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Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2059682
Blog for October 30 Day Blogging Challenge And November, and December....and so on...
An interesting thing to do....And now I've become a blogging addict *Rolling*
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March 25, 2016 at 9:36am
March 25, 2016 at 9:36am
Fun Fact Friday!

On this day in 1954, RCA manufactured its first color TV set and began mass production. Had this never happened, do you think we would still enjoy what television has to offer us?

I'm not sure, as I cannot imagine TV not being colored. I've seen black and white televisions and have actually watched them, but could you imagine some of the TV programs today in B&W? Boggles the mind. I guess it's what is taken for granted. We see in color, so we watch that which is in color without even thinking about it. I imagine that even if it were B&W, there would be a draw to watch some things, such as the news and whatnot...Heck, I suppose my answer is yes...LOL *Facepalm*. I get most of my viewing online, now...don't have a fancy smancy TV. *Rolling*
March 24, 2016 at 6:49am
March 24, 2016 at 6:49am
Day 81 (March 25) *Checkg*
Walk, walk, walk...around the apartment complex. My grandson is fun to walk with, and now that he talks pretty much non-stop, he is very entertaining as a walking companion...Counting down to swimming pool!!!

Day 82 (March 26) *Checkg*
Took some advice and shook things up a bit! Did some dancing, and some arm curls. Going to look up some different things on YouTube this coming week *Smile* for exercise change-ups.

Day 83 (March 27) *Checkg*
I can do this! I can do this! walking around the apt complex, looking longingly at the pool...LOL...also did laundry and checked the mail...so no major feats, but stayed moving. Glad to do so when spend each morning at a desk or a computer *Laptop*!

Day 84 (March 28) *Checkg*
Weights and stretches. Tired of walking and biking today, so I thought I'd just limber up. A bit distracted from class today, and this will be a nice change of pace for me.

Day 85 (March 29) *Checkg*
A little nervous about the Mid Term, so studied a bit with classmates after school...then came home and walked around the block. Cannot wait for swimming pool...LOL...only about 6 weeks or so to go!!!

Day 86 (March 30) *Checkg* Bike riding, here I am. Now to get organized and do a "Loser's Club" goal sheet to see where I want to go from here!

Day 87 (March 31) *Checkg* Mid Term is over! and got a 97% So very very happy about that. So to celebrate, I did a little dancing with Richard Simmons...LOL...Rockin' Robin is really gonna rock tonight *Music1*

Day 88 (April 1) *Checkg*Uggh! April Fools' Day indeed! Snow in the air, and this is Texas *Shock2*!! So I got to walk on the treadmill and walk around the hospital for my dr's appt.

Day 89 (April 2) *Checkg*
Crazy weather, I tell you! Pretty enough to go for a walk outside...snow? what snow *Facepalm*...***sigh....

Day 90 (April 3) *Checkr*
Time to check in! exercise bike is a nice way to relax and peddle my thoughts away...at least today it is...also played outside in the dirt and planted some marigolds, summer lilies, straight 8 cucumbers and some Romaine lettuce...need a little more dirt and will see how the potatoes will do this summer *Bigsmile*
Days Off Used: *Boxcheck**Boxcheck**Boxcheck**Boxcheck**Boxcheck*
March 24, 2016 at 5:58am
March 24, 2016 at 5:58am
"Old habits die hard." Do you believe this statement?

Yes, old habits can be like a monkey on your back...always hanging on, and never wanting to let go.
But, that doesn't mean that you can't get rid of them, it just means you might have to be a bit creative in getting rid of them. We are all creatures of habit. We like things that we are used to doing. And for some of us, the idea of doing something different is, well, terrifying ( or uncomfortable to say the least).

We each have to decide for ourselves (and I am pointing the finger at ME, *Blush*) whether we want this old habit to stick around, with possible bad consequences, or are we going to buck up and learn a new habit to take its place? Example: eating junk food and drinking soda for comfort (Now I've gone to meddling....I know it *Facepalm*). The old habit keeps weight on, and overall sluggishness, where the new habit (eating healthy snacks and drinking water) will flush out the bad and help with overall health.

It begins with our "want to"...whether we want to, or don't want to...the mind is half of the battle. I've heard it takes about 30 days to instill a new habit into our lives. WdC has a cool activity that might be able to help you keep track of progress. It's called:
Give It 100!  (13+)
Write daily on Writing.Com for 100 days and earn an exclusive merit badge! Start today!
#1974137 by ruwth

OK, I'm done now...*Headbang*
March 23, 2016 at 8:30am
March 23, 2016 at 8:30am
War Chest Wednesday! From a previous challenger...

What product, that used to be on the market but is no longer sold, do you think should be brought back? Tell us why.

Ya know, sometimes I just can't think of anything. I think maybe I'd like another N64 with Mario World, Mario Kart, and Castlevania. Yes, I know that there are more up to date versions of these games and game systems...but I was completely happy with that system...LOL. Just like I was a kid at Christmas time with a 19 inch tv screen (laugh if you must, but for years I had a 13 inch screen! *Shock2*).
Things come and go. Chia Pets, Slinkys, Pet Rocks....(I know I am dating myself *Facepalm*).
I guess that's what I'd like to come back...the N64 *sigh......

~Just saying
March 22, 2016 at 8:13am
March 22, 2016 at 8:13am
* Why did I join in the first place?
I started Writing on WdC back in Sept 2015. I have always loved writing, and my son told me about this site. I remember coming into the WdC birthday week. So much going on, it reminded me of a carnival with all the barkers calling you to try their games, and check out the sights, and to ride the Ferris Wheel (not literally, but you get my point!) I remember thinking...Wow! This is going to be fun! And the ride hasn't really stopped for me. I've had a few bumps along the way, but so far so good *Smile*.

* Who were the people I've met in the beginning?
I remember getting a Halloween MB from ♥Hooves♥ ...and also a Guide MB from Matthew Frederick . These were just the day after and the second day on the site! I thought, Cool! Then I met Fran 💜 💜 💜 and her craziness with a kind of free for all contest made of many different activities...I remember thinking, omgosh! How in the world did she do that?

* Who are the people I'm closest to and why?

Now here is a list! I guess I need to start with Jim Hall and Cub-bee ,and my PIC (partner in crime)Jen~ but then there is also AND THESE ARE NOT IN ANY ORDER - eyestar~* , mARi☠StressedAtWork , Alexi , Andy~hating university Khariyya Jia Li ~ Studying 247 Elle - on hiatus ,Cinn ,Fran 💜 💜 💜 ,Choconut , Princess Megan Rose 22 Years , Sally Osirantinous ~Lifelessons~ lazymarionette Dragon is hiding , Patrece ~ intuey *Jenny* Fivesixer iveltack ~Minja~ Shaye Ren the Klutz! Hannah ♫♥♫ .....OMG!!! *Shock2* *Shock2* PLEASE FORGIVE ME IF I DIDN'T List YOU! I'd NEVER get this post done! But for putting up with this newbie's (well, not a newbie anymore) mistakes and endless questions and well...just keeping me from falling off a cliff *Facepalm* A sincere and heartfelt THANKS!

* What have I accomplished in the time I've been here?

I've been able to keep up with a blog, work on story writing, poetry, learning how to run contests and raffles and auctions...learning to review...LOL I used to freak out at how I'd EVER come up with a 300 character review*Rolling* ...I've been able to do several challenges, including WTMR, The Challenge, Pursue the Horizon, Give It 100, etc. I am making wonderful friends, driving them also to distraction *Headbang**Whistle* and learning so much more than I ever thought I would.

* What do I hope to accomplish?

Still working on doing a children's book for my grandbabies, and I would like to do the NON, to finish up my Gods of Different Pantheons.

* How did Writing.com affect my life? In what ways?

How hasn't it? I've more open about my opinions, I am doing research, learning about new genres (thank you Jane Austen!) and learning to push the envelope in my writing, and it also flows out into my life outside of WdC as well. I'm becoming a more well-rounded person (diet aside *Facepalm*).

* Who inspires you the most?

I want to thank my son for turning me onto Writing.com. It is a gift that I cannot ever repay. I just hope that I will be able to be an inspiration to others as this community has for me. It's completely amazing, and words cannot adequately explain the depth of my heart for this site. I honestly think it has been a lifesaver for me, in more ways than one!

* Anything else you can think of, add to it.

What else can I say? Write...Rant...Poetry...Music...Love...Be Myself...I'm loving life, and I'm loving WdC!!! *Heart**Heart* It doesn't get any better than this *Bigsmile*...Thanks for letting me be a part!
March 21, 2016 at 8:17pm
March 21, 2016 at 8:17pm
Motivational Monday!

Actor Matthew Broderick was born on March 21st, 1962, and one of his most famous roles is in the move Ferris Beuller's Day Off . After faking being sick to his parents so he can skip school, he turns to the camera and says "Incredible. One of the worst performances of my career and they never doubted it for a second." Have you ever accomplished anything of significance (even just something fun) by sneaking your way out of something else?


Hmmm...I am sure I've played hooky from school at least once in my life...but for the life of me, I cannot think why *Whistle**Facepalm* Ahh, now I remember something!!...some friends and I left work early one night to go to a bar in town and watch the Red Wings play hockey (Yes, I'm from Michigan, although NOT Detroit LOL). It was there that I had my first Margarita! And it was GOOD! *Glass5* It was a long time after I left school, but then again, for the most part, I behaved myself *Angelic*
***cough, cough****Devilish* *Rolling*
March 20, 2016 at 12:41am
March 20, 2016 at 12:41am
The Sunday News!

This week during a performance in Australia, pop singer Madonna pulled a fan onstage and tugged at her shirt, inadvertently exposing her breast (after making a few tawdry remarks about the girl's appearance). The girl in question is only 17 years old. Many are outraged by this, and believe that if it were a man doing something like this, he would be ostracized and labeled a pedophile. Should Madonna face some kind of criminal charges or other repercussions from this incident?

I'm pretty sure that this is a major no-no and it doesn't matter if you are a nobody or a superstar.At the very least she should be fined and give a sincere apology to this fan.

But that is my opinion....whether anything will come of it, is definitely a sign of the times we are in.

~Just saying

March 18, 2016 at 9:31pm
March 18, 2016 at 9:31pm
[tapping on computer screen]***tap, tap, tap.....***tap, tap, tap....Is anyone out there?

Hi, Everybody. This is Marbles. I am amyjo's Muse. She just can't get along without me, you see....
She even told me so *Smile*.

I wanted to remind everyone to get their entries into the contest that amyjo is running:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2061954 by Not Available.

She's off doing a boat load of reviews tonight, so I thought I'd make the pitch for her. I really do like my human, although sometimes she can be a bit of a taskmaster *Smirk2*. But don't tell her I said so! *Silent*

Anyway, thanks for listening to me. I need to go do some inspiring now, and then find my best-y, Carol *Bigsmile*....Things can get a bit dull without her around *Wink*

TaTa For Now!


March 18, 2016 at 2:15pm
March 18, 2016 at 2:15pm
Day 71 (March 15) *Checkg*
School doing well, and moving and grooving...1 mile on tread mill...took forever!!! But still moving at least *Bigsmile*

Day 72 (March 16) *Checkg*
Had appt today after school...didn't feel like riding bike, so danced for half hour instead *Bigsmile* Guilty pleasures of Momma Mia!!! Yay ABBA !

Day 73 (March 17) *Checkg*
Happy St. Pat's Day *Bigsmile*...Last day of school for the week! Woo hoo!! Celebrated by riding 20 minutes on the bike, and then going for 1/2 hr walk...keeping pace slow til after cardiologist appt *Doctor* *Sob*.

Day 74 (March 18) *Checkg*
Riding bike...too cold to go outside today! 20 minutes today

Day 75 (March 19) *Checkg*
I want spring...now!!! Rode bike again for 30 minutes...having to fit it in after school.

Day 76 (March 20) *Checkg*
Spring is here! Yeah right! Somebody please notify the *Sun*!!! Brrr....riding bike again today *Frown*....I want my swimming pool *Sob*!!

Day 77 (March 21) *Checkg*
Cool morning, but better evening...took a walk with my grandson for a bit outside...also went to check mail and *Cry* a tear or two at the swimming pool...***sniff, sniff!! But this week is supposed to get warmer, so planning lots of walking...found my pedometer!!! Woo hoo!!

Day 78 (March 22) *Checkg*

Day 79 (March 23) *Checkg*

Day 80 (March 24) *Checkr*

Days off used: 5 of 14 (to make up after day 100 - so going to day 105)
March 18, 2016 at 12:06pm
March 18, 2016 at 12:06pm
Fun Fact Friday!

On this day in 1899 Phoebe, a moon of the planet Saturn, was discovered. If you're on Facebook, take a look at Friends Of Phoebe . Today, just be kind. Be fun. Share a happy story. Be a friend to someone who might need a friend. Bonus points for pink and purple and cats.

Well, my first week of school is over. I am fairly proud of myself, and haven't gone running away screaming (at least yet *Rolling*) I am having fun, although I did miss being on the site all the time...oh, well, I only go 4 days a week, so I can bug everyone on the weekends! *Ha*

Don't know about purple and pink cats, but have seen my share of cats as of late. My son got a kitten, and calls it Demon-cat. My best friend got a little female kitten and calls her "Lizzie B."(after an infamous serial killer *Shock2* *Facepalm*) My friend is weird *Smirk2*

I've made some new friends at school, and I get along with all of my classmates pretty well. I think the world of my teacher - Ms. Lee. She's a hoot, and loves to tell stories! Of course, we end up scrambling to make up time for class work *Bigsmile*. So all in all, not a bad week.

I have to give a "shout out" to my wonderful friend Choconut ! Rachel totally made my day when I saw that she posted an entry for each of the words in the Inquiring Minds Contest...and she even made the entries into a short story! Thanks, my friend! YOU ROCK!!

Well...lots to do today...I'm NOT even going to look at my medical book until tomorrow...will be lurking around here ALL day...so if you see a *Cheshire* ... it may be me...and you can pretend that I am pink and/or purple....

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