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Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2059682
Blog for October 30 Day Blogging Challenge And November, and December....and so on...
An interesting thing to do....And now I've become a blogging addict *Rolling*
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January 24, 2016 at 1:41pm
January 24, 2016 at 1:41pm
The Sunday News!

Several media outlets have reported that 2015 was globally the warmest year in history. How does it make you feel when someone with limited scientific or meteorological knowledge tells you that climate change isn't real or shouldn't be a legitimate concern?

LOL...since I AM one of those with limited knowledge, I can't rightly say. Climate change seems to be a catch all phrase for the crazy weather we are experiencing...places that get more rain than usual, the Northeastern US is supposed to be pummeled with unprecedented snow. Winter starts and ends when it wants to, and not when we are used to it starting/ending. Droughts and flooding, and the myriad of other "unnatural" weather phenomenon.

Are we to blame? I'm sure in a sense we as a civilization are; however, Nature will do what it will do. Nature is not a power that we can "fit" into our little space, and say to it: "Now behave this way, or else!". The presumption of man to think they are "in charge" of the way Nature will work.
January 23, 2016 at 3:22pm
January 23, 2016 at 3:22pm
*BoxCheck* Day 21 (01/25/16)Boy, oh, boy! Got LOTS of inspiring people going the extra distance to work out, eat right, and get healthier! 20 minutes on the exercise bike...going to see about coming up with some custom sound tracks so that I don't have to listen to the same ones over and over. Not that I don't like the music, I just want a little variety *Bigsmile*...3 miles in that 20 minutes...look out 1/2 hour wall, here I come!

*BoxCheck* Day 22 (01/26/16)
And the beat goes on. Did stretching and walking...aka cleaning up my grandson's bedroom...organizing and throwing broken toys away...sweeping under everything and dishes, mail and several trips to dumpsters...which are all the way across the apt parking lot...LOL...but got those steps in...*Sneaker1**Sneaker1*!!

*Boxcheck* Day 23 (01/27/16)
Taking a break from the bike...the next couple of days is supposed to be bright and sunny...so stretches and walking are the order of the day. Walked 1/2 mile and so ready for summer and the swimming pool...LOL.

*Boxcheck* Day 24 (01/28/16)
OMG...stretching and twisting and moving about...different muscle groups than walking and biking...sigh...going to have to work more on that...did 1/2 hour.

*Boxcheck* Day 25 (01/29/16)
Back to bike today...still a little sore from the dancing movements...lol...am I ever going to start feeling better physically? I surely hope so! *Sneaker1* *Sneaker2*...and the beat goes on!

*Boxcheck* Day 26 (01/30/16)
Walking and stretching...getting those arms moving! Nice day today...walked around the apartment buildings...not sure the distance; guess I should put my pedometer on so I can at least count steps! *FacePalm*

*Boxcheck* Day 27 (01/31/16)
Last day of the month! Boy am I looking forward to summer and the swimming pool! Saw the maintenance guys cleaning it today, when I went to go get the mail *Smile*.
Biking for 15 minutes today...Just kind of moving to be moving today.

*Boxcheck* Day 28 (02/01/16)
Happy February All! Hoping to keep going. 20 minutes on the bike...3 miles today. Mind kind of on auto pilot...

*Boxcheck* Day 29 (02/02/16)No good today...feeling bad, so using day 2 of 14 *BoxCheckB* *BoxCheckB* second day off *Frown*

*Boxcheck* Day 30 (02/03/16)
Bike Riding today...20 minutes and 3.1 miles. Thinking about going to activity center and walking on treadmill tomorrow...going to try to get out of the rut that I am in *Frown*
January 23, 2016 at 2:02pm
January 23, 2016 at 2:02pm
Creation Saturday! You have a choice between building a giant snow fort or sand castle...big enough to live in. Which one would you pick, how would you do it, and what would it look like?

This is what I'd love it to look like:


This is probably how it would turn out, and that is IF I am lucky *FacePalm*:


Hey, a gal can dream, right? Besides, except for what happened for New Years, this is what I'd get in Texas:

What I'd wish for:


What I'd be lucky to get:


So there you go!
January 22, 2016 at 11:35am
January 22, 2016 at 11:35am
Fun Fact Friday!

On this day in 1984, Apple introduced the Macintosh during the third quarter of Super Bowl XVIII. Personal computers have revolutionized nearly every aspect of our lives...in what ways have they been most important to you?

Boy are you taking me down memory lane. I remember the first computer my dad had, and it plugged into a small TV in his room. You also had to put in streams of code in order to make up things and also to make up games. I also remember my first computer game, which was dice roll, and then there was "Madness and the Minotaur"...this was a reading game (before the graphics that blow your mind today!) and you were basically in a maze, trying to find treasure an not get caught by the Minotaur.

I got my first computer in 2000. To be honest, I don't know what I would do without a computer today. I have a desktop that I got, what almost three years ago, now? I love it. Not only can I watch shows that I love (via Netflix), but I have journals/blogs and a recipe folder, not to mention a photo album and wish list. Let's not forget WdC, either!

So, I believe it would be safe to say that the computer has become a very important facet of my life, convenience wise to be sure.
January 21, 2016 at 10:47pm
January 21, 2016 at 10:47pm
"And I'd like to thank all of my fans...."

Whatcha up to, Marbles?

I'm writing your acceptance speech.

What are you talking about?

You know, the awards...WdC's Quill Awards!

Sighhhh....Marbles, I've only been nominated...that in itself is a huge honor for me.

Well, it's better to be safe than sorry...besides, listen to this part: I couldn't have done it without my wonderful and amazing Muse, Marbles....

What? Wait a minute...you have been a wonderful help to me, when you aren't off getting in trouble in New York City, or eating McDonald's out of business...but don't you think that writing a speech is a little presumptuous? There are some wonderful works out there, and that I'm nominated is just a thrill.....

Just think of me as your press manager, amyjo

Marbles, I am not going to argue with you right now. I'm going out to get a bite to eat...

Oh goody, I want to come...can we go to McDonald's? I heard that Carol is a manager now...

Oh, for heaven's sakes! Really? Wonder what Jim thinks of that?
January 21, 2016 at 3:02pm
January 21, 2016 at 3:02pm
Tell us about your latest act of random kindness.

I am a huge fan of Jim Hall 's Haiku poetry that he is doing for his Give It 100 challenge. It speaks to me and is enjoyable to read.

I am also a fan of the MB system that Writing.Com has in place. Because of WdC is generous with it's monthly free MB, I am able to gift someone who has been especially encouraging during the blahs of the long winter month named January.

I also appreciate the many styles of badges and was able to give the Nature Badge to Jim as a thank you for just being there. It is also appropriate as he writes splendidly about the beauty of nature in his poetry.

So there it is *Smile*, and Thank You, Jim for being an "ear to chew" *Smile*.
January 20, 2016 at 1:56am
January 20, 2016 at 1:56am
War Chest Wednesday! If you had to choose one city to live in for the rest of your life, where/what would it be and why?

Now that's the million dollar question! My parents and two of my sisters are in Michigan. My other sister is in Mississippi. Two of my kids live here in Texas with me, and my youngest is in Louisiana...And that's just states...let alone a city to choose... *Crazy**Hammer*!
I've lived in Michigan, Mississippi, Louisiana, Italy, Germany, Illinois, back to Michigan, and then back to Louisiana and now Texas. Each time, I would have been content to just live where I was...but that didn't happen. And this from someone who HATES moving around *Headbang*

So I guess, if I could find a decent house here in Lubbock, I would be content to live the rest of my life here. That doesn't mean I wouldn't visit the other places (plus I want to go on an Alaskan cruise...bucket list, baby *Writing* !!

So there it is...from someone who'd love to grow roots...

January 19, 2016 at 2:16pm
January 19, 2016 at 2:16pm
Talk Tuesday: Share with us your favorite inspirational or motivational quote, passage, or song lyric.

Ah, the age of Bumper Sticker-ism. I see so many bumper stickers all around me. Some are a bit radical, as the one word phrase "Secede" (I live in Texas, and there is always talk of this going on somewhere). Some whisper of tolerance: "Coexist" (with different religious symbols standing in for some letters). Some boast of achievements of loved ones: "My son/daughter is an honor roll student" or "Proud parent of a Navy officer" or even "Vietnam Vetern". Some seem to indicate wanting to fight: "My dog is smarter than your honor roll student".

Without sounding "preachy", I have come to hold promise in Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

To me, it speaks of hope, and that I am not in this world alone, even if it feels like it. I hope I am not a "religious" person, but a "real" person...living, breathing, sometimes up, and sometimes down individual trying to find my way. If I can be an inspiration to someone along the way, then my life is not in vain (LOL...sounds like a bumper sticker *FacePalm*). I'm just me, and those words are what I choose in drawing hope in this crazy, insane world.

~Just saying
January 18, 2016 at 2:10pm
January 18, 2016 at 2:10pm
Mouth Watering Mondays.
Time to go out to eat...chain restaurant, local establishment, or fast food? State your case.

I guess it depends on what you are looking to do. If you just want to eat without really thinking about it, I guess going with the familiar is best. For me, that would be fast food, such as Taco Bell or McD's. If you want to have a little more substance, and to hang out and talk about things in a casual manner, then go for something a little more upscale. For me that would be Texas Roadhouse or Chili's Restaurant. If you are looking to impress someone, and money really isn't an object, then perhaps a swanky restaurant is appropriate. ***note: I haven't really been to what would be considered a "posh" or "swanky" restaurant, so my opinion is just that, an opinion.
January 17, 2016 at 1:44pm
January 17, 2016 at 1:44pm
The Sunday News! Pick a news story, and talk about it.

LOL...with only two weeks to go until Iowa Caucus, the top two Democrats will face off in their final debate today, (January 17th) Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. According to the news, there is a chance that Mr. Sanders may take over as the number one seed if this debate goes in his favor.

Now I am not overly political, but I have to tell you that I am UNDERWHELMED by the choices in either party. If I could, I might just consider traveling across the pond to live, or at least make a run for the border (northern one, sorry *Facepalm*. LOL). But that is just my opinion. I'm not going to, but "if IF was a skiff, I'd definitely take a boat ride".

Just my opinion...

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