the first draft on the iPad. But after another fifteen minutes at the computer, my wrist has begun its ritual of pain, so my revision must stop at this point.

This is for two people in love, who need no other dedication than knowing how much both have helped my heart to grow. In spite of my enforced silence.

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