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Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2059682
Blog for October 30 Day Blogging Challenge And November, and December....and so on...
An interesting thing to do....And now I've become a blogging addict *Rolling*
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March 7, 2016 at 1:59pm
March 7, 2016 at 1:59pm
Bret Easton Ellis, an American author born on this day in 1964, once said "I feel like I'm not smart enough to answer the questions I'm asked." Your thoughts?

I guess it would depend on what questions were being asked. You may be an award winning writer, but if you have no idea of quantum physics, then those questions would probably stump you. On the other hand, a genius in science may not be able to articulate well enough about poetry.
On the other hand, if a writer is asked why his/her books are so well received, it may be that the author truly doesn't know. It might be attributed to luck or fate, or what have you.
I don't know what questions he was asked, so I cannot speculate any further.
March 6, 2016 at 5:29pm
March 6, 2016 at 5:29pm
***Knocking on bedroom door***Marbles? Marbles! I need to talk to you.

Huh, wha...? What do you mean, amyjo?

I wanted to use today to do some reviewing, and I'm coming up with contest entries left and right! You've put my inspiration on overdrive today!

Well, amyjo, what do you want? You complain when I go on vacation, and now you are complaining that I am inspiring you too much?

No, no, Marbles...that's not what I meant!

What if I go on another vacation? Then you could do all the reviewing that you want, and not have to worry about inspiration for a while...

Marbles, please...that's not what I meant! You are blowing this out of proportion!

I'll be back in a few days. Carol wants some last minute help before she can leave Olympus. I'll talk to you later, amyjo...Hummph! ***slams door***

*Facepalm*...***sigh*** temperamental Muses...
March 6, 2016 at 3:55am
March 6, 2016 at 3:55am
The Sunday News!

On Sunday, the circus elephants of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus will perform in New York City for the last time (here's a New York Times pictorial about it). Should events like the circus, which use trained animals in some acts, be considered cruelty to animals? What about other forms of entertainment that may feature live animals?

I guess it depends. For some, any animal that is taken from its natural habitat and used for entertainment is considered abuse. That would not only mean the elephants from Ringling Bros. but also Sea World and its killer whales and dolphins. There are those who say these animals are treated with care and respect, and that their lives are just as long as those who are in the wild.
I am also sure that the watch group PETA and others keep an eye on such things, and if there were a problem, that they would be on top of it. I just don't have any information to make a judgement call on this. In my opinion, should animals be left in the wild? I would say for the most part, yes. But we have also learned much from the majestic animals that have been in captivity and would not otherwise be able to see them up close and personal if not for places such as Sea World. As far as the Circus is concerned, I am surprised that it is still in existence.
March 5, 2016 at 8:36pm
March 5, 2016 at 8:36pm
Creation Saturday!

Pick a movie and give it an ending you'd much rather watch.

Oh I don't know. I don't always have to have a happy ending.But I mean, think about it, Guy finds girl, guy loses girl to some misunderstanding, usually instigated by a "baddie". Girl decides she's made a mistake and tries to right it. Guy comes to rescue. The "baddie" is vanquished, and everybody else lives happily ever after.

Boring. The fourth season of House of Cards has come out on Netflix. Here, you have a power hungry Senator who manipulates, deceives, controls, murders and intimidates his way into the Oval office. Taking no prisoners, leaving nothing to chance. OMG...is there nothing this guy won't do? And the fact that he is getting away with it? Kind of scary, and definitely not going to be a happy ending, at least it doesn't look that way for anyone who is around him. Kind of gives you the shivers...but at least it's not boring.

Just my opinion.
March 4, 2016 at 1:53pm
March 4, 2016 at 1:53pm
So, Marbles, did you catch up with Carol?

Sure did...and boy does she have her hands full! The gods have decided that they like McDonald's so much, that they have started their own franchise on Olympus.

Oh, for heaven's sakes...I imagine Carol has her hands full...

Sure does! Anyway, I'm off to tell Non-Blogger that she'll be back as soon as possible.

I'm sure he will appreciate the head's up, Marbles. So, are you and I good?

YYes, amyjo, we are good. Just warn me when you decide to write yourself silly, okay? A Muse needs her beauty sleep after all...

Okay, you have a deal Marbles. I hope Carol comes home soon. I think Non-Blogger misses her.

I'm off to let him know! See you soon, amyjo! Hope I can cheer him up some...

See ya, Marbles. ***shaking head*** Well, it could be worse, I guess...What if Zeus and the gods wanted a Taco Bell, Long John Silvers and I-HOP as well? ***shudders***
March 4, 2016 at 1:42pm
March 4, 2016 at 1:42pm
*BoxCheckB* Day 61 (March 5)
Dancing to Richard's Sweatin' to the Oldies. Love that music! 45 minutes though wore me out! Back to it again soon! ***virtual boogie***

*BoxCheckB*Day 62 (March 6)
Quiet day on the homefront...biking for thirty minutes...hope to break to 45 minutes soon. Guess I'll have to find some more music to occupy my time *Smile*

*BoxCheckB*Day 63 (March 7)
I think Spring is finally getting here. A pretty day to walk around the apt complex...30 minutes.

*BoxCheckB*Day 64 (March 8)
On the bike...want to get some weights for home to use to work on the jello jigglers that are my arms *Blush* 20 minutes today.

*BoxCheckB*Day 65 (March 9)
Didn't get to formally exercise...was busy with doctor's appts and getting ready for school...so I guess this is a "day off" *Frown* *CheckG*

*BoxCheckB*Day 66 (March 10)
Walking walking everywhere! At least an hour...but my legs felt it when I got home *Headbang*...Cannot WAIT for the pool to open up!

*BoxCheckB*Day 67 (March 11)
Did some walking, did some bike riding, did some weights (that are at activity room at apt complex} Not greatly motivated today, But want to keep moving!

*BoxCheckB*Day 68 (March 12)
House work, rearranging furniture all morning when not on WdC...soon to be on for rest of weekend. I'd say four hours will qualify for a workout! LOL ***groan****Facepalm*!

*BoxCheckB*Day 69 (March 13)
Daylight Saving Time! Feeling a bit energized as more sunlight is shining, and getting darker later...Woot Woot!!! Biked for 30 minutes and 3.8 miles...so a little slower today...

*BoxCheckR*Day 70 (March 14)
First Day of School....biked for 30 minutes to chill from all the information of class, etc...so back to the books again! Going to try for 45 by next weekend! or at least by day 80!

Days Off Used: As of now: *Checkg**Checkg**Checkg**Checkg**Checkg* *Frown*
March 4, 2016 at 12:02pm
March 4, 2016 at 12:02pm
Fun Fact Friday!

On this day in 1997, US President Bill Clinton barred federal spending on human cloning. Do you have any thoughts on cloning, whether it's animals or people? Would you want to be cloned?

Oh good heavens! The world can barely handle one of me *Facepalm*! Imagining more than one of me would send sane people running for the hills! *Rolling*. I imagine that it is only a matter of time before cloning becomes standard procedure, if not in my life time, then maybe in my children's or grandchildren's lifetimes. There may be a medical use for it, but there is still a lot of ethical questions that would need to be decided.

Just my opinion.
March 3, 2016 at 8:58am
March 3, 2016 at 8:58am
Do you have a favorite quote about writing? Tell us about it.

Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words.
Mark Twain

You have to admit, that's pretty funny. And painfully true. Especially going into editing mode. Nothing looks right. That's not what you meant to say. What was I thinking? The lettering is worn off my backspace key, that's for sure!

I've heard that writing is like giving birth. Having had three kids (two of them naturally - but that's a topic for another day *Facepalm*), I can tell you, if it were that painful physically, I'd be doing something else!

But once you have something in hand, the pain does go away. Just like in childbirth (I have THREE - so I must have forgotten...LOL). Then comes the ooohs and ahhhhhs. Then you forget the torment you put yourself through, and think...I want to write some more...

~Just saying *Rolling*

March 2, 2016 at 12:03pm
March 2, 2016 at 12:03pm
***humming random musical notes*** *Music1* *Music2* *Music2*

Hiya Carol! Whatcha up to?

Oh, Marbles, hi! Good to see you!

Have you been here on Olympus all this time? Don't you know Non-Blogger misses you? It's not the same down there.

Acch! I've been busy up here trying to mediate between the Gods about who is in charge of the McDonald's here. Zeus gets ornery when he doesn't get his way, you know.


Did you need me for something, Carol?

No, Zeus. I was just talking to Marbles. Did you get with Poseidon about keeping the Filet O Fish stocked for you?

Yes I did, and he's on board. Just hate the freight charges the humans want to charge. They seem to hesitate when I want to transport their 18-wheelers with my horses. Ah, the headaches of business.

***sigh***I'll see what I can do about that Zeus. Anyway, Marbles...tell Non-Blogger that I'll try to come back as soon as I can. I can't leave Zeus until all this is straightened out.

Will do, Carol. Good Luck!
March 2, 2016 at 7:47am
March 2, 2016 at 7:47am
The prompt: If we didn't have our priorities, we'd have...

Hmmm interesting thought....One answer might be:

...some type of life, perhaps? Think about it. A lot of people run around "putting out fires" in their lives. And that's all that they do. They are so busy managing things, that they forget that life is happening all around them. They are just not engaging in life themselves.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't have priorities, I'm just saying perhaps that things that we make the priorities need to be examined, and perhaps adjusted. Are we where we want to be in life? If so, okay; but if not, why not? And instead of grumbling about life "getting away from us", perhaps we need to evaluate why that is happening, and make adjustments. Probably won't be easy, but then again; most worthwhile things are worth the extra effort in the long run.

~Just saying....

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