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Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2059682
Blog for October 30 Day Blogging Challenge And November, and December....and so on...
An interesting thing to do....And now I've become a blogging addict *Rolling*
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February 13, 2016 at 8:28am
February 13, 2016 at 8:28am
Valentinus was a Roman soldier who was the commander of soldiers stationed far away from the capital. One of the rules on becoming a Roman soldier with this duty was that you could not marry until your military time was up. That could be for several years, depending on the mission of the particular army.

The soldiers under Valentinus' command were easily bored, and during these times of peace thought the rule unfair. They were far from their homes, and while there was plenty of female companionship, many soldiers wanted to be able to take a wife before returning to Rome.

Valentinus agreed that the law was unjust, and tried to figure out a way to get around the rule, without endangering his men. Lawbreakers were dealt with harshly in Roman military units. Finally, he decided that if the men were so inclined to take a wife from the surrounding villages,the soldier needed to make his intentions clear with a note to his intended. If she agreed, then would reciprocate with a note of her own, and Valentinus would marry them himself.

For a couple of years, nothing came of the rule breaking. However, another military commander came out for an inspection of the troops. He was furious that some of the soldiers had wives, and even small children in the midst of the camp. Valentinus was arrested and court martial-ed for disobeying Roman rules. The soldiers who married were also arrested. Valentinus eloquently spoke on behalf the married soldiers. He asked that they be pardoned and that he would take full responsibility for allowing the marriages in the first place.

The commander in charge of the trial accepted his pleas for the men, who were not to be punished. He was sentenced to die by a squad of archers who were to shoot arrows into Valentinus until he was dead. Many of the soldiers protested the sentencing, and would have risen up in rebellion, but Valentinus told them to stay their hands. The sentence was carried out on the 14th of the second month.

Several years later, the moratorium on soldiers to be forbidden to marry was lifted. Valentinus was considered a Roman hero to many of the soldiers, and a feast day was established to commemorate him.

Since then, the day of Valentinus, or Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14. Cupid's arrows are said to shoot someone in the heart to make the person shot fall in love. The giving and receiving of messages in note form were eventually called Valentines.

A Brief History of Valentine’s Day
It's a day which is celebrated in many countries around the world on February 14th, but how exactly did this loved-up holiday come about? If, like many other people, the only thing you know is that it's associated somehow with a mysterious Saint Valentine.

The prompt is create a convincing story about how the holiday came about.

The second part of this is read your fellow bloggers explanation and post a comment on their entry.

February 12, 2016 at 8:49am
February 12, 2016 at 8:49am
Fun Fact Friday: "Scandal intrigues us". Is this the case for you too? What recent scandal caught your attention and why?

Scandal is the name of the game, so it seems. Tabloid TV abounds. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and all of the social mediums would be a whole lot poorer without the "scandal of the day". Hell, there is a show called Scandal on TV. Just for the hell of it, I typed in scandal of the day into the search engine...Imagine that:




Why does this surprise anyone? Does it surprise anyone? I'm not normally a jaded individual, but damn!

I try not to pay any attention to this stuff, so I'm not really up on any scandals at the moment. So my question is...does that make me weird, or what?

February 11, 2016 at 3:30pm
February 11, 2016 at 3:30pm
Let's talk about fiction writing...How often do you use narrative summary? Are there long passages where nothing happens in real time. Does the main event in your plot take place in summary or scenes? Or do you bounce from scene to scene without coming up for air? What works the best for you?

I probably use narrative summary more than I should. I'm not a story teller, per se, but after going through some of the short stories that I've done, I could learn better how to show my story vs. telling. *Facepalm*

This is definitely something that I need to work on, for sure! But there you have it, as I am more of a poetry writer than an actual story writer *Smile*.

February 10, 2016 at 1:17am
February 10, 2016 at 1:17am
For some writers, how explicit should they be is a concern because of anxiety, embarrassment even shame even with of all of our freedoms ,we are still creatures of our families, our history, and our culture. How do we stop this from zapping our creative energy? What advice do you have for your fellow writers based on your own experiences?

Gotta love that "are we having fun yet?" Or not...But anyway!

This is an interesting question. I guess I am a creature of moderation. I don't have a problem, per se, of in your face explicit writing. However, I do not wish for a steady diet of that style of writing. Whether it be sex, violence, depression, anger or anything else that can be written about in extremes.
There is a time and place for such writing, and I fault no one for vocalizing their opinions or writing in that way. I don't make a habit of going that way myself, but even I have my quirks now and again. Most of the time, if I am going for an "in your face" moment, it comes out as a rant.
I believe in free speech, but there is a happy medium that can be achieved.

~Just saying.
February 9, 2016 at 4:30pm
February 9, 2016 at 4:30pm
The prompt is :
Is it harder to wait around for something you know might never happen;
or harder to give up when you know its everything you want.?
Share an experience with us and what made you choose the direction you did and why/

This is an interesting prompt, and it brings up some memories for me. It's been about 17 years ago now, when my youngest daughter made a trip to the emergency room for heavy bleeding in her urine. She and her cousin had gotten into a scuffle, and Rachel was pushed. I figured she may have bruised a kidney, but when I saw how much blood, it freaked me and my mom out, so off to the ER we went. It turned out to be a six month long nightmare of cancer, surgery, radiation, chemo, etc...

She asked me not long before we went to the Children's Hospital, "am I going to die?" I couldn't even think about it...I so wasn't going there! The waiting, during the surgery was agony. I'm not sure how much sleep I got during that first week, but I am sure it wasn't a lot. 1998 is NOT a year I would ever want to visit again *Frown*

We were sooooo lucky or blessed, or whatever you may call it. 17 years later, she only has one kidney, but she is otherwise healthy, happily married and has 2 beautiful children. She has yearly checkups, and they watched her carefully when she was pregnant to make sure that she wasn't overtaxing the kidney she does have.

So I shared all of that to say this: Waiting, while not knowing the outcome is harder for me.
And when it comes to my children (and now I add my grandchildren) - I will NEVER give up.
February 8, 2016 at 1:40pm
February 8, 2016 at 1:40pm
The prompt is : I love cooking and I will admit there have been some fiasco's. Knock my socks off with the best fiasco you've created, or been a witness too! Don't forget if you are participating in the 50/50 post those hard earned gps with your entry!

I am not sure if the falls under being a fiasco or not, but I remember wanting to impress my family with a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. Having one stove was going to be an issue with the holiday spread that I wanted to create. The turkey was thawed and in the roasting pan, covered and ready to go. I had already baked the pies that I wanted to have and the stuffing was ready to go into the oven. I even had homemade scalloped potatoes ready to go, as well as brown and serve rolls.
I remember waking up at 5 am on Thanksgiving morning...I was incredibly anxious to get the ball rolling, so I got up and put the turkey in the oven around 5:30. I was thinking that I'd have everyone over for dinner around 1 pm, and that I was doing well. I was certainly ahead of the game and proud of myself.
Imagine my dismay when I found out that the turkey was golden and done...at 10 am!! *Blush*I was getting everything done, and ended up calling my son and his friends over for Thanksgiving brunch instead of dinner.
Well, that's what I get for being worried about things, instead of planning a little bit better! LOL!
The brunch was great, however, it certainly wasn't planned that way *Facepalm*
February 7, 2016 at 12:04pm
February 7, 2016 at 12:04pm
"Sex almost always disappoints me in novels. Everything can be said or done now, and that's what I find... a feeling of generality or dispersal. In my opinion, true sex is so particular or peculiar, that it is yearned for. I believe that is what makes the desire between two people so unique and specific." Elizabeth Benedict

Do you agree or Disagree with Ms. Benedict? Do you write about sex in your own writing pieces? Does your own experience come to life on the page or do you find yourself following what others have done?

Wow! That is really a jaded opinion. Unfortunately, people in general have that same opinion of "read that, been there" attitude. I have found the same thing in my reading, and I've read anything from Barbara Cartland's novels that my mom used to have (where sexual intimacy was suggested) to Christine Feehan's Carpathian and Jaguar series, which are pretty blatant sexually. I think the difference between Feehan's sexual writing, say vs. porn, is that I am invested in the characters, so that I am drawn in to their experiences, and want the "hot and heavy", but also the "happily ever after".

Truthfully, it depends on my mood as to what I enjoy reading. Sometimes, just a "hint" is all that is needed, and sometimes an "in your face" *Facepalm* fits the bill. I have written both styles in stories, trying very hard not to just rehash something that I've read. As of late, I usually go with relationships and feelings rather than just outright sex. It has its place, I just don't care for a steady diet.
February 6, 2016 at 3:14pm
February 6, 2016 at 3:14pm
All I have to do now is review! LOL *FacePalm* ... did I really just say that? Well, maybe that's not all I have to do, but the BIG things are mostly out of the way...for now.

Smiling Skies: posted and now just looking to review *Smile*

First ever Inquiring Minds auction/raffle starts in a few days *Bigsmile*

The Non...wheww! 2 pantheons down {Greek and Roman) and two to go (Norse and Egyptian) Woo hoo! *TrainB*

Now looking for a sponsor, so hopefully I will be able to get an Upgrade again *Smile*. Won my last Upgrade with a Short Story for Three Prompts contest...Was very, very excited about that!

Give It 100 has been challenging this time around. And have been under the weather...but NOT giving up *Sneaker3* *Sneaker3* !

Lots of reviews and raids coming up, so buckle your seat belts!

*ThumbsUpL* Not too bad a place, after all *Smile*
February 4, 2016 at 9:35pm
February 4, 2016 at 9:35pm
Smiling Skies entry has been done.
The Non is finished until maybe April.
Two Newsletters are done.
Starting to advertise the auction/raffle for Inquiring Minds.

So I'm doing well, and working on getting reviews out of the way *Smile*
February 3, 2016 at 9:53am
February 3, 2016 at 9:53am
*BoxCheckB* Day 31 (2/4/16)
Twisting and turning and working this body! Half an hour of working out. *Smile*

*BoxCheckB* Day 32 (2/5/16)
Laundry, washing windows, mopping floors, taking out trash...for a friend who broke her foot...who knew that there was so much to do in a 4 bedroom house...LOL
Then went home and repeated the process at my apartment...oh, by the way, feeling like on the upswing of things now.

*BoxCheckB* Day 33 (2/6/16)
Beautiful day, and didn't feel like staying in the house. walked a few blocks to Hobby Lobby...might have been a bad idea in retrospect: There are so many things I want to do now for the house! LOL *FacePalm*

*BoxCheckB* Day 34 (2/7/16)
I am finally back! Feeling good and BURST through the 30 minute wall with 4.16 miles on the recumbent bike! Woo hoo!!! Felt the BURN, baby! That and reviewing...I am feeling like my old self again *Bigsmile*

*BoxCheckB* Day 35 (2/8/16)
Quiet day today...chasing the grandson around, and cleaning house. I cannot wait to be able to start a garden! I love playing in the dirt and I also love taking care of a garden. Hoping to have some veggies and some pretty flowers for spring and summer *Smile*...Moving a bit, but not as much as I like...still all in all got some outside walking in around the apartment buildings.

*BoxCheckB* Day 36 (2/9/16)
Just over a third of the way done. Biking 30 minutes and got another 4 miles under my belt. I was laughing at my son in law, and I told him that for him getting the bike for us, I was glad that I get to use it. He is too, and he says he's going to start...hmmm we will see...LOL

*BoxCheckB* Day 37 (2/10/16)
Does mall walking count? LOL...had a wonderful day with my son! Even got treated to a mani-pedi (my first ever). So hustled around the mall after eating a nice healthy(?) lunch of Caesar salad and grilled salmon...that was a nice treat! Back to the bike tomorrow...gotta keep movin' and groovin' *Sneaker1**Sneaker1*

*BoxCheckB* Day 38 (2/11/16)
On the bike today! Only a 15 minute ride, as I had to help move furniture around the house today...wheww!!! glad I don't have to do that everyday *Worry*!

*BoxCheckB* Day 39 (2/12/16)
I think I need to come up with a way to market "Home Cleaning-ercize"*Facepalm*. The bending, twisting, and walking just for Spring Cleaning is insane! I don't remember it being quite so tough when I was a mom of young children...LOL...perhaps it's nice to have memory lapses! *Laugh*

*BoxCheckr* Day 40 (2/13/16)
On the bike again...30 minutes and 4 miles...perhaps I'll do the treadmill this weekend! Time to check in again at GI100!

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