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Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2059682
Blog for October 30 Day Blogging Challenge And November, and December....and so on...
An interesting thing to do....And now I've become a blogging addict *Rolling*
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October 20, 2015 at 6:43am
October 20, 2015 at 6:43am
OK. Time to get serious. Tell us your opinion and how you escape age's affect on you - physical, mental, perception. By the latter I mean how others expect you to act because of your age. Can the fun-loving kid in you still get out or can you control your inner child. Or talk about staying healthy in hopes of living longer, better - Blue Zone

Ok, a serious reply. I have allowed age and neglect get the better of me. I have had high blood pressure for years. I also am overweight. This year I've been diagnosed with diabetes. I have some kidney damage due to the blood pressure. And I have battled depression. Circling the drain, if you will. Fifty is 8 months away.

But in the end, I have chosen to fight back. I will not let these things get the better of me. I have participated in a management and nutrition class for my diabetes, I have participated in the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award program (and passed!). I have managed to lose about 30 pounds in the past year. I still have a long way to go, but I am working on it. I am no longer afraid of turning 50, but I actually am excited about it.

These things are helping me with the physical aspect of age. My mental escape has been writing. Am I a great writer? Heaven's no...am I even a good writer? LOL...some say yes, other's say ok. I'll take it and run...I'll learn and grow....and I will keep writing. I have come to love it, and I am rarely away from the computer for long stretches of time. Heck, I'm even learning to "write" letters again with paper and pen {aka Snail Mail).

I have decided as well, that age is just a number. I have a happy and healthy grandson that I live with, and I have two wonderful grandchildren that I don't get to see, but do get to talk to on the phone. My three children are grown and healthy, and productive members of society. They even have their lives together...what more can a parent these days ask for?

As for me? I am working on me. Physically, mentally, socially - doing the best I can, and keeping a positive attitude about me. I am learning new things, both in writing and arts/crafts, so I am keeping myself busy. I am happy. Am I perfect? LOL...silly question. Am I satisfied? Rarely....I am striving to become the best "me" that I can. Have I hampered my way...obviously. But in the end, I am Me. And I am working every day to better ME. I have a wonderful family, and wonderful new friends at WdC. Both are encouraging and helpful. I am grateful. Very grateful.

This is how I escape the "aging" thing.
October 19, 2015 at 8:52am
October 19, 2015 at 8:52am
Let's start with something easy to get you in the mood of
escaping. Tell us how you escape distractions to be able to write?
Explain the most annoying ones and the schemes you use.

Outside distractions come at me.
Hiding isn't a choice;
Often it is as simple thing
As me using my voice.

But when I have distractions
That will not relent,
There is only one thing to do:
I go to my room,
And close the door,
And nap for just a "few".

****Sometimes just having some quiet time in my room will encourage my "distraction" (aka four yr old grandson) to play quietly beside me on my phone. Sometimes, writing just has to take a back seat for a bit, as he needs my love and attention. For me then, it is not a question of escaping, but of dealing with the issue. I have someone in my life who is in need of surgery to be separated from her phone. Normally, this isn't an issue with me, but when it takes the place of interaction with people and taking care of her home, THEN I have an issue. But as I am living with my family, it is a tricky business to confront.

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October 18, 2015 at 3:57pm
October 18, 2015 at 3:57pm
Challenge Two: Write *something* that answers these questions: Would you rather be an animal or a toy? Why? MUST be at least 500 words (OR 20 lines for a poem) to be eligible!

For the Coffee Shop Discussion challenge:


Let me see, would I rather be a toyor an animal? I believe there are pros and cons to being either. But I believe I would be happier being a toy. As a toy it is possible to be beloved and cared for. I could be dragged around everywhere and my owner would be inconsolable if I were lost. That would make me glad to be loved so much.

I believe a pet could be loved as well, but I don't think that I would want to deal with the problems of being a pet. I wouldn't want to be outside so much. Being indoors is definitely a better choice for me. I also don't want to think of using either a litter box or drink out of the toilet. Pets can do these things and It is not something that would appeal to me at all. All in all, I would much prefer to be a toy that doesn't have to worry about being hungry or thirsty or wondering where I could use the bathroom. Those things could get to be a bother. Not to mention if I ended up having to deal with fleas! That would be unthinkable. Let me be a darling toy for my wonderful loving owner.

Of course, being loved so much would mean that I would go everywhere with my owner, especially if my owner is a very young child. Indoors, outdoors, in the bedroom and bathroom as well as in and out of the car. There's a good chance that I would become worn and dirty, and end up in the washing machine (a good thing I wouldn't have to worry about drowning!). It is also possible, that if I was so worn, that I would end up in the junk pile before my time was up. Just think of all of the arguments between my owner and her parents as to why I had to "go away". I think my owner would try to hide me from her parents if that ever happened. I would definitely be a beloved toy.

I have seen toys that have been hung on to by young children. They are worn, perhaps missing parts, and very ragged looking. I suppose that would be inevitable, but the thought of being parted from my owner would be very sad indeed. I could see myself being like Woody in the tale Toy Story desperately trying to get back to his owner. And I would try very hard to do the same if we were ever parted.

So you see, I believe I am correct in wanting to choose becoming a toy. I've seen the love an young child has for a beloved toy, and that is good enough for me. No matter what the hardships may be. In the end, the rewards would justify the choice. And I would love my owner that much more. There is much to be said about being a toy. I believe I've stated my argument well for being a toy.

Word count 507
October 18, 2015 at 3:36am
October 18, 2015 at 3:36am
Sunday, pick a fellow blogger's topic from Saturday, and write your opinion on their topic.

Fake articles on the Internet, Why? by Apondia

In one possible answer to the above question, I believe that the reason there is so much wrong information on the Internet is because there is very little accountability. When it comes down to it, If you repeat something often enough, it becomes ingrained as truth, whether there is any truth to it or not. People (some people that is) will not research their findings, and instead take things on the web as facts, just because it's "on the Internet". So it MUST be true, right? That is a careless and sloppy way of doing things. As researchers, or users of the Internet, when reporting on things, it is our responsibility to research a subject to the best of our ability, and not just take whatever is "out there" as truth.

Just my opinion.

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October 17, 2015 at 5:38pm
October 17, 2015 at 5:38pm
My son and I had an interesting conversation yesterday. It started of with my thinking about not coloring my hair anymore. Then I made the comment about that I was getting older. He said that he guessed that growing older was ok.

I then told him that my dad always said that growing older always beat the alternative: of being dead. My son laughed and said that he was looking for immortality. We both laughed at that.
Circle around to becoming vampires and whether or not to "infect" someone. My son said that he would hope that he would be able to give someone a choice (as per Twilight) rather than just go around killing without remorse (aka "newborn" - if you follow the Twilight version of becoming a vampire).

We then discussed turning his friend, and maybe even his nephew. Now his nephew (my grandson) is only 4 years old, and can on occasion, throw a real "hissie fit". Now if you follow the understanding about Twilight story "newborn" vampires, they cannot control their urges. One major temper tantrum could wipe out a small town or village. My son and I then speculated that my grandson would soon be too much for the city of Lubbock, or maybe even Dallas.

My son and I have interesting conversations *FacePalm* And I am sure there is a story in here somewhere. *Headbang*
October 17, 2015 at 9:02am
October 17, 2015 at 9:02am
On Saturday, write about a current event of issue you are strongly in favor of.

Ahhh...When I was growing up, I was told never to talk about religion, sex, or politics as topics...Once I grew up, I understood why I was cautioned about said topics. That is one of the quickest ways to start an argument.

So, let me be a chicken, and say that I support a better education system for children. I don't know how to make that happen, and I am sure that smarter people than me are pursuing it. But why do teachers have to beg to have adequate supplies for their students? Why is it that parents have to take their kids to school nowadays, when riding the bus used to be the way it was? Why are 30+ kids put into a single class without the help of a teacher's aide? Why isn't teaching the only thing teachers have to be concerned about? Teachers have to be parents, counselors, interventionists, psychologists on top of teaching - and yet are some of the lowest paid individuals in the country?

Ok, the rant is over. I wish I had the answers to these questions. I wish I could make it better. I can hope, pray, cross my fingers - but this is of great concern to me, especially as my grandson will be starting school next fall. There is something to be said about homeschool - *Headbang*

Just saying....
October 16, 2015 at 1:36am
October 16, 2015 at 1:36am
Write about a two different smells...one that triggers an unpleasant memory, and one that triggers a happier moment.

Hmmm...I guess I will tackle the one smell that triggers a happier moment:

The scent of "Wind Song" perfume reminds me of happier times when I was first married. My then-husband told me how much he liked the smell of that perfume on me, and even though the selling line for it was "your Wind Song stays on my mind". I was much flattered by his statement. Of course this was a long time ago. We are no longer married, but I still like the smell of Wind Song.

A smell that triggers an unpleasant memory:

I honestly can't say that I have a smell that triggers an unpleasant memory...I dislike the smell of vomit, and I tend to be a "sympathy puker", but I really don't have any bad memories associated with smell. There are a lot of smells that I don't care for, such as burned food, or burned rubber (especially on an appliance). You'd think that I'd have an issue with burned wood, as I've been in two house fires as a child. But, nope...nothing comes to mind.

I guess that is a good thing?

October 15, 2015 at 3:33am
October 15, 2015 at 3:33am
According to the now scientifically unproven "taste belt" or "tongue map", things we taste are generally bitter, sour, salty, or sweet. Of these four, how would you say people most identify you?

While I have had spells where I have been any one of these four tastes, I would say the dominate taste has been sweet. I am usually a friend to everyone, and I hardly ever meet a stranger. I am usually upbeat, and try to be encouraging. I hate confrontation and disputes.

That being said, I have had times where I have had to put my foot down, draw a line in the sand, and take a stand. Doing this is out of my comfort zone, but sometimes it is a necessary evil. I have had to be the "mean" person, and though I didn't like it, I needed to keep my self respect intact.

I try to be understanding, tolerant, and see things from another's point of view. Usually, nine times out of ten, that will work in difficult situations. Other times, well.....not so much *Frown*
Sometimes, you just cannot please everyone. It took me a long time to realize that, and to not take it personally.

So, I will go on being my "sweet" self; just don't push it! LOL

Just saying......

October 14, 2015 at 8:15am
October 14, 2015 at 8:15am
How do you contrast a physical touch versus an emotional touch? Do you feel that one is any more of the five senses than the other?

Touching, whether physical or emotional is contact. Both are extremely important. Both can be just as comforting or just as devastating to an individual.

Emotional abuse can cripple someone just as much as physical abuse. Granted, you may not see physical bruises, but the scars on a person's soul can be seen.

By the same token, premature babies have been known to grow and respond to the physical touch of their parents.

I've had both physical and emotional bumps and bruises in my life. Sometimes, they have been accidental, and other times deliberate. One touches your body. The other touches who you are; your soul. Physical bruises can heal over time. Emotional bruises often linger, and sometimes never heal.

It takes quite a bit of finesse in order to be able to bring healing to the damaged emotional bruises. Physical bruising can often be taken care of with ice and ibuprofen and rest.

These thoughts may be a bit disjointed, but having suffered both, it is a tricky topic.

Just saying...
October 13, 2015 at 9:06am
October 13, 2015 at 9:06am
Describe three sounds that are important to you, and one sound that drives you absolutely nuts. Or, answer this the other way around, if that suits you.

One sound that was important to me when my children were little was the sound of their breathing. It may sound corny, but my youngest had asthma when she was a baby, and there were times that her lips would turn blue from the lack of oxygen. This scared the fool out of me. So a nebulizer was brought into the house to help her keep her airways open. Thankfully, she out grew the asthma, but when she was little, I became attuned to listening to her breathe. That listening extended to her older brother and sister as well.

Another sound that is important to me is the sound of laughter. Not only to hear my children laugh, but also to hear my grandchildren laugh as well. Their laughter means to me that all is right in the world. It is comforting to know that my family is ok, when I hear them play and laugh together.

The third sound that is important to me is music. It doesn't matter what kind (at least for the most part). I listen to it in the car on the radio. Music brightens my day, and makes commuting less stressful. If I'm in a particularly bad mood, music can bring me out of it. If I'm in a great mood, it just makes it that much better. It is not uncommon for me to play the "air drums" while driving. LOL

This is the sound that drives me crazy. It is the sound of "silence". Whenever the kids were quiet (that includes the grandkids today) I would have to stop what I was doing, and look for them. Sometimes, they were actually asleep, whereas I would tuck them in. Otherwise, it meant they were up to no good, and I would have to get onto them. Amazing what kids can do when left to their own devices for too long *FacePalm*.

Just saying.....

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