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Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2059682
Blog for October 30 Day Blogging Challenge And November, and December....and so on...
An interesting thing to do....And now I've become a blogging addict *Rolling*
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January 8, 2016 at 1:39pm
January 8, 2016 at 1:39pm
Fun Fact Friday!

On this day in 1935, the spectrophotometer was patented by A.C. Hardy. Have at it, you guys. What is it, where did it come from, what does it do, and why should you care? I'm not looking it up to see what it's all about, so let's hear your takes on it.

According to Dictionary.com:
Spell Syllables: [spek-troh-foh-tom-i-ter]

Word Origin

1. an instrument for making photometric comparisons between parts of spectra.
Origin of spectrophotometer
1880-1885; spectro- + photometer

I am sure that this is an important word, and if you study this subject it is important to you. I was perfectly fine not knowing about it until you put it in the prompt *FacePalm*. It measures light densities for whatever you need to measure light density for. Do I care? Well, if I need light measured for density in something, then yes, I am happy to know it can be done. Otherwise, I'm not sure if it will help me in life except possibly be a random fact if I ever go on a quiz show. *Smirk2*

January 7, 2016 at 8:51am
January 7, 2016 at 8:51am
Take a quick look around WDC and tell us about one you're familiar with (maybe you even run a contest or activity that donates to one of these groups)

I'm thinking of the RAOK group. Random Acts of Kindness, who upgrade members to a paid status. As I have been a past recipient of a gifted upgrade, I think that it is a wonderful thing. To me, it was an encouragement, and a validation of what I am doing here.( Not to mention, it allowed me to spend my gps on auctions and gifts and the like *Bigsmile*). Going over their page, you will find that the rules are easy to understand, and that you may ask for your own upgrade, or nominate someone else for the upgrade. It doesn't guarantee that it will happen, they do their best. I also like supporting contests that support pages like this. I am hoping that the Inquiring Minds Group that I help run will be able to help RAOK and other groups like this soon.

January 6, 2016 at 12:03pm
January 6, 2016 at 12:03pm
If your government offered to give you anything and everything you want in life in exchange for allowing them to perform experiments on you, would you do it? Why or why not?

Uh, what part of NOT IN THIS LIFETIME would be considered a rude reply? How about NOT IN ANY LIFETIME TO COME? I wouldn't care WHAT the incentive would be. First off, this is the government we are talking about. When have they done anything responsible in the area of experimentation, without some disastrous side effects? More than likely, the damage done couldn't be undone, and all I'd get, is an "oops, my bad" from them. No thank you.

Second of all, now that I've bashed government experiments *Smirk2* There is nothing that I would trade for my life that the government has to offer. I just don't see any upside to this question. And knowing the reputation of government, I am sure there would be a "loophole" to this anything and everything clause. Sorry. No can do. Nor would I want to do so.

Ok, now I'm done trashing the government and it's reputation. *Smirk* *Whistle*
January 5, 2016 at 11:14am
January 5, 2016 at 11:14am
Facebook games: waste of time, occasionally necessary distraction, or borderline obsession? Why or why not? And have you or would you ever spend money on in-game purchases specific to the game itself?

This one is easy today *Smile*. I am not on Facebook all that often, although there was a time I was there a lot. I did play a couple of games, such as Farmville. I never had the money to buy stuff, so it was basically a waiting game to get from one level to the next. Now, I have Windows 10 and am playing Age of Empires: Castle Siege. Again, no money to throw at it, so once or twice a day, I do my thing and stockpile resources to "spend" on upgrades and the like.

I use this as a small break from writing or to just to kill time. If I had disposable cash, I would rather spend it here on WdC, as I get far more satisfaction here with my writing than playing a computer game.

I do have one game on my phone, and I play it every so often. Plants Vs Zombies. It's a silly game, and my grandson got me hooked on it (and he is 4! *Facepalm*, He likes playing it, but has since moved on to watching either his uncle play minecraft or his daddy play skyrim. He also is a fan of Angry Birds and monster trucks games. My son also has a website on Youtube called Game Addict's Central (GAC with chains running through the letters).

But I digress...in a nutshell. I haven't spent money, and really wouldn't if I could...and it can be a distraction, and I've seen people obsessed. Now, don't get me started on XBOX 360 games such as Skyrim, Civilization: Revolution and Mass Effect...*Headbang* LOL
January 4, 2016 at 12:30pm
January 4, 2016 at 12:30pm
***stretchhhhhh*** Good morning amyjo!

Good morning sleepy head! Hope you had a nice rest, we've got lots to do today!

MMMmphhh...can't a Muse even get her coffee first?

LOL...here you go *CoffeeBl* Now, I've already posted a blog entry, Give it 100 post, so that means I've already exercised, and I've done a WTMR post. I'm waiting on Construct prompt, so I need you to have your wits about you. We also have to think about a couple of Newletters to write....Marbles?

Hmm? Oh, yeah, got it...I'll be on top of it, don't worry, amyjo.

Ok, I've got some reviewing to do, so I will catch up with you in a bit. Okay? Um, Marbles?


Hmmm, never knew my Muse snores...

January 4, 2016 at 10:53am
January 4, 2016 at 10:53am
Welcome to Days One Through Seven Ten of the Give it 100 Challenge...100 days of exercise...thanks to Cubbee 's "arm twisting"...LOL I've changed it to 10 days, as I have to check in every 10 days with the challenge...That way it'll make it easier (at least I hope so!)

I don't know how creative I will get with this, but here goes!

*BoxCheck* Day 1 - used exercise bike...rode nonstop for 15 min (gotta start somewhere) biked equiv of 2.44 miles.

Yesterday I did it for a trial run, and my legs felt like jelly. Today, my right hamstring is reminding me that I usually sit WITHOUT moving my legs *FacePalm* . Hopefully will get easier...LOL

*BoxCheck* Day 2

Day Two down and out for bike...15 more minutes, but only 2.29 miles...plus the front left thigh muscle is complaining...LOL...Love it when I have arguments with my body to do things...but will probably do stretches later today...I'm also keeping track on President's Active Lifestyle Challenge...champion mode...working toward my bronze medal...LOL...hopefully will have it before summer is over...

*BoxCheck* Day 3
Well, here it is day three...No strenuous activity today, so I got to walk around a bit today...stretched a little bit, but as I donated blood today, I was told nothing strenuous today. I'll be back on the bike tomorrow for sure! A little tired too, today, but I'm sure that's because of donating.

*Boxcheck* Day 4
Day 4 - over and out...walked quite a bit, and did housework...ie, dishes, sweeping and vacuuming. Had to run errands, so did more walking...nice change of pace, but ready to get back on the bike...hopefully before I go to bed, if not...going to try to increase time today *Smile*

*Boxcheck* Day 5
Day 5 done! Back on the bike today. Didn't get to get on it yesterday *Frown*. But I have decided listening to Lindsey Stirling isn't a bad thing to do when on the bike. It makes the time go faster. Only 15 minutes, but did 2 1/2 miles today...yay me!

*BoxCheck* Day 6
Day 6 is in the *Bag*! *Sneaker1* Rode my bike again, this time to Lindsey Sterling's versions of Phantom of the Opera and also Les Miserables - 15 minutes and 2 1/2 miles...I thought I might be able to increase time, but hitting a wall at 15 minutes yet...will keep trying, though! *MedalBronze* Also tracking time at the following site:


*Boxcheck* Day 7
Week #1 done and done! This was a light day, with a lot of walking around done, and house cleaning. No bike today, but onward again tomorrow.

*Boxcheck* Day 8
Day number 8: biking done: I finally broke the 15 minute wall...20 minutes and 3 miles on the bike... Yay me!

*Boxcheck* Day 9
Day 9 is done...at least the hard part. I want to do some other things today, maybe some stretching and breathing exercises. Will let you know how/if that goes. 15 minutes today, and 2 1/3 miles...I'm thinking that I will be glad when January is done!

*BoxcheckR* Day 10
OK then! First 10 days are down! I went for 20 minutes and 3 miles...so I am glad to end the first tenth of the challenge on an up beat! I am hoping to do min of 20 minutes for the next 10 days, and perhaps some other things as well. Guess we will see! YaYYYY!!!
January 4, 2016 at 10:13am
January 4, 2016 at 10:13am
Many people like to use the start of a new year as the springboard for making healthy changes in their diets. If you're one of those people, what's your go-to healthy snack...something simple, or something a little different? Feel free to include a recipe, or just offer encouragement for anyone trying out a healthier lifestyle.

Well, I've had to adjust what I am eating a bit this past year as I was diagnosed with diabetes. Sodas are out and I've learned to love water *RollEyes*.
But on a serious note, I find that I am not very good at self motiviation - at least in the eating department. So simple is better: A salad instead of a burger and fries *Cry* Or even trying 1/2 portions instead of what you would eat normally.

It is important though not to completely cut yourself off from things you like. All you are doing is setting yourself up for a serious setback or failure. Portion control really is a helpful thing, when you can do it (sharing with a friend can help).

I have found a cool recipe for zucchini bread that I have been able to make that is moist and really good. I've played with it and have used zucchini, apples, carrots, peaches, and even a zucchini and apple mixture for the base of the bread.


1 1/2 cup shredded zucchini (here is where I play with the different ingredients...I just use a food processor)
3/4 cup sugar (I have found that you can cut this depending on what you use for the base)
1 egg
1/2 cup veg. Oil (as always, you can substitute applesauce for the oil)
1 1/2 cup all purpose flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp baking powder
1 tsp ground cinnamon (I tend to like things a little spicier, so I go with allspice, or increase cinnamon)
2 tsp lemon zest
OVEN 325
Mix together until well blended. Place in sprayed 8 x 4 loaf pan. Bake 45 minutes. Cool 10 minutes

You don't even need butter for this bread.

Told you, I've played around with this bread some *Rolling*

Another place to start is this site below:


There are some fun things to do here to get you moving and motivated. And you can get some cool things afterward for prizes once complete.

Hopefully, I've given you some ideas, and I'd love to hear back with any ideas you have...I'm a great cheerleader and I love encouragement as well *Smile*
January 3, 2016 at 7:02pm
January 3, 2016 at 7:02pm
Giving it 100 Days of Exercise...I'm only a few days behind Cubbee And she TWISTED my arm...hey, should that be a Merit Badge...(or is it just another way of encouragement? *FacePalm* .

I'll be doing the Give It 100 - 100 days of exercise in 100 days...I am starting January 4th...although I will exercise tonight to warm up...LOL...anyway...until I upgrade from "Upgraded" to "premium" I will have to arrange my portfolio again.
I'm out of space for books *Frown*...So I will just blog my way...LOL...going to end up spending money before it's over, yet...LOL.

I've given myself 14 days off for "bad" behavior, so I should be complete by April 27, 2016, if all goes well.

So here it goes!
January 3, 2016 at 9:03am
January 3, 2016 at 9:03am
On New Year's Day, police seized various weapons from someone outside of a national sporting event. How many weapons do you need to enjoy a sporting any event with your friends and family? (If you say you're a "good guy with a gun", I'm disqualifying your score from today's tally, jerk.)

Okie dokie, then! Let me know how you really feel! Sighhh...The insanity that people need guns to celebrate holidays or sporting events staggers my mind. I remember hearing about someone being killed when a Mardi Gras celebrant shot a gun straight up in the air, and the bullet came back down. Duh! What did they think would happen to the bullet? Of course that may have been urban legend, but somehow, I doubt it.

Don't get me wrong, there is a time and place for guns...for hunting game for food, although I don't anymore. Texas passed a law saying that people can openly carry guns now in public. I think that is just asking for trouble, but I'm not one of the geniuses that came up with that ruling. I also think that automatic weapons shouldn't be allowed at any time...but hey, that's just my opinion.

Getting back to the issue: NEVER should guns be at sporting events, holiday events...EVER!!

Man's inhumanity to man is only surpassed by Man's stupidity. I mean, what was the guy thinking? If his team didn't win, what was he going to do? Or if his team actually won, what was he going to do with the guns? OMG, people! This is really a no-brainer...and that's exactly what this guy did, not using his brain! It's people like him that cause a majority of the headaches for people who do use guns in a respectful and legal manner. Stuff like this is going to make it easier for anti-gun people to end up taking away all of the guns for everybody.
January 2, 2016 at 9:58pm
January 2, 2016 at 9:58pm
Well, Marbles, it's been a long day...

I know, amyjo, and I've seen your notes on the Writing Construct you've been taking.

What do you think about it?

Well, all I know for sure is that you are trying to skate a bit, don'tcha think?

What do you mean, Marbles?

Well, look at all of the poetry that you've written in last few months. Do you really think Ren the Klutz! is going to let you skate by as a "beginner"? I think you should step up and be in the advanced poetry writing group...

I don't know if that's a good idea.....

Listen, you said that we are going to be working hard this month, right?

Well, yes....

Then stop "pussy-footing" around and step up!

Sighhhhh...I told Ren that I would go where she put me.

Bawk, Bawwwwkkkk, Bawwwkkkk....amyjo - quit being a
*Chicken* !!

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