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Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2059682
Blog for October 30 Day Blogging Challenge And November, and December....and so on...
An interesting thing to do....And now I've become a blogging addict *Rolling*
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February 21, 2016 at 1:09pm
February 21, 2016 at 1:09pm
"Life isn't exclusive to the Earth, no matter what the snobbish, elitists may say. How dare you think that you are so special? I've seen your little space rockets come and go - manned and unmanned. Some have returned, and some, well, haven't. And I've seen some that never made it into space at all.

Well, here I am, just twiddling my thumbs - that's what you would call them, anyway. You were so close to me once - you came around this giant rock that orbits your own. I cried out to you, and I saw the startled looks on your faces. But you never reached out to me. You left tiny footprints on the rock and left. Why didn't you answer? Why didn't you come back?

"I've been out here so long. Why can't anyone hear me?"


Please read this article and then create your own take/ version of the story.... be creative and amuse us all with your entry. I believe in your ability.
February 20, 2016 at 11:29am
February 20, 2016 at 11:29am
What sort of planning goes into the creation of your characters? What must you know about them before you can tell their story?

If you have a favorite character in something you have already written post a link to share with us in your entry.

One particular character that I have started a collection for my grandchildren is "Froggy". You can see him and some adventures here:

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I would like to have a few more, and then perhaps get them published for my grandchildren. Anyway, that is the plan (among so many others *Facepalm*).

Froggy just kind of came to me when I was thinking about some poetry that I could share with my grandkids. Hopefully they will come to love books as much as I do. So why not give them something that they can read out loud and have fun with...and a gift from "grammy" to boot?

So there you have it, *Smile*. If you'd like to check them out, I am open to any suggestions on topics or if you care to review. Thanks again!

~Until next time....

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February 20, 2016 at 1:22am
February 20, 2016 at 1:22am
Ouch! I've missed three days this month...I'm not usually one for missing a blog...last few days a bit rough, but I'm getting there. Lots of great things going on, and the auction/raffle for Inquiring Minds has really done well considering it is the first one I've sponsored. I am glad to be part of this great group of people!
Anyway, going to call it a night in a few and see about getting everything caught up this weekend!
February 18, 2016 at 1:11pm
February 18, 2016 at 1:11pm
The second act: an amazing time,
No re-do's, going for the gusto!
No cares, nothing slowing me down.
An adventure awaits!
117 characters
Written for Tweet me a Story - February 2016 round
February 18, 2016 at 12:01pm
February 18, 2016 at 12:01pm
Prompt ~ T.S. Eliot said~ "Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." Have you ever taken a big chance and watched it pay off? Inquiring minds want to know

Well, I guess I will be finding out. I went to college for a time - about 16 years ago. My factory was shut down, and I was able to take schooling for 2 years on the gov't's dime. I really didn't do much with it other than get a little bit of student debt. *Headbang*

So, now I am taking the plunge and trying to go back to school. I don't know for sure if it will be in March or May as yet. I will be going to a technical school, and my idea is to get an Associates of Science in Medical Coding/Billing. If that works out, I may go ahead and get a Bachelor's in Business. Pretty lofty goals for an almost 50 year old, eh? My grandson starts school this fall (kindergarten! *Shock2*) It's time for me to be able to contribute to the household a little more than just babysitting...LOL. I know, that's a big deal nowadays, with the cost of daycare, but it would also make me feel better as well.

So I guess I will see if this chance will end up paying off! There you have it, boys and girls!

~Just saying
February 17, 2016 at 12:13pm
February 17, 2016 at 12:13pm
Writers are great readers so I am told. What is your favorite book? Here's your opportunity to convince me that I should read it too! Give me a glimpse into the plot and enlighten me about the characters personality.
Sell it as if you wrote it yourself with the same kind of passionate intensity

Name of the series: Hythrun Chronicles, Wolfblade Trilogy
Names of the books: Wolfblade, Warrior, and Warlord
Author: Jennifer Fallon

This trilogy came out around 2006. I have read it three times now, and have just reacquired it for my collection.

The setting of the story is a country called Hythria. The High Prince is a perverse lover of pleasures with little interest in running the kingdom. His little sister, Marla Wolfblade is the center of the story, having been given to the king of a neighboring country. The Royalist movement, wanting to keep the future king of Hythria natural born kidnaps Marla and marries her to one of the Warlords.
The story progresses from Marla being a naive young girl to a politically savvy woman, who is trying to protect her family, including her oldest son who is heir to Hythria's throne. In this transformation, Marla has the help of her slave, Elezaar, and a young man named Wrayan Lightfinger, who possesses magic of a race thought long gone, the fabled Harshini.

It is a story of political machinations, with a bit of magic and even the gods making an occasional appearance. Plotting, revenge, assassination, maneuvering - in a fantastical land which is creatively inspired by the author.

I recommend it greatly. It will captivate you and the many characters are interwoven in a great story. There are twists and turns you won't see coming, and it is quite the ride in a well written trilogy. I obtained my copies through Amazon.com.

~Just saying.
February 16, 2016 at 1:40pm
February 16, 2016 at 1:40pm
Do you read food labels? Do you ever spend time researching some of the odd names they use to disguise the ingredients?

My son-in-law and I watched a Netflix documentary called "fed up"...it was produced as a wake-up call to the diet industry and all the different ways that sugar could be disguised in food. It was alarming and disturbing. My daughter went food shopping with her husband after watching the documentary, and he literally started yelling at the food while reading the labels. I have read labels, but it scares me how much food is really "food products" that are supposed to taste like food. If you don't have a fresh vegetable diet (and even better, if you grow your own), then you are gambling on what is actually being eaten. The same can be said of meat/dairy products as well.

I've given a few links below for more interesting/disturbing reading:

fed up movie on YouTube:

different names for sugar:


February 15, 2016 at 1:05pm
February 15, 2016 at 1:05pm
PROMPT: It is said that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Do you believe this to be true? Other than people, what is something you have done without for an extended period of time...for so long that it felt like it was beginning to hurt?

I guess it would depend on what it is you are missing. I would counter that "out of sight, out of mind" may work as well.
I suppose that extended periods of not having something can be a bummer. The last time that I was without something that bothered me was my computer. My grandson had accidentally broken off the connector to the power cord to it, and my kids were in no position to fix it right away. So for a year, I had no computer of my own...That in itself sucked. But I survived, and eventually, the cord was replaced. I don't think I've been off the computer much since that day that I got it back *Smile*.
I miss my mom and dad and being in their home. I live in Texas and they live in Michigan, so it isn't like I can just go and see them any time I wish. I guess that would qualify as painful not being able to see them.

~Just saying
February 15, 2016 at 12:56pm
February 15, 2016 at 12:56pm
Day 41 *BoxCheck* (Feb 14)
Day off...spent the day with grandson.

Day 42 *BoxCheck* (Feb 15)
Bike ride: a bit short today...20 minutes. 2 1/2 miles.

Day 43 *BoxCheck* (Feb 16)
Bike ride: 30 minutes and 4 miles...time to work on breaking that wall! *Smile* *Sneaker1*

Day 44 *BoxCheck* (Feb 17)
Treadmill today...half hour and 1/2 mile...used time waiting for clothes to dry. Also 10 minutes on bike. *Sneaker1**Sneaker1*

Day 45 *BoxCheck* (Feb 18)
Mixing it up a bit...10 minutes on bike 1 1/2 miles...walking and weights today.
Unusually tired today.

Day 46 *BoxCheck* (Feb 19)
30 minutes on the bike...seem to be hitting a bit of a wall, mentally. I am so very grateful for all of the encouragement I have been given, and a huge THANK YOU to those that do *Bigsmile*! I won't give up...just gotta break through this "BLAH" feeling.

Day 47 *Boxcheck* (Feb 20)
3/4 mile on the treadmill in 30 minutes...I'm just kind of strolling today. This definitely works different muscles than the bike. I feel like I'm still doing baby steps, but hoping that by the end of the 100 days, there is a difference LOL...just moving is a good thing for me *Bigsmile*

Day 48 *BoxCheck* (Feb 21)
Biked 4 miles on stationary bike...30 minutes. LOL...need a bicycle emoticon or a sweating one...LOL

Day 49 *BoxCheck* (Feb 22)
The wind is a howling, and Boogie (my grandson's nickname) and I are playing and cleaning up the house. It has been a while, but I once had a hard time just playing with him without getting winded...now we can chase each other around...cannot wait for the pool and the parks! This is his last summer before he begins his school career *Sob*

Day 50 *BoxCheckR* (Feb 23) HALF WAY THERE!!!
OMG! I've gotten to the 1/2 way point! Dancing today with Richard Simmons and Sweating to the Oldies (to change things up) for half an hour...gonna need a shower afterward! And good thing nobody can see me doing this *Facepalm* as this white grandma looks funny dancing *Headbang*!

Days off used to date: *CheckG* *CheckG* *CheckG*
February 13, 2016 at 2:14pm
February 13, 2016 at 2:14pm
Write about a favorite Valentine's Day memory...for The Challenge by Shaye

I really cannot think of anything that sticks out in my mind. I have received jewelry and flowers and candy and cards...but those things often are given by others on Valentine's Day.
I would just love for every day to Valentine's Day...not for the "stuff"....heaven's no! I would just like to be appreciated by someone w/o having to wait for Valentine's Day or my birthday or Christmas to come around. A daily reminder of how much I am thought of, and appreciated. Holding my hand or giving me a hug or squeeze or even just a smile. Ahhh...that would be a memory worth holding onto.

Just my opinion, really.

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