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Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2059682
Blog for October 30 Day Blogging Challenge And November, and December....and so on...
An interesting thing to do....And now I've become a blogging addict *Rolling*
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March 17, 2016 at 8:34am
March 17, 2016 at 8:34am
The Wildcard Round! Today's winner from a random Virtual Dice draw get 5000 GPs!

If you were a cartoon, how would you market yourself?

I would hope that I'd be funny...I'm not into the "serious" cartoons so much. I remember growing up with Scooby Doo, and The Flintstones, and Josey and the Pussycats. And don't forget the Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote (suuupaahh genius)...Just fun to watch and laugh at! That's how I'd like to be marketed...although my humor is more like Erma Bombeck at times. LOL...

Just saying *Bigsmile*....The world takes itself to seriously...we need to step back and just laugh!
March 15, 2016 at 12:57am
March 15, 2016 at 12:57am
Talk Tuesday!

The United States is one of the few countries around the world that doesn't offer paid maternity leave (here's a HuffPo article about that). What's your opinion? Tough it out and be thankful you have a job and a family; demand better services for new mothers, babies, and their families; or somewhere in-between?

You know, sometimes it's hard to believe that America can be so backwards at times. In my opinion, America hasn't really been capitalistic since the time of Carnegie, Rockefeller and Vanderbilt. I'm sure that some will cringe at that statement. It seems as though we have slowly shifted to more of a socialist republic. Again I hear the cringing and gasps of disbelief.
But think about it...What was the New Deal about? A helping hand, right? What is the difference? Other than instead of turning into a permanent hand-out, it would be temporary, where children would receive that first foundation-making year with a parent. I've seen arguments for and against paid maternity leave (or paid family leave)...Why isn't there a type of insurance for situations like this? Surely somebody would have thought about it by now?
I know there are smarter people out there than I am, I just don't see what the big deal is...We despair over the way our children are being raised, but then we "punish" those who want to be able to give their child(ren) a good beginning and then go back to being productive citizens to continue to provide for their families. Come on, America! I thought you were smarter than that! Or maybe I was wrong?

~Just my opinion
March 14, 2016 at 8:37am
March 14, 2016 at 8:37am
Motivational Monday!

Albert Einstein, born in Germany on this day in 1879, once said, "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe." Do you agree or disagree with him, and why?

Debating...debating....be good? Nah, what's the fun in that? *Smirk2*

I very much agree with Einstein...at least about human stupidity. I mean look at the circus that is our Presidential Candidates...At one time we had over 30? I don't think that the number was stupid, but look who is eking out as the front runners *Facepalm* It's so sad, that you have to laugh to keep from crying. *Sob* And that is the first thing that comes to mind *Headbang*!
March 13, 2016 at 12:53pm
March 13, 2016 at 12:53pm
***knock knock knock*** amyjo, can I come in?

Certainly, Marbles. How are you doing?

I'm sorry I left in such a snit the other day...

Achh, water under the bridge...

So, are you ready for school, amyjo? I know it's a big deal to you.

Yeah, I'm really excited about it. I haven't been to school in 15 years, and now I want to finish something this time around. Guess we will see how this goes...

You'll do fine. You've got uniform scrubs coming, and you get your books tomorrow, It's only half a day, so you won't miss too much around here on WdC.

I know, I know...I'm a little nervous, but I'm sure everything will be alright. Will you help me keep an eye on the Inquiring Minds contest? It starts tomorrow too, and I hope that it will be a big deal!

You got it, amyjo! Everyone is busy, but still they make time for what they like *Smile*. Go finish reviewing, and I'll jump over to the Newsfeed to get them started up!

I've already posted, but maybe tonight you can remind folks?

Gotcher Back, amyjo...
March 13, 2016 at 9:12am
March 13, 2016 at 9:12am
The Sunday News!

This week, the trailer for the new Ghostbusters reboot was launched...and along with it came concerns of racism and sexism. My biggest question is this: Are we just looking for reasons to be offended in everything nowadays? Or is this new Politically Correct culture a byproduct of a 24-hr. news cycle, combined with the internet and social media being in our faces constantly? Is being aware of everyone's opinions on everything somehow indirectly shaping our own?

In a nutshell, YES! *Headbang*
In my opinion, people are looking for things to be offended about! OMG (sorry if that offends anyone *Facepalm*) but there you have it. Ghostbusters is supposed to be a comedy or a farce, if you will. If you start taking things too seriously, all you will end up with is being miserable. For heaven's sake people! (***cringe***) Lighten up! Not everything is meant to be a "dig" at height, weight, color, sex, religion---unless one WANTS it to be.
We have a steady diet of 24 hr news coverage...I'm not so sure now that was a good idea. Yes, being informed is important...but the human mind can only process so much at a time...and the constant bombardment is, in my opinion, invasive and intrusive to peace of mind.
For heaven's sake - if you are religious - even GOD rested on the seventh day! Who are we to think we are better than God? (no offense intended)!
Heck, even in my posting, I am apologizing for any and all offenses that my blog might spark...We do need to take a break from it all.

~Just my opinion!
March 12, 2016 at 5:01pm
March 12, 2016 at 5:01pm
Creation Saturday!

Your blog is going to be adapted into a movie or musical. Who would play the main characters, what would the plot consist of (would you base it around a specific entry, or a general theme), and what would the theme song be?

Oh my! I'd like to have the theme "If you change nothing, Nothing will change." I saw that on a quote somewhere this week, and it stuck with me for some reason. I guess I could picture two brothers or two sisters...one who complains about things not "happening" for him/her and then the other who fights through some adversity, but eventually conquers because of the resolve to change circumstances.

Theme Song:
Gerry Rafferty - Get It Right Next Time


Just an idea really.

March 11, 2016 at 4:23pm
March 11, 2016 at 4:23pm
Fun Fact Friday!

In 1909, the first gold medal to a perfect-score bowler was awarded to A.C. Jellison by the American Bowling Congress. Are you good at any particular sport? Care to share a memory of your own with us? Or are you pretty not great at sports, and have a funny story about that?

I have never really been all that great at sports. One year I ran track - the girl's 2 mile run. I ran it in 13 minutes, but was considered very slow...granted that was 30-odd years ago, but I sure wouldn't mind being able to do that now *Facepalm* LOL. I also don't have that much luck with sports on the XBOX Kinnect - I watch a friend's boys, and they enjoy this sport...I played it once with down hill skiing and football and track and field...little did I know that it recorded what I look like doing this game...{ACCKK!!!}. Definitely something I wouldn't want on YouTube...*Headbang*...This white woman can't dance or do virtual sports with any type of grace...Just plain scary!!! *Ghost* LOL
March 11, 2016 at 4:16pm
March 11, 2016 at 4:16pm
March 10th Prompt:

Complete the sentence and explain your position: "________ will be the end of society as we know it."

I guess there are a few words that could be put there, but the word that I am choosing is Intolerance.

Because of Intolerance, there is racial tension once again heating up. Because of intolerance, there is schisms between communities and law enforcement. Because of intolerance, people shoot each other, blow each other up, kidnap and threaten to kill...all done in the name of Christ, Allah, or whatever person/god/deity is chosen. It boils down to this: "I am right, and YOU are wrong, so we must hate/murder/maim/fear one another.

Why does it have to be this way?

Just My opinion.
March 9, 2016 at 12:53am
March 9, 2016 at 12:53am
I have rarely disliked a bowl of cereal. But I have to say that my favorite cold cereal is Raisin Bran and my favorite hot cereal is Malt-o-Meal. So there you have it, boys and girls...short sweet and to the point *Bigsmile*
March 7, 2016 at 8:36pm
March 7, 2016 at 8:36pm
Easter - time of reflection. Time of renewal. *Sun* Life and growth *Grass* *Tree2* returning to nature after the winter's sleep. For Christians, it is a time of celebration of Christ rising from the dead. For the Pagan, it is a time of fertility within the earth. For the consumer, it is a time of Easter baskets, candy,*Candy7* colored eggs *Egg5**Eggv* and Easter Bonnets and spring clothes. *Heel**BagB* *Bowo**Mustache* *Tophat*

My memories of Easter are mostly those of hunting colored eggs when I was little, and then hiding colored eggs for my little ones in turn. Easter Ham and scalloped potatoes, and also deviled eggs for Easter dinner. *Hungry**Utensils* Going to church as an adult, even a sunrise service overlooking a beautiful lake, would bring those scriptures to mind, "He is not here; He is risen". *Grave**Cross1*

Now, I find that it is a time for perusing the seed catalogs and plotting and planning my garden. Those other memories are sweet to me, and I am happy to have them whenever I choose to dwell on them.*Teapot**Tea*

~Just saying.

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