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Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2059682
Blog for October 30 Day Blogging Challenge And November, and December....and so on...
An interesting thing to do....And now I've become a blogging addict *Rolling*
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December 4, 2015 at 3:03pm
December 4, 2015 at 3:03pm
Howdy! Thought I would drop off a note before going to sleep...I've been taking in the nightlife with Carol and sleep seems to be something optional LOL. I hope my human is ready for the weekend and the contest she's opened. I think she has stopped entering contests now, as I'm on the other side of the world living it up. *ConfettiG* *PartyHatV*

I wonder how many toys she has broken on Elf Island...I know Carol's human is trying to stage a sit-in...LOL...wonder what the Queen will say to that? *Rolling*

Well, I'm going to go to bed now, and decide what to do later. I'm sure that Carol and I will be having another great night *Glass4*

TA TA for now *Kiss*
on strike and living it up in Sydney
December 3, 2015 at 10:00pm
December 3, 2015 at 10:00pm
Guess I better put in an appearance. Since this is an Unoffical Blogging month, my human started out with a bit of mischief and I got sucked in...*Rolling*!

She says that she just wanted to send her friends on vacation...Hmmmph! As if I'd believe that out of amyjo! She was just spoiling for mischief, and got herself tangled up as well HAHAHA!

Well, here I am in sunny Sydney, while she tries her hand at NOT breaking toys on Elf Island. This is as good a place as any to celebrate Christmas, and I'm not alone, as Carol is showing me the sights!

Amyjo better be glad that I get bored easily, and will eventually come home. She has been working me to death, and I needed this holiday. I guess we will see if she can muddle on without me *Smirk2*.

Well, I'm off to enjoy my holiday, and I'll be around again (from a distance, that is) and put in my two-cents *Smile*

December 3, 2015 at 9:46am
December 3, 2015 at 9:46am
And the story continues...I didn't know what I was opening up when I, um, "volunteered" a few friends to go to Elf Island...nor did I realize that I'd end up there for misreading the cost of their "vacation". See what happens when you try to be helpful? LOL I found out the Island is run by a couple of tyrants (shhh....I didn't say that out loud, did I?) and a cookie stealing lackey!

Every morning I laugh out loud at Myrddin Myth Muddler's antics in groveling, and Alexi's whining for a comfy bed and tea! LOL...Jen has been very quiet and seems to appreciate her vacation *Smirk2*

Not only that, but Myrddin is getting his Muse Carol and MY Muse, Marbles in on the act! Wondering if Elf Island has a Talent Night....*Whistle*

I guess it isn't all bad, but I do have to protest the name I was given: Malruthiia Toy Breaker ....I am very careful with the toys I make...I don't break that many....and my painting skills are flawless (for the most part). *Rolling* Wondering when break time is...and where the other elves are...and when do I get a cookie?

Well, the things just keep rolling....wonder what the next chapter will bring....

December 2, 2015 at 7:22pm
December 2, 2015 at 7:22pm
Well today was a hurry up and wait kind of day. Had to wait at the doctor's office, then wait for my appt. Then wait to be seen, then wait to get prescriptions, then wait to get them paid for and then wait to get more blood drawn...OMG did I mention that I had to wait? LOL *Headbang*

On the plus side, my A1C for my diabetes is stable at 6.4 WOOHOO! My blood pressure was 123/77...another HIGH FIVE! So I am excited about that. I got home to catch up on emails and am laughing my head off at Jim Hall 's antics on ELF ISLAND. He definitely needs to take himself and Carol (his muse) on the road *Bigsmile*

I also received some nice MBs and awardicons on Cyber Monday...that was amazing, and then I also have some coming in from the October Merit Badge Challenge that Elle - on hiatus had set up.
I also got lots of goodies in a couple of auctions. I spent my hard earned gps that I was going to use for an upgrade, but then I won a three month upgrade in a contest...LIFE is WONDERFUL right now (I at least don't have to go back to doctor until March *Bigsmile*

This weekend I am running my first ever contest for INQUIRING MINDS..and I am stoked...received a wonderful gift for that event. I am humbled and amazed at the generosity of the folks here at WdC. Kudos to all!!!

Well, I guess that's about it for tonight *Smile*...still have some more homework to do tonight, but I am doing it with a big smile on my face...

Until next time!!

December 1, 2015 at 8:17am
December 1, 2015 at 8:17am
I'm not sure if going to have any type of prompts this month, but I wanted to continue to write, as I am hooked on writing in my blog now.

I've entered my contests that I wanted to for the first of the month. I've spent just about more gps on an auction than I've ever done. It's crazy, but I am no longer under the Dec 31 deadline for updating my upgraded level. I won in the 3 prompts contest and have my upgraded package until March 31...plenty of time to get enough gps to keep the upgrade.

Saturday I will host my first contest, the Inquiring Minds group Contest. I am really excited about it, and hope for a great turn-out. Keeping my fingers crossed.

I cannot believe that December is here. This year has been a wild ride for me, and I've had both good and bad things occur. But such is life, right? I can say that I am so happy for finding WDC and I'm also grateful for my three children and my three grandchildren. I am learning new things all the time, and I also have decided that I LOVE writing. It is more than a hobby with me. Now, I just need to do something with it. LOL.

Here's hoping that you have a wonderful holiday season. If we get prompts, okay; if not, well then you'll just have to put up with my ramblings *Smile*

~Just saying
November 30, 2015 at 2:44pm
November 30, 2015 at 2:44pm
Cannot believe another month has come and gone!

Music Monday! - Holiday music...now that we're past Thanksgiving, Christmas music is in full swing all over the place. Does it ever get tiring? Could you listen to it all year long, or are you glad when it's over?

I LOVE holiday music...from Classic, to acapella, to instrumental and classic crooners. Mannheim Steamroller to Trans Siberian Orchestra and Kenny G. My oldies station plays Christmas from Thanksgiving Day to Christmas Day. For that month, I am singing along and enjoying it thoroughly. It brightens my days, and when it's gloomy out, it makes for soothing background noise to get me through.

Who doesn't like listening to Andy Williams or Bing Crosby, Nat King Cole or even Elvis Presley? Who doesn't like listening to the Chipmunks or Charlie Brown Christmas music?

Would I listen to it all through the year? Probably not, as I love other kinds of music as well. I couldn't quit listening to my musicals LOL. But for the month, I am totally for it!! *ThumbsupL**ThumbsupL*

Some of my favorite songs are:

Carol of the Bells
Little Drummer Boy
Twelve Days of Christmas
Let it Snow
Mr. Grinch
Feliz Navidad
White Christmas
November 29, 2015 at 8:15am
November 29, 2015 at 8:15am
The Sunday News! - At what point is too much? This week a man opened fire and barricaded himself inside an abortion clinic . What death is justified? Is any? Cops get shot, babies get murdered; reproductive rights versus gun rights, coming to a head...what's your spin? Don't hold back, bloggers...the 30DBC only has one more day left in November.

I am not going to get into a religious debate over this, but 2 wrongs have never made a right. Ever. I'm not a fan of abortion clinics. Never have been. But shooting people has only hurt pro life movements, not helped. Are there alternatives to abortion? Yes, but you cannot take away a person's rights over their own bodies. Until laws are changed, that is the way it is. Education, not guns is the answer.

I shake my head in wonder. Do I believe a baby has rights? Yes, I do. But until laws are changed, sometimes wrong things are going to happen. This isn't a Utopian society, but it is all we have. Fringe Element shootings are just that...an embarrassment, and several steps backwards in wanting to end abortion. The freedom to express your opinion ends right before another person's nose begins. Shooting and harming or killing others is not a viable answer. I don't care who you are!

Do people have a right to own guns? Duh....yes. Do people have a right to shoot others? No...self defense? OK...but here we go on a slippery slope. Do people need automatic weapons...I don't think it's a question of need, as much as a question of want. And why would you want the darn thing anyway? Those guns were invented with one object in mind. Killing people. War. The only things that were intended to be hunted with automatic weapons were two legged critters...aka people.

I will not argue semantics with people. I also believe that guns are used by people to kill people. It's the intent that's bad, not the ownership. There are people who have guns who have no business owning them. There are also loopholes the size of an interstate. Education, stricter gun regulations for ownership...There is no one right answer...and tons of people will be up in arms (bad pun intended) over this until the end of the world...Not everyone is going to be happy. Just a fact of life.

Ok, off the soap box...time for better and lighter topics...

~Just saying
November 28, 2015 at 9:11am
November 28, 2015 at 9:11am
Creation Saturday! Talk yourself out of the biggest letdown you've ever felt.

Before finding and using Writing.com, I was in a downward spiral emotionally. I was 48, and my health was in bad shape. I couldn't climb the stairs to my daughter's apartment without stopping to catch my breath. I had lost my job due to health issues and could no longer afford my own apartment. I was having issues keeping my blood pressure under control, and had been diagnosed with type II diabetes. If I stood too long, my legs and feet would swell. But of course, I wasn't sick enough to qualify for disability, according to the state. I wasn't suicidal, but I was extremely depressed. This is NOT where I had pictured myself being at this close to 50.

I did not expect to be divorced, let alone twice. Nor had I expected to be living with my daughter. I didn't expect a slew of health issues, although in retrospect, I should have seen some of them coming.

I couldn't live like this anymore. I sought out a doctor's care, and then counseling. I took a nutrition and diabetes management class. I also took the Presidential Active Lifestyle Challenge. I found Writing.com. Do I need more help? Working on it. Are the holidays getting me down? I'm managing it. I no longer dread turning 50 next summer, but am looking forward to it. I don't have everything down pat, yet.

Baby steps, but at least I am walking. Will I ever run again? Not sure, but I can at least try. And the light at the end of the tunnel ISN'T an oncoming train. *Smile* *TrainB*

~Just saying
November 27, 2015 at 5:32am
November 27, 2015 at 5:32am
Fun Fact Friday! On this day in 1701, Anders Celsius was born in Sweden (he was the inventor of the Celsius thermometer). Are you a cold weather person, or a warm weather person? What do you do to combat temperatures that aren't to your liking?

I've lived in a variety of places: Texas, Michigan, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, Italy and Germany.

It used to not matter where I lived, as I would adapt wherever I was. As much as I like the beauty of snow, and the fun of snowmobiling, I have been away from it long enough that I would probably not enjoy it as much anymore. I am also a little bit older, and I prefer not to have to adapt to the cold like that anymore. I am fairly acclimated to the Texas weather now, and while it does have some cold days, I don't have to worry about shoveling snow anymore. LOL. As for the hot days (and there are quite a few here), I am lucky enough to have air conditioning and the use of a swimming pool where I live.

November 26, 2015 at 7:46am
November 26, 2015 at 7:46am
What aren't you thankful for?

I'm guessing there is a theme here? LOL. Anyway, I could say that I'm not thankful for the aging process, and what it's doing to my body. But then I hear my dad saying that growing old certainly beats the alternative! And then I have to agree. Waking up on the green side of the grass is definitely more appealing.

I am not thankful probably for the commercialization of the holidays. I cannot fight it, but that doesn't mean I have to participate in the insanity. Why would I want to go to the mall between now and New Years? LOL.

I've turned my radio on in my room, and my oldies station is playing Christmas music. What are you going to do? This is also the traditional weekend for my family to put up the Christmas tree. I enjoy decorating it, and have plenty of ornaments for it. So maybe my complaint about commercialism is a bit on the shallow side. I mean, there are some things I like to do.

I just can't think of anything that I'm truly not thankful right at the moment. Wait! I'm not thankful for the intolerance that people display. Then I get out on the road and I am surrounded by crazy people. LOL *FacePalm* I guess I cannot win for losing.

Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving Everybody! Safe and happy travels or if staying at home, A wonderful day to you *Smile*

~Just saying

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