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Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2059682
Blog for October 30 Day Blogging Challenge And November, and December....and so on...
An interesting thing to do....And now I've become a blogging addict *Rolling*
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October 12, 2015 at 11:04am
October 12, 2015 at 11:04am
Monday: Sight.

Prompt: Children are often scolded "You see with your eyes, not with your hands!" Why do you think it's important that we see with more than just our eyes?

The answer to this question is multifaceted. First of all, blind people can "see" without vision using the other senses to enhance the image that comes to their mind. If you smell something, whether pleasant or rotten, doesn't a "picture" of that something come to mind?

Touch is important as well. Angles and planes also feed the "images" that come to a person's mind. Blind people often touch someone's face to get a "picture" of the person they are talking to.

Even detectives use their knowledge to enhance what they "see" at crime scenes.

So, just looking at things, doesn't always give you the full picture of what that thing is. Children have it right...it's us "grown-ups" that have forgotten that seeing something isn't the same as looking at something.
October 11, 2015 at 2:28am
October 11, 2015 at 2:28am
Well... In the "UnOfficial 30 Day Blogging Challenge we'll do the same thing this Sunday, BUT...Our muses will write our blog entries for us today.

Oh Goody! My name is Marbles...and I am amyjo-Keeping it real and fun! 's Muse. She just named me yesterday. She kind of knew who I was, and even sort of named the blog after me...Although she tries not to let me fall completely out...LOL

I like writing poetry through amyjo, but I'm not limited to that...we have been trying to expand our wings and venture into short stories as well. And we are working on different genres in our writing. I am having fun with amyjo right now...I'm totally open and don't want to hide from her as other Muses do their writers.

That being said, I may get fickle on occasion and tease her some, but it is all in good fun!

Anyway, I wanted to introduce myself. And I need to have amyjo make a signature picture for me...It won't do not to have one now that she's named me, right?
October 10, 2015 at 8:09am
October 10, 2015 at 8:09am
Do you have a muse? - Write about your muse.
Have you been asked this question too many times already? - Tell us something new about your muse.
If you don't have a muse, and have been asked this question too many times before - Why don't you have a muse yet?
And finally would you support a group or activity that is exclusive to muses only?

Do I have a muse? I'm pretty sure I do. Otherwise, I couldn't write like I have been. Seriously, most of what I write is "off the cuff". I get a lot of prompts just talking to people and observing life in general. Like the title of my blog, "And the Things Keep Falling Out" ...They literally just do. So perhaps I should name my muse "Marbles" LOL. That is something to think about.

As far as a group or activity that is exclusive to muses only - sure, why not? I'm sure the muses would have a blast together *Bigsmile*. You just might want the police on stand-by, in case the party gets too crazy.
October 9, 2015 at 2:38pm
October 9, 2015 at 2:38pm
Wood - It's everything from food to fuel. It's biggest enemy is plastic. Where would you rather live, in a world without wood, or a world without plastic?

Some of my earliest memories are of my dad working in his wood shop. He would recreate furniture, signs, hope chests, shelves and shadow boxes; blanket racks to his version of "Lincoln logs". He has also built homes, and refurbished his own home with wood. I loved the smell of wood chips and sawdust. Dad doesn't do a lot any more, mostly because of the cost of wood. His brother, my uncle Dave does precise scroll work. They both learned from their father. You could say there is a history there.

I would rather live without plastic than without wood. While plastics have their uses, I would miss the beauty of wood, and the fires in the winter. The bonfires in the fall. Yes, I believe I wouldn't miss plastic as much as I would miss wood.
October 8, 2015 at 8:10am
October 8, 2015 at 8:10am
Water is the most precious of all the elements. We can't live without water. Write a rant or a rave related to water.

"Water, water, every where,: And all the boards did shrink;: Water, water, every where,: Nor any drop to drink. ..."

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (text of 1834)

Usually, You only hear the second part of that line and misquoted as well: "Water, Water everywhere and not a drop to drink."

But how can we have a water shortage? Isn't 2/3 of the planet covered in water? Or ask anyone who is going through major flooding. You'd think we have too much water at times. And these things are true to a point.

But look at the deserts of Africa, on any Discovery Channel. It is either too much rain (monsoon) or too little rain (drought).

Water, Water, everywhere, and NOT a (healthy) drop to drink is unfortunately the case for far too many people. Some of it we have brought on ourselves, some of it nature. But whatever your thoughts are about water problems, it is one that needs to be addressed. Before we really do run out of drinking water.

Enough ranting for today.

October 7, 2015 at 10:29am
October 7, 2015 at 10:29am
Metal...Robots...what would I like them to do for me?

Robots. Metallic slaves to the human race. There are some that build cars, and some that build computers, and some that fly in the air (drones).

All I want a robot for is to fold my laundry. I can wash and dry clothes all day long, but the one thing I hate is folding them. If I could just have a robot to fold my clothes, it would be amazing! I often dreamed of inventing a machine that would fold clothes for me. I imagined all of the riches I would garner as I know that I am not the only one who hates folding laundry. It could stay by the washer and dryer in the laundry room. How amazing would that be?
October 6, 2015 at 9:24am
October 6, 2015 at 9:24am
We are not alone!

Convince me that this is true by describing meeting the people from one of these other planets, while you visited there

Now don't think I'm crazy, but there IS intelligent life out there! I met one such person while shopping. It was the craziest thing. I'm going through the clothes racks trying to find something to buy, both in my size, and something that doesn't look like Omar the Tent-maker's special. I just happened to notice this person, and she was just picking out things left and right, not even bothering to look at sizes or anything. At first I didn't think anything about it, but then I got to looking closer (not stalkerish, mind you) and I saw her hand do a "beep" over each item she picked out. I saw nothing in her hand - it was her hand!

Curiosity got the better of me, and I started following her (Now this may be stalker-ish). She did the same thing with shoes and undergarments, and her cart was piling up. Finally, she went to the check out line, and purchased her things. I don't remember the total, but I remember wanting to faint at the receipt paper - it had to be over two feet long! She just waved her hand over the credit machine and the purchase was paid for. I saw no credit card or anything. I then followed her out to the parking lot.

Of course, by now, she had noticed me. I smiled nervously and said hello. I then asked her how she was able to buy such an array of clothes without looking at sizes or trying them on. Also, how did she pay for them without using a card or cash or anything that I could see.

She sighed (I think it was a sigh) and told me that she comes here to earth from her home planet, as she finds our type of clothing "interesting". I looked at her, wondering if I should call the "friendly men in white coats". Then a light shimmered around both of us.

The next thing I knew, we weren't in Kansas any more. The air was pristine, and and looking around, I saw these amazing buildings. They were tall and narrow, and shone in the sunlight. She asked me if I wanted to go to her dwelling. "Ok, sure", I replied. I was dumbstruck. I saw "people" all over the place, and they went about their business like "normal people". Another light flashed and we were in her place. No elevator or stairs or doors to open. We were just there.

"How did that happen?" She showed me her hand. The palm had an orb embedded into it. "This is how we get around and pay for things. It is how we travel, and how we know what to buy to fit us. It also how we communicate so that off-world people can understand us."

I got to spend the day watching my new friend. I was told that they've been interacting with us for ages. The only thing that she said confused her was the internet site called "facebook". She thought it very strange. Perhaps they aren't as "alien" as I thought them to be.

October 5, 2015 at 8:38am
October 5, 2015 at 8:38am
We’ve come a long way, baby. Now whether that is a good thing or bad thing remains to be seen. For a long time now, women have gotten the so called “short end of the stick”, whether it be salary caps, the right to vote, breaking through the “glass ceiling” in corporate America, the right to defend our country, and probably a myriad of other issues.

Now, I believe that women are just as smart as men (some would say smarter, but i digress). Women are just as capable of making informed or uninformed decisions as men in the workplace, voting booth, finances, and intelligence. Women should be able to earn as much as men (if not more, but again, i digress) in the workplace.

But have we taken it too far? Is it now a disgrace to be a stay-at-home wife and mother ( or for that matter, a stay-at-home father)? Believe it or not, there are some inequalities between the sexes, and there will always be. That is not to diminish women in any way. But let’s be realistic for a minute, without anyone getting their drawers “in a bunch”.

Granted, these are generalizations, and there are always exceptions to the rule, but for the sake of argument, let’s go with these to start:

Physically, most men are stronger than women. Men have more muscle mass, and are able to use that muscle mass in lifting and carrying.

Women, on the other hand, have less muscle mass, and more “curves” to their bodies. Women are also built to conceive and carry, and nurse children, where men are not.

Men and women are driven differently by hormones. For men, it is testosterone. For women, it is estrogen.

Women tend to be more emotionally driven (not that there aren’t drama kings out there…this is still generalization) and also tend to be more nurturing, whereas men are more “chest thump-ers” and territorial in their attitudes.

There are more differences to be sure, but these are just a couple of examples.

There seems to be such a push now-a-days toward the equalizing of men and women, that the lines between them are becoming blurred. It is now possible surgically for men to become women, and women to become men; but along with that comes psychiatric counseling, hormone replacement and supplements and a host of other things. I’m not discounting those who for whatever reason want or need to change their sex. My focus is more along the lines of society making it such a bad thing to be a “man” or to be a “woman”, that discounting being either, or trying to make a “gender-less” society seems to be the way things are headed.

I say viva la difference! Celebrate the differences between men and women, and appreciate the differences between them.

Just saying.
October 5, 2015 at 6:33am
October 5, 2015 at 6:33am
I have a feature on my computer. It is a "fireplace screen" I can choose from about A half dozen different types of "fires" to relax and enjoy. The problem is, that while visually appealing, it loses something in translation. I can see the fire, and I can hear the fire, but I cannot smell the fire or the wood while it is burning, nor feel it's warmth. I cannot taste with this fire...like the marshmallows that I could melt to make smores.

Writing can be something like that sometimes. I write words down on a page, whether on paper or screen. But sometimes the meaning gets lost between my brain and my fingertips. I can see the words, I can hear the rhythm of the verses. But sometimes I cannot" taste" the meaning of my words...I cannot feel them like I want. The meaning of what I write eludes me. Sometimes, it just does not touch me like I had hoped it would. Like I said, Lost in translation.

So what do I do? I keep writing. And keep writing more until that lost feeling goes away.

Find a creative way to talk about fire in your blog entry. Here's a little twist - Write how the element of fire relates to the five senses
October 4, 2015 at 8:26am
October 4, 2015 at 8:26am
Finish this story... More than 35,000 cheering fans are standing on their feet, chanting your name. You step up to the microphone and...

I would probably pass out. Just the thought of talking to 10 people in a room gives me the shivers! I couldn't imagine why I would get myself into that kind of predicament as it is *FacePalm* . Don't know if it is a phobia I have, or what, but I would rather interact with a large number of people like the social butterfly that I am. No big crowds for me! LOL Just sayin'.....

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